V 01.43 No. 27 FARMER Members Care, Make A Difference VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) The political action com mittee of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau held its 18th annual ban quet program Monday at the Her shey Lodge and Convention Center. Calves In the pasture make grazers’ thoughts turn to spring. With warm weather and plenty of moisture, pastures are now growing well in most parts of the Northeast. "According to the Pennsylvania Agriculture Statistics Ser vice, com planting Is approximately one week ahead of the raverage completed at this time. Wheat and barley look Bcod,8 cod, and oats are reported in good condition too. Current sted activities include planting small grains, spreading lime, plowing fields, harvesting and chopping ryelage, machinery maintenance, hauling manure, and caring for livestock. The Nittany Farms, located along Route 322 near Penn State on the way to State College, always provide a pictur esque setting. With the calvefc scattered out over the fore flround as captured early one momlHfc) last week, it was Impossible to drive by without taking this picture. Photo by Bvaratt Nawawangar, managing adltor. Penn State Poultry Club Holds Annual Meeting JUDITH PATTON ; Union Co. Correspondent > STATE COLLEGE (Centre £o.) At the eighth Penn State (Poultry Science Club banquet held May 1, John Hoffman, Pennsylva nia Poultry Council’s executive director, told students their biggest career challenges will be resolving environmental, food safety, and Inimal rightist’s issues. “You're paying the same price fcr chicken now as your grcat ■reat-grandmother did,” Hoffman Mid. But he cautioned that to con ptue to have a self-subsidized U.S. Four Sections The PFB political committee is called FARMER and it selects, endorses and supports fanner friendly political candidates. Following a meal, the event fea tured a special presentation of a certificate of appreciation to PFB President Guy Donaldson from Bill Werhy, chairman of the state agricultural economy these chal lenges must be met Consumers now only pay nine percent of their disposable net income for food. “The most serious challenge of your careers will be making high density farm operations compati ble with a safe and healthy environ ment” Hoffman said. Because the Susquehanna River flows through the heart of Pennsyl vania farm areas into the Cheasa peake Bay, farm nutrients and waste runoff is overly blamed for pollution in the bay. Some states (Turn to Pag* A 33) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 9, 1998 committee of the Pennsylvania office of the USDA Farm Service Agency, on behalf of the USDA, for the generous contributions made by members of PFB in the USDA Farm Service Agency’s national drive to build stocks in food banks across the nation. The contributions arranged Noel and Elizabeth Schlegel have been farming the property since 1983 and pur chased the property from Elizabeth’s parents, Harry and Thelma Herbert, in 1986. A preservation ceremony was held Friday morning on their farm. The farm sign reads “Shaynah Kee," Dutch for “nice cows,” said Noel. Photo by Andy Andrews $29.50 Per Year through PFB made up the bulk of foods collected in Pennsylvania through a special U.S. Department of Agriculture program earlier this year. Originally, the USDA food drive program was all inhouse and was unexpected, initiated just after the New Year. 600 Per Copy That gave only about a month’s time for the national agency to notify all the state agencies and for the state agencies to notify all the regional offices and employees, and then collect the food and distri bute it. Given the short notice of the food drive, most USDA employ ees at most state offices had little time to make allowances to donated food items for local food banks. After the first deadline arrived, a second deadline was created, but as that began to close down to about a week away, USDA began contacting some state farm organi zations to see if they could help out (Turn to Pag* A3O) Land Preserved In Nick Of Time For Farm Viability ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff TOPTON (Berks Co.) Noel and Elizabeth Schlegel were hard pmsied to come up with enough land, literally, to be able to raise enough feed for their dairy herd and for land to spread manure on. After all, they had 60 cows to milk and another 45 replacements to take care of. And the new nutrient manage ment law had Noel worried (Turn to Pag* A2B)