Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1998, Image 11
Fruits And Vegetables This is the second in what is to be a regularly appearing column The Next Best Thing To a New 75th Anniversary One From Our Past 74. ' * \ For 75 years, GLEANER has produced the toughest, most durable combine in the business. From the single piece, all-welded mainframe to the innovative Natural Flow harvesting system, GLEANER combines are made to withstand years of wear and tear. Harvest after harvest. HERNLEY’S FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-8867 1-800-564-2511 GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE INC. Quarryville, PA 717-786-7318 DIRECT RETAIL Farm Marketing about direct retail marketing, made available through the Pen nsylvania Retail Farm Market Association Inc. (PRFMA Inc.) and Penn State Cooperative Extension, and the state Depart ment of Agriculture. The first column was published GLEANER*... '/r"< A [oSaSbI J (ag3 [ jj) 1998 L BHM FARM EQUIPMENT SALES-PARTS-SERVICE Route 934, 2 Miles North of Annville, PA 717-867-2211 B. EQUIPMENT, INC. Waynesboro, Pa. 717-762-3193 in the May 16 issue o/Lancaster Fanning. Since then, Jeff Patton, direct marketing facilitator for the Pa. Department of Agriculture, has offered to be a regular contri butor specializing more with fruits and vegetables. This is his first column. * •*** And because all GLEANER combines share a number of common drives and components, maintenance is easy and replacement parts are readily available. Stop by your GLEANER dealer and he’ll show you why a used GLEANER combine is the next best thing to a new one. For more information about the PRFMA, call its Executive Secret ary John Berry, who is also the Lehigh County Cooperative Extension and regional Penn State Cooperative Extension marketing agent. To join the organization, contact Berry at PRFMA, Lehigh County Cooperative Extension, 4184 Dorney Park Road, Allen town. PA 18104-5798, or (610) 391-9840, or e-mail at jwblS at JEFF PATTON Direct Marketing Facilitator Pa. Dept, of Agriculture Selling fresh produce directly to «, ~ -ill Ma\ GLEANER' AGCO ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE, Inc. 1/2 Mile West off Rt. 501 On School Rd., Bethel, Pa. 717-933-4114 C.J. WONSIDLER BROS. Quakertown, Pa. 215-536-7523 New Tripoli, Pa. 610-767-7611 Oley, Pa. 610-987-6257 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 23, 1998-All consumers offers challenges and opportunities which differ from wholesale producers. The degree of success you enjoy depends upon your creativity and inventiveness, in addition to hard work. Through this column, I will attempt to offer suggestions which you can adapt to your operation, no matter how large or small. There arc many highly success ful, proven strategics which may make a difference to your competitiveness. #!< % ** V* ¥<■ A * ' < ■ ''' Each month I will include my address and phone number so that you can contact me with ideas, suggestions, questions and comments. For comments or sug gestions, contact Jeff Patton, Direct Market ing Facilitator, P.O. Box 68, Hereford, PA 18056; or call (610) 845-7423; fax (610) 845-2955; or e-mail: jpat9B7 at Advertise With Brevi ty Consumer’s time is valuable. They will respond best with simple advertising that can impress within three seconds. Make “stunning clari ty” your official adver tising policy. When designing newspaper display ads, roadside signs, business cards and brochures, balance attractive graphic images with the effective use of words. Illustrate a signle pro duce items instead of a cornucopia. Redo your farm market logo to make it eye-catching. Consider using flyer cards (3.5 inches by 8.5 inches) instead of a bro chure, when you need a detailed handout. Be sure to include strategic information, such as hours of opera tion, specific location, exact time of picking, variety names for pro duce, etc. A double-sided or folding business card may be effective and offers more space for vital information, including a map, or a chart about produce availability. You may need to use the services of a profes sional artist or photogra pher, but the results will be worth the cost The “stunning clari ty” policy may cost more, but it will capture consumers’ attentions. Rekindling Interest Reopen those seed catalogues. Vegetable growers can take the lead in rekindling a produce item that seems to have lost its appeal to consumers. Sales of vegetables like eggplant may need some stimulation by selecting more interest ing varieties and offer ing new cooking ideas. (Turn to Pag* A 25)