Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1998, Image 84
844-Laricaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI SEPT 11-7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auct Sis, Inc Middle burg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717- 837-2222 SAT SEPT 12 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkl, 1 mi E of Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dri ving & nding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover. Aucts SAT SEPT 12-10 AM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Dairy Heifer Sale 717- 354-4341 I MON SEPT 14 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction, Inc TUES SEPT 15 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. 717-249-4511 TUES SEPT 15 -730 PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4511 WED SEPT 16 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 10(1 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED, SEPT 16 &THURS SEPT 17 - 8 30AM 5174 Horst Rd, Chambersburg, PA Lawn & garden, misc (Wed), farm machinery & tractors (Thurs) Manon Auction Service, 717-375- 4700 FRI SEPT 18-9 AM Middleburg Lvst Auct. Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Equipment Sale Clarence Shi* & John Shirk, Owners, 717- 837-2222 FRI SEPT 18-7 PM Middlebura 3rd Annual Steam-O-Rama Consignment Auction Friday, May I, 1998 5:00 PM Saturday, May 2 1998 8:30 AM Held at Steam-O-Rama showgrounds, 1673 Manor Rd., Windsor, PA Directions; From 1-83 Take Rt. 124 East for 7.5 mi. to Manor Rd. Turn Right onto Manor for 3 miles to showgrounds. Friday. 5:00 P.M. - (Partial Listing) - Literatuie including Ford, IHC, Sheppard Diesel, John Deere, Ohio Engine Catalog; Maytag parts catalog; 1927 Cash and Stull, Chester, PA Catalog, Collectibles; marbles, including JD and Indian Motor Cycle, toy tractors and implements; Flat and cut out wrenches including JD and some York, Old hand tools including broad axes, bark spuds and ice tools, JD PTO tire pump, device. & chain brake, hog troughs; small cast iron Cl troughs, milk cans. Saturday. 8:30 A.M. - (Partial Listing)- Several wagon loads of small items, including hand tools. Equipment- Grove and IHC flatwagons, JD wagon running gear; Cockshutt and JD plows; IH 16' 2 pt 2 btm. plow; New Idea 12A manure spreader; Farmhand pto manure spreader; tandem axle farm trailer; hillside hitch (Farmall or JD), 3 pt. attachments including, log splitter, sub soiler, 6’ cutter bar mower, 2 row cultivator. Woods 6’ rotary mower, 8’ blade, 2 row rotary hoe, 1 btm plow, JD rotary mower; Cub belt pulley w/gear box; 3-1 horse sleighs; 4 btm. JD semi-mounted trip plow. 8’ JD Killefer disc; 2 section spike harrow; JD KB A 10’ transport disc; blade for front end loader; JD #5 Mower; JD 801 hitch. Tractors- JD styles “B” hand crank, Super A Farmall w/rotary mower; JD M w/snow plow, 1942 Allis Chalmers “B”, Cockshutt #35; 2-Case “DC” with foot clutch; JD “M”, JD unstyled “A”, JD 630, JD 40 I Crawler Loader; 1953 Ford Jubilee Engines and accessories 4 hp Massey Hams w/pulley, 3 1/2 hp Type L New Way w/pulley; 2-UA-27: IH “LA”, JD “LUC” power unit: Fairbanks Morse 2 hp styled engine w/1 1/2x2 pump on hand truck; Fairmont R/R Engine, and parts engine; 1 'A hp Fairbanks Morse w/pulley on truck, and ignitor, 5 hp New Holland Engine mounted on cart w/New Holland Rock Crusher, to be sold as 1 unit; New Holland Plate Mill Farm Related Tires- 16.9x34 tires on IHC rims, 3-18.9x16 1 rims and tires; 2-9 00x24 rib implement tires Miscellaneous i; 1949 GMC stake body truck (road ready), Myers pump jack; sm. air compressor, sm. Army generator; res cider press, Farmall A drawbar; Case lawn cart, JD “Unstyled A” shutters, crawler tracks for Bobcat, Pr. Case steel wheels, 1 and 2 hole com shellers. Custom trailer hitch for 3/4T Chevy, 2 whl trailer from ‘5B Chevy Pickup, Assorted trailers, 1979 4 cyl. Ford Mustang; 4 plastic sand boxes; 100 pressure treated fence posts; ground scoop, antique winch. Line hydraulics for JD “A”, “B”, or “G”, 5 hp engine from Planet Jr Garden Tractor, 32v. light plant, Overhead ladder rack for pickup. _ Terms- Cash or good check, all items must be settled day of sale Pa. Sales tax will be charged on all applicable items. Sales Tax numbers and forms must be on file day of sale to receive exemption. Additional consignment items accepted thru noon May 1 for Friday night items and 7:00 P.M. May 1 for Saturday sale items. Drop off at sale sight Sat., Apr. 25 by appointment only, Mon., April 27,4 to 8 P.M., Wed. Apr. 29, and Thurs. Apr. 30, 10 AM to 8 PM. and Friday as above. Loading ramps and equipment available. Other Events: Yard Sale- May 1, 2 & 3 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Spaces available by calling (717) 235-1353 to reserve a space. Fun TVactor Pull- Sunday beginning at 11.00. Tractors, 1960 and older, open to anyone, small registration and hookup fees. Good Food all 3 days, plenty of off-road park ing. Volunteer Auctioneers David Conley AU-3269-L Andrew Grothe AU-3417-L and others Sale Info: Floyd Miller 717-755-6946 Chuck Noonan - 717-755-9465 Rich Wisner- 717-225-5251 Don Livingston - 717-259-7527 Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Feeder Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners, 717-837- 2222 FRI SEPT 18-7 PM Mornsville, NY Mornsville Autumn Review Sale The Cattle Exchange, 607- 746-2226 SAT SEPT 19-10 AM New Ho lland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale 717-354- 4341 MON SEPT 21 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay. gram & straw auc tion A & C Diffenbach Auction, Inc CONSIGNMENT AUCTION LAWN & GARDEN OR RELATED ITEMS LOCATION: ROCHERTY PICNIC GROUNDS (AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 241 AND ROCHERTY ROAD) SAT., MAY 9,1998 - 9:00 AM Call Now To Consign Your Lawn Or Garden Tractor, Rototiller, Push Mower, Snowblower Or Anything Related To Outside Activities Including Recreational Items Call: Elvin Gingrich (717) 272-4554 AU003244L Or Roy Shirk (717) 867-1119 AU003248L TUES. SEPT. 22 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St. New Holland, Lane Co, Pa. Quilt, craft & supplies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc WED SEPT. 23 - 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane. Co, PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction. 717-656-2947 VED SEPT 23 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Quilt & craft auction A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc WED SEPT 23 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI SEPT 25 - IPM 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249-4511 __ FRI SEPT 25 - 6PM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717- 354-4341 FRI SEPT 25 - 7PM Finger lakes Livstock Exc , 3865 Rt 5&20, Canandaigua, NY Feeder Cattle Sale 716=394-1515 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1998 9:30 A.M. Located in Tuscarora Township, Juniata Co. 14 miles south of Mifflintown in the Village of McCoysville, Pa. Real Estate 12:00 Noon Country Farmette A new surveyed 6213 acres bordering State road and having approximately 6 acres open, fertile farm ground Erected thereon a 3 bedroom farm house with new improvements inside and out, 1 1/2 bath, new modern kitchen with oak cabinetry and built-in bar adjoining living and dining room. Dwelling also offers full concrete basement, new oil fired central air heating and cooling system, drilled well with water purifying system, standard sewage Other outbuildings include a frame two story chicken house, two story barn and single story chicken house and more 1 Real Estate Terms: 10% down balance in 30 days. Showing April 25th and May 2nd from 12-3 p.m. or inspection by appointment. Phone: 717-734- 3980. Selling Antiques, Tools & Household Items at 9 - 30 a.m. Sale for: Mabel B. Beale, Delores B. Henry, Wanda B. Smith, Owners Bryan D. Imes, Auctioneer Complete Auction Service Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L REDDL -Fj UCK - TOOLS-FARM HARDWARE - SOFTWOOD LUMBER - ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD The undersigned having sold farm, will sell the following - located from Emmitsburg, MD - take MD Rt. 140 into PA, continue 3/4 mile on Rt. 16 - turn right onto Orchard Road or from PA Rt. 116 and Rt. 16 at Zora (near bank), go South to Orchard Road - sale signs posted - on MONDAY - MAY 4,1998 - 4:00 P.M. International Farmall Model 560 gas tractor - tri cycle, fast hitch, remote, 15.5x38 rears, with IH Model 2000 loader w/hyd. bucket; Farmall Model F-20 tractor on rubber, runs; International Model S-160 truck - 1957 Model w/flat bed; 1- owner like new Hesston Model 530 round baler; John Deere Model 1065 chassis, tele, tongue, 16 ft. pipe bale thrower wagon; Zimmerman Model 08 chassis w/16 ft. pipe bale throw wagon; 28 ft. hay or grain elevator w/electric motor; New Holland Model 15 wagon chassis w/16 ft. flat bed wagon; Hesston haybine for parts; MF 5-bar hay rake; IH 3x16” fast hitch trip back plows; Case 9 ft. trans. disc harrow; spring tooth harrow; fast hitch I-beam subsoiler; 7 ft. fast hitch scraper blade; round bale spear for loader; Lilliston 7-1/2 ft. pull type rotary mower; nice 2-wheel 30 ft. cat tle ensilage feeder wagon; Farmco 2-wheel 24 ft. ensilage or hay feeder wagon; round bale feeders; nice pipe farm gates; large liquid mineral cattle lick tank; SS double wash sink; SS milkers and buckets; stainless bulk milk tank; Alamo 3 HP milker compressor; Southern States milk com pressor; 8 ft. aluminum truck cap; 2-wheel cart; calf work ing chute; electric fencers; log chains; Win Power Model 6 portable generator; Lowes 18 HP 2 cyl. lawn tractor w/46” mower deck; P.P. Mast & Co. antique cider press; 1 & 2 man saws; buck saws; wood advertising boxes; horse drawn plows & cultivators; tele, poles; 200 & 300 gallon gas & diesel tanks w/hand pumps; 24 ft. aluminum shifting ladder; wood work benches; metal shelv ing; new 6” bench vise; lot lawn & garden hand tools; large amount shop hardware; scrap iron; wood barrels; grindstone; shoe last, hay fork; milk cans; sleds; hand washer; Columbian cook stove; wall parts cabinets; bucket-a-day stove; lot blue jars; canning jars; 3 pc. mohair sofa set; kitchenware items; base cabinets. LUMBER: Very nice lot pine boards - 9”-10” wide - 16 ft. long. TERMS: Cash or Approved Check Lunch Truck Clip Ad For Reference MR. & MRS. ROBERT E. BAKER OWNERS REDDING AUCTION SERVICE - PA No. RH-78-L Gettysburg, PA - PH: 717-334-6941 at Bnckerville Turn West on Newport Road approx 4 miles to property on Left 8 1 acre farmette with private setting approx, 1000 ft off Newport Rd Custom built rancher w/over 2200 SF on Ist floor Large coun try kitchen, formal dining rm ,/living rm with hand cut brick fire place, 3 full baths and laundry 650 SF additional finished area in lower level Attached 2-car garage & detached 3 stall horse bam 36’x3T w/fenced pasture NOTE: Very unique property w/many custom features Including solid wood panel doors, natural stain tnm, open beam ceiling, hot tub, skylights, heat pump & central air, mature trees & shrubbery Ideal quiet country location Unique opportunity to buy a pnme property at auction' Terms 10% down balance 60 days Inspection by appointment or Open House Saturday, May 9, 16 & 23 from 1 to 4 pm For details, additional information, picture brochure, financing, etc , call Auctioneers 717- 733-1006 Auction Conducted By Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers Lie #499L -513 L -2116 L Ph 717-733-1006 PUBLIC SALE Of Used Lumber, Chicken and Hog House Equipment, Electrical Supplies and RVIC IN- Wood-Working Equipment Saturday, May 2,1998 At 9:30 A.M. Location: 1700 Ritner Hwy., Shippensburg, Rt. 11, approx. 3 mi. north of Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA. 5 TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS OF USED LUMBER " 3000 pc. 2”x6”xB' treated, 1200 pc 2”x6"xlo’, 600 pc. 2”x6”x7’; 1000 pc. 2”x4”xB’ & 10’ & 12’; 40 pc 2"x12”x16’; 40 pc. 2”xlo”xl2’, 200 pc. 2”x8”xl0’ & 12’, 40 pc. 2”x6”xl6’; 300 pc 3/4”x2’xB’ plywood, 55 pc 37’ roof trusses; 175 white painted steel - 12’ long; 175 pc. white painted steel - 14’ long; NEW 1400 board feet pine lumber. 150 pc. woven wire, 4’xB’ 5/16” guage, good cond.; 200 pc. 4’xB’ expanded metal, exc. cond , 14 s.s. nursery feeders, like new; 32 s.s. hog slat feeders, 12 hole, like new; 5- 24T. feed bins; 2- 12T feed bins; 1-6 T feed bin; 15 heat pad con trollers, thermostats; 25 s.s. farrowing crate feed ers, 300’ 3/8” s.s. cable; 1000 ft. 1/4” s.s. cable; 5 power vent controllers; 5-Leyscraper winches w/2 h.p. motors, 400-10’ dropping boards, 1800 ft. Choretime swish cup waterers w/drop cables; 60-21”x54”x6’ height carts w/roller bearing wheels. USED ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, MOTORS AND FANS 125 electric motors - 1/2 to 2 h.p.; 25-3 phase motors, 1 h.p.; 15 Feedlme motors; 1-400 amp service switch; 1-600 amp service switch; switch boxes and electrical controls; 6-200 amp breaker boxes; 15-16” tube fans; 8-36” fans; 16-48” fans; 25-36” louvers and power shutters. USED WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT 18” Rockwell planer, 3 phase motor; Dewalt 790 12” arm saw; 12” Powermatic heavy duty table saw w/5 h.p. 3 phase motor; 10” Delta table saw. portable dust collector w/3 h.p. 3 phase motor. MISC. USED ITEMS 25 rolls rubber belting - 3/4”x40”; 15-3”x6” I beams, 14’ long; 35 pc 2”x2o’ pipe; 8-7”xB’ steel posts; 8-4”xB' steel posts. 3 wagon loads small items, misc. electrical parts and supplies, etc. NOTE: If you are on the market for building materials, make plans to attend this sale. This is the biggest sale yet! ORDER OF SALE: Small items, woodworking equipment, hog and chicken equipment trusses and lumber. Auct. Lamar Z. Sensenig Lie. #AU-001803-L Ph. 717-532-9160 Lunch Stand Reserved • Not Responsible for Accidents Term* By: GIDEON K. & RHONDA J. LAPP 717-665-5563 Linda Kling, Atty. AUCTIONEERS USED HOG AND CHICKEN HOUSE EQUIPMENT Terms by. LAWRENCE R. MARTIN 1700 Ritner Hwy. Shippensburg, PA 17257 Ph. 717-530-8443