Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 138
D2B-LancaBter Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998 Hay 8 Straw Alfalfa Grass Balage $45/ton 5-10 ton loads, sound, small, square bales • Alfalfa & alfalfa grass mix $165-$lB5/ton • Timothy grass mix $l2O/ton • Grass hay 4x4 outside round bales $9O/ton • Straw square bales $125/ton Clarence Bange York Co. (717)292-6595 , Kiln Dried Wood Shavings & Sawdust Delivered in Bags or Bulk ★ ideal Material For Dairy Cows ★ Bales of Pine Shavings ★ Clean Shavings and Sawdust For Horses ★ Mushroom Mulch Penn Ag Products (W ) 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717/354-4174 You Plant The Best • CORN • ALFALFA • SOYBEANS Why Not Treat Them To A Real Meal? A N/VCHURS. NA-CHURS Liquid Fertilizer Provides High Quality P-K QUALITYJ* r #/ Product 01 PARS, inc Positive Approach for Revitalizing Soils 1-800-929-2676 WANTED: Damaged or Wheat Straw: $lOO/ton at moldy com, grain or soy- farm. Will deliver, limited beans. 717/733-4516. mileage, hauling extra. Schuylkill County, (717)425-3486. UjMFERTILIZER G'> jlj’S AG SERVICE § B Liquid Fertilizer Sales & Application , 9-18-9 6-24-6 30% N 5-15-15 10-34-0 12-0-0-26 S 3-18-18 7-21-7 Liquid Calcium For more information call: DALE GOOD - 717-949-2371 ASK ABOUT EARLY DISCOUNTS Buying and Selling Broiler Manure Mushroom Mulch For Sale Penn Ag Products 717/354-4174 Ufl PLANTS 609 Tobacco plants, ready now. Joseph 2. Click, 1751 Division Hwy, Ephrata, PA 17522 rs of Hardy Mums 1953 900 Kreider Rd, Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-6805 Started Mum Plants, or Un-Rooted Cuttings Available From Mid May to Mid July June Special - 5 dz. flat of Mixed Varieties $20.00 per flat Wholesale -1000 Or More Plants Some Kinds As Low As 160 Each V/e ship U.P.S. ■TYTYTTTTYTTTTTYTYYT* l\ PLEASANT HILL FARM | <> f ’XMfir Grower of quality < . i x i» ° -:mr hardy fall mums < ’ ’ 50 Yoder varieties j ;; rf AVAILABLE SPRING 1998 < ;; Rooted Cuttings 24c Ea { ;; 3'"Pots 50c Ea \ ;; For Late Summer and Fall Delivery: J ;; 6 " Pols -$1 40 8" Pots -$2 00 9" Pols -$2 40 \ j; FREE Delivery with Minimum Order * j|; 717-633-7002 days ** 717-637-7586 evenings i cfft'ri, w tfE? V Ufl PLANTS [Sweet Potato [ Plants, [Wholesale, Retail [ Puerto Ricans : Hermanda I Gold-Mar : Yellow Jerseys i White Yams : Beauregard : UPS available. : 610/857-0108 : 7-7:lspm, ;Aaron E. Click Jr.: 640 Old : Wilmington Rd, : : Coatesville, PA : 19320 EIDER'S UM FARM Sweet Potatoes & Yams • Nancy Hall • Jersey Red • Gold Mar • Bolregard • Hernandez Call For Price (610) 495-6682 Parker Ford, PA FRUITS & VEGETABLES APPLE CRATES: Looking for used bushels. Pay top dollar. (609)931-1666. Densiformas yews, 3 years old, liners, $.50 each. Spreading yews, 18"-24'', $8 00. Call 609-259-7225 E-ZY Grower green houses, in stock, 21x48' $880; 21x96' $1,660; 24x96' $1,886. Tufflite greenhouse plastic, Med ina gas heaters, potting soil, flats, inserts, plastic mulch and drip irrigation supplies. Write or call for FREE catalog. Martin's Produce Supplies, 625 Bn tian Rd„ Shippensburg, PA, 17257 (717)532-5918. FMC washline w/receiving belt, washer, sorter, weight sizers, round tables, drop bins, Cull belt, box con veyor. $7500. 410-758-3099 Vegetable washer, brusher, graders, planting equipment. Brusher re pairs. Brushes & sponges. Waterwheel planters. Plas tic lifter/wrapper for sale or rent. 717/733-2584. Vegetable Waxer, Series 1650, by Tew Mfg., never used, complete w/wax, in shipping crate, make offer. Call Jan 301/373-5576 af ter 10am. NURSERY Japanese Maples, Blood good, 8-12”, $3.00; Garnet & Red Select, 12-15”, $4.00; 15-18”, $5.00. Lar ger sizes available. Cavag naro Nursey, 154 Fairview Drive, Neshanic, NJ. 08853. (908)369-5899 LANDYSHADE MULCH PRODUCTS 717-898-7689. Mushroom Mulch lOObu, $7O; 300 bu, $lOO, 500 bu, $125, 900 bu $175, 1200 bu $l9B. Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster. We carry Bark Mulch, Screened Topsoil LAWNS GARDEN Batons. New & Used Replacement Tractor Parts In Stock STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. BAM - 5 PM; Sat. BAM -12 Noon •717-354-2150 # Fax 717-355-9909 FARMERSVIUE EQUIPMENT • INC. “ 142 East Farmersville Road P.O. Box 638, Ephrata, PA 17522-0638 Located in Village of Farmersville, Lancaster County Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able. Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS, iruce, Pine, Fir for Christ- mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ. 08022. or call 609-298-0477 spade, care tree, skid loader mount, Cone spades, extra 24“ spades, good cond. $3,800 717-667-6447. MUSHROOM SOIL AND BARK MULCH. We deliver. Akron Nursery Inc., PA (800)485-7525 f NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE f I Azaleas, Rhodes, Flowering Trees I j Junipers, Arborvitees f | Call For Price Lists I f MASKELLS MILL NURSERIES { Salem, NJ (609) 935-4675 Fax (609) 935-6623 B&B: Pine, Spruce, Fir and Hemlock Wholesale and Retail Showers Christmas Tree Farm 630 Clearview Road Aspers, Adams Co., PA 17304 717/677-6494, Rick; 717/677-6816, Office; 717/677-8881, Clair LANDYSHADE MULCH PRODUCTS Lancaster, PA 17601 717-898-7689 Mushroom Mulch 100 bu 300 bu $ 500 bu $ 900 bu $ 1200 bu $ Mulch delivered FREE within 25 Lancaster, PA Railroad Ties #1 (Very Nice) #2 Quality Discounts - Delivery Aval We Carry Bark Mulch and Tops' Tree Spades, 20* to 60"; Tree Planters. 3’ shoe to 24’ shoe; Tree Boss, one man tree loading system. TREE EQUIPMENT DE SIGN INC. RD 1. Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717/386-3515, Wholesale Field G rown NUrgery Stock Wide Selection of Trees; Shrubs, Perennials, and Ornamental Grasses. For free price list: > Stoudt Nursery RD 2, BOX 1324 Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 So. Schuylkill Co. 717/739*4650