Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 58

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    822-Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, May 23, 1998
* < 1
' i-'
! F R SALE ‘
Two way plow for Farmall A,
like new cond , best offer,
also bed liner for Ford F
-250, S'. 610-933-6671
Chester Co
94 Chevy Suburban 6 5
Turbo Silverado, 49K, clean
blue & gray, $22,500 717-
Deutz Fahr KH7OO 4 or 6
star hay tedder, field ready
610-562-4062 Berks Co
Isuzu PU truck engine,
1985, 4 cyl, bad bearing,
for rebuilding or parts, $75,
Chevy C-50 truck wind
shield, $35 717-366-8703
Schuyl Co
5 male peacocks, 1 yr old,
$4O ea 717-933-4515 Leb
2 short handled, rubber
wheeled toy John Deere
manure spreaders, $3O ea
610-488-6177 Berks Co
Weaver 9000 LB twin post,
hyd lift, good cond , coats
4040 A, tire machine 908-
658-3414 Somerset Co
GMC 6x6 1944, exc tires,
open cab, 40' adj boom
crane, needs tie rod, $l5OO
080 610-287-8484 Montg
Gram cleaner, compl w/fill
auger, 39'x6' drum 5-
phase, 3 hp electnc motor,
new cond , best offer 609-
697-2778 Glou Co . NJ
50'x6" Cardinal transport
auger with PTO $260 080
717-733-6642 Lane Co.
Palomino mar, 13 years old,
exp in team penning and
barrels, good brood mare
for 1 exp'd rider only l 610-
286-6319 Lane Co
2 flat bed wagons, 7'xl4'
NH running gears, 2 flat bed
wagons, B'xl6', JD 950
gears, $450-550 080 717-
292-0560 York Co
Miracle truss steel building,
30'wx60'lx14'l EAVE
instruction pkg mcl, never
erected, owner ill, $10,500
717-235-7393 York Co.
1 Stewart elec clippers,
50 00, 1 black angus hoi
mix 500 00, 2 belgian hors
es (mares) 2800 00 717-
786-5016 Lane Co
1986 Dodge Ramcharger
4x4, 138,000 miles, runs
good, good cond $2900
610-469-0927 Chester Co
Corn silage, treated and
tested, apprx 150 ton, $3O
ton, also rye silage 4x4
round bales, wrapped, $3O
717-776-6985 Cumb Co
Glfeaner M-15' gram head,
floating cutter bar, $1250, L
-633 corn head, $1250, JD
13|_gram head 6600, $4OO
717-668-0491 Union Co
Duo-Fast air staple gun,
model BN-6432 up to 1"
long staples, $75, alum 8'
camper top, $lOO 717-867-
1381 Leb Co
U.L.P.A. & N.F.I
:er, Owner P.O. Bi
'4-7090 Freeburg,
ilaimlttK supply co.
Pun ultnf' Qiin/m/ fmuhuts and sm iff* la
IndiHlnj /rum andjlami, nl nnwnabh put is
• Hydraulic Hoo AiMmblias
•Hi Pr*Mur« \A XXV/ / OOfS***
We Ship B Daily-1 fi * WAAL
24 Hour Emorgmncy Sorvlca
3hop/OnSftm Available
146 Penn St Washington Soro,
Pa 17582
Ph# (71 7)684-5050 or
Female black lab, 22 mos
old, friendly disposition, qui
et, pretty dog, $175 080
717-949-2991 Leb. Co
IH 55 9T chisel plow, $lOOO,
Cnppen gram cleaner,
$2300, Holstein heifers,
short bred to springing,
$lOOO ea 717-426-1742
Lane Co
Farmall Cub 1947 agricul
tural and turf tires, grade
blade, Woods #42 deck,
runs good, great cond , ask
ing $2BOO 609-397-8161
Dave Co
731 Bobcat diesel, $7OOO,
Neimeyer hay teder, $BOO,
Int #46 sq. baler, $6OO,
1982 F-600 truck, $3150
301-724-0334 or 301-722-
4002 Allegh Co
Air compressor, 10 hp, 3 ph,
ex cond , $995 firm, trailer
good neck tn axle, 21,000
cap, 26', $2495 firm 717-
966-9747 Union Co
300 gal field sprayer with
pump, good cond., Bnllion
12' cultipacker, 4 in axle &
center bearing, Ingersoll
Rand air compressor 717-
286-1260 Northumberland
17 pc stainless steel water
less cookware set Stain
less steel electnc skillet, 12
qt stainless steel stockpot
717-922-1502 Union Co
Echo 400 back pack power
blower, $150; 80 lb 5/32
309 stainless ark welcmg
rod, any reasonable offer
717-292-6043 York Co
1966 Int B-1700 dump, VB,
parts, Oliver #25 combine,
parts, AC #6O pull-type
combine PTO gram bin
302-378-2683 New Castle
275 gal. fuel tank, round,
new cond 717-665-4842
Lane Co
1988 Chevy Celebrity sta
tion wagon, good cond,
runs great, msp til Jan 98
717-653-4285 Lane Co
Good peach-bottom slate,
apprx 2,000 pcs Isaac S
Lapp, 124 North Star Rd ,
Ronks, PA 17572 Lane Co
Bee hives David G Beiler,
225 A N Hollander Rd , Gor
donville, PA 17529 Lane
Troy Horse tiller, ex elec
start, $650, 'B2 Ford F 250,
4WD utility body, Meyers
angle, bad motor, $l5OO
610-469-0390 Chester Co.
2 horse trailer, also coop
manure spreader, 7' sickle
bar mounted mower 610-
582-4434 or 610-582-7289
Berks Co.
Large flatbed implement
trailer, ideal for hauling hay
or anything bulky Built by
JD, $lOOO 080 717-677-
4706 Adams Co.
1981 Ford Bronco W/351M
engine and auto frans,
good mechanical cond ,
body rust, but restoreable,
$BOO 301-371-5344 Fred
JD 3020 diesel, power shift,
newengme and paint
w/loader, $7OOO, NH 851
round baler, $2BOO, 12' cul
timulcher, $1250 814-749-
9047/9076 Cambria Co
Propane tanks 1000 gal
$BOO ea , oil tank, 12,000
gal ex cond , delivery pos
sible, $2500 B/O 609-769-
1068 Salem Co
Mini horses AMHA and
AMHR and baby llamas, all
registered Andalusians
also avail Gray Castle
Farm, 732-363-6072 Mon
mouth Co NJ
Ashley central woodbummg
furnace, (hot air), good
cond , spare parts, $250
410-556-6116 Q.A Co.
1987 Tracer two horse step
up, trailer, needs paint,
structurally sound, good
cond , asking $l5OO Eves ,
717-786-1063 Lane Co
res arid Tims, old and new
sizes Pinto and Camaro
wheels to name a few $5 to
$25 717-469-2557
ihm Co
1930 Ford Model A pickup
convertible, top needs
restored, $5OOO firm, FFC
lawn preparator, used on
four lawns, $4500 717-691-
5883 York Co
JD#7B, 8' 3 pt scraper
blade, $350,100 bale good
Thimothy hay $2 75/bale,
1980 Chevy pick-up 4x4,
msp thru 1999, $2lOO
080 717-235-5448 York
Gymnastic uneven bars,
$500,10 plastic layer, $5OO,
planer blade grinder, $3OO,
1988 Chevy Celebnty wag
on. $2OOO 717-286-5306
Northumberland Co
JD M tractor, nice, $2650,
200 gal. sprayer, 3 pt., 12
row boom w/piston pump,
exc shape, $550 610-593-
5674 Chester Co
100 gal JD field sprayer,
trailer type, good cond , JD
3x14, 3 pt plow, trac vac
gras catcher, system good
717-432-3991 York Co
New Holland super 23 blow
er, $250, 48" Bhp mower
deck for 4 wheeler, $4OO,
blower fair, mower good
610-489-5146 Montg. Co
Super H w/loader, $2500,
Super C $l4OO Nl 402 hay
rake, $5OO, Super A w/mow
er $2OOO, Woods 3 pi SBO
mower, $550 215-598-
7546 Bucks Co
AKC Lab puppies, cute as a
button, yellow males,
females. 3 wks old $lOO,
your choice, six loft 610-
273-2312 Chester Co.
TR7O combine gram head,
corn head, late model NH
DlOOO baler, 2x3 bale, very
good cond Days, 610-869-
2214 Chester Co
12 ton feed bin, $3OO 080,
2 hole corn sheller, $B5
080 717-933-5610 Frys
town. Berks Co
Heavy gauge wire reinforced with Keel rods
*24 Bx7x24' Long- Squirrels, rabbits, etc . $26.90
*3O 11x12x30' Long-Raccoons, woodchucks, etc. .$34.90
#36 11x12x36" Long-Large Raccoons, Fox (gray), etc $38.90
Add $5 90 S&H per order PA residents add 6%
Tax exempt includes tax numbers
R.E. Black, 497 Bull Run Rd., Wrlghtsville, PA 173 U
Mall Order Only!
Let GahringfißlGHTENtUp Your Life
“The Farm Painting Specialist"
Jr** ■■
• BainPamtmg » Mtlli House • RoolCotimg
• W*lf» Proofing Srtoi * Slufn»r*rmhouses
The Job Must Be Done To Your
t or t Kt t F'limilr I Al 1
/ Gah ring’s
■■■££>'ll-1 636 E*4 Fnd Avc, ItnMcr, PA
FMC orchard sprayer, GM
V 6 engine, $lOOO or BO; 12'
New Holland discbme #415,
3 yrs old, $3500 BO 518-
766-2436 Rensselaer Co
JD 272 grooming mower, 6'
3 point hitch, new blades,
pulleys, belt, exc cond
$l6OO 717-469-1505
in Co.
Holland hand fired furnace,
good cond , also duct pipt,
was used in house last win
ter, make offer 610-589-
2758 Nwmnstwn, Leb Co.
2-horse gooseneck trailer
fully enclosed ramp, escape
door, extended front, new
floor, wiring, tinted window,
good cond $2600 410-
875-2673 Carroll Co.
Monarch debarker, band
saw, resaw, 1979 dump
truck, great shape, 1982
Ford PU 4x4 dump bed,
1998 Highway dump 814-
623-8696 Bedford Co
Electric trolling motor, foot
control, bow mount $l5O,
(2) 1980 Cadillac Eldora
dos, both run, need work
offer 717-266-5448 York
John Deere 494 A corn
planter, very good, $595, JD
4-14" trailer, plow hyd. lift,
good cond , $425 717-359-
8283 Adams Co
12 yr old Electrolux canms
ter vac. $25 (410) 452-
8569 MD
Fiberglass dog kennel
$7OO, stainless steel shell
dog kennels, 3 stand dryers,
2 cage dryers, hudraulic
grooming table, $3500
610-287-9794 Mont Co
2-row Int. fast hitch cultiva
tors, fast hitch sprayer unit,
no pump on booms, $4O
Both large size 717-792-
2165 York Co
Rear blade 5 foot wide JD
135 category I, three pt
tractor hitch 609-259-1102
Monmth Co , NJ
Sumer sale - garden deco
rative block, variable, colors
& sizes, any amount Ver
mont slate for landscape
ponds, flower borders 610-
869-8954 Chester Co
Buying puppies, all kinds,
AKC pure and mixed Will
pick up. Very dependable,
fair price paid. Call Randy
717-822-2033 Luzerne Co.
Cultivators for Farmall A,
$l5O, Allia D-15-17-19 front
bumper $5O, Allis D-15 radi
ator, like new $2OO 717-
866-6485 Leb. Co.
Peafowl white 1 yr. old, 2
hens, 1 male, $lBO, 25 gal
sprayer, Amerind
Mackessie 3 hp motor, like
new, $375 610-966-2429
Lehigh Co
Unit 1020 dragline crane
diesel bucket, ready to
work, real good shape, ask
ing $4500 080. 609-769-
1497 Salem Co , NJ
Stoll livestock trailer,
bumper hitch, 6'xl6', 9000
GVW, inspected till 3/99,
very good condition 717-
423-6250 Cumb. Co.
Richardton SFI6 dump sta
tion $8,450, Int. #6OO forage
blower, $3975, both in
excellent condition 814-
472-8074 Cambna Co.
John Deere 755 compact
diesel MFWD 60" belly
mower, turf tires, 3 pt. hitch,
$9500 060. 610-683-3748
Berks Co
Team of big blond geldings,
acclimated and ready to go.
Horse shoeing stocks,
$4OO 717-726-3156 Clinton
Registered Simmental cat
tle. A few good cow/calf
pairs, some heifers, take
your pick 610-926-2446
Berks Co.
Cult, and sickle bar mower
to fit Farmall Cub. Mower
works well. Cult $195,
mower $235 W/owners
manual.7l7-949-3768 Leb
NH4B9 haybme, good
cond., $2000; T Rhino
rotary mower, fair, $600; 14'
Bader silo unloader for
parts, $2OO 717-776-6552
Cumb. Co.
Motors, elect 3 ph, 5 to 25
hp $3O to $lOO each. Pul
leys and adj. bases mcl
717-564-3892 Dauphin Co.
JD 4010, good cond , WF
diesel, $6OO, Deutz DX-130
FWD cab, heat, air, good
tires, $9500, gram drill 717-
966-3154 Union Co.
2 mitt sickle bar mowers,
$100; A.C side mount sick
le bar mower, $lOO, 410-
848-1913 Carroll Co, MD
Border Collie pups, owrkmg
parents, ready now, two
males, $125. 814-355-5310
Centre Co
70 conv Olds. Cutlass
Supreme, new top, new
interior, runs strong, “be
cool this summer” $2995
717-334-6006 Adams Co
1985 Int. school bus, 392, 5
spd , $9OO 080, 9R20
Fires mm tread, solid cas
ings, good for recapping.
610-562-9430 Berks Co.
1983 automatic transmis
sion and engine; Victonan
cast Iron kitchen sink, metal
wardrobe, pine antique
work table. 6'x7'. 610-777-
4579 Berks Co
1970 Chevy P/U, cap, V 8,3
spd ; 1954 Willeys, 2 dr, 6
cyl., 3 spd.; Casal motor
scooters. 410-877-1941
Harford Co.
1975 Triumph TR6, restor
able car, not interior, call
after 6 pm 610-589-5739
Leb. Co.
Registered mini horses, 3
yr old roan stud colt and 2
yr old brown filly, exc. quali
ty. 717-933-4834 Leb Co
Ingersoll 80 gal upright air
compressor, 2 stage 5 hp,
175 CFM, new, never
hooked up, $950 717-532-
8071 Cumb. Co.
NH256 rake ready for field,
$1100,1969 Chevelle, 4 dr,
HT, 33,000 ong mi, shed
kept, 350 AT ready to go
610-286-5434 after 8 pm
Berks Co
Silo - press XPII fills 8' bags,
fill with dump truck; Farm
Hand high lift dump cart,
both good cond 717-384-
4338 Schuyl. Co.
David Bradley garden trac
tor w/nding one row tobacco
hoer, $75 717-733-1152
Lane Co
2-row fast hitch cultivator,
$75, fast hitch sprayer unit,
no pump or booms, $4O 00,
fits 300 & up series tractor
717-792-2185 York Co,
Wisconsin VF-40 engine, 2
row vegetable side -dresser,
JD 2 row, #l2 potato planter
with extra parts, buckwheat
seed 814-796-4709 Erie
Treadle sewing machine,
$95, curved slate mantle
and fireplace surround, $95,
Banner root cutter, dated
1894, $175 610-287-9897
Mont Co.
Eby gooseneck stock trailer,
18'x7’, nice cond , $BOOO
301-241-3996 Fred Co
4'xs' round balers, straw
stoed inside shakes well,
$l5 ea 717-244-3085 York
JD 35 Harvester with 2 RN
corn head, 5-1/2 ft hay
head, JD 24T baler for
parts 814-224-5442 Blair
Wheat straw, McCormick
45 hay baler, Cunningham
cnmper for parts 717-484-
2014 Lane Co
Case Model D I tractor with
front loader, needs work,
engine tight, $5OO 080
717-944-4364, Ed. Middle
town, Dauphin Co
Cummins 220 diesel 4 cyl
Detroit Leroi gas power
plant truck cap, new full size
short Chevy JDM 914-374-
2412 Orange Co NY
Gehl 309 manure spreader,
ex. cond., year around cab
fits 1755, 1855 and 1955
Oliver tractors, $6OO 080
540-879-9870 Rockingham
Shenandoah valley,
Staunton, Va 78 ac. pas
tureland, fenced, woods, 8
perked, surveyed parcels,
outstanding mountain
views, all or part 540-886-
3157 August Co.
Sale, trade or lease regis
tered Texas Long Horn bull,
2 yrs old, please Iv mssg
or call after dark 610-225-
3430 Chester Co.
'92 Ford Bronco, 1-owner,
auto, full power AC, 302
posi-lock rear, $7500, good
cond 717-545-5385
Dauphin Co.
IH 56 Forage blower, good
cond $7OO 717-527-4861
Juniata Co.
White 543 6-row corn
planter, $5OO 080 Also
used White planter, parts.
Eves. 717-567-3306 Perry
Sweet corn harvester, FMC
1-row, Wisconsin engine,
always kept inside, like new
cond , #56,2-row IH planter
740-968-3183 Belmont Co
26' sth wheel flatbed, 2 axle
trailer, good for roll bale hay,
$l5OO, sth wheel mcl 410-
378-2068 Cecil Co
McCormick Deenng gram
binder, 6', good cond. $625
080 Eugene M Martin,
150 Frysville Rd , Ephrata,
PA 17522 Lane. Co
Black aluminum topper with
ladder racks Fits 6’ short
bed Ranger, S-10, etc Slid
ing window, clamps, fair,
$55 717-733-6336 Lane
M-H 44 cyl 260 W-FT
motor, runs good' needs
restored, have another for
parts, $6OO 717-398-1587
Lycoming Co
1953 Ford Pick-up parts
starter, generator, radiator,
etc , Have whole cars, Ram
bler 57-62, 59 Ford Galaxie,
56 Buick Spec , 52 Dodge
trk 155 L 814-627-5149
Hunt Co
Owatonna haybme 208, 9
ft, $BOO, 24 ft John Deere
batwing disc hare, $lBOO.
301-371-7446 Fred Co
200 gal trailer type field
sprayer, exc cond., $475
717-599-5769 Dauphin Co.
Beautiful reg Hafllngers.
mares, stallions...geldings,
matched teams, Haflmger
wagon, will trade Brewster
Run-about for fancy
Haflmger mares 814-445-
6358 Somerset Co
NH 553 diesle skid loader,
$7BOO NH 455 trailer mow
er. $595, Case 1830 gas
skid loader, $4200, John
Deere 24 gas skid loader,
$3OOO 717-354-0266 Lane