(Continued from Page B 6) es to raising kids, Teresa said, “Be honest and fair. When folks come to buy stock, be honest all the way through so that others need never worry about being swindled. The best way to teach kids is to have them watch their parents doing business.” Going through the teen years and being heavily involved in dairy promotion leaves no time for getting in trouble. “We encourage Erica to be in a lot of promotions. The dairy prin cess promotion is a really good promotion for dairy products,” Teresa said. Dad has also gotten a few emo tional rewards from his daughter’s involvement in the industry. He said, “When other dairy farmers comment on her speech, it gives me a proud, good feeling.” While Erica and her mom were on the road promoting dairy pro ducts, her brothers took care of her chores in the bam. Erica was part of the team to win the state Dairy Bowl and place sec ond in the division. In 1995, the team won at the national level. Cats are prolific on the farm. Sixty cats—all named and easily The STREAM MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA was completed in 1965 after a thirty-year effort by Howard Higbee, a former Penn State Professor. The map Is also known as the LOST STREAM MAP to some anglers. Professor Higbee succeeded in creating a map of the highest detail possible...a map that shows every stream and lake. He pains takingly plotted by hand, the loca tion of 45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 x 5 foot map. The map sold extremely well - until it was lost several years later. Incredibly, the printer entrusted with the original drawing and printing plates declared bank ruptcy, then carelessly hauled Higbee's 30 years of work to the landfill. The few remaining dog-eared copies became a prized fisher man's possession. Professor Higbae was offend $4OO for one of his lasi maps. And state agen cies were forced to keep their copies under lock and key. The experts had always told Professor Higbee that nprinls wen impossible, because the maps were printed in non photographic blue. Then, in 1991, at the age of 91, Howard Higbee's dream came true. Computers made it possible to reprint the map. Holding an updated map, Howard said, 1 never thought I'd live to see this day." differentiated by sight The felines have come to the farm in some unusual ways. One delivery hap pened when a tractor trailer load of sawdust was delivered to the farm. Two kittens fell off the truck and woe immediately adopted by a mother cat “We spend lots of time with cats. They are great stress reliev ers,” Teresa said. Erica collects stuffed cows. Her mother collects other cow paraphernalia. In her spare time, Erica enjoys, country line dancing, cooking, baking, and reading romance novels. H. A Leadership fora J that 10% of all the fishermen catch 90% of the fish Regardless of which group you fall into... there's a sure way to up your odds... simply try new fishing waters. Fish where few fishermen ever fish. Pennsylvania is loaded with great fishing waters...many of them overlooked. From the Lake Erie tributaries to the Delaware River...thousands of miles of streams, lakes and rivers are now easy-to- locate on one map. Professor Higbee's Stream Map of Pennsylvania is the first and only highly detailed map of its land. This 3 foot by 5 foot color map shows virtually all of the 45,000 miles of Pennsylvania streams plus lakes. That's almost three p . tlnk times the earth's circumference! | Kill |>l rave REVIEWS "It is amazingly detailed and names some creeks in the Mohawk Valley that can't even be found on topographic maps." John Pitarres OBSERVER-DISPATCH-Utica ‘Hyodre looking for the most definitive maps ever created depicting every single creek, river, stream, pond and lake . then "Professor Higbee's Stream Maps " are without gpesbonthe finest Howard Brant THE NEWARK STAR-LEDGER "It is in showing where to find out-of-the-way trout streams that makes the map such a treasure to the fisherman Joe Gordon TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT- Johnstown Family Living Focus Beth Van Horn Centre Co. Extension Agent What To Do When Food Turns Moldy Mold tells us better than words when we have kept left overs too long. Molds are living symbols of spoilage and decay. They work so quickly that it takes a bit of ingenuity to dis pose of some foods before molds do. Molds are actually fungi with thread-like roots that spread below the surface of food. A stalk extends above the surface. Spores at the end of the stalk spread the mold from place to place. They give mold its distinc tive color. Molds generally prefer a warm, humid environment, but, as we all know, some grow very well in refrigerators. Molds Great for Father's Day ■ June 21 Stream M Pennsylvania ry fisherman needs this map Included with each map. Pinpoint the best fishing in Pennsylvania with this valuable guide. Easily locate over 900 productive trout streams and 300 lakes. Bass waters, class " A " limestone streams, and trophy fish waters are easy to locate on the map. I ORDER YOUR COLOR STREAM MAPS Available rolled or folded ALSO AVAILABLE in heavy gauge LIFE TIME GUARANTEED, glass-like dear-lamination, wnte-on wipe-olf surface, with brass eyelefles lor easy hanging Send mi 3 FT by 5 FT ROLLED mip(s) postage paid at $23 45 ea 3 FT by 5 FT FOLDED map(s) postage paid at $23 45 ea 3 FT by 5 FT LAMINATED map(s) postage paid at $43 45 ea onle' enclosed $ SHIPPED PRIORITY MAIL Send me Send me Check or mone) Name Address I City Mail Your Order And Check Or Money Order Payable To: LANCASTER FARMING 1 East Main St. PO Box 609 - Dept. SM Ephrata, PA 17522 with high sugar or salt content, which is why mold often appears on jams, jellies, and salt-cured meats No all molds are bad. Penicillin, a well-known antibi otic, is produced from two molds. Molds also help in the produc tion (especially the flavoring) of some wines and cheeses. A clean refrigerator can retard mold growth. Now is a good time to thoroughly clean your refrigerator. Toss out old food, and clean the refrigerator walls and racks with a solution of one tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in one quart of warm water. Check the temperature in the refrigerator to make sure it is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Always inspect foods before IN ASTURDYTUBE »r Firming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-B7 you buy them. Be especially careful when buying cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, and bakery products. Even with the cleanest refrig erator and your best efforts at the supermarket, you food still may be subject to mold growth. If you see mold when you first open a newly purchased package or container and suspect it was there when you bought it, you owe it to the store management to take the product back, or at the very least, call the store. Otherwise, the store’s manage ment may never know it has a storage problem. If you see a bit of mold on hard or firm foods such as hard cheese, firm-type fruits, such as pears, and smoked turkey, it is safe to remove one inch around and below the mold spot with a knife. Take care not to touch the mold with your knife. Molds spread quickly on soft foods, such as bread, cake, cot tage cheese, and jam. If you see more than a speck of mold growth on these foods, the best advice is to throw them out. When in doubt about a food’s safety, it is best to throw it out. Although we never want to be wasteful with food, it is silly to threaten our health by eating spoiled foods. Whatever you do, it is best not to taste or even sniff mold. Although it will not cause food poisoning, it can lead to respira tory problems or allergic refic tions for sensitive individufils. Source: Colorado Cooperative Extension.