Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 14
Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1998 WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SUMMARY MAY 15, 1998 14 LIVESTOCk AUCTIONS CATTLE 5249 Compared with 6080 head last week and 5540 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers and heifers mostly steady, si cows steady to mostly 1 00 higher, bulls steady to 1 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice & Prime 2-4 65 00-68 50, Choice 1-3 62 25-66 35. Select and Low Choice 2-3 58 75-63 00, Select 1-3 55 00-62 25, Standard 1-251 00-55 00 ICLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 2- 3 57 00-61 75, Choice 2-3 54 00- 58 00, Select 1-2 50 00-54 30, Standard 1-2 44 25 48 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 60 85-65 00, Se lect 1-3 55 00-60 50, Standard 1-2 45 00-54 00 COWS Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-4 38 00-44 50, few to 46 00, Cutter & Boning Utility I-3 35 00-41 50, few to 33 75, Canner and Low Cutter I-2 32 00-36 00 Shells down to 22 00 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1100-2400 lbs 47 25-54 75, 2 900-2000 lbs 42 00- 47 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large I 100-500 lbs 70 00-94 00, few to 102 00, 500-800 lbs 65 00-87 00, Medium & Large 2 450-900 lbs 60 00- 70 00, few to 5100, Large 2 400-650 lbs Holstems 58 00-67 50, HEIF ERS Medium & Large I 100-650 lbs 65 00-80 00, Medium & Large 2 100- 600 lbs 55 00-68 00, BULLS Medium & Large I 150 700 lbs 61 00-82 00, Medium & Large 2 400-800 lbs 50 00- 65 00 CALVES 2914 Compared with 2855 head last week and 2846 head a year ago VEALERS steady to 5 00 higher Choice 140-150 lbs 70 00- 111 00, Good 110-100 lbs 5100- 71 00, Standard and Low Good 70-1 10 lbs 25 00-16 00, few to 42 00. Util ity 50-100 lbs 10 00-27 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves 500 to 10 00 lower, Holstein heifers mostly steady No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 90 00-127 50, No 2 80-125 lbs 40 00-85 00, few to 95 00, No I Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 100 00- 14100, few to 165 00, No 2 75-110 lbs 40 00-100 00 Beef type bulls and heif ers 75-110 lbs 50 00-130 00 HOGS 2771 Compared with 1011 head last week and 2701 head a year ago Barrows and gilts I 00 to 250 higher, sows steady to I 00 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220-265 lbs 40 50- 42 50, few to 45 75, US 1-1 210-270 lbs 18 00-41 50. US 2-1 220-110 lbs 15 00-40 00 SOWS US 1-1 100-500 lbs 22 00-26 50, 500-700 lbs 25 00- them and during our Trade-In Sale auns. boats, farm tractors, farm equ A.T.V’S 29 00, Medium 300-450 lbs 18 00- 23 00 BOARS FEEDER PIGS 332 .Compared with 321 head last week and 303 head a year ago Feeder pigs US 1-3 20-40 lbs 25 GO -31 00, 40-55 lbs 32 00-43 00 per head SHEEP 1952 Compared with 1911 head last week and 1670 head a year ago Slaughter lambs uneven, under 50 lbs steady to 15 00 lower, over 50 lbs steady to 10 00 higher SLAUGHTER LAMBS- Choice 30-55 lbs 100 GO -135 00, 50-80 lbs 87 00-112 00, few to 120 00, 75-100 lbs 90 00-115 00, few to 80 00, 100-125 lbs 95 00- 110 00, few to 70 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 20 00-45 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1819 Compared with 748 head last week and 2016 head a year ago Feeder pigs uneven, under 40 lbs 15 00 to 20 00 lower, over 4(J f&s 500 to 10 00 higher US 1-2 20-30 lbs 62 GO -71 00, 30-40 lbs 60 00-80 00, 40-50 lbs 54 00-72 00, 50-60 lbs 55 00- 71 00, 60-70 lbs 61 00-71 00, few to 40 00, Slaughter 30-40 lbs 80 00- 100 00, 40-65 lbs 52 00-70 00 per hundred weight MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG, PA MAY 19, 1998 CATTLE 147 [PDA] Compared to last week's sale slaughter steers 100 to 200 lower, si cows 1 00 to 200 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1150-1400 lbs 64 25- 67 25, Choice 2-1 1100-1465 lbs 6100-64 25, 1500-1680 lbs 55 GO -59 75, Select 1-1 56 50-62 50, Stan dard 1-2 48 00-55 75 HOLSTEINS STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-1 1200-1515 lbs 57 75-58 50, Choice 2-1 1155-1565 lbs 55 50-57 50, Select 1-2 49 75- 55 25, Standard 1-2 43 00-48 00 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 1185-1465 lbs 6100-63 75, Select 1-1 56 50-61 75, Standard 1-2 46 50 54 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 40 00-46 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 37 00-42 00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 10 50-19 00 Shells down to 25 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1265-1545 lbs 46 50-47 50, few 2 1020-2150 lbs 18 00-44 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 585-755 lbs 55 00-70 00, Large 2 Holstems 530-605 lbs 61 GO -68 00. HEIFERS Medium I and 2 520- 725 lbs 5150-57 00, BULLS Me dium and Large I 250-450 lbs 67 50- 82 00, 600-625 lbs 68 00-71 00, we'll take anythin iment. en< fdes. travel trai MOTORCYCLES 14 00-18 00 i de - cars. wmobiles. A.T.V.’s. \na of value 1 From the kid’s 50cc to the Big A \ Medium & Large 2 320-460 lbs 51 00- 65 50, 660-695 lbs 49 00-55.00 CALVES 202 VEALERS Standard and Good 80-105 lbs 22 00-27,00, Utility 75-90 lbs 12 00-24 00. FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 10 00 to 12.00 higher. No I Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 92 00-135 50, No 2 90-125 lbs 40 00-87 00, 80-90 lbs 25 00-50 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 80-125 lbs 105 00-152 00, few No 2 70-105 lbs 24.00-90 00 Few beef type bulls and heifers 65- 105 lbs 47 00-82 50 HOGS 219 (5/18 & 19/98) Bulk of supply sold on Monday and prices sup plied by the auction Barrows and gilts 5.00 to 6.00 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220- 265 lbs 46 50-48 00. LB 1-3 220-270 lbs 43 50-46 25, US 2-3 295-330 lbs 39 00-43 00, US 1-3 195-215 lbs 37 00-41 75 SOWS US 1-3 310-475 lbs 21 50- 26 50, 500-555 lbs 26 00-28 00, few Medium 265-460 lbs 13 50-20 00 BOARS few 280-340 lbs 13 50- 19 00. FEEDER PIGS 37 US 1-3 40-50 lbs 23 50-31 00 per head SHEEP 47 SLAUGHTER, LAMBS Choice 30-45 lbs 87 50-102 50, 75- 100 lbs 68 00-82 00, one lot Good and Choice Feeder Lambs 20 lbs 90 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 24 00-30 00, yearlings 45 00-54 00 GOATS 26 One Large Billy 74 00, couple Medium 40 00 & 57 50, couple Large Nannies 54 00 & 55 00, Me dium 43 00-54 00, Large Kids 30 00- 37 50, Small 17 00-33 00 per head LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUCTION LEESPORT, PA MAY 20, 1998 CATTLE 288 [PDA] [Supply included 144 slaughter steers and heifers, 91 si cows and 30 feeder cat tle] Compared with last Wednesday's sale slaughter steers unevenly steady, spots 100 lower, si cows mostly steady, Bulls steady to 4 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 2-3 1135-1480 lbs 6100-63 75, one 65 50. Select 1-3 57 25-63 50, few Standard 49 00-52 50 HOLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1275-1530 lbs 57 00-60 00, Choice 2-3 1240-1595 lbs 54 75- 57 75, 1640-1810 lbs 49 75-54 25, Se lect 1-2 49 75-55 00, Standard 1-2 44 00-49 50 HEIFERS few Choice 2-4 1135-1190 lbs 61 00-64 00, Select 1-3 56 00- 61 25, few Standard 1-2 44 00-53 25 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-4 40 00-44 25, Cutter and THIS IS NOT A TEST... These questions will provide valuable information for the time you will be considering your next Feed Mixer. *Who else uses 3/16” and 1/4” stainless steel on auger troughs? *Who else uses stainless steel for the floors as standard? *Who else uses 1/10” inside and .065 outside high density poly coated 1” plywood for their mixing box? *Who else uses 1/2” and 5/8” stainless steel pins with large heads on their mixing chains? *Who else uses welded steel chains with 5/16” and 3/8” side bars? *Who else uses 3/8” and 1/2” flighting on all of their augers? *Who else has a 10 year limited warranty on their mixing box? *Who else has any machines in service for 15 years with very little repair and maintenace costs? *Who else builds a mixer that still gives a near perfect mix, even with worn parts? 10. ‘Who else builds a mixer complete with safety shut off cables and contactor prewired for service? You need a TMR Mixer that meets these standards! You need a RISSLER TMR MIXER * RUGGED * * EFFICIENT * * ECONOMICAL* /. n-n^ 448 Orchard Road Mohnton, PA 19540 m MANUFACTURING J 717-484-0551 Boning Utility 1-3 36 50-42.50, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 30 75-39 75. Shells down to 28 50 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1110-1675 lbs 47 50-53 25, Yield Grade 2 915-1550 lbs 42 00-46 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium 1 & 2 490-605 lbs 65 00-80 00, 890-1055 lbs 61 00-66 00, HEIF ERS Medium and Large 1 375-585 lbs 63 00-67 50, 700-905 lbs 50 50- 62 50, Medium and Large 2 450-585 lbs 61 00-67 50, 600-850 lbs 42 GO -47 50, BULLS one Medium I 640 lbs 65 00, Large 2 515-670 lbs 34 GO -43 00 CALVES 173 .VEALERS few Good and Choice 175-250 lbs 67 50-92 50, few Good 110-130 lbs 65 00-75 00, Standard and Good 80-100 lbs 20 00- 27 50, Utility 50-95 lbs 12 50- 20 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls 15 00-20 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90-130 lbs 110 00-145 00, No 2 80-130 lbs 35 00-95 00, few to 105 00, No I Holstein heifers 85-130 lbs 100 00-147 50, No 2 75-105 lbs 40 00-95 00, few to 27 50 HOGS 47 Barrows and gilts 350 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-3 230- 250 lbs 42 25-45 00 SOWS US 1-3 330-435 lbs 22 00- 25 50, 530-570 lbs 23 50-28 00 BOARS one 565 lbs 15 00 FEEDER PIGS 93 US 1 3 20-35 lbs 65 00-85 00, 40-65 lbs 57 50-61 00 - - per cwl SHEEP 72 SLAUGHTER LAMBS High Choice and Prime 20-45 lbs 125 00- 140 00. Choice 20-45 lbs 80 00 90 00, 50-60 lbs 90 00-100 00 85 145 lbs 66 00-75 00, Good and Choice 40-50 lbs 50 00-80 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 20 00-40 00, Yearlings 44 00-45 00 GOATS 31 one Large Billy 95 00, one Medium 65 00. Large Nannies 39 00- 80 00, few Medium 24 00-27 00, Large Kids 24 00-52 50, couple Small 18 00 per head NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA MAY 18, 1998 CATTLE 138 [PDA] Compared with last Monday's sale slaughter cows stronger on small supply SLAUGHTER STEERS one Choice 2- 3 1395 lbs 63 25, few Select 1-3 50 00- 60 75 fjOLSTEIN STEERS, few Choice 2-3 1215-1595 lbs 55.00-59 50 HEIFERS' one Choice 1-3 1355 lbs 62 25 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-4 38 00-42 50, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 34 50-39 00, Conner and Low Cutter 1-2 32 00-36.00 Shells down to 30 SO BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1405-2165 lbs 46 00-53 00, few Yield Grade 2 855-1370 lbs 39.75-46.00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium I 460-560 lbs 70 00-73.00, few Large 2 700-900 lbs 44 00-53 00, HEIFERS few Medium 1 425-525 lbs 63 00-75 00, few Medium 2 445-700 lbs 55 00-64 00, few Large 2 615-660 lbs 45 00-56 00, BULLS Medium I 400-600 lbs 68 00-78 50, Medium 2 530-850 lbs 52 00-68 00, few Large 2 205-660 lbs 50 00-54 50 CALVES 108 VEALERS Standard and Good 80-105 lbs 3100-40 00, Utility 60-75 lbs 14 00-30 00 FARM CALVES few No I Holstein bulls 135-145 lbs 90 00-97 50, 90-125 lbs 90 00-114 00, No 2 90-105 lbs 50 00-75 00, few No I Holstein heifers 95-115 lbs 130 00-142 50, few 75 lbs 40 00-57 50, one No 2 105 lbs 110 00 Few beef type bulls and heif ers 90-130 lbs 50 00-107 50 HOGS 261. Barrows and gilts 175 to 4 25 higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 220- 280 lbs 46 75-47 50, few to 48 25, US 1-3 220-280 lbs 46 25-46 85, US 2-3 210-280 lbs 45 75-46 75 SOWS US 1-3 300-500 lbs 26 75- 29 75, 500-765 lbs 29 00-31 75 BOARS few 215-265 lbs 22 00- 25 00 FEEDER PIGS 24 Few US 1-3 20-30 lbs 20 00-23 00—per head SHEEP 139 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 100-105 lbs 80 00-85 00, 75- 100 lbs 78 00-93 00, 50-73 lbs 80 00-105 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 20 00-45 00, Mostly 23 00-39 00 GOATS 12 one Large Billy 97 00, Few Medium Billies and Nannies 30 00- 60 00, few Large Kids 36 00-49 00 - - per head Morrison Cove Produce Auction ROARING SPRING, PA May 21 Report Supplied by Auction ASPARAGUS: 1.00 BUNCH. ONIONS: .25-.30 BUNCH. TOMATOES: GREENHOUSE 10.00- AND HYDROPONIC 13.00- BOTH 10 LBS. FLOWERS: ANNUALS 3.00-7.75 FLAT. .50-2.80 POT; BASKETS 1.75-9.50; PLANTERS 5.50-10.00. VEGETABLE PLANTS: 2.00-5.00 FLAT; TOMATO POTS JO-4.50. PERENNIALS: POTTED .25-4.50. NURSERY STOCK: RHODODEN DRON 9.00; BLUE SPRUCE 5.50-8.00. 11 SIZES