Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 25, 1998, Image 104

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    ClMancastsr Fanning, Saturday, April 25, 1998
f John Blue NH3 Applicator For Sale
Great for Side* Dressing Corn
6 tine 3 pt Hitch w/Saddle Tanks
Mounted Liquid Spot Spray Tank Included
James M. Garber & Sons • 717-653-0432,
Elect. Controls, Knife Grinder
H $2,200 U
►< Lebanon 717/272-0041 »<
f Sensenig’s Machine i
Hydraulics and Pneumatic’s
• Hydraulic hose assemblies
• manufacturing of custom hydraulic and
pneumatic cylinders
• cylinder repairs
• wet line installations
• machine shop services/small production runs
“No job too small!”
Call Earl at 717/859-4989
Fax 717/859-5422
j| 22 Cocalico Creek Road Ji
!% Ephrata, PA 17522 ifE*
831 S. College St. (P.O. Box 409)
Myerstown, PA, 17067
HOURS: Mon-Fri • 7:30-5:00
Saturday • 7:30-Noon
1994 J.D. 544 G $69,500
$4OO Day $1,300 Week $3,800 Month
7 Others Available
1981 Tampo RS 28 $18,500 84”
$250 Day $l,OOO Week $3,000 Month
8 Others Available
ROLL BAR for JD 3010 Steel trailer, double axel,
thru 4320, $7 00. 10,0001 b. Great for hauling
410-833-9091 weight! $6OO.
7300 Gallon Houle Liquid Manure Tank,
Front and Back Axle Steer, Excellent Condition
18g6 Bedford Road
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Q 717-532-6139
(Since 1944
1 M
1986 JD 8820 Titan II
Excellent condition, 3100 hrs.,
with 643 corn head & 216 grain head
10’ cultipacker, double axle
Brillion 10’6” single axle w/ 2 3’ tag-a
JD 4R planter w/ rubber press
White 13 ft. 281 (Heavy Frame) With 4
Transport Wheels, New 24 Disc,
Roller Bearings - Cleaners, Lots of
New Parts, Excellent Condition
Brillion 16 ft. Spring Leveling Harrow,
New Teeth, On Rubber, Outside
Wings, Fold Up For Transport,
Good Paint
(2) Oliver Three Bottom 14” Plows,
Hydraulic Lift, New Paint
Bradley Field Chopper, Good Cutters
12 Ft. Oliver Disk #272
4 Transport Wheels
New Disc, Heavy Frame, Good Paint
ofJro wIF
Construction Equipment & Parts
1988 6758 $10,500
$l5O Day $5OO Week
$1,350 Month
1 Other Available
1986 Bowmag 8W142D $29,500 56"
$2OO Day $750 Week $2,250 Month
8 Others Available
1988 J.C.B 14008 $24,500
$275 Day $BOO Week $2,250 Month
Thermo-king reefer, diesel
engine, good condition,
$650. (150) 4x4 6' poets.
$l/eech. 4 sets of single
wheel 11.00x20 lira chains,
$3O/each set After Bpm,
Toro grounde-keeper, fold
wing reel mower IS',
$2,800. (814)467-8839.
Tractor buyer seeking Ford
BN 4 9N’s Jubilee 600 &
800 Farmall Cubs A’s & C's
in any condition. Tol free
1-888-496-9120, Dennis.
Rt. 579, Ringoes, New Jersey
(908) 782-5082
JD 7700 MFWD, cab & air, power
quad, sharp
JD 2555, MFWD, 1,200 hrs.
JD 2555, hi-low, sharp
JD 4450, MFWD, cab & air, sharp
JD 4250, cab & air, power shift, MFWD
JD 4840, cab & air
JD 4640, cab & air
JD 4240, cab & air, quad
JD 4240, cab & air, power shift
JD 4040,4 post
JD 2940
JD 4230, fender
JD 2640,1,500 original hrs.
JD 2440, hi-tm
JD 2750, MFWD, 13.6x46 rear tires,
13.6x38 front w/creeper
JD 2355, 4WD
JD 2155
JD 2150
JD 4620, powershift
JD 4320, open station
JD 4320 w/cab
JD 4020, diesel, power shift
JD 4020, diesel, syncro
JD 4010, diesel
JD 3020, gas, WF
JD 3020, diesel, WF
JD 970,4WD, 60 hrs.
IH 2444
IH 3088, cab & air, 2,500 hrs., sharp
IH 1586, cab & air
IH 1086, cab & air
IH 1066
IH 986, cab, air, sharp
IH 884
IH 84 hydro
IH 504, diesel
MF 2705, cab & air, excellent
MF 35, power steering
JD 4010 w/new Bush Hog 2845 Idr.
JD 2840 w/loader
JD 2350,2WD, w/240 loader, 2,000 hrs.
MF 1085 w/loader
Ford 7710, 4WD, cab & air w/ldr, 1,200 hrs
Ford 340 w/loader, sharp
Oliver forklift
Gehl 4600 skid steer, very good
Gehl 4610 skid steer, diesel
Nights: (717) 272-9583
1984 Cat D3B $23,500
$250 Day $BOO Week
$2,250 Month
6 Others Available
22 Others Available
Case 4490.. 3500 Hrs., Like New
20.8x34 With or Without Duals, 3 Ft., PTO,
Excellent Condition
717-484-2051 Leave Message
IH Consertill 10’
JD 2500 5 btm. 18” spnng reset
White 6 btm. spring reset
AC 5 btm
JD 5 btm.
444 JD corn heads
JD 643 corn head
JD 443 corn head
JD 7720, 4WD, 2,300 hrs., excellent
JD 6620, Hydro, 1983
JD 3300 w/2 row head
JD 336 baler w/thrower
JD 346 wire baler
JD 347 wire baler
JD 347 twine baler
JD 348 baler, excellent
NH 316 baler w/thrower, excellent
NH 320 baler
NH 855 round baler
NH 630 round baler
NH 849 auto wrap round baler, sharp
NH Rake
NH 489haybme
NH 488 haybme
NH 1033 stack wagon
(3) Gravity Wagons
Gehl 7190 feeder wagon
Woods 918015' turf mower, like new
Mew Bush Hog Ditch Bank mower
IH 475 hyd. fold disc, 21'
Taylorway 25' disc
Glenco soil finisher, 12’
18' IH field cultivator, hyd fold
JD 950 12’ roller harrow, like new
JD 7000 6R conservation planter, llq
insect., very good
Bush Hog Lilleston No-Till Gram Drill,
Very Good
IH 510 Grain Drill, OD
IH 2350 Loader
IH 2250 Loader
JOl4B loader, like new
JO«58 loader • * ,
Nl 363 tandem axle manure spreader,
hyd. gate
Arps 105 3 pt. hitch backhoe, 10'
Brilhon 5 Shank V-npper, New
Unverferth gravity boxes on 10 ton
running gear, 290 bu. NEW
w/26' Jerr-Dann Body, Air Brakes,
Air Tag Axle
‘75 Chevy C 65
w/24’ Jerr-Dann Body, 5 Spd. &
2 Spd. Rear
1973 Fiat 65 Grader $19,500
$3OO Day $l,OOO Week
$2,800 Month
1 Other Available
1990 J D. 710 C $36,500
$295 Day $9OO Week $2,500 Month
$21,500 080
‘B5 GMC C-7000
22 Others Available