Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 56

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    820-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998
You Ask, You Answer
This column Is for readers who have questions
but don’t know who to ask for answers.
“You Ask —You Answer” is for non-cooking
questions. When a reader sends in a question, it
will be printed In the paper. Readers who know
the answer are asked to respond by mailing the
answer, which will then be printed in the paper.
Questions and Answers to this column should
be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancas
ter Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522.
Attention: Lou Ann Good.
Do not send a self-addressed, stamped enve
lope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will
publish it as soon as possible. Please Include
your phone number because we sometimes need
to contact the person to clarify details. We will not
publish your phone number unless you request > v
QUESTION Helen Cox would like to know how
to start or root forsythia from a clipping.
QUESTION Roland Kamoda, Monongahela,
wants to know where to find a thumb latch and catch
for a log cabin door.
QUESTION Marian Mosemann writes that she
has the complete sections of “Home on the Range"
(from this paper) dating back to the late 1970 s to now.
She is downsizing and will glading give the copies to
a reader who would appreciate them. Write to her 293
West White Bear Drive, Summit Hill, PA 18250-1734.
QUESTION Timothy Diehl, Bloomsburg, is
looking for a company that sells parts and a 90-inch
blades for a #l4-277 Workace Bandsaw made by
J.D. Wallace & Co., Chicago.
QUESTION A Pennsylvania reader has had a
Christmas cactus plant for three years and it has nev
er bloomed. How does she get it to bloom? How
much light does it need? Which window works the
QUESTION Patty Clouser wants to know the
value of old Briggs and Stratton engines and of a
Snappin Turtle lawn mower with turtle head Model
#2'/ 2 STI9 Serial # 7820.
QUESTION Rosemary Mattiuz, Kersey, is look
ing for handles for 3-ply stainless Flavor Seal cook
ware by Cory. She purchased the set about 30 years
ago and has been using it everyday. The handles are
cracking and making the screws loose.
QUESTION A reader wants to know where to
purchase egg cartons.
QUESTION Ruth Erb, Beavertown, wants to
know how to use Borax or Sulphur candles to kill ter
mites or carpenter ants. Or any natural way not using
chemical pesticides since she is allergic to them. A
previous answer used choloradane, which is illegal to
QUESTION Donna Unger, 133 Krug Rd., Lit
tlestown, PA 17340-9724 is interested in purchasing
Hull piggy banks, which come in various styles and
colors. The dime banks are marked HPSB on the bot
tom. The Jumbo Corky Pig is marked hull © 197, and
the sitting pig is marked hull © 196. The corky pigs
are marked Corky Pig Pat pend, HP Co. © 1957 USA.
QUESTION Eli Ebersol, Lancaster, wants to
buy “Intercourse, PA 200th Anniversary Book,” print
ed in 1954. He also wants a jigsaw puzzle of ‘Mascot
Roller Mill,” located in Mascot.
QUESTION N. Kring, Carinbrook, wants to
purchase Dick and Jane readers. She sent no
address or phone number of where to contact her.
QUESTION —A faithful reader would like to know
if anyone can tell her how to save an unfinished quilt
top, she found while cleaning out a house. The top
has turned yellow where exposed, dusty, etc. The
remainder of the quilt is like new. It is printed to be
embroidered in cross stitch and is already marked to
be quilted. If she wases it, the markeings and cross
stitch will probably wash out. Is it worth the time sew
ing and maybe not getting clean? The dirty part is
about a 12-inch square where folded.
QUESTION Patricia Henry. Gettsburg, needs
the address for Bany Products Corp., formerly of St.
Louis, MO. Mail returned with forwarding expired.
Patricia writes that the company makes the best met
al polishing cloth called Victory Miracle.
QUESTION A reader wants to know where to
buy a black cast iron trough to put outside under a
windmill at the faucet to wash vegetables in. The size
is about 30x15-inches. Her neighbor lady would like
one also. Does anyone have one or two to sell?
QUESTION W. Smith, Fasston, Md.. wants a
used English draft horse size saddle with a 19-inch
plus seat. It should be within 50 miles of York, Lan
caster, or Fredrick, Md. Call him after 6 p.m. at (410)
QUESTION Rick Altland, 960 Green Spring
Road, York, PA 17402, is looking for pictures and
information regarding Boeckel's Landing, located
about 2 miles south of Holtwood Dam on the west
shore of the Susquehanna River. It was destroyed in
1972 Hurricane Agnes. Rick is trying to gather
enough information to have a picture painted of the
area, where there was a boat rental, bait and tackle
shop, and small store built on pilings against the hill
side and rowboats tied to big trees along the waters
edge. The name may have been spelled differently or
even been known by another name.
QUESTION Doyle Whitney wants information
on farm areas, where a small farm and a farm equip
ment dealership or repair shop would prosper. He
doesn’t want real estate agents, but perhaps county
extension agents or someone from the Dept, of Ag
could help with the information. Call him collect at
(860) 423-8218.
QUESTION A reader would like information on
keeping a pair of swans in their pond in order to keep
a Canada goose population under control. Which
breed of swans works the best? Do you need to clip
the wings to keep them in the pond? What kind of
care do swans require?
QUESTION Harold Wolf, New Cumberland, is
looking for copies of “Flying" magazine published
from the mid 1950 s to 1962 only.
QUESTION Bill Kelley, Purcellville, wants to
know where to have a meat grinder recoated or refin
ished. He writes that maybe the correct wording is
“hot dipped.’’
QUESTION —S. Schiaroli, Reading, would like to
know where to purchase a new helmet liner, the type
used inside the army metal helmet of World War 11.
QUESTION —Vera Sloop, Landisburg, would like
information on where to buy strainer parts for a gal
vanized watering can.
QUESTION—R. Fleckenstein, Woodstown, N.J.,
wants information on a double barrel Paragon Model
CSI2 gauge shot gun that he has. How old is it and
it's value?
QUESTION—Sharon from Elverson is looking for
additional pieces to a Pfalzgraff set of dishes that
were madei 15-20 years ago. Pieces have a cream
background with dark blue accents that include either
a cow, a flower, a rocking horse, a pineapple, a cat, or
a farm scene. Some pieces include the label Spec
trum by Pfaltzgraff.
QUESTION A reader is looking for a shower
curtain with cows on it. Where can she find it?
QUESTION Thane Lafollette, Bemville, would
like information on how and where to sell broom corn.
He has about 75 stalks to sell.
QUESTION Ivan Gromling, Manchester, writes
that when he was young and growing up in the 1950 s
and 19605, his family used Troutaman's Cough Syr
up, which was black in color. Where can he purchase
it today?
QUESTION A reader from Upper Dauphin
wants to know how to remove black soot from the out
side of copper kettle and how to restore it.
QUESTION Mary Pazzaglia, Columbia Cross
Roads, wants addresses for suppliers for chipwood
baskets that measure 4 'A -inch wide and 3'A -inch
deep, and 2'A -inches high.
QUESTION—Terry Lowe, New Park, is hoping to
purchase wood or coal grates for a Wincroft
#BBBB2R cookstove, made in Middletown.
QUESTION Evan Weidman, Westfield, would
like information about old cookers that he has. On
top, it says American Cooker, patented Nov. 29,
1910, other patents pending, No. 70. the other one
says the same thing but has a No. 66 on it. He’d like to
know who made them and any other instructions.
QUESTION Carl Oetwiler, Zionsville, wants to
know where to get wire rope flemish spiced and
QUESTION —Donald Jones is collecting informa
tion on antique rototillers for a college business
course. He’d like to mail a survey to collectors. Write
to him at 734 Cedar Lane, Perkasie, PA 18944.
QUESTION Ella Keyser, Zieglerville, wants to
know where to buy a belt for an antique sewing
machine. The treadle machine is a New American
#2909819 and Belt No. 25.
QUESTION Vlad Koropchak has a 20-quart
milk can that was used in milk fountains. Does any
one know of a company that would galvanize it to
restore it to the original condition.
QUESTION Art Sholly Jr., Mt. Joy, wants to
know where to find a gas-fired Royal Peanut Roaster,
any condition and any size.
QUESTION Frank Furl, 231 Walnut Rd.. Clar
ence, PA 16829, wants to raise hogs and would
appreciate information on the raising and caring of
QUESTION Fannie Beiler, Lancaster, would
like to know where to purchase a Bio-Snacky sprou
ter of someone who is willing to sell theirs.
QUESTION Pam Eyer, Carlisle, wants to know
where to find plans to make a wooden playhouse like
those sold at places that sell wooden storage sheds.
She prefers to make one herself instead of purchas
ing a pre-built one.
QUESTION Margaret Diamond, Kunkletown,
wants instructions to make lamps or other items from
popsickle sticks.
ANSWER —Mrs. Amos Hoover, Denver, wants to
know who to contact about recycling plastic milk jugs
into a picnic table. Thanks to Moses Zimmerman,
Kutztown, for sending the address: Cougles Recy
cling Inc., Hamburg, PA 19526. Phone (610)
ANSWER To the person who wanted water
troughs for under outdoor faucets, Leon Stoltzfus
writes that metal troughs in the form of old cast iron
troughs are made by Groffdale Machine Co., 194 S.
Groffdale Rd.. Leola, PA 17540.
ANSWER A. Wenger, Manheim, needs a
replacement for a glass lid that fits an oblong slo
cooker made by West Bend. Wendy Furie, Frederick,
Md., writes that the replacement lids are available by
writing to West Bend at 400 Washington St., P.O. Box
2780, West Bend, Wl 53095-0278. Joan Miller, Inter
course, writes that she ordered a clear lid #P253-2 for
$15.35. Amber-colored and other replacements are
ANSWER Bill Freed, Souderton, wanted to
know where to buy white egg plant plants. Thanks to
Kermit Laub, Coopersburg, for writing the plants can
be purchased from Rohrer's Seeds in Smoketown
and at Kauffman's Dept. Store in New Holland, and at
Stokes Seed Co., Box 548, Buffalo, NY 14240.
ANSWER—Shirley Smith, Linden, wanted a pat
tern for an oval crocheted pineapple tablecloth. Mary
Stamm, Jonestown, sent us directions for the table
cloth. Shirley send a self-addressed stamped enve
lope to P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522, to have it
forwarded. Readers, NEVER send us information to
forward. We do not have the time to do so.
ANSWER Shirley Kline, R.D.7, Box 7392,
Spring Grove, PA 17362, writes that she has several
Denim Days figurines in excellent condition for the
reader who asked. She also has the "Old Country
Couple,” which is about 25 years old and purchased
from Home Interiors, for sale.
ANSWER—For the East Earl reader who wanted
an industrial floor polisher/buffer, Ronald J. Wible
writes that he has three 16-inch Hild floor buffers.
Write to him at 9301 Gap Rd., Waynesboro, PA
ANSWER A reader answers E. Beaver’s
request for red beet planting. She writes that plant red
beets several times throughout the season to have
the beets. Plant in early May, late June, and early
August. Light frost will not hurt them, but be sure to
dig before ground freezes. Store in cool, dark place
(cellar ideal). Some people store root crops in damp
sand, but this does not work well in temperatures
above 40-45 degrees. By the way, she writes, did you
know small baby beets are delicious baked like pota
toes? Poke with- a fork before baking.