834-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 25, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT MAY 9 - 8 30AM West Par adise Rd , Mt Pleasant Mills, Perry Twp , Snyder Co , PA Real estate, 33 acres w/2 sty frame dwelling, antiques, Hh goods, col lectibles, car & lawn & garden By The Hemtzelman-Troutman Chil dren Roger A Lauver & Dean E Longacre, Aucts SAT MAY9-SAM 319 N Cedar St, Lititz, Lane Co , PA Pocket watches, antiques, collectibles & Hh goods By Polly Yerger Hoover’s Auct Svc , 717-626- 4984 SAT MAY 9-9 AM At the blinker light in Numidia, PA, S on 1 8 mi & turn on Bear Gap Rd & go 3 5 mi to the Hornberger Farm Antiques, coll, guns & sporting goods, Hh goods yard, farm, trac tors, power equip George J & George H Henry, Auct, 717-799- 5351 SAT MAY 9-9 AM 402Pnnceton St, Martmsburg, WV Furniture, antiques, glassware, misc , Hum mels, guns & other collections By William Austin Estate J G Cochran, Auct. 301-739-0536 SAT MAY 9-9 AM 5411 Street K 3 Rd, Kirkwood, PA Farm equip, guns, horses, milking equip, Hh goods, books, antiques, constr tools, bldg mat & misc Rich Wit mer, Auct, 717-529-1210 - leave message SAT MAY 9 - 9AM Bareville Fire Co, 211 E Mam St, Leola, Lane Co, PA Furniture, antiques, Hh goods & much more Bechtold AuctS. 717-397-9240 SAT MAY 9 - 9AM Jacob Flaud farm, 2 mi W of Newburg on 641, l onto Mowersville Rd, to Burns! Mill Rd, 1 mi to sale 23rd Ann HUGE ABSOLUTE public Auction VINTAGE MILITARY VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT & PARTS, VINTAGE RAMBLER, AMC & JEEP VEHICLES, VINTAGE CAR PARTS, RESTORED CASE TRACTOR, HIT & MISS ENGINES, EARLY MARINE ENGINES, MOTOR HOME, TRAILERS & MUCH MORE. FROM THE COLLECTION OF DONALD SIVER. SAT., MAY 9,1998 ☆ 9:00 A.M. LOCATED AT: 2840 Strasburg Road, Coatesville, East Fallowfield Twp., Chester County, PA. From Route 30 Bypass, take Route 82 South through Coatesville to Strasburg Rd„ turn right to auction approx imately 1 mile on left From Route 41 at Atglen, take Route 372 East to Pomeroy, at Old Stottsville Inn, go straight on Strasburg Rd. to auction approximately 2 miles on right. Watch for signs. VINTAGE MILITARY VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT it (2) Mity Mites, Ml5l Jeep, DKW Munga, Clark Airbom Dozer, Navy Ambulance. M 715 1-1/4 Ton Truck, M-561 Gamma Goat, M-100 Trailers, M 416 Trailer, 1941/42 Autocar 4WD Wrecker w/Hercules Engine, WWII Worthington Chief Tractor, Military Generators, Spotlight Trailer, Jeep Frames. Motors, Thousands of Vintage Parts, Tank Tow Bars, Radios, All Types of Vehicle Equipment Manuals, Military Tires & Wheels and Much, Much More. Jeep Cherokees, AMC Gremlins, Matadors, Javelins, Rebels, Marlins, Mail Jeeps, Jeep Pick Ups, and More. Some Running, Some for Parts. it VINTAGE TRACTORS, HIT & MISS ENGINES & GARDEN TRACTORS it Restored Case DC Tractor, Early Case Tractor w/Sickle Bar (unrestored). Case 644 Tractor w/Loader; Case 466 16 HP Lawn Tractor w/Deck, Case 222 16 HP Mower w/Deck. Case Riding Mower, Case Truck Ster, (3) Vintage David Bradley Garden Tractors, Over 50 Early Hit & Miss Engines. Motors & Pumps. Generators, Lawn Mowers & Much Much More 1 # WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOME & CAR TRAILERS i* i? VINTAGE AMC PARTS & MANUALS it Thousands of Parts Including Body Parts, Bumpers, Engine Parts, Hundreds of Hubcaps, Rambler & Nash Items & More ■cr COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS tY Early Advertising Items, Lots of Household Goods, Kitchen Items, Tools & Much More PAYMENT TERMS: Payment m full day of auction with cash, PA or approved check No out of state checks accepted without bank guaran tee letter. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Everything sells to the highest bidder regardless of price. Many hard to find vehicles & parts Call Auctioneers for complete vehicles listing. This is a very partial listing - many items yet to be unpacked. Three Auctioneers Selling. Don’t Miss It 1 DARR D/yis AUCTIONEERS^ Stephen J. Barr - AU-002422-L James S. Davis Jr. - AU-002421-L Gap, PA 17527 • (717) 442-9221 Consign Sale, quilts, shrubbery, flowers, furn , Hh goods, lawn & garden equip & more By Cum berland Valley Amish Schools Steve Petersheim & Others, Aucts SAT MAY 9-9 AM Rocherty Pic nic Grounds, comer of Rt 241 & Rocherty Rd, PA Lawn & garden or related items consign auct Elvm Gmnch & Roy Shirk, Aucts, 717-272-4554 or 717-867-1119 SAT MAY 9-9 AM 925 S Cocal ico Rd, Denver, (near Schoe neck), West Cocalico Twp, Lane Co , PA Real estate, 3 bdrm country rancher, furniture, antiques, gold, tools & coins By Daniel B Martin Aaron E Martin Auction Service SAT MAY 9 - 9AM The Voca tional Bldg , Rt 419, Cornwall, PA Cornwall-Lebanon School Dist Surplus School Equip Auc tion By Cornwall Lebanon School District Nelson L Ebersole, Auct, 717-867-5221 SAT MAY 9 - 9AM R D #2, btwn Cressona & Pine Grove, Equipment Liquidation: Pallet rack; gon dola shelving: garment racks; showcases, shopping carts, office equip: material han dling equip, more! Everything goes - cheap. 10% Buyers Premium. In progress, make offers now. Visit/call this selected Jumbo Snorts store only: 3850 Union Deposit Rd., Harrisburg (717) 545-3999. It’s business as usual at all other stores! it AMC CARS & TRUCKS it (Approximately SO Vehicles) Plenty of Good Food Available Announcements day of auction take precedence over previous advertising. Sweet Arrow Lake Rd, Pine Grove, PA 11 Acre farmette, barn, summer house, milk & brooder houses, 3 vehicle storage bldg By Ellen & Richard Kline Raymond P & Suzanne J Stump, Aucts SAT MAY 9-9 AM 1257 W Mam St (Rt 322), Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Real estate, 2-1/2 sty brick Tudor, antiques, Hh goods, toys, tools & car By Ann M Wenger Horst Aucts,7l7-859-1331 SAT MAY 9 - 9AM At square in Strasburg, turn S on S Decatur, go 2-1/2 mi to sale at 839 May Post Office Rd, Lane Co, PA Hh goods & antiques By Amos S & Mary S Zook Robert E, Jeffrey R , Michael L Martin & Randall L Ranck, Aucts SAT MAY 9-9 AM 4900 Pine Hill Rd , Dover, York Co, PA Antqi ues, coll, butcher items, tools & guns By Dale F, Sr & Janet Shoemaker Stermer’sAuct Svc, 717-292-2245 SAT MAY 9-9 AM R-Own-Oairy Build, 1 mi Eof Matamoras, PA Off Rt 225 Take Rt 22/322 to Dauphin, Rt 225 -AJ to Mata moras, Eon Matamoras Rd, 1 mi to sale Signs Hh goods, antiques, collectibles, boat, fish ing equip, tractor, lawn equip & tools By Russell Corsmtz Estate Dave Deibler & Ed Shoop, Aucts 'SAT MAY 9-9 AM 181 S Kish St, Belleville, PA Real estate, 10- 1/2 acre farmette, Hh goods & fur- Auction Conducted For: Barr/Byler Partnership nlture By Eva L Kauffman MarK SAT MAY 9- 9 30AM 733 E Glick, Auct Slate St (rear), turn at Hamburg SAT MAY 9 - 9AM Near Gratz, Elem School, to Pear Alley &E to PA on Rt 25 Consignment Sale, auction Real estate, Hh goods, farm machinery, laWn & garden, 1987 Mercedes diesel By Lloyd building suppling, etc, etc Rick G K Klmmel Klinger Aucts, 610- Foreman 4 Linn lenker, Aucts 562-4286 PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF HIT and MISS MOTORS, POWER TOOLS, TOOLS, and ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE PARTS SAT., MAY 2,1998 at 9:00 AM AT 319 N. CEDAR STREET LITITZ, PA 17543 Take Rt. 501 N or S to Lititz Square; Go East on Rt. 772 One Block; Ttirn North on Cedar Street; Go Approximately 3 Blocks; Sale on Right, Look For Signs. HIT and MISS MOTORS/ John Deere 550 RPM Model 279008, Hit and Miss Motor Engine #129509 RPM 550, H.P. 1-1/2 E. ANTIQUE TRUCK and CAR PARTS/ Stewart Odometers, Yankee Reflex Lenses, Do Ray Nobby Lenses, Gopher Truck Fans, Dietz Beacon Kerosene Lights, Dietz Model #275 Turn Signals, Studabaker Lights, Lacatite Lenses, Mack Truck Parts, Classic Car Parts of Various Models and Makes, Transmissions, Carburetors and Other Parts, Aviation Parts. Power Tools and Hand Tools/ Acetylene Torch Set, David Bradley Super Power Rototiller with Supplements, Wisconsin Steam Roller, New Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, New Craftsman 6-1/8 Jointer, New Sears Garage Door Opener, Craftsman 100 Table Saw, Craftsman 12” Band Saw, Marquette AC Arc Welder, Black and Decker 6" Bench Grinder, Echo Weed Wacker, Sears 1 HP Air Compressor, Craftsman Belt Sander, Black and Decker 475 RPM Drill, Skill Belt Sander, Craftsman Router, Craftsman Electric Impact Wrench, Casco Drummel Tool, Skill Saw, Large Lot of Tool Boxes (New and Used), Drill Bit Sets, Large Lot of Hand Tools of All Types, Craftsman 12” Wood Lathe, Bench Top Metal Lathe, Early Cast Iron Belt-Driven Lathe, Home Light AP 215 Pump, Craftsman Shop Vacuum, New Band Saw and Circular Saw Blades of All types, New Bench Top Craftsman Miter Box Saw, Cast Iron Beechwood 22 Gallon Stpve, Floor Jacks of All Types, Jack Stands, Wood Chisel Sets, Large Lot of Shovels, Digging Irons, Picks, Axes, Sledge Hammers and Rakes, Trailer Bed Tool Box, Antique License Plates, T.H. Witherby Wood Chisel Set, #490 Arco Mossburg Spark Plug Socket Set, Early Advertising Gasoline and Oil Cans, Pyrene Brass Fire Extinguishers, DE Forest Radio (Home Type), DT 700 Telegraph Apparatus, Hand Crank Oil Pumps, Early Briggs and Straton Motors, Pennsylvania Electric Tube Tester, Red Diamond Explosive Crates, Jubilee Spark Plug Intensifiers, Hardware of All Types, Towing Chains, Floor Ramps, Lawn Spreader and Garden Sprayers, Jack Hammer Bits, Alemite Model 6521 Volume Tractor Pump, Grease Guns of All Types, Battery Tester, Anthes B-102 Sealed Beam Bulb and Fuse Kits, Wooden Nail Buckets, Vacuum and Fuel Pump Testers, New Car Parts of Various Types, Kerosene Floor Heaters, Craftsman Router Table, Tool and Die Bits, Wood Clamps, Craftsman Radial Saw Accessories Kit, Craftsman Spring Type Tube Vendor Set, Hacksaws and Hand Saws, Electric Cham Saws, Electric Hedge Trimmers, Portable Air Tanks, Utility Organizers, Cast Iron Floor Dollies, Craftsman Airless Paint Sprayer, Ambu Voltage Meters, Early Champion Priming Spark Plugs, Split Dorf Spark Plugs, Antique Usaco Deluxe Air Compressor, Electrical and Plumbing Fixtures, PVC Pipe, Early TV and Radio Tubes, New 275 Gallon Oil Tank, New Shop Lights of All Types, Heavy Machinery Bushings and Bearings, Wood and Aluminum Ladders, Window Sash, Galvanized Tubs and Cans, Metal Shelving, Work Shop Benches, Snow Fencing, Barn Strap Hinges, Johnson Sea Horse Outboard Motor, Large Lot of Box Lots and Other Merchandise Not Listed Day of Sale. Cash or Good PA Check No Out-Of-State Checks Mil HOOVER'S AUCTION SERVICE KURT S. HOOVER AUCTIONEER I LIC #AU-003035L I (717) 626-4984 SAT MAY 9-10 AM 300 N Corn- SALE FOR: POLLY YERGER Erma Miller, P.O.A. TERMS OF SALE: wall Rd, Lebanon, PA Real S AT MAY 9 -10 AM Comer ol estate, 1 acre w/2 sty frame Hartzdale & Zimmerman Dr, house 4 garage, personal proper- camp mu, PA. Vehicles, garage & ty 4 motorcycles By Louise Roar- \ au to equip & office equip By ty 4 Kathy Schwalm Jessica Ann Model Motors Nissan Bryan D Shaub, Auct, 717-786-8919 ' imas, Aunt . 717-527-2449 _ #### ANNUAL #### COMMUNITY SALE OF THE GOODVILLE FIRE CO. TO BE HELD ON MAY 16,1998 TO LIST ITEMS CALL: DAYTIME 7:00 am to 6:30 pm H.M.Z. ENTERPRISE 717-656-4268 MARTIN LAWN & GARDEN 717-445-5103 AFTER 6:30 pm FIRE CO. 717-445-4040 IF NO ANSWER LEAVE MESSAGE DEADLINE MAY 4,1998 CONSTRUCTION * FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY. HAY 2nd, 1998 At 9:30 A.M. at Visscher Farm, Rte. 282 2 miles south of Nichols, N.Y. use Exit 62 off Rt. 17 Expressway or 20 miles north of Towanda-Wysox, Pa. via Rte. 187 CONS! NMENT#I: retired contractor - 1988 Cat 931 C track loader Ser. #2BJ00102; Cat D-3 w/6 way blade Ser. #79113899; Case 580 Super E backhoe; 1992 Case 1845 C skid steer, bucket, forks, tracks, hydraulic snowplow blade and D 125 backhoe attachment for skid steer - like new; John Deere diesel 4WD tractor. 3 pth.. hydraulics, 216 hours; J.D. 216 finish mower; J.D. roto tiller 3 pth.; York 3 pth. stone rake and York 4’ pull stone rake; 3 pth. rotary mower; post hole digger 3 pth.; J.D. #25 one bottom 3 pth. plow; 1-1/4 ton Eager Beaver roller; 1974 Mack R6OO dump truck; 1995 Hudson 10 ton trailer air brakes; IR 130 air compressor; JD diesel potver; JD 160 LOT mower tractor; various buckets; bucket thumb; Promark 210 brush chipper 18 hp Kohler; roto power snake; hydraulic post auger w/gas power hydraulic unit; stone power trowels; Stow plate tamp; electric and air jack hammers and accessories; sand blaster, cut off saw; stone mortar mixers; air grinders 3 portable generators; Forney Welder; JD log splitter: BCS tractor with sicklebar roto tiller and broom attachments; power nailers; sheet rock lift; aluminum brake; sheet rock stilts; Devillibis air compressor; ham mer drills; floor sand; edge sander; belt conveyor; hi pressure washer motorized; weed wackers; 2 Hakco self-propelled floor cleaning machines; lawn rollers; some track parts; tracks; rollers; etc. Plus Other Items: JD 450 C dozer; Int. 500 C dozer; Case W-14 wheel loader with 4 in 1; Hem Warner Excavator model Cl 2; office trailer; Int. 500 C w/6 way blade CONSIGNMENT FROM A TREE FARMER: Zetor 5245 4WD tractor; Kubota 87100 4x4 w/front all angle blade; John Deere 820 3 pth. diesel tractor; Farmall Cub w/Woods 42” mower; Int. Cub Lowboy w/one pth, Woods front mower - hydrostatic; Farmall Super “C”; 2 Woods 48” 3 pth finish mowers; Scag Mower 48” (motor prob lem); 6’ King Cutter (new); Woods 6’ Rotary mower, parts Cub tractor; 2 sickle bar mowers; JD 2X plow; 1 btm. flip over plow; Woods Clipper; 3 btm. 2 pth plow Clark 8000 lb. Forklift with side shift Retired Coi dump truck and trailer. SAWMILL: 671 powered mill, live deck, blade, carriage, etc 1986 Olds, Cutlass Cierra, 4 dr., auto, A/C; 1988 Olds. Calais, 2 dr. quad 4, auto, A/C FARM EQUIPMENT: John Deere 4320 tractor 4WD assist. w/JD #5B loader, new rubber and paint; New Holland 489 haybine; J.D. 660 dolly wheel rake; J.D. 327 baler w/thrower, “nice”; 2 bale wagons; JD F 145 4 bottom plow; JD 494 A com planter; Dion S.U. wagon and gear, NH 27 blower; IH 1150 grinder mixer; 3 pth. fert. spreader; NH 411 discbine; 3 Ferns Commercial mowers “new”; JD 716 S.U. wagon; MF T sicklebar mower. Only a partial listing More by sale time Construction or farm consignments welcome No small items or tires, please! TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK Lunch Available HOWARD W. VISSCHER Sales Manager and Auctioneer Nichols, N.Y. 607-699-7250 ir Sends: JCB backhoe; Chev )t Cl irmer