Maryland Brown Swiss Breeders Meet To Review Year CYNTHIA L. WARNER President, MD/Brown Swiss Association WOODSBORO. Md. A large crowd of 10S Brown Swiss breeders, friends, and dairy per- sonnel. recently gathered for the Annual Meeting of the Maryland Brown Swiss Association, held in Woods boro, Maryland to review and congratulate members and youth on the past year’s accomp- lishments. This well attended meeting continues to show the great interest, enthusiasm, and progress of Brown Swiss in Mary- Besides posting another suc cessful year throughout state and National activities. Dr. Lee Majes tic, Extension Dairy Specialist with University of Maryland, pre- sen ted an exciting DHI summary which ranked Brown Swiss at the top of the list for ECM (Energy Corrected Milk) among all breeds in the 1997 totals. Brown Swiss had a +2500 lb. ECM increase for 1997 which gave them a total of 21,220 ECM. This was 540 pounds more than their next competitor which was Holstein, who only saw a +lllO lb. ECM increase for their breed in 1997. Energy Corrected Milk formula takes into account the protein and fat when adjusting the milk for components which identifies cows that produce high vol umes of milk solids, proving that Brown Swiss remain very competitive in the milk marketplace when compared to other breeds. Highlighting this part of the program was the Herd Management Award Winner going to Scott and Judy Hood, Middletown, Md. Dr. Majeskie commented this award goes to someone that “is doing a lot of things right.” The Hoods have 23 cows with 23,846 ECM 81.7 percent Low SCC which gave them the high amount of points to win this prestigious award. Milk Production Award for high herd for 10 cows or more went to Eric Green, Fir- Thome-B, wiht a 24,779 ECM on 36 cows. Winning the high herd for nine cows or less was Brian Galbreath, Green Castle Swiss, with 20,050 ECM. And repeat winners for Low Somatic Cell Count Award went to Joy and Tom Crothets, Oxford. Individual Awards were as follows; Jr. 2-ycar-old; Dublin Hills Star Susie, Aimee Smith Sr. 2-year-old: Hoosier Knoll Ballet, Aimee Smith 3-year-old: Grassy Creek Emory Coleen. Geo. Win. Smith m 4-year-old: Tahill Jade Eve: Shannon Har rison 5- Amola Sarnie: GS Associates 6- and older. Hawthorne Jades Robin: Dwayne Bell Another highlight of the meeting was an update on the Brown Swiss and Ayrshire “Co- Convention being planned for 1999. Mary land is excited about hosting this important event, and received a great editorial comment in the February 10,1998 Hoard’s Dairyman —whereas it said “Bravo to the Brown Swiss and Ayrshire Associations for planning joint annual meetings in Maryland. Why haven’t some of the other breeds held meetings to gether for which they could consolidate the awkward begging for sponsorships, put to gether mote high-powered educational ses sions, and exchange ideas at dairy producers and members of breed association staffs? (This is just a paragraph of the article entitled “Dairy Groups Can’t Afford Luxury of Not Working Together.”) It’s a great article to read, supporting the 1999 Co-Convention be ing planned in Maryland! An exciting Convention logo was intro duced by Brown Swiss co-chairman Bill War ner, and Ayrshire co-chairman, Becky Chan ey to the group which was well received. The logo has the Brown Swiss and Ayrshire head shots within an oval, highlighted by black eyed susans on each end, and the word MARYLAND at the top, and a slogan at the bottom saying “A Shared Vision-’99.” Sever al promotional items were displayed with this logo which really reproduces well in foil color on all kinds of shirts, canvas bags, etc. The convention will be held July 14-17,1999 at the Turf Val ley Conference Center, Ellicott City, which is near Baltimore Maryland. This facility is very ac commodating to handle separate breed association meetings and activities, and is well equipped to handles large combined welcome reception for both breeds. Just 20 minutes from Baltimore’s Harbor place and SO minutes from Wash ington, D.C., close to major air ports, and also just minutes from the Howard County Fairgrounds where both breeds will have their National Sales, Ayrshire Sale on Friday night, and Brown Swiss on Saturday. Convention meetings and committees are beginning to formulate between both breeds to plan, coordinate, and execute an outstanding convention for every one. John Meyer, executive secre tary for the National Brown Swiss Association sent his congratula dons and greetings to die Mary land Annual meeting. He com mended Maryland on their leader ship in the Brown Swiss breed, and encouraged the youth to keep up the good work. Meyer assured the breeders that the financial pic ture continues to improve, where as they have reduced expenses dramatically, and the board of directors have a plan to cany out which will surely put the Associa tion back in the “black ink” by 19981 The Brown Swiss Advant age Program is really catching on, and is a great bargain in gaining services from Brown Swiss. Mey er also reported that there is still a lot of work to do, but the market continues to be strong in the U.S. and also in the international mar ketplace. Evans Wright, national district director also sent an opti mistic message to the group. He foresees the dairy compact legisla tion actions as a positive force which should indicate mote stable and profitable prices for 1998. As Production Winners In Maryland: From left, front, Almee a board member, he commends Smith; Scott Hood with daughter, Nicole; Back, Eric Green; Meyer for developing a well Brian Galbreath, and Brad Garst. THE CORN HERBICIDE NAMED FOR HOW IT WORKS. H■RBI C I H ■ Farmers who use it say FulTime"' herbicide is the most effective premix for grass and broadleaf weed control. Even in heavy residue no-till and reduced-till fields. It only requires V 4” of moisture for activation. And FulTime can be applied weeks before planting. The encapsulated acetochlor gives full-season, timed-release control of grasses as well as small-seeded broadleaf weeds, including resistant lambsquarters, waterhemp and pigweed. 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