NY Phil Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. MAY 15, 1998 EASTERN REGION FROZEN EGGS, MAY 15, 1998. FEDERAL STATE Prices were unchanged for whites, and unchang?to lower for yolk and whole egg. The market tone was steady for whites, and ba?ly steady on the balance. Demand was light to moderate. Supplies remained at least adequate. Liquid and frozen eggs (ingredients included) processed under federal inspection in the Eastern region for the week ending May 9, 1998 were 2% less than last week, 7 more than the same week last year. Shell egg offerings to breakers were adequate or available. Plants continued to run full to ovcr tlm?chedules. 7 WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. C7ERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 45-48 47-48 48-58 BLENDS (/) TFEWR 7 61-75 WHITES 35-38 36-37 7 39-48 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 69-7 70-72 74-80 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 65-70 68-69 71-77 (!) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. 7 SOURCE: USDA/ AMS POULTRY PROGRAMS, MARKET NEWS BRANCH FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (404) 562-5850. 7 7 PREPARED: 15-MAY-98 07:43 AM E CLB Get An Egg Up On Production With Southern States Pullet & Layer Feeds. You don't get ahead by standing still. To boost egg production and profits, it pays to depend on the “eggs-traordinary” advanced feeds and services of Southern States. A leader in poultry nutrition and research, Southern States improves hen productivity with advanced pullet and layer feed formulas. These formulas stimulate early feed consump tion and a smooth transition from pullet feeds to layer rations. They also help control excess moisture and reduce phosphorous in manure for a cleaner, healthier environment. Southern States stands behind its feeds with superior service. Modern, efficient mills in Hagerstown, Md. and Gettysburg, Pa. assure E. PA & NJ Poultry ATLANTA, GA. MAY 19, 1998 Major Wholesale Markets - Mexico City Cents per pcsind for the week ending May 15, 1998 Whole Legs Necks. Backs Livers/ Chickens Breasts with Thighs and Wings Gizzards Hens RAYON Low 66.10 * 127.94 * 79.96 * 23.99 * 9.60 * 766.63 * High 67.70 * 138.60 * 95.95 * 31.98 * 10.66 * 66.63 * Mostly 66.63 * 127.94 • 85.29 * 26.65 * 9.60 • 66.63 * SAN JUAN ? Low 66.63 * 117.28 * 7 * 26.65 7 10.7 • 67.70 • High 67.17 • 127.94 * 90.62 * 29.32 * 11.73 * 67.70 • Mostly 66.63 * 122.61 • 82.63 • 26.65 • 10.66 • 67.70 • NEW SAN JUAN 7 Low 67.17 • 127.94 * 79.96 * 26.65 * 1373 • 66.63 * High 67.70 * 133.27 * 90.62 7* 13.86 * 66.63 * Mostly 67.17 * 737.27 » 85.29 * 31.98 * 13.33 • 66.63 * Low 66.63 * 127.94 * 74.63 * 29.32 * 9.60 • 68.77 • 7 High 67.70 * 133.27 • 90.62 * 34.65 * 10.66 • 68.77 * Mostly 66.63 * 127.94 * 85.29 * 31.98 * 10.13 * 68.77 * Delmarva Broiler ATLANTA, GA. MAY 21, 1998 Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was good. Seller offernngs were wel?lanced to short. Live wts were about moderate; weights confined to vary in a full range of light to heavy. Processing sche dules were moderately heavy. Less than trucldot asking prices were 1 cent higher at 62 to 76 cents, sentiment was mostly firm. In the parts complex, bone-in breasts leg quarters and drums were barely adequate to short of inquiry. Boneless skinless m SOUTHERN STATES breasts and machine cut wings were avail able and difficult to plant in some instances. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ? ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVQ. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 05/21 05/19 05/19 705/14 05/12 2,484 2,420 ? 4.89 2,397 5.11 *BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 58K* WEIGHTED AVERAGE 65.31 BOXES 9,626 •7 of? plants reporting. National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA MAY 20, 1998 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged to h?r for the large sizes in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest, and other prices were unchanged. The market tone continued steady to Arm. Demand was light to good, mostly moderate unless features were ax. Supplies were generally adequate with jumbos and extra Lrge occasionally tight, and mediums often ample. Breaking stock supplies were adequate for the light to fair demand and the undertone was about steady. Light type hen plies remained adequate to ample for full processing schedules. USDA/AMS POULTRY PROGRAMS, MARKET NEWS BRANCH For addition al information, please call (404) 562-5850. your access to consistent quality, freshness and competitive pricing. Southern States also offers financial and management services, including flock record keeping and service, egg and spent fowl marketing, forward planning, market forecasting, flexible credit terms, and more. Depend on the knowledge, service and solutions of Southern States. Call Mike Royal, Manager of Commercial Feed Accounts, today at (604) 261-1261 for more details on the pullet and layer feeds, as well as services, that will give you an egg up on production...and profits. Visit our web site @> www.sscoop.com Hackettstovm Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, May 19, 199* Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL 3.50 EA.. .70-1.55 LB. LEGHORN FOWL JS-.95 LB. MIXED FOWL .70 LB. TURKEYS .SS-.7S LB., 1.00-4.00 EA. SILKIES 1.50-3.50 EA. GEESE .30 LB., 2.00-2.25 EA. BANTAMS 1.35 LB.. 2.00-4.00 EA. ROOSTERS .50-1.45 LB., 1.00-3.00 EA. BUNNIES 1.25-4.25 EA. DUCKS 1.75-2.30 LB. RABBITS .60-1.70 LB.. 4.50-5.00 EA. PIGEONS 2.00-6.00 EA. GUINEAS 9.00-11.50 EA. CHICKS .60-1.20 EA. DUCKLINGS: 1.75-ZOO EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .6S-.76, LARGE .61-.65, MEDIUM .45. BROWN EXTRA LARGE &. JUMBO .60-.76, LARGE .SS-.62, MEDIUM .4S-.47. Westminster Hay Westminster, Md. Tuesday, May 19, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction 174 LOTS. ALFALFA: .85-3.20 BALE. TIMOTHY: 1.00-4.00 BALE CLOVER: 1.20-1.50 BALE MIXED HAY: 1.05-3.50 BALE. GRASS: .75-3.30 BALE. STRAW: .70-1.90 BALE MULCH: .60-.65 BALE. OATS: 3.10-3.25 BU. * SfWCt Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, IMB-A5 Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, PA Maj 19 Report Supplied by Auction STEERS: CHOICE 1245-1315 LBS. 63.75-65.50; SELECT 61.00-63.00. HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 1300-1520 LBS. 54.00-56.00; SELECT 51.00-53.50; STANDARD 44.50-49.75. HEIFERS: LOW CHOICE 1150 LBS. 62.00; SELECT 51.00-54.00; STAN DARD 44.00-49.00. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 44.00-47.00; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 39.00-43.50; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 36.00- SHELLS 26.00-34.50. BULLS: YG#l 1830-2445 LBS. 50.00- YG#2 1160-1355 LBS. 46.00- FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS 400-480 LBS. 73.00; HEIFERS HOLSTEINS 56.25-57.50, 580-590 BEEF 57.50. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-115 LBS. 110.00-126.00, #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-110 LBS. 80.00- #1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 100-105 LBS. 100.00-144.00, «2 HOLS TEIN HEIFERS 80-100 LBS. 48.00-90.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 100-105 LBS. 94.00-120.00. HOGS; US#l-3 257-272 LBS. 44.50- US#l-3 238 LBS. 45.25. SOWS: US# 1-3 490-605 LBS. 26.50- MEDIUM 350-430 LBS. 22.00- BOARS: 570-605 LBS. 17.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 140 LBS. 33.00. Why push a mower when you can ride a Dixon® ZTR® Lawn Care Equipment Center, LLP Martindale, PA (717) 445-4541 HAY. STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster in Paradise, PA) For info. (717)442-4181 bus. (610) 458-8518 home