Fanning. SMurfty, ApH 85.19 W T^JDssrea(9notolia . iZSSSSSttSSi ing mowers, $lOO for both, tanks, great for side dress one runs, one needs some ing, c0m,54600. 717-653- work. 717-382-4165 York 0432 Lancaster Co Co MAIL ;■ X MARKET F R SALE j e a Service age reg. Holstein bull, dam Leadman daugh ter, Ex9o 9yr 35480 1300 F 1265 P, sire - Merv, $BOO Also, heifers 717-362- 8972 Dauphin Co 68 Mustang GT, fast back, 302-4 V 4spd, restored, excellent cond., $7500 firm 717-784-0259 Columbia Co For sale manure loader, with dirt bucket for Super C Also, cultivators. 717-784- 1778 Columbia Co 1997 Gooseneck trailer, 20' flatbed, adjustable Beaver tail, fold down ramps, $3300, 3pt post hold dig ger, $2OO, 610-869-2226 Chester Co Lawn edger, 3.5 Briggs & Stratton engine, like new, $l5O 080. One-horse sleigh, excellent condition 717-367-6882 Lane Co Fabnken hay rake, 3pth; Btr pony, med rides, drives, jumps, very athletic, $1750, 88 Continental $2OOO 080 908-832-0797 Hun terdon Co. NJ Forklift FG255 4200 lbs Komatsu propane high lift, $5OOO Skidloader, Case 1835 C, foam filled tires, new 1987, $BOOO. 717- 345-1142 Schuylkill Co 10' by 12' steel box walk-in cooler, good condition, $2OOO 3pt Century 120 gallon sprayer, 30' booms 717-648-3045 Schuy Co truck radiator, 10 month old . . „ _ „ male Springer Spaniel J pianf6r ? wUH TseJtS Co attachment, good condi tion, $5OO. Little Grant corn elevator. 717-933-2927 York Co JD 10-10 crawler loader, diesel, 4cyl, new sprockets, chains, clutches, brakes, $6500. Allis Chalmers Dl7 gas NFE, $1950 717-292- 6292 York Co Good 200 gallon Sunset stainless steel milk tank, with compressor, Sickle bar mower for Farmall, Frame mount 717-547- 6988 Lycoming Co McCormick Deenng 10-20 with plow, complete, origi nal, loose steel wheels, $650 Farmall M, needs clutch, $750 410-239- 2442 Carroll Co, MD Railroad ties, approx 150 yrds, good shape, buy 1 or all Call Dave, days 610- 933-6952, nights 610-935- 0503 Chester Co Yellow Lab for sale, 1 1/2yr old, nice w/children, lots of energ, needs place to roam around. 717-442-4102 Lancaster Co Cribbed ear corn by the ton, call after 7pm or leave message 908-782-6348 Hunterdon Co, NJ New Idea/White #9BOO 4NR com planter, like new 610-252-7786 Northamp ton Co Two Gehl 980 forage box wagons, two years old, like new, $6500 each 610- 869-9267 Chester Co For sale. 5 tons ground rub ber chips for under Free Stall mats, very clean, $l5O, 717-337-0467 Adams Co EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. ctARC HOURS EFFECTIVE MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1998 To Better Serve You During The Busy Planting Season APRIL - MAY - JUNE MON. THRU FRI. 7:00 AM -8:00 PM; SAT. 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM 133 Rothsville Station Rd. rjjjjjar] LitiS; PA17543 rn Farm Plan. y** INC — * ( 717 ) 626-4705 K 3 A Service of FPC Financial ■ 1-800-414-4705 FAX 717-626-0996 Registered White Scotch Highland cow for sale, $5OO. 717-382-4624 York Co 1983 Iveco diesel truck, 12ft bed with lift tailgate, $lB5O. 717-933-8764 Berks Co Ford 800 with all hyd indus trial loader, new paint, clutch, frnt tires, look/runs/ operates excellent, asking $5250 717-582-8145 Perry Co Tow row cultivators for Far mall, hydraulic lift, $lOO 16“Lftx7‘h bale wagon, oak, $550. Evenings. 717- 865-4038 Lebanon Co 1995 Lincoln Town Car, executive, 43K miles, excellent shape, full car nage roof, loaded, blue, MSTA, $lB,OOO 080. 540- 877-1029 Fred. Co. MD NH 707 chopper, both heads, excellent condition. 301-334-4934 Garrett Co, MD 3-row finger feed trans planter, exc. shape, $5OO Also, 4-1 Opt sections of 12" augers. 717-275-2009 Northumberland Co 6yr old Sanddlebred, traffic safe, sound, ready for trips. Samuel H. Martin, 335 White Oak, New Holland, 17557. Lancaster Co 225 Gal above ground gas tank and pump $95. Ban ner root cutter, dated 1894 w/ong. paint, $195 610- 287-9897 Mont. Co 4' 16-gauge Chicago brake, 1935 1/2-ton Ford Chev PL) SlO, V 6 engine, 1988, no rust, good shape. 610-286-5012 Lane. Co AKC female Rottweiler pup, 10 months oid, ready to go, special $125. 343 Chnstiana Pike, Christiana PA 17509, Lancaster Co 610-593-2753 1966 Fiat, 1500 convert ible, runs, stored since 1984, good condition, needs some work, $B5O Call 215-855-4154 Mont gomery Co New Holland 770 forage harvester, $650 NH 717 forage harvester, $350 Gehl 99 blower, $350 Fox blower, $2OO 302-349- 5184 Sussex Co, DE International 990 haybme, 7', good condition, field ready, $950. Farmall “M", excellent condition, $2500 After 7pm 610-683-8540 Berks Co Lilly pond owners: Kol and Gold fish, some large, some water plants also. Call for more info 717- 933-5791 Berks Co Ford 2000 tractor gas, ps, 3pf, live pto, with Ford snowplow, $4700 with Ford loader, $5500. 610-367- 9879 Berks Co 4-71 Detroit diesel engine, runs good, with straight clutch, $lBOO. Isaac Zook, 196 Chnstiana Pike, Chns tana, Pa. 17509. Lane. Co Wheat straw, small bales. 717-484-2104 Lane. Co Rubber tire mennomte youth carriage, lots of extras, good condition, brown intenor. $2200 080. 717-656-0488 Lane. Co NOTICE Standardbred carriage horse, w/snap, traffic safe, sound, Syr, I don't have enough work, $1950. 717- 768-8477 Lancaster Co Ashley central wood burn- Gehl 322 Scavenger j n g furnace, hot air, good spreader for parts or repair, C ond, spare parts, $250. $4OO 060. 717-355-0298 410-556-6116 Queen Lancaster Co Anne Co. MD 1069 Chevy Caprice 4dr, H.T, yellow body, black vinyl roof, like new, black interior, garage kept, a.c. 717-838-4508 Lebanon Co Polled. Halterbroke, calv ing ease Simmental bulls, $950-$l2OO. Choose year ling or mature. Cattle headgates choice, $5O. Can deliver. 610-469-1766 Chester Co 1000+ bales, secomp crop hay, 150 bales rye straw, 11.2-38 tractor tire, 90% 10-12 ton ear corn. 610- 282-1221 Lehigh Co Farrowing crates with 55 feeders, also wire flooring and frames, also Enter prize cook stove. 717-354- 8970 Lancaster Co Good used spring wagon, rubber tire, hyd brake, fiberglass shaft. Large pasture for rent, cattle or horses 717-355-9182 Lancaster Co Terra tire, 38x20, 16.1- INHS super terra grip. Good Year 8-ply, new $7OO. Floaters for your spray truck, $250 717-272-0041 Lebanon Co Like new, 9hp Vangard hi pressure washer with Cat dum on rubber tire cart and extras, $1025 717-336- 2251 Lancaster Co Hume real 10' from OMC, good Also, 1986 Mazda 626, 4dr, for parts, runs great, sspd. 578-686-5418 Rens Co, NY Amish carriage, $BOO Buckboard, $llOO 25' maple shop cabinets, top/bottom, log splinter, $350 House stairs, new $l2O 717-274-9761 Lebanon Co Work horse, acclimated, color, size, snap, lead, line. Earl Hoover, 1022 Ridge Ave, Ephrata, Pa. 17522. NE ot Green Dragon. 1985 Ford “Country Squiref" station wagon, air, am/fm cass, good tires, power brakes, doors, win dows, 8-passenger. 717- 665-5848 Lancaster Co Wide front end for Allis Dl4/15, $5OO. Like new Dl5 radiator, $2OO. Dl5 bumper. $5O. FarmallH, runs, $BOO. 717-866-6485 Lebanon Co JD 1630 disk harrow, good cond, $2700. JD Roll guard, fiberglass roof, lights for #B5O, #950, #lO5O, best offer. 717-626- 6059 Lancaster Co Farmall 140 w/cult, and side dresser, Breuigller; 5- row tilhvator, w/fert box, mobility big dipper loaded. 914-651-7546 Orange Co, NY Simmental bulls, purebred, halter broke, were 4-h pro jects. Dommator, X339U, Mickfnd, Agent hay mixed orchard grass,s3 bale, 717-865-5731 Leban. Co 1997 John Deere 911 front mont mower, 100 h, 60", brand new, used very little, asking $9500 080. 610- 693-9411 Berks Co H 3 track loader with back hoe, Farmall Cub with York rake. Asplund wood chip per. TD9, olders, exc. tracks, stuck. 914-986- 6573 Orange Co. NY John Deere disk KBA, 24 blades, good condition. 717-738-3620 Lane. Co Gehl 309 Scavenger II spreader, very good, New Idea 660 chopper with pick up, narrow corn head, good. 540-879-9870 Rockingham Co, VA Great Plains no-till drill, in very condition, 10ft, $7500. 717-653-9715 Lane. Co AKC Golden Retriever pup pies, $250. Free building, lots of good lumber, must remove, 16x60, 1-story. 610-682-6089 Berks Co 16ft Jamesway unloader ring drive, shp motor, $B5O. 7T brillion chisel plow, high clearance depth wheels, $lO5O 717-776-4261 Cumberland Co Oliver three-bottom changable to 4/5B spring reset, $l2OO. Int. 1-bottom riding plow, $lOO. Oliver walking plow, $125. 610- 759-2733 Northampton Co Word processor, Smith Corona, 6000 t, large built in 24x80 backlit screen, spreadsheet program, mouse, like new Wanted telephone pole 717-354- 5654 Lancaster Co Team dapple grey cross bred horses, well broke, syrs, $2BOO 717-683- 5155 Columbia Co Wheel horse tractor, 48" deck; Kohler engine, excel lent condition, ready to work, asking $BOO 610- 935-4945 Chester Co Quincy 3hp air comp, $275 lots of new Clinton engine parts. Joel King, 829 A Strasburg Rd, Paradise, Pa 17562. Lancaster Co Fax (717) 866-7237 Glu-Lam Arches Glu-Lam Beams Glu-Lam Treated Posts MEMBER tuaoEts S ° C MEMBER TRUSS PUTE INSTITUTE Two hay wagons, $550/pce. 10 sheets hog wire 5x7.5 3 gauge, $775. Two farrowing crates, $4OO. 301-829-3201 Fred erick Co. MD Massey Harris 444 w/3pt; Massey Harris 30 stan dard: 2 Cockshatt 30's wf/nf Oliver 88 gas; Farmall Super M. 717-546-8784 Lycoming Co Electric motors, 3-phase, 1 hp to 10hp, new gear box es, chain sprockets new, call for needs, will deliver. 732-329-9603 Middlesex Co. NJ Hay for sale, round bales, SOOIbs, timothy, clover, tre foil, $l2 each. 814-367- 5822 Tioga Co Cabinet grade lumber for sale, red oak $1.50, cherry $2, walnut $2, poplar $l. Fence posts. 410-756- 2871 Carroll Co, MD Car dolley 1954 ply 1949 1950 Buicks 1957 Cad Hurst 1950 Hudson 1968 1969 422 Olds parts cars. 215-855-5593 Montg. Co Economy Power King trac tor, hydraulic 3pt hitch, 60" mower with 6 3pt hitch attachments. 215-234- 4973 Montgomery Co 1989 Seaßay boat, open bow, Chev engine, galva nized trailer, like new, $7300. 610-398-8210 Lehigh Co Hay, Ist cutting, 4x5 round bales, haylage 17 3 crude protein, 29.7 ADF, 35% moisture, both $BO/ton picked up. 610-678-7629 Berks Co Woods 6' rotary cutter, 3pt hitch, no rear wheel, $450 Call 8-10 pm. 610-562- 8775 Berks Co IH 455 corn planter, 4-row disc oepners, working con dition, $275 JD 216 forage wagon on JD running gear, $6OO 717-692-2443 Dauphin Co 1952 Ford pickup, 239 flat head, VB, all original, restored. 1940 Chrysler 2dr restoration started, make offer 717-375-4684 Franklin Co 154 drawer unit, solid wood, 80“hx103“wx18“d Each drawer measures inside 7.5“wx14 25“1x3 75“ d. $250 080, 717-469-2557 Dauphin Co 710 E. Linden St., Richland, PA 17087 MANUFACTURERS OF: WE STOCK: Equis Quality Stall Systems Door and Wall Systems Grillwork Sections Dutch Door Systems Plyco Doors and Windows Cannonball Track and Accessories Fabral Roofing and Siding Lumber and Shingles All Types of Fasteners Oyer 40 years of Qua City Service 9yr old sorrel mare, lots of snap, but not for long trips. 349 Little Britain Rd, Reach Bottom, 17563. Lane. Co ' Satoh diesel 14hp, 4x4,42" tiller; JD 210 riding mower; deck for 200 series tractor, excellent condition. 717- 354-0019 Lancaster Co Front steel wheels w/rub ber blocks from IH 986, $235. Hag pickup for 720/830 IH harvester, good condition. 610-286-4989 Lancaster Co 300 Gehl forage harvester, good working condition and one for parts both tor $6OO or best offer. 814-926- 3107 Somerset Co NH 489 haybine, new rolls, good condition, $2BOO. 717-532-9234 Franklin Co Surge 1000 gal bulk tank, good condition, second, third cut alfalfa balage, have test. 717-374-0629 Snyder Co Pair 12-16.5 tractor tires, 25%, $35. NH36' elevator, $6OO. Large barn beams, large yale spur gear chain block. 717-374-7267 Sny derCo Australian Shepherd pup pies, 10 weeks old, NSDR rag, make offer. 2040 Zebra tractor, $3200. No Sunday calls 717-966- 3965 Field cultivator, three sec tion drag harrow, chisel plow, straw. 610-262-4315 Lehigh Co Wmross trucks, 1988 rough and tumble with Case steam engine, $l5O. JBS Hauling with Rumley oil pull tractor, $125. 717-687- 5143 Lancaster Co One-seated mennomte carriage, hyd brakes, rub ber tire, good condition 717-336-1335 Lane Co ROPE IN SOME EXTRA 4* Zf CASH! Advertise With A l) fifijj",' Lancaster Farming , Til “ CLASSIFIED AD.. Phone:7l7-394-31047 ! If! * or 717-626-1164 JfV Phone (717) 866-6581 Roof Trusses Floor Trusses T/G & V-Groove Decking Gravely new tires rim and weights only, no tractor for L models, $B5. 8 Griswold frying pans, $5O 080. 410-557-7360 Har. Co, Md Flatbed trailer, 16'x6'4", new dual axle treated lum ber bed. 609-466-2644 Mercer Co. NJ Oliver 1900 runs good, $4200. Massey Harris 44 special live hydraulics and pto wide front end, $2200. 518-766-2927 Renns. Co, NY Two service age Holstein Luke bulls, vac and wormed, bom 1/31/97, one can be reg. 610-857-2558 Chester Co IH 425 baler with #l5 kick er, very good condition, field ready. $l5OO. 610- 689-5361 Berks Co 600 gallon Mueller bulk tank, $2OOO. Price nego tiable. Stevie Stoltzfus, 4264 Lower Valley Rd, Parkesburg, Pa. 19365 Chester Co JD #35 harvester, 2RN, sft hay head, ready to work, > $l5OO. 610-593-6538 Chester Co Glass thermopane, good for greenhouse, 74pcs 24x50, 7pcs 23x50, $1 each. 973-383-5276 Sus sex Co. NJ 13 healthy feeder cattle, appr 5751 b, two steers, 9 heifers, 3 cross bred, 70c - 35' NH hay elevator. 717- 933-4721 Berks Co Small registered Simmen tal herd, red with white and blacks, young and healthy, buy one or buy all. 610- 926-2446 Berks Co John Deere B and A culti vators $l5O 080. 717- 259-7187 Adams Co ‘The Symbol of Quality In Engineered Timber”
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