Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1998, Image 88
848-Lancister Filming, Situnliy, April 25, 1998 tues. nov 3- ms Alexander Uve6,ock Mark ® 1 ' 717-249- I" I SeSHW I Dairy and Livestock Sales I I Public Auction Register I w$ 9muth 717-656- __ I Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. I on SR 154’toaScSw’ Equlpmant WED NOV. 4-10 AM. Wolge- cp , K[nu B gpt< D „n„, mn , Horae Sale. 717-354-4341, Holland. Lane. Co.. PA. Horse I of£ch week's publication I 0» P A MMM.mITpA.' W FRI. NOV. 6 - 7PM Mlddleburg Me. Hoover, Auct 717-354- ■ p n ■ firewood, lumber & more Rogers l©°»» Lane u>, ka. woigemum goto e,™ jAfn Gone Lvst Auct Sis. Inc, Middleburg, 8397. Community Auction, Inc, 330- Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, GlIcK 717-667-2703 or Sale Bam PA. Graded Feeder Sale MON. NOV 9-10 AM 100 W 227-3236. Auct 717-935-2146 ' Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Jackson St, New Holland, Lane ■ MBcn straw auc- ti ■>— • Owners. 717-637-2222. Co., Pa Hay ' CI Co„ Pa Hay, grain & straw auc- tiies NOV 3- 7 30PM MON. NOV 2 -10 AM 100 W tion A& C Dlffenbach Auction, A | exander spring Rd., Carlisle, Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Inc. p A Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. LOCATED ON RT. 522, 3 MILES EAST OF MIDDLEBURG, PA OR 4 MILES WEST OF SELINSGROVE, PA APRIL 28, 1998 %gj| TUESDAY NIGHT - 7:30 P.M. Eric Hagest Holstein Herd Dispersal -39 Head * * ' “All Sire Power” All Home Raised Sires Include: Mountain, Oscar, Enhancer, Aires & Ambitious 10 Fresh Within Last 20 Days Several Due In Fall Several Top Dry Cows Many Ist & 2nd Calf Cows Shipping fever shots; SSCC 155,000; individual DHIA records; 17,000 lb herd average; individual cell count; cows are not pushed. “Special Night Sale For A Special Nice Herd” Recommended Clarence Shirk Jim Hostetter 717-867-1483 717-837-2222 Lie. #000357 FAX 717-837-3575 .AIEDaTOCK-aJ 4®<SHOvmCl at Circle L Limousi Make plans now to attend one of the premier Limousin events this year! Saturday, May 2, 1998 • 1 p.m. at Circle L Limousin • Burbank, Ohio Offering Includes 90 Lots of Select Limousin Cattle 30 Bulls • 10 Show Heifer Prospects 50 Spring Cow/Calf Pairs ARER P Keshia Polled BD: 11/16/92 TEXS Ranger Ted x Miss Wolfette 3060 R EPDs-BW; 0.9 BW; 13 YW: 19 MA: 4 TM: 11 SC: -0.5 Maternal sister to Polled Adam Due fall of ‘9B to CLLL Bridgestone Choice of this female or her black, polled 1/2/95 YKCC Polled Touchtone daughter sells. Touchtone daughter Al’d 5/25/97 to Wulfs Rambler Believed safe to Al PE 5/29-8/28/97 to CHR Fanfare GPFF Silhouette Double Polled BO: 5/17/96 Wulfs Rambler 8400 X x GPFF Black Shadow (LKCC Black Nugget 906 U) EPDs-GL: -0.9 BW: 0.1 WW: 7 YW: 21 MA: -1 TM: 3 SC: 0.2 Due 4/5/98 to Foundation. 1 GPFF ——LIMOUSIN CATTLE—i GREEN PASTURES • FAIRLANE FARMS Mike Mcßhee Wayne Emenck 5440 Ravenna Ave Louisville OH 44641 (330) 875-8564 12444 Leffmgwell Rd Berlin Center OH 44401 (330) 547-2402 Circle L Limousin & Land Co , Inc Robert Leatherman owner 4306 W Sterling Road Burbank OH 44214 330/624-2655 • Fax 330/624-3145 Mark Davis Manager Sale Management by; KEN HOLLOWAY 580/597-2419 BRUCE BROOKS 580/276-5137 Route 1, Box 108 Chattanooga, OK 73528 PHONE; 580/597-3006 FAX; 580/597-6619 E-mall: fegrKl AMERICAN CATRE SERVICES. INC. WED. NOV 4 -630 PM 100 W co . . 78 ,. .. . Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co. Pa. Winross, Hess, farm & 11°1 V L Fu S? I toys A&CDiffenbach Auctionlnc s,j ’ New Holland . Lane Co, PA FEEDER CATTLE CONSIGNMENT SALE Thursday, April 30, 1990 Following Weekly Auction Livestock Auction held every Thursday - 4:00 p.m. Jersey Shore Livestock Auction j South of Jersey Shore - Rt 44 814-349-8760 717-398-0111 Bom Itotauronl Farm and Ftoa Marital open opan 11:00 a.m.*? B.DO am. - 5:30 pm , Special Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables JL f Saturday Jk May 16,1998 10:00 A.M. Work Horses, Mules, Driving Horses Quarter Horse Sale Ist Annual Sale June 13th -- Saturday Sale Call Us Now With Your Consignments... We plan to have A Catalog Sale, Registered And Grade Horses will 5e11... Both Sales Managed By New Holland Sales Stables Inc. Barn 717-354-4341 Fax 717-355-0706 Home 717-397-5538 Norman & David Kolb, Mgrs. 6IL One of the Best Angus Offerings of 1998! ABERDEEN-ANGUS PATHFINDER SALE Sunday, May 17,1998 1:00 PM At Mar-Lee Farm near Woodsboro, MD - SELLING 50 SELECTED LOTS 5 Performance-Tested Service-Age Bulls 45 Females, many with outstanding spring calves at side The cattle selling in this sale are rich in the best of Angus performance. They have stacked Pathfinder pedigrees. They have been selected by a committee who carefully analyzed each for pedigree, individuality, performance and production - only the best were chosen! FLASH! An outstanding group of 1997 heifer calves will sell** SUPER SHOW PROSPECTS! For a free reference catalog, contact anyone in the office of the Sale managers, TOM BURKE and KURT SCHAFF, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME, at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone (816) 532-0811. Fax (816) 532-0851. SALE SPONSORED BY MARYLAND ANGUS ASSOCIATION President, Robert Riggs, Brookeville, MD „ Vice-President, Doug Full, Mt. Airy, MD Secretary-Treasurer, I Susan Webb, Gaitersburg, MD !AT NOV. 7- 10 30AM. Mel’s tlon. A 4 C Oil Stables. 834 Wallace Rd, New Inc. Complete Dispersion of the Royal Angus Herd SAT., MAY 2,1998 12:00 Noon Berryville, Virginia 225 Head, 2 Herd Bulls, 100 Cows with Calves (Both Spring and Fall Calvers,) 15 Yearling Heifers, 10 Bred Heifers, One of Virginia’s Reputation Angus Program. Complete Performance Data Available. Free Catalog/lnfo. Tim Schofield - (540) 955-3647 —SHE SELLS: AF Traveler 0125 BW + 4.2 WW +23 Milk+ls YW +46 One of the many descendents of QAS Traveler 23-4 selling through this dispersion. Complete Dairy Dispersal Hohey Brook Farm Thurs.y Apr, 30,1998 @ 10:00 A.M. Located: At the farm on Reservoir Rd. Honey Brook, Pa. From Honey Brook take 322 west. Then turn right on Reservoir Rd. Watch for auction signs. 90 Registered Ayrshires 90 53 Mature cows in good flow of milk currently averaging 50 lbs. a day. R.H.A. 14,770 milk, 3.9 571 Butter Fat, 3.2 479 Protein. Cows freshen year round. 37 Heifers all ages, 8 are due in the next 3-4 months, 12 are short bred or on service. Sample of the cattle selling: Rita - 3 yr. old Fresh 2-2-98 Milked 89 lbs. last test. Reva - (Rita’s Dam ) a Bruce Daughter-has 67,724 of milk in 4 lactations, she is Due 5-19- 98 to reward Ruby - has a 4 yr. old record of 17,172. Due 6-8- 98 to Reward. Her P-9 summer yearling daugh ter by Trident sells. Ritzi - A Trident daughter with 46,000 of milk in 3 lact. Due 5-11-98 Loretta - A Surplus daughter with 2 records over 19,000. Fresh in November had 73 lbs. of milk last test. Bertha - A Jildas Welcome daughter Fresh 3-19- 98 milking 68 lbs. Lorene - A 10 yr. old Dropkick with over 145,000 had 80 lbs. of milk test, has a spring yearling by Surplus and a March calf by Reward selling. Rozanna - 12 yr. old Dropkick with 143,000 milk is Due 6-26*98 Hazel - A Trident daughter Fresh 1-29-98 milking 81 lbs. Rachel - A summer yearling Demand daughter with P-7 Pedigree. Sires of the milking herd: Trident, Jildas Welcome, Legend, Bonaparte and Rebel. Heifer sires are: Sailor, Olympic Gold, Olympic 2, Rebat,e Marathon and Surplus Service Sires in use: Trident, Reward, Wandering Eye, Rebate and Wayne. Auctioneers Note: The Zook family has had this Registered Ayrshire herd for over 60 years. This dairy has tremendous breeding behind it, cattle have not and are not being pushed and are mak ing 50 lbs.!! The Heifers are Outstanding and very well conditioned. These cows will go on to do a great job for their new owners either grazing or conventional. Many cows over 100,000 life time are still in the herd. There are quite a few records over 17,000 lbs. A lot of good solid breed ing in this dairy. The only reason for this disper sal is Alvin has decided to retire So come on out and support the Zook Family, help your self to some great Ayrshire Genetics and see one of the Best Ayrshire herds in Pa. Dispersed. Cattle are all TB, Blood tested and innoculated for shipping fever. Terms: Cash or Good Check Day of Sale Lunch Available Owner: Alvin Zook and Family Honey Brook, PA. 610-273-3028 AUCTIONEER: Bo Elliott AU 3302 L Towanda, PA 717-358-3368 Elliott Auction Service gram & straw auc rtenbach Auction, Pedigrees: C.K. Kerrick Port Alleghany, PA 814-544-7150