Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 45
Consuming Thoughts by Fay Strickler J enn State Extension Home Economist For Berks Co. Planning kitchens for work ers as well as the work done there are functional and create an atmosphere for easy prepara tion, cooking, and serving of meals. A well-planned kitchen can help eliminate the frustra tion of finding and getting sup plies and utensils by locating them in logical places. Work can be accomplished in comfortable positions because of the height of the work surfaces, the sink, range, and oven have been adjusted to your body require ments. The first step in designing a functional kitchen is to develop a personalized work center and then arrange it in an effective layout. A center is a place where you can do a particular type or work: Everything you need for the task is together (equipment, supplies, and utensils), storage space is provided for these things, and there is work space. A center provides a way to organize. They key is to plan for function so you can perform par ticular tasks. For example, you will need a place for wet work— a sink center, which includes a source of water, a place for drainage, a work basin, and a storage area. Storage space is needed for storing dishwashing supplies and equipment and for non-refrigerated foods such as potatoes and onions, initially prepared at the sink. In addi Apply compost and organic mulch to any row crop .. automatically V* The versatile Mllkreek How Matcher makes different sized mulch beds as you need, from 18' to 48" wide, from 1/2 to 10“ deep 8 mulching program can kelp you produce a healthier (top while reducing pesticide requirements ** , 4cni«'* fa Bnd-m-Hand, PA 17505 717-656 5050 tion, the knives, peeler, and cut ting board used to prepare the food at the sink and the pans in which they are cooked should be kept in that area. The counter to the right and left of the sink should provide space for prepar ing food and for holding dirty dishes and clean, rinsed dishes. Generally kitchens have at least five centers for the differ ent types of work for meal preparation and cleanup: 1. A sink center —to provide water and drainage for food preparation and cleanup. 2. A range center—to provide heat for cooking. If you have a two-piece range, you will need an oven center and a surface cooking center. 3. A mix center—to provide facilities for assembling and mixing food. 4. A refrigerator center—to provide refrigeration of perish able supplies. 5. A china center—to provide equipment for serving and eat ing food. Although the place or places where you eat are not centers, you should consider them as you plan your kitchen. The dining area may be in the kitchen or another room, or in more than one room. If you have a microwave oven, it may be placed in a sepa rate center or combined with another center. Your menus and From tree fruit to vegetable beds, from bramble crops to vineyards, organic mulch and compost can reduce chemical input for weed suppression, retain soil moisture, and improve soil fertility by adding organic matter to sandy and clay soils Now Millcreek eliminates the costly labor needed for organic mulch and compost application The remarkable new Millcreek Row Mulcher works with all types of organic material, and even lets you adjust the depth and width of the mulch rows Starting under $5OOO, no other machine compares when it comes to capabilities, versatility, and cost effectiveness Rugged construction Five sizes, from 34t0 13 cubic yard capacity Custom designs Call today for a free color brochure, or to discuss your specific needs how you use the oven will make a difference in your planning. Centers save effort and time because you have organized the supplies and equipment where you first use them and you have provided appropriate storage and work space. Centers reduce the distance you walk since you make many trips between the appliances, counter, and storage space. If these are within reach of one another, you can work more continuously with fewer changes of location and less searching. Once the function or purpose of a workplace is decided, you can then determine the supplies, utensils, and small tools you need for preparing foods, for serving them, and for cleaning up. These decisions are an important part of planning a center. The amount of storage and ways to make everything easy to see, reach, grasp, and replace will be determined by the items needed for the special type of work to be done. The amount of work surface at each center will be related primarily to the work to be car ried on since some tasks require more space than others. The quantity and kind of food pre pared and the number of per sons served are a consideration for some centers. The height of the work sur face and some appliances will be related to the elbow height of the main user and the type of work done. The work level should always be lower than the worker’s elbow height The design of the appliance also affects one’s ease of work. This is especially true of the sink and range because they are used most often. Remember too, that a functional kitchen should be designed for the individual who uses it most, and should be adapted for handicapped per sons with special needs. You Can Take It With You. And when you take the gates MobileCnmp™ 4-20 crimper with you, on-site repairs will be faster, easier and cover more applications than ever before. That’s because Gates designed this portable crimper with unmatched versitihty and coverage. The MobileCnmp 4-20 crimper allows for variable crimping positions and a swing-away cylinder for easier loading of dies and assemblies Operating with nearly any hand, air, or electrical 10,000 PSI pump, you’ll be able to crimp anything from low-pressure return lines up to four-spiral hose with I 1/4” I D. No other portable crimper has that kind of application ® coverage. Visit your Gates distributor to find out more about the powerful MobileCnmp 4-20 crimper - and feel free to take one with you THE WORLD'S MOST TRUSTED NAME IN BELTS, HOSE AND HYDRAULICS 440 Concrete Aye. • Leola PA 17540 • 717-ESE-4878 • Fax 717-ESB-4EBS Selected to represent Berks County dairy promotion are Berks County Dairy Princess Alicia Gross, right, Alternate Erica Sholienberger, and Li’l Miss Brittany Haag. Berks County Selects New Royalty LEESPORT (Berks Co.) Former Berks County Dairy Prin cess Erica Davis crowned Alicia Gross to take over county promo tioanl duties at the county pageant on May 9. Assisting Alicia, daughter of David and Marilyn Gross of Ham burg, is Alternate Erica Shollen berger. She is the 16-year-old daughter of Arlan and CJ. Shol lenberger, Wolmeisdorf. Li’l Miss Dairy Princess Brittany Haag was also crowned to help in promotion. She is the daughter of David and Mary Haag of Centerport Seventeen-year-old Alicia is a member of the Tulpehocken High School FFA chapter, a member of the Northern Berks 4-H Dairy ntrary Lancaster Fai Club, and has been a dairy ambas sador for the past four years. Alicia plans to attend Reading Area Com munity College to prepare fpr elementary education. Each contestant prepared a skit to entice the audience to use more dairy products. Ashley Stoltzfus, former Li’l Miss dairy princess, sang a farewell song. Erica Davis shared experiences of her year serving as the county dairy prin cess and said, “Dreams and dedi cation are a powerful combination.” Former Berks County and Pen nsylvania Stale Dairy Princess Jennifer Grimes served as master of ceremonies for the pageant held at the Berks County Agriculture Center. iy, Hay w Est. % 1979 S