Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1998, Image 66
826-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, 1998 Sale Reports REICHARD ESTATE SALE A brick house with a two-car garage sold for $74,000 Saturday, April 11, at a public Sale of real estate and personal property helf for the estate of Emma G. Reichard, Windsor R 2. Jeff Fry was the buyer. Also sold were a four-door ( 1986 Buick LeSabre $3,400; an Allis-Chalmers riding mower $945; an Ariens snowthrower $155; a small air com pressor $130; a Sanpper mower $4O; a wet dry vac $9O; a bell $95; a machinist tool box $7O; a Kelvinator refrigerator $100; a Maytag wringer wash er $280; a Frigidaire chest freezer $75; a chest of drawers $150; a five-piece mahogany bedroom suite $600; an automatic Maytag washer and dryer $9O each; and a table and four chairs $225. Also, a mirror $B5; a china cabinet $175; a clothes tree $5O; a square-front china cabinet $175; a Helder duck decoy $160; a cat cookie jar and shakers $B5; a Marysville Bridge painting $150; a Carnival three-foot ed bowl $6O; a 50- piece set of Virginia rose dishes $125; a hobnail glass basket $55; an ice cream scoop $27.50; an agate ware dipper $75; a glass basket $27.50; a 14k ring $65; a Masonic ring $100; a cameo necklace $5O; a cameo pin $62.50; and Lane cedar chests $9O and $ll5 each. There were 250 registered bidders. The sale was conduct ed by Jacob A. Gilbert and Brian L. Gilbert of Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers, Wrights ville. CONSIGNMENT SALE A consignment auc tion was held at Goulgersville Banquet Hall in Reading on Wednesday. There were 220 registered bidders. The auction was conducted by Penny packer-Andrews Auction centre Inc., Shillington. The auc tioneers were Cathy M. Pennypacker- Andrews, Reading and Luke R. Witman, Manheim. Items sold included a Wisteria-pattern Roseville jardiniere $2,970; a mahogany dining room suite $1,375; a maple dining room suite $907; a French Provincial twin bedroom suite $660; pairs of mahogany beds $638 and $187; a pair of wing-back chairs $572; a mahogany canopy bed $467.50; Oriental rugs $412.50, $302.50 and $247.50; an upholstered love seat and sofa $385; a Heywood Wakefield table and chairs $302.50 a set of four encased glass black rimmed vases and baskets $297; a Heywood Wakefield bureau with mirror $275; a dry sink $264; a mahogany desk $264; oak chests of “Horst Auctioneers” PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE - BRICK RANCH STYLE DWELLING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COLLECTIBLES, TOOLS & CAR AKRON SAT., MAY 2,1998 at 9 A.M. CAR AT 12:30 PM REAL ESTATE AT 1 PM Located at 203 S. Ninth St. (corner of S. Ninth St. & New St.), Akron, Lancaster County, PA BRICK RANCH STYLE DWELLING w/BASEMENT Dwelling contains a living room; kitchen w/built-in cabinets, dining room; (2) bed rooms; bathroom on the first floor. The full basement contains a family room; laundry/sewing room; half bathroom ONE CAR GARAGE LOT SIZE: 127’x 158’ FURNITURE: Walnut Dropleaf Table; Blanket Chest; Oak Lamp Stand; Plank Bottom Chairs; Maple Dinette Set; Cherry Closed Hutch; Modern Corner Cupboard & Dry Sink; Cedar Chest; Bedroom Suite; Iron Patio Set; Iron Garden Benches; Deco Breakfast Set; Pine Double Bed; Box Spring & Mattress: Blue Glass Coffee Table; Sofa; La-Z-Boy; Platform Rocker; Living Room Suite; Vibrating Chair; Coffee & End Tables; Plant Stand; Utility Cabinets; Kitchen Base Cabinets: High Chair; Child's Rocker; Bar Stools. APPLIANCES: Maytag Refrigerator; Washer; Dryer; Chest Freezer; Color Console TV; Fan; Dehumidifier; Kirby Sweeper; Window Air Conditioners: Pfarf Sewing Machine; Microwave: Sm. Kitchen Appliances: Kettles & Cookware; Iron Frying Pans: Cookie Cutters; Floor & Table Lamps; Slot Machine: Exercise Bike; Flatware Set; Flat Iron & Trivet; Bulldog & Cat Doorstops; Milk Cans; Slaw Board; Beer Trays CHINA & GLASSWARE: Blue Mixing Bowls; Beer Steins; Cookie Jars; Stetson China; Serving Bowls; Creamers & Pitchers: Collector Plates; Crocks &Jugs; Planters & Vases; Salt & Pepper Shakers; Pressed & Pattern Glassware; Pink Depression: Carnival Glass; Royal Ruby Water Set & Vases; Polka Dot Mixing Bowls; Peanut Butter Glasses; Kerosene Lights; Canning Jars; Zinc Caps. LINENS: Comforters; Blankets; Bedspreads; Afghans; Hats & Hat Box; Sewing Supplies; Quilt Patches: Patterns; Buttons; Baskets; Christmas Decorations; Costume Jewelry; Diamond Ring; Wedding Bands; Wnstwatches; Painted Doll Cradle; Doll; Records; Books; Photos; Prints & Frames: Games & Toys; Silver Half Dollars & Quarters. TOOLS: Ariens Lawn Mower; Jacobsen Garden Tractor; Lawn Spreader; Wheelbarrow; Chain Saw; Hedge Trimmers; Gas Lawn Edger; Lawn Roller; Hand Tools; Circular Saw; Electric Drill; Stanley Plane; Hardware; Extension & Step Ladders; Garden Tools; Wash Board; Patio & Lawn Chairs; Iron Troughs; Kettle & Tripod. 1980 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 DOOR SEDAN; & Many Other Items To Be Sold! *No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Sale For: Sylvia C. Batsch Estate Horst aucts. T. Glenn (717) 8 5g. 1331 . (717) 73 8.30b0 Timothy G. Fax # (717) 738-2132 Thomas A. ■voices of experience- drawers with mirrors $220 and $121; a mod ern dining room suite $220; a round break fast table and chair $209; a Rhoda vanity $198; a 1971 Hummel plate (no box) $192.50; and a Schwinn bicycle $lB7. Also, a swan pitch er $176; a three-piece 1950 s living room suite $176; Silvertone radios $176 and $132; bayonets $165 and $154; a modem table and chairs $154; a modem bedroom suite $154; a sectional sofa $154; a miscellaneous Willow, lot of whistles and watches $143; a fire place mantel $143; an oak chest of drawers $143; a sword $132; a PA Railroad sign $132; an oak pressed-back chair $132; four leather office chairs $110; a dated quilt top $110; a world globe Public Auction Register APRIL FRI APR 24 - 4PM & SAT. APR 25 - 9AM. 220 N 4th St, Ham- FRI. APR. 24 & SAT APR 25 - burg, PA Tools, tinware, col 9AM. 715 Bean Hill Rd, Lancast- lecubles, tools, antiques & much er, PA. Antiques, Hh goods, tools, more. By Carrie V Hess Klinger cameras, books, ceramics, Avon, Auct Svc.. 610-562-4286 fum .jewelry, UoneT rJDrid- , l l ? al 2 S 'u inr r u FRI. APR. 24 - 6PM & SAT APR 4^n U Cha,',h 25 - QAM. New-Hopewell Fire Co., Esjple. Jessica Ann Shaub.Auct 10 g n High StTNewburg, PA. FRI. APR. 24 -10 AM & SAT. 20th Annual Consignment Sale APR 25 -BAM Hill's Auction, Rt. For info: 717-423-6973 (after 896, 1-1/2 mi Sof Kembtesville, SPM) or 423-6140 AScaA q u^"27 H^2s S *" FRI APR 24 ‘ 6PM&SAT ARP frjj PUBLIC AUCTION Approx. 300 Lots of Coins - Currency - Gold Pcs., Approx. 75 Winross Trucks, Hess & Ertl Trucks, Toys, Beanie Babies, McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys ~ Private Collection ~ Coins: 5 pm* Winross & Ertl Trucks & Toys: Appr. 7:30 pm Al Starr Fireman’s Building, Willow Street, PA Dir: Rt. 272 North directly behind Willow Street Fire Hall. APPROX. 300 LOTS OF COINS - CUR RENCY & GOLD PCS.: 1885 - $5 GOLD, 1898, 1915 & 1927 $2 1/2 GOLD PCS., $5 1907 SERIES US NOTE RED SEAL, $2 1917 RED SEAL, $1 1899 SILVER CER TIFICATE, CONFEDERATE & OTHER OLD CURRENCY, PROOF & MINT SETS, 2 FRANKLIN HALF ALBUMS, 1948 - 1963 COMPLETE, JEFFERSON ALBUM 1938 - 1959 COMPLETE, 1921 - 1924 SILVER DOLLARS, Morgan, Ike & Seated Liberty Dollars, Barber - Franklin - Kennedy & Walking Liberty Halves, Barber - Washington & Standing Liberty Quarters, Mercury & Barber Dimes, Jefferson - Liberty Nickels, 1881, 1866 & 1872 3 CENT PCS., 1775 BRITTANY PENNY, Lincoln - Wheat & Indian Cents. APPROX. 75 WINROSS TRUCKS INC: STRASBURG RAILROAD TRIPLES, FORD HISTORICAL SEMI 1937 - 1938, BARE VILLE & INTERCOURSE FIRE CO. TANKERS, WINROSS IST EDITION SERIES STRAIGHT JOB TANK WAGON, YELLOW FREIGHT - SEMI’S, DOUBLES & TRIPLES, Leacock Coleman Center - 25th Anniv., Shady Maple Farm Mkt., Hershey Chocolate, Penn State Sports Edition, Hess Mills, Overmte - Doubles - Semi, Stoltzfus Meats, New Holland Supply Co., Spring Glen, Ephrata’s - 100th Anniv., Winross Collectors Club of America, Ziemer Buick, Snap-On Tools, Penn State - Beaver Stadium, Rohrer Transport, Denlinger Lumber, Carlos Leffler. 14 HESS TRUCKS INC: 1977 - 1994 Tankers - Fire Trucks - Rescue - Race Car - Tanker Banks & Others, ERTL BANK TRUCKS: 1905 & 1932 Ford Delivery, 1926 Seagrave, 1926 Mack Bull Dog, 1918 Ford Model T Runabout, 1950 Chevy Panel “John Deere", Lawn Chief Riding Mower. 1913 Ford Model T Delivery & 1929 Model A Ford Pickup Banks, 1979 Buddy L Tow Truck, JD & International Tractors, Ertl Horse Drawn Tanker, London Fog, JD Lowboy w/Load, Cl COCA COLA HORSE DRAWN WAGON, Antique Wooden Planes, Scribes. BEANIE BABIES, McDONALDS HAPPY MEAL TOYS, INC: Snow White & Seven Dwarfs - Nickelodeon - Food Fundamentals - Barbie & Friends - Vehicles. Partial listing ~ Large clean sale No Out-of-State Checks Not Responsible for Accidents Not Responsible for Typographical Errors. Call for Catalogs (717) 687-6857 MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6857 AU-1723L $104.50; an ivory cnb bage board $104.50; a dropleaf table $99; a mini display case $93.50; a quilt top $93.50; a Maude Humphrey child print $93.50; a pair of tin policeman $88; a Marx train $82.50; and a linen lot $77. Grace Steffy Agent for Owner 25 -9AM Manheim Christian Day School, 1 ml N of Manheim, Rt 72,5 ml Sof PA Turnpike Exlt2o, 686 Lebanon Rd N Manheim, Lane. Co, PA Benefit Auction, Winross, NASCAR & action coll, certificates, Hh goods, antiques, furniture & misc For Info 717- 665-4300. SAT APR 25 -10 mi Sof Somer set PA, Off Rt 281. L off 281 S onto the Mud Pike Rd, situated on bend of the road after the Country Cottage Rest, near New Center ville. Svonavec's Spotlight Sale of Club Lambs. By Dave, Betty Lou, Heidi, Luke S Qabe Svonavec, 814-926-2779 SAT APR 25 - Red Caboose Motel, Strasburg, PA. Red Caboose Train Auction Charles S Camelllrt. Auct. SAT. APR 25 - International Red & White Sale, hosted by Cedar Lane Farms, Oldwlck, NJ. The Cattle Exchange, 607-746-2226. SAT. APR. 25 - Kling's Sale Bam, PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., MAY 9th, 1998 at 9 A.M. JD 3010 DIESEL W/LOADER, JD 3010 DIESEL WFE, JD 2010 GAS, FARM ALL CUBS, FORD 4X4 PICKUPS, GUNS, COL LECTIBLES, ANTIQUES, PEDAL TRAC TORS DIRECTIONS: From square in Boyertown (Phila & Reading Aves) travel west on Rt. 73, 1 mi. to Funk Rd., make left, 1/10 mi. to stop sign (Ironstone Dr.), make right, 1/10 mi. to Powder Mill Hollow Rd. 1/10 mi. to auction site. From Rt. 222 travel south on Rt. 73 to Funk Rd., watch for signs. From Rt. 100 turn west on Rt. 73 to Funk Rd., watch for signs. EQUIPMENT: JD 3010 Diesel NFE with 46-A Loader, JD 3010 Diesel WFE, JD 2010 Gas NFE, Farmall Cub w/Cultivator, Farmall Cub, Cub One Bottom Plow, Snow Plow, Cultivator, and Flail Mower. JD 2 Bolt. Plow w/Chisel Points, JD 10 ft. Transport Disk, JD 8250 Gram Drill, Ford 14-72 Side Delivery Rake, 3 pt. Rear Scraper Blade, 3 pt. Tool Bar, 2-3 pt. Utility Carriers, IHC 5500 7 Tooth Chisel Plow, Century 150 gal. 3 pt. Sprayer, Dear Born Side Dresser, JD C 392 Spin Spreader, 3 pt. Saw Buck, JD 7,000 (36” rows) Corn Planter, Favorite Gravity Bin w/Running Gear, Favorite Gravity Bin Lavelle Elevator (24 ft.), IHC Potato Planter, Wikomi Spin Spreader,, 16 ft. Wagon, 8 ft. 2 Wheel Trailer, 6 ft. 2 Wheel Trailer, BU 16 ft. Cardinal Alum. Elevator, Remote Cylinders, Horse Drawn Row Maker, Horse Drawn Oliver Plow. TRUCKS: 91 Ford XI 4x4 Tutone Gray PU w/Running Boards, AC/AT Power Lock 302 Engine, Vinyl Cap, 93,000 mi., Inspected 4- 99. 96 Ford Fl5O XLT Red PU, AC/AT W/OD, AM/FM Cassette, Dual Tanks, Running Boards, 302 Engine, Vinyl Cap, 51,500 mi., Inspected 10-98. PICKUPS OFFERED WITH REASONABLE RESERVES AND ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE MISC: JD and IHC Pedal Tractors, JD LX 176 38” Lawn Tractor w/Catcher, 6 gal. and Smaller Crocks, Milk Cans, Agate, Ball Jars, Milk Bottles - Johnson, Keystone, Carver and Other Dairies, Wash Tubs, One Hole Corn Shelter, Swavely and West View Dairy Crates, Aunt Jemima Cl Banks, National Bottle Capper, Hand Huskers, Unger Apple Crate, B-B Guns, Traps, Grind Stone, Howe and Fairbanks Platform Scales, Bag Trucks, Sausage Stutters, Meat Hooks, Turning Chains, Scrappers, Ladles, Household Dishes, Glassware, and Many More Items Too Numerous To Mention! ll !' GUNS: Remington Game Master 308 Cal w/Bushwell Scope, Ithica Mod 37 16 Ga Pump, Glen Field Mod 20 22L-22LR w/Scope, Hawes 22 Cal. Single Action Pistol, LC Smith 12 Ga DBL Barrel! Shotgun. TOOLS: B&D Cut Off Saw, Craftsmen 8-1/4’’ Cut Off Saw, Schumacher 10/40 Amp Starter Charger, 1 Ton Chain Hoist, Lincoln AC/DC Welder, Lincoln Portable Welder Generator, Torch Set, Welding Table w/Vise, Handyman Jack, 1/2” Drill Press, Bench Grinders, Portable Grinders, Anvil, Air Compressor, 3/4” Socket Set, Tap & Die Set, Bolt Cutters, Pipe Wrenches, Hand Tools, Garden Tools, and Many, Many More Items 1!!! * Sold For: Dee Moyer Estate Janet Moyer (Executrix) Terms: Cash or PA Check Times: 9AM Smalls & Misc. 11 AM Tks & Farm Equipment Refreshments by Moyer’s Catering SELLING WITH 2 AUCTIONEERS DANIEL PUSCH AU-003603-L (610) 326-5883 JOE SOMICS AA-002572-L Landlaburg, PA 20th Annual Spring Consignment Sale, cattle, Holstein feeders, Hereford feed ers & machinery. Kling's Auctions Inc.. 717-789-3883 SAT. APR 25 - The Enterprise Center,7o3S ElmerAve,Sayre, PA. Consignment Auction, win dows, doors, lumber, hardware, cabinets, paint, bldg, materials, tools & more Fred Siegfried Auct Svc. 717-247-2456. SAT APR 25-Troy Fairgrounds Spring Farm Machinery Consign Auct & Maple Festival Shaylor Aucts SAT. ARP 25 - Nichols Lot, NY Construction equip auction, dozer, backhoes, etc Howard W Vlsscher. Auct SAT. APR 25-BAM 170 Sports man Rd, Wemersvllle, Berks Co, PA Hh goods, antiques, tractor, car, truck, guns, farm equip & tools By James E & Emily M Werner. Dale I. Putt, Auct, 717- 859-1430. on