Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. or each week’s publication SAT APR 25 - BAM 145 Rich- SAT. APR. 25 - BAM*PM. Liberty land Rd, Myerstown, Millcreek poro Blda. Liberty, PA Hunt- Twp, Lebanon Co, PA. Antiques, ing/Fisfiing/Collectibles collectibles, furniture, milk bottles, Show/Sale. For info-717.324- coins, Holstein memorabilia By *540 Howard & Amanda Weiss. Harry H. Bachman, Auct., 717-867- 1809 , LANDSCAPING AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1998 9:30 A.M. Trucks, plows, tractors, skid steers, trees, shrubs. Ron Gilligan will conduct a public auction for SHAWVER LANDSCAPING - due to going out of business. Auction will be located 1 mile North of Pleasant Gap, PA (Centre Co) along Rt. 26 N. (Approx. 1/4 mile from Sunset West Restaurant. For sale will be the following: 1989 Chevrolet Scottsdale 2500 4x4 w/V-8 engine pickup truck, 1989 Chevrolet Cheyenne 1500 4x4 pickup w/auto trans., 350 V 8 gas eng., 6 Myers 7 ft angle snow plow, 1989 Ford Lariat F-250 Pickup 4x4 w/auto trans., V 8 eng., air, cruise, dual tanks, bed liner, Reese hitch & Myers 7 ft. power angle snow plow, 1989 Ford XLT Lariat F-150 pickup w/4x4, tilt, air, cruise, dual tanks, V 8 eng., 1985 Chevrolet 10 series, Silverado pickup w/V8 engine & Valk 7 ft. power angle, snow plow w/hydrauhc over electric, 1979 Ford F-150 Ranger 4x4 pickup w/auto trans., 400 eng & Myers hyd angle plow John Deere Mod 970 diesel 4x4 utility tractor w/80 loader & J Deere 8A backhoe, 1995 Bobcat 7753 diesel skidsteer, 1991 Bobcat 743 diesel skidsteer w/bucket, Grouser tracks (2 months old), 32 caretree standard digger w/outnggers, Bobcat 6-A landscape rake, Bobcat 6 ft. combi nation material bucket w/diggers, Satoh 650 gas tractor -28 horse westendorf hyd. loader only 914 hours, 3-like new Toro mod. 62 walk behind mowers w/dollys - approx. 15 hours each, 3 Toro Mod. 52 walk behind mowers w/dollys, 2-hke new Anens ST 724 2 stage walk behind snow blowers, Snapper 824 Walk behind snow blower, J Deere 1032 Snow blower, plus other new & used mowers, 1987 Hudson tandem lowboy trail er - 18 It. -10,000 lbs. - flatbed w/treated floor. Buyers tailgate spreader, Goosen Bale shredder w/Honda 11 h.p. gas eng. (Sets m pickup bed), York rake, 3 pt., harrow, 200 gal. poly tank w/elec pump-water only, 8 ft. transport cultim ulcher, Thiel steel pickup dump bed insert w/elec. controls, 5 ft. Bnllion 3 pt hitch seeder... Office Equipment - computer - 486 Computer w/33 Mz, 400 MB Hard Drive & 16 meg. Ram, Computer- Pentium 120 MHz w/16 meg. ram & landscaping program, Tandy DOS based computer, Tandy Monitor keyboard & printer, 2- Tandy Dot Matrix Printers, HP color inkjet printer, Royal Cash Register, HP Plain Paper Fax Machine, Mustek flat bed scanner, Transnet credit card machine and printer, 3 - AT&T - Link Telephones, 2 -cord less phones, adding machines, 7-2 drawer file cabinets, 3 desks, office chairs... LP Ventless propane fireplace with mantle (40,000 BTU) new, New LP vented, gas fireplace insert (40,000 BTU) - Thermostat controlled w/blower, LP free-standing enviro-gas #B2B - BTU direct vent w/blower, LP enviro-gas EG-95 (40,000 BTU) B-Vent w/thermostat & blower, Vallor Wall LP gas unit, Vallor unlog fire place... Concrete lawn ornaments, fountains, wooden 1/2 barrels, wooden lawn steel wheeled wagons, wheelbarrows, Christmas Wreath Making Machine, 50 Bags of Compost, Landscape & Railroad ties, New 250 gal. Fuel tank, used 250 gal. tank w/pump, flagstone... Globe Arborvitae, other arborvitae trees, Irg. selection of crabapple trees, holly, azaleas, spira, thosta, juniper, lilac, old fashioned lilac, blue spruce, 6-8 & 10 ft. pine trees, dogwood trees, fruit trees, red bud, plus over 500 more trees not listed . various amounts of crockery, pots, fiber pots, fertilizer. Bulb-tone, Holly-Tone, stuffed Teddy Bears, Baskets, craft type holly items, lawn and garden t 0015... plus much more too numerous to mention TERMS: Cash or Check Day of Auction Auction by: SHAWVER LANDSCAPING Don’s #359-4454 Food & Job Johnny Available - Tents if needed. Auctioneers: Ron J. & Ron S. Gilligan AU339L & AU343OL Note: items will be mixed in through the day - Don’t be late. OWNERS & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPON SIBLE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS All Oral Information Day of Auction Takes Precedence Over Any And All Written Ads. Notary Will Be On Hand To Do Title Work - Bring Proof of Insurance A™ 2 5-BAM Teitsworth i\.T? rd ’ Gr °veland, (Gene see), NY. 28th Ann. NY’s favorite Consign Auct Roy Teltsworth, Sale, cons *- ojulp. demolition Inc.. Aucts.. 716-243-1563. «l u iP-.“fi*? ■ «!»**?. SAT. APR. 125 • B:3OAM. Comer of U™oXantes 8 * S' P {'.-j 1 °P’ Vllsmeier Auct Co, 215-628- colns, trains, iumiture, piano, fine 5333 oak china closet, lamps, TV, sofa & chairs By Mary Louise & Robert Albert Keller Aucts, 717- 653-8871 SAT. APR. 25 - B:3OAM. - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Mlddleburg Lvst. Auct. Sis Inc., Mlddleburg, PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners. 717-837-2222. SAT APR 2S-8.30AM. R D7#3, SAT. APR 25 - 9AM Bonnie Box 449, Gladco Rd., Hanover, Brae Auct., Rt 724, Spnng City, York Co, PA. Hh goods, wood ra Annual Mower* Equip Auct shop equip, scaffolding, boat & Richard J Moyer, Auct, 610-948- camping trailer. By Naomi & the 8050 late John McMaster Randy Hilk er, Auct, SAT APR 25 - 9AM Troy Fair- grounds, Gate 3, Troy, Bradford SAT. APR 25 -8-30 AM Chance- Co, PA. Spnng Farm Machinery ford Comm Center, 7miSE of Consignment Auction & Maple Red Lion, turn at the Brogue Post Festival. Shaylor Aucts , 717- Offlce &go 1 block. Antiques, Hh 297-3278 a "S, SAT APR. 25 - 9AM Four All equip., Cadillac, baseball cards, seasons 104 N Hanover St tools, bldg, materials By Hummelstown pa Excess Clarence Enfield, Leatha Bair |Aven7orv Rchard A fllrk Sechrist Aucts., 71L244^ ; ..__ _____ Aucts ,717-545-5911. SAT APR. 25 - 8 30AM. Vilsmeier Auct Co. Yard 2, Rt. 309/Bethlehem Pike, Mont gomeryvllle, PA Annual Spring WILLIAM & MARJORIE BOISE FARM EQUIPMENT & HEREFORD CATTLE AUCTION South New Berlin, N.Y. Saturday, May 2nd, 1998 11:00 A.M. Auction to be held at Farm on Country Rte. 18, South New Berlin, NY (17 Miles North of Sidney). Take NYS Rte. 23, 8 1/2 Miles East of Norwick through SNB to Left on Country Rte. 18, Proceed 3 Mites to Auction, watch for Arrows. (8) Mature Cows, Most will be fresh by Sale w/Calves by Side; (3) Yearling Hfrs; (7) Yearling Bulls; (1) Service Bull. A Real Nice Group of Herefords. All home raised, a good place and a good time to buy for the pasture. Farm Equipment (54 years At The Same Place JD 4230 Tractor w/SG Cab, Quad range trans., good 18.4x38 tires, 4100 Org. Hours; Showroom Condition!; JD 4020 Diesel Fender Tractor, Side Console, Good 20.8x34 Tires, w/JD 48 Bucket Loader, Real Nice; JD 2020 Gas Tractor, Rabbit & Turtle Trans.; JD 630,2 cyl. Gas Tractor, WFE, 3 pth., PS, Real Nice; JD 420 2 cyl. Gas Tractor, WFE; JD 420 2 cyl. Gas, Crawler-Dozer w/blade; 1972 Ford Flatbed Dump Truck; JD 3940 Harvester w/new short knives, 2 Row Com Head, 5 1/2 PU Head, Nice; JD 145 A, 4x Plow; Long 985, 10’ Disc; JD 3 pt. Or pull type 16’ drag; McConnel 12’ Drag; 4’ Hyd. Stone Picker; 8’ Wide Disc; JD 494 A 4x Com Planter; JD 65 Blower; Gehl 630 + 710 SU Wagons; Kasten 663 SU Wagon; JD 1327 Discbine Mower; JD 224 T Baler w/30 Kicker; Kuhn 452 T Hay Tedder, w/Chubby Tires; JD 640 Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheel; (4) Good 16’ Wooden Hay Wagons on Good Gears; Little Giant 40’ H&G Elevator on Wheels; 18’ and 12’ Skeleton Elevators; Bush Hog 305, 5’ Heavy Duty Rotary Mower, 80 hp gear box, real nice; JD FBA Grain Drill, really nice; MF 3 pth. Sickle Mower; Gehl MS 117 Manure Spreader w/End gate; Baltimatic 3 pth. Fert. Spreader; 8’ Land roller; Crop Sprayer, 120 ga.; s’xlO’ FenceTrlr.; 4’x7’ DumpTrlr.; Farmi 3 pth. Logging Winch; American Wood Splitter on Wheels; Ford Back Blade; Bam Fans; (2) Honda Mopeds; Uebler 870 Power Feed Cart, gas engine; Agrimetal Bedding Chopper; NH 770 - JD 494 A Corn Planter for parts; Milk Cans; Gates; Piles of Good Lumber; Ladders; Sears Table Saw; Fencers; (2) Homehte XL Chainsaws; Some Misc. Items. Come Expecting Surprises. Sale Order - 11:00 A.M. Misc., Followed by Machinery and then Cattle. Auctioneer’s Note- A Real Nil With A Lot Of Nice Items. The Boise’s Have Sold Their Farm After 54 Years. Come Planning to Spend The Day. Terms- Cash or Good Check Day of Auction w/Positive ID. Payment in Full Day of Auction. Nothing Removed Until Settled For. Owners - William & Marjorie Boise (607) 859-2542 Portable Johns Lunch Available —-i —i Route 11, Whitney Point, N.Y. 13862 -klifEjffiglSlHr 1 -800-MANASSE / AOctioneers Fax:6o7-692-4327 Auctioneers & Sales Managers Members of NYSAA and NAA Associations Visit our Website @ SAT APR 25 - 8 30AM Grass myer’s Warehouse, turn off Rt 22-522 In McVeytown at Gulf Sta tion, cross bridge, to rt 103,1 mi to top of Mattawana Hill to sale Smalls, antiques & furniture By Annie M. Yoder Estate Ron Grassmyer, Auct, 717-899- 7791. SAT APR 25 - 9AM 34 McGul- Ban8 an Dr., Parkesburg, Chester O, PA Antiques, Hh goods, ittle 20* fD Dozer' Here Auctioi automobiles 4 tools. By Olga S Patman Griesf s Aucl Svc SAT, APR, 25 - 9AM 1455 Oak mont Dr, Hagerstown, MD. Over $150,000 wholesale Inventory of commercial print shop paper, food service paper products S building maintenance euqlp & supplies By Blue Heron Ven tures, Inc. J G Cochran Aucts & Assoc, Ltd SAT APR 25 - 9AM Rt 78 W, Swanton, VT. Tractors, antiques, plows, discs, cultivators, loaders, tSrucks, tractors, lawn & garden equip, horse-drawn equip., snowmobiles, trailers, drills, engines, plus much morel By Rene J Fournier Farm Equip, Inc. 802-868-4050. SAT APR 25 - 9AM. 104 Old Cabin Hollow Rd., Franklintown, PA Tools, butchering equip, tractors, etc By Richard Arnold Hardys Auction Svc, 717-432- 3779 MULTIPLE SELLER AUCTION SAT.. MAY 16.1998 10:00 am HOPE DRIVE RED LION, YORK CO. Single Family Bi-Level, CLEAN! CLEAN! CLEAN! SPACIOUS & ROOMY!! 3 bdrm, IVz baths, 2 car attached garage, rec room w/ woodstove, EXTRAS? LOOK! refrigera tor, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer. WOW! Utility shed, corner lot. CALL Donna Mayes @ Long & Foster, York, 1-800-842- 4185. 12:00 pm PHEASANT RIDGE ROAD DILLSBURG, YORK CO. New Construction, 2 story Colonial, 3 bdrm, 2'k bath, 2 car attached garage, AT THE RIGHT OFFER builder will consider installing some interior features. Super moti vated seller!! LOOK!! Convenient to Harrisburg, Carlisle, York & Rt. 15. CALL Jackie Altland @ Long & Foster, York, 1-800- 842-4185. 3:00 om FRICK ROAD WATERFALL, PA, FULTON CO. 31+ ACRES, Build your DREAM or VACA TION Home l 1 hour north of Hagerstown, MD., 20 minutes from Lake Raystown, 10 minutes from State Game Lands. Stream woods, and level acreage includes mobile home w/appliances, well/septic, and imple ment shed. Owner says “SELL IT”. CALL Donna Wighton @ Long & Foster, Chambersburg, 1-800-458-0272. SAT.. MAY 30. 1998 10:00 am - HILLSIDE TERRACE GLEN ROCK, YORK CO. New Construction, 2000+ sq. ft., Brand Spanking New 3 bdrm. 2 story Colonial w/2 car attached garage and CAC. Look over the town while relaxing on the deck. CALL Lee Klinedinst @ Long & Foster, Shrewsbury, 1- 800-437-8113. 3:00 pm - LOT #5. QUIET VALLEY ROAD STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO. 2 Story Contemporary, 1.6+/- acres, 2 decks, 2 car garage, fireplace, apprx. 2 miles west of Stroudsburg, close to Marshall's Creek and the Pocono Resorts. CALL Charlene Caple @ Long & Foster, Hanover, 1-800-633-7319. TERMS & CONDITIONS: Properties offered AS IS - non-contingent basis, 30 day settle ment. Call listing office for other conditions. LONG & FOSTER REAL ESTATE, INC. AY-00202-L (L LON(J & FOSTER Yj REAL ESTATE, INC. [ - n AUCTION REAL ESTATE and PERSONAL PROPERTY 1 Acre w/ 2 Story Frame House and Garage HOUSEHOLD GOODS - TOOLS - FREEDOM SPA VICTORIAN FURNITURE MOUNTVILLE CORN SHELLER HONDA REBEL 1987 and 1986 MOTORCYCLES SAT., MAY 9,1998 at 10:00 am 300 North Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA S JESSICA Auctjon For iIAUUW l LOUISE ROARTY P h one~8 E 6 R -Bir KATHY SCHWALM License AU-003414-L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, 1998-827 SAT. APS 25 - 9AM 1232 Robert Fulton Hwy, Quarryville, PA. Take Rt. 222 S of Quarryville, approx 3-1/2 mi to property on R valuable real estate, antiques & Hh goods By Elizabeth K Stump! Kreider, Kline & Good, Aucls. 717-786-3394 SAT. ARP. 25 - 9AM. 10379 Mountain Rd., Grantvllle, East Hanover Twp, Dauphin Co, PA Real estate, ship tools, Ford trac tor, mechanical tools 4 lawn mowers. By Milton Peric Estate Nelson L Ebersole. Aucl SAT. APR. 25 - 9AM 8 ml S of Everett, PA on Rt. 26. Antiques, collectibles, furniture, tin, toys & tools By Charles Cogan. Robert Grubb & Sons, Aucts, 814-652- 2547 SAT APR 25 - 9AM Along Rt. 23, comer of Hershey Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA. Real estate, 1-1/2 story brick home, 4 car block garage, Hh goods & garage tools By Lester & Lena Biller Cart OWer & John H Fry, Aucts. SAT APR 25 - 9AM 4 ml E of Pine Grove on Rt 443, PA. Con sign sale, lawn equip., tools, Hh goods & antiques Robert W Derfler. Auct. 717-345-8262 SAT APR 25 - 9AM Btwn Pine Grove & Schuylkill Haven on Rt 443, at Friedersburg, follow Hid den Valley Golf Course signs, Canther Valley Rd, Schuylkill Co, PA Trucks, chipper, engines, cabinet parts, mowers, irrigation equip., lathe, trailer axoles, cash reg, hot dog machines, shelving, copier, dis play cabinets, golf equip & much more. By Auburn Golf Car Co, Inc Robert A. & Dean R Amer, Aucts. 717-386-4586 SAT APR. 25 - 9AM Rt 422 to Wemersville, R onto Church Rd, past Ham’s Church, 3-1/2 mi to Lower Heidelberg School, L to 970 Brownsville Fid. for 1 mi auc tion, Lower Heidelberg Twp, Berks Co, PA Farmall H tractor, Gruber box wagon, farm & butch er equip, Craftsman riding mower, antiques, collectibles & tools By Charles W & Lucy L Yoh Kenneth P Leiby, Auct, 610-562-3929 SAT APR 25 • 9AM 605 Union Blvd, Allentown, PA Consign ment Tool & Equipment Auction KislAuct. Co., 610-434-3110 SAT APR 25 - 9AM 7 mi E of Halifax toward Elizabethville on Rt 225, turn R onto Mountain House Rd, 3mion L Signs Fur niture, collect & advertising, lub mer & misc. By Albert Stoneroad Vallier’s Auct Svc, 717-362- 3206 SAT APR 25-9 AM Bulfalo Val ley Produce Auction, from Lewis burg, Rt 45W toward Mifflinbura, 5-1/2 mi & turn L on Dreisbacn Church Rd, 3/4 mi to 4-way stop sign, R to Furnace Rd, 300 yards, L onto Violet Rd, sale straight ahead Union Co’s largest consignment auction, bldg materials, farm & garden supplies, furniture, etc Neil Courtney & Kenneth Hassmger, AuclS, 717-5396791 SAT APR 25 - 9AM 1/2 mi E of Monterey, East Eby Rd , Lane Co, PA Harness shop dispersal of inventory & equipment By Christian Esh Petersheim Auct Service SAT APR 25-9 AM Horst Auct Center, corner of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Antique tools, fine antique hardware, primitives & antique fireplace utensils Horst Auct SAT APR 25 - 9AM Al Starr Firemen’s Bldg, along Rt 272, behind fireball, Willow St, Lane Co , PA Antique furn , clocks, clock parts, antiques tools & hardware, wood, iron, brass & tin ware, local Lodge articles, books & glassware By Paul R Wesley Estate & Hazel S Wesley Howard E Shaub, Inc, Aucts , 717-464-3541 SAT APR 25 - 9AM From Quakertown, Rt 313 Sto new Rt 563, E on 563, sale on L Antiques, houseware, tools, col lectibles & misc By Mr & Mrs Paul Myers & Mrs Allan Myers JohnC Lapmskl, Auct, 215-536- 0514 SAT APR 25 - 9AM 3 mi W of Three Springs, PA on Rt 994 Farm equip, tools, collectibles, Hh goods & furniture By Myrtle Faoiev Fleck's Aucts SAT APR 25-9 AM 2439 Lin coln Hwy East (Rt 30), Lane Co , PA Adjacent to amencan Music Theatre Hh goods, antiques, tools & guns By Charles W & Mabel Mellmger Robert E, Jeffrey R , & Michael L Martin. Randall L Ranck. Aucts SAT APR 25 - 9AM Keystone Auto Auction, Exit 28, off Rt 81 in drantsvllle. Pa Auto Auction Kewtone Auto Auction SAT APR 25-9 AM Fairfield St, Newville, PA Dolls-Dolls-Dolls, approx 300 dolls, bisque, china, composition, etc Some carnages & dolls related items By Ruth McCalister Kevin M Wickard, Auct, 717-243-1018 SAT APR 25 - 9AM Presque Isle Ind Park Presque Isle, Maine Tractors, trucks, construc tion equip, tillage & related items By Harrison Farms D A Folsom Auct Service Inc, 207-582- nnnQ