Recipe Topics If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please share {hem with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you include accurate measurements, a complete list of ingredients and clear instructions with each recipe you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our office one week before publishing date. 2 ■ Fish, Seafood 9 ■ Favorite Recipe Made By Your Mother 16 - National Barbecue Month 23 - Memorial Day Celebration May EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1998 to Better Serve You During The Busy Planting Season APRIL - MAY - JUNE MON. THRU FRI. 7:00 AM -8:00 PM; SAT. 7:00 AM • 3:00 PM 133 Rothsville Station Rd. r^jar is£«iSS “ S BffflS INC (717)626-4705 S A Srnicr of FPC Fimncnl W ■ 1-800-414-4705 FAX 717-626-0996 #>* ■ j- Independent OiUnbu'or All Herbs Plus One Mineral! Gum Karaya, American Desert Herb, Guarana, Korean Ginseng, Bee Pollen, Write Yellow Park (Weiderwmde), Bladder-wrack (Fucus Vesiculosis), Gotu Kola, Licorice Root, Reish Mushroom, Astargalus, Ginger Root, Rehmannia Root, and Chromium Picolmate (300 Micrograms per 3 tablets taken once a day) cn«rm, n.,..,,.. Has been known to wohr grea, on weight loss, cholesterol, high & low blood pressure, aithntis pain, sugar problems, vancose veins, and many, many more' No drugs, chemicals or preservatives' NEW IMAGE TOTAL™ $31.95 With Pina Bark, Grape Seed, Blue Green Algae The First And Only Antioxidant of It's Kind 20 Times More Powerful Than Vitamin C 5O Times More Powerful Than Vitamin £ • May help circulation • Improves joint flexibility • Works to lower cholesterol • Decreases Hemorrhoid/prostate • May help diabetes • “Free Radical” producers • Resists Free Radicals • May help Alzheimer’s • Increases energy less fatigue ★ INTRODUCING NEW PRODUCTS ★ NEW IMAGE CLEANSE" - $21.95 NEW IMAGE MULTI™-$29.95 (90 tablets) 1 Bottle (90 tablets) 1 Bottle Provides safe, gentle and effective Provides you with the basic relief from irregularity and as a foundation of nutrients to build and colon cleanse All natural herbs and maintain optimum health Multi Aloe Vera vitamin NOTICE INC n Before Attar I lost 52 lbs on NEW IMAGE PRODUCTS Everyone I knew wanted to try the products so I became a distributor I am a single Mom and really needed an extra income My first check from the company was 07 and last months check was over $5,000 The products have helped my diabetics, depression, arthritis, migraine headaches, varicose veins, high blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, high tnglycendes, also my twin boys with bronchitis, asthma and ADD Nil does not make any health claims this is strictly personal testimonies of product users Joy Morris $l.OO-A-Day Feel Great! lx>se U $29.95 One Month’s Supply 10 additional nutrient! Call or Write For Distributorship Information or To Order Product Your Independent Distributor Is Gerald & Margie Jones 75 Goodyear Rd, Carlisle, PA 17013 I-SBS-7M-SS7* Toll Free mamamßmm NEWHIGI ENERGY , SOURCE, DISTRIBUTORS WANTED! Bureau Reminds New Yorkers That Farmers Produce Affordable Food GLENMONT, N.Y. - The cost of food is so affordable in the United States that between January 1 and February 9 the average American has earned enough income to pay for their family's food bill for all of 1998. On Monday, February 9, Farm Bureau celebrated Food Check- Out Day by donating food to Albany's Ronald McDonald House. According to Judi Whittaker, chairman of the New York Farm //* e 1 NOBILE SERVER | CLOSEOUT I Exposed Wine Rack | ' Pull-Out Shelf, On Casters W I Reg Ret $999 95 1 [wholesale *249.95 I SECTIO l SLEET ■ Dual Recliners, Cc Sleeper, De< | Reg Retail . OUR CASH PRI I WITH $ 1 (COUPON I In Beautiful 5 PIECE PIN BEDROOM Headboard, Cheat,Hut Mirror, Night Stanr Beg. Retail $9*9.91 ■ Under 'wholesale s32' RECLINER CLOSEOUT Available in Four Colors r* r^»k" '' Reg Retail $599 95 / mi » Our Cash Price $239 95 f With Coupon 5209.95 #2 RECLINER CLOSEOUT Available in Four Colors Reg Retail $749 95 Our Cash Price $329 95 With Coupon $289.95 Bureau state promotion and education committee, the dona tion will take place at noon at the Ronald McDonald's House's 139 South Lake Avenue, Albany, address. She said that the com mittee wanted to remind New Yorkers that state farmers con tinue to produce affordable food. Whittaker added that the committee also will be making several monetary donations to the Albany Ronald McDonald House from a number of County Surprise your mother, wife or grandmother by sending one of her recipes to be included in a special tribute to mothers in fee May 9th issue of Laneasttr Farming. Include a few sentences about her and a picture if you have one. Make sure that you include your name. Your address must also be included if you want fee picture returned. Submissions must be received in our office by May 4 to be included. Send the information to Lancaster Fanning’s Mother’s Day Tribute. Attention Lou Ann Good. P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. BCD CLOSEOUT I 40 Queens, 40 Doubles ■ Brass w/Painted Porcelain 1 Post Heads. Headboard, | Footboard Reg Retail s3*9 95 | Unbelievable . Closeout Price ’ . A 9??? «' OAK HUTCH CLOSEOUT Glass Shelves, Brass Fixtures, Well Known Name Brand Reg Retail $2lOO 00 Under Wholesale $949.95 #2 Lancaster Ruining, Saturday, April 25, 1998-B7 Send Mother’s Day Tribute Now mm / i 1 Sf, HP l_—————— 1 I I I I I #2 I I 1 RECLINER CLOSEOUT U f7j , Available In Four Colors // 1 Reg. Retail $689.95 STTT /i-7 / | Our Cash Price $299.95 IWITH .. _ _ _rv>A; ] | coupon $ 259.95\f[1^ i FULTON SOFA flf CHAIR CLOSEOUT 1 I White, Green, Black Comes w/8" Futon Mattress & ' Chair Mattress I Reg. Retail $989.95 ■ OUf L<>W PrlC * * 479 ’ 95 Farm Bureaus. "The Mission of Ronald McDon 'ld House Charities is to help seriously ill children and their families," Whittaker said. "It’s a home away from home, and we thought that we could assist them by donating the food we collected from across the state, from all of our county Farm Bureaus, while reminding people that the food farmers pro duce is not just excellent to eat, but it’s affordable, too." 4 DRAWER FILE I CABINET CLOSEOUT i Solid Oak w/Brass Fixtures . 2 Locks Reg Retail $599 95 I * 199.95 . 33 To Sell #2 I UNDER WHOLESALE CHERRY CORNER CUPBOARD I CLOSEOUT I Glass Shelves, Lighted Interior, . Brass Fixtures * Reg. Retail $3250.00 OUR LOW PRICE *949.95 #2 *
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