Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1998, Image 156
Dl6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25, 1998 ■•I DAIRY U EQUIPMENT 12 Dellaton parlour puka tort w/mounts also control box, $1,300. 8 DeLaval ARM takeoff unite, $1,400. (717)597-5623. (2) Fiberglass calf hutches, excellent condition, $lOO/each. 717/361-2482. 400 Gal. bulk tank w/ compressor; make offer. (717)286-6084. 64hp Mitzubishi diesel, wa ter cooled, excellent oondi lion, including control box & sallies, $2lOO 080. 717-687-6817 8 bam fans, 24*. $75/ea. Hubler silage cart, $l2OO. Wic grain cart, $lOO. 2-ton feed bin. Patz gutter cleaner, complete, 200' chain, $BOO. Acorn gutter cleaner, make offer. 717-437-2811 DeLaval milking Parlor, double five expandable to double nine like new $20,000 neg. 717-532-9139 evenings. Feed grade mixing salt, $9O/ton. Delivered within 60 miles of Gettysburg. 1-ton minimum. 717-632-9144 FOR SALE: Lots of used daws, shells, pulsators, takeoffs, meters, weigh jars, bucket milkers, DV-300's, receiver groups, ClP't, etc. Many brands and models. 'Free* UPS shipping or delivery. BUY-SELL-TRADE. 15 day Satisfaction Guarantee. E-ZEE MILK ING EQUIPMENT, INC. Office hours: 7am-Spm. Business NOT OPEN to public EXCEPT by appoint ment. Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-7599. New Equipment: 11 stanchions, 16 upright posts, 11 water bowls, 2 bull pens, 4 cow pens, 4 calf pens. 410/88S-2281 after 7pm. 523 KIRKWOOD PIKE « KIRKWOOD, PA 17536 (717)529-1: Dairy Equipment & Supplies • Sales, Service, & Repair Westfalia • Delaval • Top Line • Bou-Matic Animal Health Supplies • Soaps & Detergents SPECIAL PRICE: Sputnik socks - $57.50/case, (6 boxes per case), new vacuum pumps, carrying Mfcj stainless steel tubs, and inflations. fiJDSI We Install Vacuum SYSTEMS! <® Bulk milk tank, Girtcn 550 Complete double six HB gallon, $4OO. Cumberland, parlor and milking system, 717-258-4880 all pumps, bulk tank, every -717-249-3693 thing; 301-432-7297. WANTED: Good Used Milk Tanks - Any Size No Ice Banks or Girton 1-800-448-4697 ATTENTION MIRY FARMERS We Need Good Used Tanks 600-6,000 Gal.-Call Us 150 Gal Zero Self- *6OO Gal Sunset *1250 Gal DeLaval Contained (nice) • 600 Gal Majonmer <l5OO Gal VanVetter 155 Gal Sunset *6OO Gal Storage • 1500 Gal MEEBI3 180 Gal Milkkeeper *7OO Gal Mueller • 1500 Gal Mueller 0 ZOO Gal Sunset "M” • 1500 Gal Mueller OH 250 Gal DelcEJEul* 700 Gal Mueller OH • ■) 500 Gal Girton D 5 300 Gal Sunset • 700 Gal Mueller 0 . icon Gal Rirtnn 04 300 Gal Girtdmrv 800 Gal Girton D-5 . netol 300 Gal Maionmer *BOO Gal Oan-Kool . i?nn r.rtnn no 300 Gal MuellerM *BOO 631611100 0-4 Muslim- 0 400 Gal Mueller *BOO Gal Mueller OH “ 400 Gal Sunset • 800 Gal Mueller 0 * 2000 Gal Mueller 400 Gal Maionmer *BooGal MoBjBXQ —.jfi. . e 415 Gal Sunset • 1000 Gal GiEED ™ SuEMI 500 Gal DanKool • 1000 Gal Dan Kool nc 500 Gal Mueller 0 • 1000 Gal Mueller • 2500 Gal Girton 05 500 Gal Mueller M OH (3) * 2500 Gal Storage 500 Gal Sunset *1250 Gal Storage • 3000 Gal Deh-ivllil 500 Gal Girton * 1250 Gal Mueller *3OOO Gal Globe 500 Gal Maionmer OH (DanKool) 500 Gal MsjBSQED * 1000 Gsl Mueller* 3000 Gal Storage 545 Gal Sunset *lOOO Gal SU'lUil'iil'i (DK) 600 Gal Girton • 1250 Gal Girton 0-5 • 4000 Gal Storage 600 Gal Mueller M * 1250 Gal Girton 04 • 5800 Gal SS 600 Gal Mueller MW *1250 Gal DanKool Storage 600 Gal Mueller OH *1250 Gal VanVetter 600 Gal Jamesway * 1250 Gal Mueller -32 High OHF HEAT EXCHANGERS • Therma Stor 80 • Therma Stor 100 • Mueller Fre Heater 105 Gal. * Therma Stor ill, 120 Gal. • Mueller Fre Heater SO Gal • 300-6000 Gal. Storage Tanka Installation Sales And Sen u e 505 E Woods Drive Lititz, PA 17543 Sales 717-626-1151 24 Hr. Service IN GROUND MANURE STORAGE INSTALLATIONS ★ Underlayment between Liner and Earth ★ High Density Polyethylene |6O mil thick) ★ More Economical than Concrete ★ Leak Detection System ★ Installed on site by our Certified Installers Vacuum Systems Northeast MD with quality milking equipment, 24-hour jsfe Liner Guaranteed for 20 Years DIESEL ENGINE Sales & Service Wm \ • Complete air & hydraulic systems • Water pumps • Tunnel ventilation • Skid loader & backhoe service Smucker’s Sales & Service 643 Peters Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 (7X7) 354-4X58 If no answer, call (7X7)354-4374 Amos Smucker, Proprietor FOR MORE INFORMATION ON COOLING CONTROL, CHECK HERE. OR HERE OR HERE. Blue light ** "* Amber lamp flashes to -*—shows wash, indicate H CSS -%t B rinse, or which H 'lml H sanitize cooling unit- ■ J* a Jf H cycle are engagei H I OR HERE. OR HERE W i W Green lamp Flashing -"B ffeßHndinHNß -■ indicates green lamp H II B current denotes pre H BBT BBT■BU H agitation cooling cycl ■ B cycle during B llLlwllll B B, B milkings K" * Red light flashes when milk is above 43 # F or below 35*F The new Mueller® Sentry™ is the only refrigeration control system that gives you all the information you need to monitor your milk cooling and cleaning functions at a glance And Sentry allows you to control and customize ail cycles to fit your milking schedule With Sentry cooling control has finally entered the Information Age THE MILK COOLING SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS* 700 Gal. OH 1500 Gal. OH 2000 Gal. OH 2000 Gal. OH-Nice! Trust! We Work At It. AUTH. MUELLER DEALER PRIEST'S REFRIGERATION 20205 Marsh Haven Lane, Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-797-3921 MDHVAC-OS 16005 24 HOUR SERVICE I*.