Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1998, Image 63

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Oliver 550 runs good,
needs restored/tires. Frick
sawmill, friction drive, 60"
blade, 4-head, 3-locks,
show piece. $l2OO 717-
264-4555 Franklin Co
NSDR Australian cattledog
pup, from working parents,
shows interest in cows,
now reduced price to good
farm home. 717-899-7755
Mifflin Co
John Deere 4?4A planter
with insecticide, $2OO.
New Idea 214 spreader,
$lOOO Fox 2310 Har
vester, 2RN, $l2OO. 717-
354-7267 Lancaster Co
Singer electronic Quantum
LE sewing machine, deco
rative stitches, alphabet
and numbers. 4yrs old,
very good shape, $350
717-677-6760 Adams Co.
Camper, 18ft gas range
heater, and refrigerator.
Includes retractable
awning, generally good
condition, needs minor
repairs. 717-896-8540
Dauphin Co
Fiberglass doors, new
hardware, 1-10'x10‘, 4-
10'x8'. Wanted: working
bee hive. 732-536-1390
Monmouth Co, NJ
Cedar and pig hickory nut
trees. Aslo, 20' Doughboy
above ground pool with
platform, ladder and other
equipment. 717-336-5027
Lancaster Co
New Holland 518 manure
spreader for parts. Fair
condition. 717-355-2598
Lancaster Co
Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces
Cut Your Heating Costs With Our
Outdoor Furnace
• Standard Model Bums Wood, Coal
or Wood by-products
• Multi-Fuel Model Bums Wood,
Coal, Oil or Gas
Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Available
Diesel Fuel Injection Pumps, Injectors, Turbochargers
Factory Trained & Authorized for complete services on:
Stanadyne (Roosa Master), Lucas CAV, Simms, Robert Bosch, Ambac
(American Bosch), etc
Instant Exchange or Rebuild (Fast Turn Around Time)
Feed Pumps (John Deere & Most All Applications
Quality Workmanship, Experience, Troubleshooting.
Free Pick Up & Delivery (100 mile radius of Hbg.) Daily UPS
36" JD 2010 rim with older 'las?^
?7 0 5 Unte ßea l isfered USta || l h an <* traUtering. Children lost
Hereford 9 hX ?°" ed interest. Western tack
4075° Lancaster Co l 7
642-9199 Adams Cn 19,?. 5 ..!=ffi.9,? ster Co
Bostitch nail gun, shoots 5"
nails w/nails, $B5O. 20-
2x12x22 new $3O 080
2'x4' plastic dome skylites,
$24. 717-285-3886 Lan
caster Co
1,000 gal manure tank, 21ft
cattle feeder cart, 2
NHBBOR2 com heads, front
end loader for Farmall H
410-658-6447 Cecil Co
JD 7000 4-row no-till dry
fert, insect., monitor, excel
lent, free delivery, $5500
080. 610-358-2374
Delaware Co
Cultipacker 9ft $lOO. 71 7-
733-1309 Lancaster Co
Gehl forage wagon, 940
with tandem gear, Gehl
1560 blower, like new, 230
McCurdy bin, $375. 717-
665-6908 Lancaster Co
1964 Mack 8422 flatbed
truck diesel, 33K gross wt,
LaCross tilt bed trailer 46K
gross wt. 717-626-5184
Lancaster Co
Gooseneck gourd seed will
provide plantlng/growlng
for first time growers at time
of order. 717-627-4075
Lancaster Co
International #55 9-tooth
chisel, with depth wheels,
good condition, best offer
717-898-7028 Lane. Co
NH 489 haybine, $3000;
NH 479 haybine, $2400;
JD1240 complanter, $150;
Oliver 543 no-till planter,
$l5O. 717-530-0406
Franklin Co
92 WW Gooseneck stock
trailer w/center cattle gate,
16' long, 6'B" wide, 6'6“
high, exc. cond., asking
$3,995. 717-379-3217
Luzerne Co
Ontario 15x8 hoe drill, high
rubber, big boxes, good
condition. Also, parts drill,
$4OO. IH4OI drag harrow,
$lOO. 717-386-5779 Car
bon Co
Plastic mulch layer, 4ft
wide flat bed. New condi
tion, Rainglow model 560,
$5OO. 609-259-1102 Mon
mouth Co, NJ
Used chain link fence and
posts, great for temporary
fence. Also, assorted fit
tings. 215-679-2287 Mont,
Pequea 710 hay tedder;
489 N.H. haybine; Jack
Russell pups; underground
electric gas pumps. Want
ed: yearling Limousin bull.
717-345-8815 Schuylkill
Four cylinder Lombartini
diesel, mounted on rotary
scythes. Ben Stoltzfus,
1020 Gap Rd, Kinzers, PA
17535. Lancaster Co
Scissor lift, 6'xl3'6 plat
form. 30' reach, 2-cyl Wise,
eng., power towing pack
age, self propelled. $4250
080. 610-469-6362
Chester Co
1 set dual wheels, 12-15-
38, 12' wide. Norman
Kline, 200 Krall Rd, Myer
stown. Pa. 17067. 717-
866-2010 Lebanon Co
48x70 rubber mats, only 1
year old, 42 of them 1 inch
in thickness. 717-445-
9851 Lancaster Co
John Deere B with cultiva
tors, new paint, runs good,
$4500. Call after spm.
717-733-0467 Lane. Co
650 w Honda generator,
shp gas pump, 3-ton chain
hoist & trolley, propane
portable heaters, pneumat
ic diaphram pumps, plank
chairs. 610-865-4635
Northampton Co
Gang mowers reel type set
of 3, excel, cond., heavy
duty, will deliver, $325
080. 717-336-1651 Lan
caster Co
Goats, reg. Nubians, health
papers, milker, bucks, kids,
CAE negative. Possible
delivery. 410-343-0026
White Hall, Balto Co.. MD
Gravely 2-wheel garden
tractor model LI, with elec
tric start and governor,
$3OO. 717-448-2717
Wayne Co
1947 Chevy Loadmaster
truck, 12‘ grain body, dump,
always kept inside, 29K
miles, asking $2500 080
Can deliver. 410-857-4156
Carroll Co. MD
Courting buggy, good con
dition, built by WJ Dusm
berre, Edenvill, NY 1880 -
$l2OO. 301-829-0307
Fred. Co. MD
JD 230,21' disk, Brilhon 21'
packer, 4500 disk, 3500
Packer, both in good
shape. 717-658-6253
Snyder Co
5‘ Fertilizer spreader. 717-
445-6440 Terre Hill, Lan
caster Co
Engine for Farmall or Inter
national Cub tractor, good
running condition. 717-
927-6967 York Co
Gravely model L, used
parts source, also used
implements. 610-375-
0714 Berks Co
Catl 3pt arms; Bolens
Husky attachments; old,
healthy, Dexter cows; Plan
et Jr. planters, parts; call
607-243-5983 Evenings.
Snow fence or link fence.
Christ Glick, 481 Windy Tor
Rd, Bird-In-Hand, Pa.
17505. Lancaster Co
Solar electric panels, not
hot water, electric only. 1-
800-734-3592 Crown
sville, Co, MD
Wanted; AKC Labs, will
pay money, will pick up,
have to be puppies and 6
weeks old. 508-238-1388
Liquid nitrogen smen stor
age tank, must have 26
week minimum working
time. 304-289-3080 Min
eral Co. WV
$3-$6OO horse, good for
beginner, must be healthy,
sound, will give excellent
home, ask for Kim, after
3pm. 717-656-7732 Lan
caster Co
800 gal bulk milk tank, pre
fer Mueller. 717-445-5734
Lancaster Co
Vicon fertilizer spreader.
For sale; 200 locust fence
posts, 7 and 8 footers.
717-354-2959 Lane. Co
Toyota diesel truck, fix or
parts, 4x4 or 4x2. 717-786-
1469 Lancaster Co
Old dry sink, old farmhouse
cumpbaords, shelves,
antique furniture, etc.
Need items for old farm
house restoration project.
717-246-0202 York Co
Wanted to buy: a used pig
scale to weigh pigs. 717-
448-2053 Wayne Co
Market hog scales, 12-hole
Smidley hog feeders. Levi
R. Miller, 238 Newport Rd,
Leola, Pa 17540. Lancast
er Co
•Hartford" shock
absorbers, made in 1920'5,
these have friction discs,
not hydraulic. ’Winfield"
carbeurators, 19305. 610-
670-9544 Berks Co
Wanted; stone or land
scape rake 3pt 6' width with
depth wheels. 610-285-
6508 Lehigh Co
Grain bin 5000-10,000
bushel capacity, can tear
down and remove. Please,
no Sunday calls. 717-637-
4887 Adams Co
, 11.2x38 tractor tires, must
have good tread, haban
mower for 120-140 JD
L7G. Johnson loader for
110JDL&G. 717-755-4797
York Co
Wanted: Allis Chalmers
disk with snap coupler
hookup. 717-766-6758
Cumberland Co
To rent family of 4 needs
3BR home, Manheim area,
prefer country setting, non
smokers, references. 717-
626-5443 Lancaster Co
Good used diesel tractor,
30 to 60 hp with live
hydraulic, live pto; also,
used JD 14T baler. 717-
259-0553 York Co
Late 80s SlO pickup, auto,
od, extended cab, pre
ferred Eves. 717-392-
8756 Lancaster Co
Railroad memorabilia,
bells, whistles, lanterns,
and any other railroad
equipment 724-947-2606
Washington Co
Howard Gem rototiller
wanted. Acreage wanted
suitable for small nursery,
reasonable. 215-453-9391
Wanted to buy: old.pedal
tractors, cars, trucks,
planes, etc. Also, old toys
and hit-miss engines. 717-
966-1555 Northumb. Co
Kerosene operated incuba
tor, state price & cond in let
ter. Menno Peachey, 864
Front Mt Rd, Belleville, Pa.
Amusement park park type
miniature steam locomo
tive in any condition, call
after 7pm. 814-926-4126
Somerset Co
Victor and Edison phono
graphs, cylinder records
and diamond disc records,
furniture and primitives
also wanted, ask for Dave.
610-793-4249 Chester Co
Wanted: shop manual for
IH 424 utility tractor. 610-
775-9190 Berks Co
Old sparkplugs, modelA
Ford parts and signs.
David Frazier. 2207 Timo
thy Dr. Westminster, MD
21157. Carroll Co. 410-
1.5" or 2“ screen for Papec
model X Hammermill or will
take complete hammermill.
610-767-4735 Lehigh Co
Gear box for wood cadet.
72* 3pt Bush Hog. 410-
535-0315 Cal. Co, MD
Wanted: Agway breeding
wheel or similar record
keeping setup for dairy cat
tle. 717-789-2122 Perry
Sale Reports
Antiques, hosue
hold good, collectibles
and tools were sold
Wednesday at a public
auction held for Ida
Miller, Lilian Snyder,
Steve and Barbara
Enck and others at
Horst Auction Center,
There were 451
registered bidders.
Highlights included
a pair of blud candle
sticks $130; a gumball
machine $150; a
Roseville vase $200; a
stoneware jar $105; a
wooden wheelbarrow
$125; a fire engien
$130; an iron motorcy
cle and side car $300;
a mechanical goose
$105; a Marx rabbit
and cart $120; a set of
German china $160; a
redware jar with black
glaze $195; a salt
glazed soap dish $130;
two trays of jewelry
$l6O each; Halls china
cards and hotpads
$240; an agate coffee
pot $120; two Barbie
dolls $330; . a
KenneSdy head
planter $310; an Ideal
doll $110; a ruby glass
$130; a gold frame
mirror $150; three
Shelley cups and
saucers $140; two
lamps $170; and a
mahogany shaving
mirror $125.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1998-823
Poultry manure wanted, 5-
100 plus tons, will pick up in
Lancaster Co. 717-366-
8703 Lancaster Co
Muffler for AC-G, or other
AC-G parts 609-845-8586
Gloucester Co, NJ
White-faced male sheep
for breeding, prefer
Chevoit, no Sunday calls.
717-442-8317 Lane. Co
Windmill, complete or
parts. Andy Bobak, PC
Box 645, Richfield Springs,
NY, 13439. Call after 6pm.
Loader for 1520 JD, small
to med pto manure spread
er. 717-665-3150 Lane.
Track chain for Caterpillar
D 7 17A dozer For sale:
Woods 48 inch belly mount
mower, $5OO. 717-275-
4049 Montour Co
For rent: 3-row Pequea
corn planter with insecti
cide and liq. fert. Omar
Fisher, Buckwalter Rd,
Lane. Pa 17602. Lane. Co
For rent: house, shop,
diesel, with air setup.
Priscilla Stoltzfus, 4994
Strasburg Rd, Kinzer, Pa
Off 741
Selling op SVC parts man
uals for AC Fod NH and
MM up to 1992, some new
er, selling all. 610-670-
1213 Berks Co
Clear choice, in a world of
toxic chemicals there is
only one solution. Call for
free sample, into 610-273-
3108 Chester Co
2nd annual swap meet/ flea
market, 5/2, Joanna Fur
nace, pancake breakfast,
space $lO. Free admis
sion, parking. Info 610-
286-0388 Berks Co
Rare wood working tools to
be sold at Haycreek Valley
Flea Market, at Joanna
Furance, 5/2/98. 610-286-
5885 Berks Co
Also, a dining room
suite $350; a floral
sofa $130; a grain-dec
orated blanket chest
$175; a Bower slant
front desk $300; a set
of four chairs $120; a
mahogany bookcase
$130; a two-piece bed
room suite $170; three
mahogany comer cup
boards $240, $2lO and
$200; a tilt-top table
$180; a Zenith console
TV $210; a gate-leg
dro9p!eaf table $145;
an oak china closet
$1,800; a Gov.
Winthrop-style desk
$750; a waterfall bed
room suite $170; a
LaZßoy recliner $130;
a Victorian sofa $385;
a Queen Anne-style
blanket chest $350; a
jelly cupboard $325; a
garden tractor $290; a
Cub Cadet mower
$290; and a Nordic
TVack $l9O.
The sale was con
ducted by Horst
Auctioneers, Ephrata.
A large public auc
tion of farm equip
ment was held April
18 for Ormsby Farms
and others at the Luce
Farm, 2 miles north of
New Centerville, Pa.
along Rt. 281. There
were 437 bidders reg
istered for the sale.
Some prices includ
ed; JD 4440 tractor
w/cab & power shift
$28,000; AC 185 trac
tor $6400; Int. 584
tractor $9600; JD 60
tractor $3100; Ford
4000 tractor $4000;
JD B tractor $1625;
MF 180 tractor $2325;
MF 135 tractor $2600;
Gehl skid loader
$7300; JD forage
wagon $6000; 2 pipe
hay wagons $1950 &
$2000; Brillion 12ft
cultimulcher $3600;
feeder wagon $1900;
hay elevators $4OO to
$900; Int. #5lOO grain
drill $2225; JD grain
drill $2400; power
harrow $2100; Pequea
hay tedders $lO5O to
$l4OO and gravity
boxes $550 to $7OO.
Luce Auctioneers
managed the sale.
A cookie cutter in
the shape of a church
brought $1,700 and a
Dutch cupboard was
sold for $3,700 at a
public auction for
Byron C. White,
Sterling, Wayne
County, Saturday.
Flint and non-flint
American pattern
glass, American and
Continental China,
primitive toys, furni
ture, and antique
firearms were among
the items sold. All
sale items were cata
loged by Clarence
Spohn of Lititz. There
were 255 registered
bidders, and the auc
tion was held at Horst
Auction Center in
Other items sold
included a three-face
oil lamp, $270; a
Centennial water
pitcher, $220; a
Japanese water pitch
er $290; an Escelsior
creamer $230; a
Cottage pitcher $205;
a blue Kugel
Christmas ball $220; a
historic blue China
pitcher $800; a flow
blue China platter
$290; an Austrian
china flsh set $325; tin
candle molds $l7O,
$2BO, $290; an iron
heart-shaped trivet
$220; two cast-iron
match bolsters $180; a
pair of brass candle
sticks $290; antique
pencil sharpeners
$l3O, $l6O, $220,
$385; an antique type
writer in an oak case
$220; a Native
American tomohawk
$260; Native
American baskets
$2OO, $260; a mechan
ical bank $400; a
Steiff toy elephant
$410; a wooden Civil
War canteen $900;
and a pine farm table
Glass with the
Westward Ho! pattern
was also sold. Pieces
included a sugar bowl,
$475; a spoon holdei
$225; a butter dish
$380; three covered
compotes, $450, $5OO,
$600; six wine glasses
$2,400; a bread tray
$520; and a water
pitcher $7OO.