Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 127
DIESEL ENGINE Sales & Service knes JStj Also: • Complete air & hydraulic systems • Water pumps •Tunnel ventilation • Skid loader & backhoe service Smucker’s Sales & Service 643 Peters Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-4158 If no answer, call (717) 354*4374 Amos Smucker, Proprietor Call Us For A Good Selection Of Milking Equipment - Priced Right! • 65# Coburn Bucket $165 • 2” Surge Pipeline • 2” Universal Pipeline • (2) 71/2 HP. Air Lobe Pumps We Ship Parts Daily UPS ON THE FARM ROUTE SERVICE Fisher & Thompson Inc. DAIRY & MILKING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Four Locations CHAMBERBURG MIFFLINBURG NORTHERN SERVICE CENTER SALES CENTER SERVICE CENTER 5455 BIKLE RD RD 2 BOX 265 3450 S MAIN ST CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201 WABASH RD BELLEVILLE, PA 17004 717-352-7606 MIFFLINBURG, PA 17844 717-935-7422 717-966-3900 Open Saturday 8 a.m. - Noon MAIN OFFICE 15 NEWPORT RD LEOLA, PA 17540 717-656-3307 WESTFAUA 500 gal Majonnier tank S compressor (fan direct, no belts). 410/885-2281 after 7pm. Complete pipeline for 50 cow stall bam, stainless steel. DeLaval vacuum pump, shp milk compres sor (cooler) 1-year old. 800 gallon milk tank. Pre heater. Acorn bam cleaner, parts (left hand). Please call for more information. 610-593-5998 Creamy package bulk tank, 600 gallon, R 22 gas, 3hp compressor, good condi tion, available after 5/14, $1,500 080. (717)266-5939. Dairy Farmers) Water pur ifying system helf price sale. Removes nitrates, bacteria, hardness. Call (717)396-8934, leave name, address. Will con tact you! Double 7 Surge super stalls, all equipment in cluded. 301-271-2258 Farmtronix 5 stall computer feeder, 100+ transponders, good condition. DeLaval stainless steel parlor feeder troughs, (12). Hun tington Co. 814-667-3413 FOR SALE: Lots of used claws, shells, pulsators, takeoffs, meters, weigh jars, bucket milkers, DV-300's, receiver groups, ClP's, etc. Many brands and models. "Free" UPS shipping or delivery. BUY-SELL-TRADE. 15 day Satisfaction Guarantee. E-ZEE MILK ING EQUIPMENT, INC. Office hours: 7am-spm. Business NOT OPEN to public EXCEPT by appoint ment. Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-7599. Mixing salt, $9O/ton. Free delivery within 60 miles of Gettysburg. 717-632-9144 Oswald 180 TMR mixer w/ electronic skills. $2,995. 717-442-3215. Oswalt 115 mixer, elec tronic scales, excellent condition, $3OOO. 716/786-2197. Slurrystore 62x14 expand able. Glass milk bottles, gallons and half gallons, 48mm. (610)469-1211. Weaveline 430 automatic '°d cart, hydrostatic, only hrs., excellent condi -717-599-5818 Dau in Co. iC 70 gas feed cart, 000. 717/745-3344. WESTFAUA • 2” Surge Receiver • (2) 60# Westfaha Bio Bucket units • (2) 73# Westfaha Bio Bucket units • (8) Stimopulse Pipeline units 24 HOUR SERVICE ■vj* I DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT | Southern Service Center 76 Pumping Station Rd. Quarryville, Pa. 717-786-1617 Vic Lelninger Ken or Ed Brubaker ★ Call Today For All Your New or Used Milk Tank And Refrigeration Equipment Needs! A Ist Class Team Together For 30 Years! MAIN OFFICE 1048 North Penryn Rd. Manheim, Pa: 17545 717-665-3525 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23,1998-Dl7 ATTENTION DAIRY FARMERS Wc Need Good Used Tknks 600 - 6,000 Gal. - C«ll Us •150 Gal Zero Self- • 600 Gal Jamesway • 1250 Gal DeLaval Contained (nice) -32" High • 1500 Gal VanVetter •155 Gal Sunset *6OO Gal Sunset • 1500 Gal Sunset •180 Gal Milkkeeper *6OO Gal Majonmer .1500 Gal Mueller 0 • 200 Gal Sunset • 600 Gal Storage . 50 0 g a | Mueller M •(3) 300 Gal Sunset *7OO 631 Mueller .1500 Gal Mueller •300 Gal Majonmer “M" • 300 Gal Mueller M • 700 Gal Mueller OH . Q 0 Q , G|rton D 5 • 400 Gal Mueller • 700 Gal Mueller O Sunset [JOMBgM .^GalSe! •400 Gal Majonmer • 800 GtEffiElool ' fin r a 1 n Un r * f-Tim ? j rt j°i n D |i 4 . * 2000 Gal Mueller • 500 Gal DanKool • (2) SOfgjjj^Jgtller •500 Gal Mueller 0 ° H .onnfi Rai • 500 Gal Mueller M • 800 Gal Mueller 0 • 500 Gal Sunset *loooGal DanKool •00 G G 1 * 1000 Gal Mueller *° ° Zero ™“ a “ inon OH (3) * 2500 Gal Girton D 5 : a sZT -IOOOGaI Mueller 0 *2500 631 Storage • fim Re * 1000 Gal Girton D 5 * 3000 Gal Globe •600 Gal Mueller M *1250 Gal Storage •SOOflWler • 600 Gal Mueller OH ‘ G*^ ^ D's ' 5 * Ga ßtaitf • 600 Gal Mueller " 1250 BSEEDKooI • 4000 Gal Storage MW * 1250 Gal Van Vetter • 5800 Gal SS • 1250 Raiu.ii.ifHCiHF Storage HEAT EXCHANGERS • Therma Stor 80 • Therma Stor 100 • Mueller Fre Heater 105 Gal. • Therma Stor 111, 120 Gal. • Mueller Fre Heater 50 Gal. • 300-6000 Gal. Storage Tanks Installation. Sales And Setute 505 E Woods Drive Sales 717-626-1151 iLWAYS BEEN GOOD low we’re even better. GOOD products have m Mueller an excellent reputation in dairy ig and storage vessels. And now our products are BETTER than ever: consider our innovation in tank cleaning, for instance. Lrntz, PA 1754 A 24 Hr. Service Northern Service Center 541 Frystown Rd. Myerstown, Pa. 717-933-4711 Ken Kopp