Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 99
New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. « 7 ABri V Spring Feeder Cattle Sale April 24, 1998 Friday 6:00 P.M.- Evening Sale Approx.) Boo Head Sell I If you have feeders to sell, QR if you need cattle - this should be the sale to attend! Note: All cattle will have shipping fever shots, ready to go on pasture and into feed lots.' Sale Managed H\: NKW HOI.I, \M) S\| | s s niiH S. INC. 12 Miles Kiist ot I,am aster OCC Rle. 23 M rs, N rman " ~vi K I #~IL Sal_ arn ffice: 717-35 - 3 1 ~es.: 717-3.7-553 • Fax: 717-355- 7 ~ B B m 1 ra r-i El NURSERY DIVISION FLEETWOOD, PA 610-683-7161 fax 610-683-5429 Pa Auction Lie# 000073 L ■ Pa Nursery Dealers Lie# 06-057162ND SPRING NURSERY AUCTIONS April 23, May 14 & June 4 Time: 10:00 A.M. 1000’s of plants already consigned. These are our larger wholesale auctions with Nursery Stock, Trees, Bedding Plants, Perennials, Hanging Bas kets, and Supplies. These special auctions are designed to sell mostly in lots of 25, 50 or 100. HAY AUCTION Every Saturday at 9 AM PRODUCE. FLOWERS & NURSERY STOCK Now Every Tuesday & Thursday - io:ooa.m. TRANQUILLITY FARMS EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL THURS., APRIL 23RD, 1998 • 10 AM • ALLAMUCHY, NJ ONE OF THE FINEST KEPT LINE UPS OF JD EQUIPMENT YOU WILL EVER SEE! ORDER OF SALE: Large quantity of small tools & new parts for equipment below will sell starting at 10 AM! Large equipment selling after 12 noon! SALE MANAGERS NOTE: One of the finest equipment sales of the year! Almost all green & kept under cover & very well maintained! Few farms in the area, the steals will be made here all day! TRACTORS: JD 4440 4 Post, 20.8x38 Radials, Rebuilt Motor; JD 4320; JD 3230, ROPS, w/Canopy; JD 3020 Side Console, 2 Outlets; (2) JD 3020’s Each w/2 Outlets; JD 2155, Like New w/ROPS; JD 60 w/Wide Front End, Pwr Steer & Hyd Outlet. TILLAGE & PLANTING: JD 2500 Semi Mount sxlB Plow Side Hill Hitch; JD 1610 Chisel Plow (10 Shank); Pitts 16’ Fold Harrow; JD 7000 Conservation Planter w/Frame Mounted Coulters, Dry Fert, Insect. Boxes; Century 500 Gal. Sprayer w/41’ Booms (new); 500 Gal. Field Sprayer w/30’ Booms; JD Vanbrunt Grain Drill, 14 Hoe; JD PTO Hammermill; JD Fertilizer Spreader FORAGE: JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/2 Row Corn & Grass Heads; JD 716 Forage Wagon 12 Ton Tandem Run Gear; JD 714 A Forage Wagon w/Roof & Tandem Run Gear; JD 714 Forage Wag w/Roof; JD 714 Forage Wagon w/Low Sides; Gehl 1540 Blower (new); Assorted Blower Pipe & Hoods HAY EQUIP: JD 348 Baler - 40 Ejector, Hyd Bale Tension, Multi Luber (like new); JD 820 Mo Co (new); JD 1219 Mower Conditioner; (2) JD 74 Hay Rakes (new); JD 752 Hay Tedder (like new); Dual Rake Hitch (new); (2) Pequea 918 Metal Bale Wagons; 1 Requea 818 Metal Bale Wagon; (2) BxlB Metal Hay Wagons; 1 7xlB Metal Hay Wagon; (2) Wood Hay Wagons: All Metal Hay Wagons Have 10 Ton Hun Gears; Hay Preserv Applic; JD 609 Rotary Mower, Trail Type; JD 709 Rotary Mower, Trail Type; JD 350 - 7 pt, Sickle Bar Mower, 45’ Little Giant Hay & Grain Elevator. ADDITIONAL LARi JD 780 Hydro-Push Manure Spreader; JD 660 Manure Spreader: JD 3 pt. 8” Post Hole Auger; (2) 3 pt. Post Pounders; 6 Grain Auger; 1984 Chevy Pick Up 4x4; 1970 Ford 14” Dump (not running). 1965 GMC 6500 12’ Body (Not Running) JD Mount Axle Duals 20.8x38 SHOP EQUIPMENT: Forney Welder; Torch Set; Drill Press; Motor Lift; Shelving; 12 Ton Press; Numerous Tools; Several Wagon Loads of New Parts For Tractors & Equip. Listed Above; New Tires & Rims! 4-48” Portable Barn Fans, Ceiling Fans, Feed Carts & Barn Equip. Too Many Small Items To List! TERMS OF SALE: Cash or Good Check Only. Out of State Buyers Will Need Letter of Credit or Previous Experience With Sale Managers! DIRECTIONS: Just Offl-80 In North Central. N.J. 1-1/2 Miles North of Exit 19 Off 1-80 On Rt. 517. Only 24 Miles From the PA-NJ Line! The >1 iXCHANGEI ATTLE Dave Rama RO2 Box 79 Delhi, NY 13753 Phone 607/746-2226 Fax: 607/746-2911 AU-002463-E E B IS B t: 13 El fil e! & E E E la ITEI IESi Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication CONSIGNMENT AUCTION LAWN & GARDEN OR RELATED ITEMS LOCATION; ROCHERTY PICNIC GROUNDS (AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 241 AND ROCHERTY ROAD) SAT., MAY 9,1998 - 9:00 AM Call Now To Consign Your Lawn Or Garden Tractor, Rototiller, Push Mower, Snowblower Or Anything Related To Outside Activities Including Recreational Items. Call: Elvin Gingrich (717) 272-4554 AU003244L Or Roy Shirk (717) 867-1119 AU003248L Lebanon Valley Livestock Mkt. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg, PA, along Rt. 22 Spring Consignment Sale May 2,1998 9:00 AM Farm Machinery, Cars, Trucks, Lawn & Garden Supplies, Lawn Mowers, Building Materials, Household Items, Etc. Etc. To have your items advertised, Call by April 22 For more info call: Dave 717-866-5783 Brian 215-257-6271 Neil 717-933-4865 Day of Sale 717-865-2881 Tailgate sale every Thursday 5:30 pm Cattle sale every Tucs. & Fri. 1:30 pm Pet Supply Sale May 15 6:00 pm Horse Sale May 9 2:00 tack, 6:00 Horses Auctioneers: Keith Byers AU-1924-L Gerald Hoover AU-2794 PETE FREEBORN 908-852-3806 MON. NOV 9 -10 AM. 100 W Pa, Tractors, farm equip. &sup- Jacteon St, New Holland, Lane plies. A&C Dtffenbach Auction Inc Co, Pa Hay, grain & straw auc tion A&C Dlnenbach Auction, (nc. WED. NOV 11 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI NOV 13 -9 AM 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Lane Co, Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. LOCATED ON RT. 522, 3 MILES EAST OF MIDDLEBURG, PA OR 4 MILES WEST OF SELINSGROVE, PA APRIL 28, 1998 TUESDAY NIGHT - 7:30 P.M. Eric Hagest Holstein Herd Dispersal -39 Head ** * “All Sire Power” All Home Raised Sires Include: Mountain, Oscar, Enhancer, Aires & Ambitious 10 Fresh Within Last 20 Days Several Due In Fall Several Top Dry Cows Many Ist & 2nd Calf Cows Shipping fever shots; SSCC 155,000; individual DHIA records; 17,000 lb herd average; individual cell count; cows are not pushed. “Special Night Sale For A Special Nice Herd” Recommended Jim Hostetler 717-867-1483 Lie. #000357 GAYRIDGE EARN HEIFER DISPERSAL Frederick Fairgrounds • Frederick, Maryland THURSDAY. APRIL 30, 1998 15 from VG or Ex. Dams; 24 sell from Dams with 25,000 to 37,100 milk 20 sell from Dams with 20,100 to 24,960 milk; 30 sell from Dams with 1000 to 1425 fat; 15 sell from Dams with 810 to 991 fat. - GR. DANS - 31 with Gr. Dams records of 25,000 to 37,110 milk, 30 with Gr Dams records of 1000 to 1550 fat Mathie, Integrity, K Leader, Sunbuck, Astronaut, C. Dirck +1365M, Star board and K.G R. Thor who is a Exranco Thor son from Starbuck Andrea (EX92) All American Jr. 2 yr m ‘9O. He has daughters milking with fabulous udders. Bred Heifer by DELAWARE’ #832, Dam EX 4-2, 365, 30,310 4 1 1248 Gr’Danr VG 88, 6-6, 365, 32,080, 4 7, 1520 Bred Heifer by STARBOARD #849, Dam VG 87, 5-9, 365, 35 380 3 8 1348, Gr’Dam VG, 4-0, 365, 21,500, 4 2, 899 Bred Heifer by DELAWARE- #B5l, Dam VG 87, 5-1, 365, 22 760 4 8 1102, Gr’Dam EX 92, 4-2, 365, 25,930, 4 6, 1186 Interm Yearling by STANDARD #B5B, Dam EX. 5-3, 365, 27,380 4 4 1202, Gr’Dam VG 87, 7-5, 365, 34,260, 3 8, 1285 Bred Heifer by K.G R THOR- #823, Close, Dam GP-83, 8-L 365 34 660 4 I, 1411 .GR’Darn EX-91,9-8,365,36.460.4 3, 1550 Spring Yearling by STARBOARD. #B6B, Dam VG, 3-1, 365, 28,020 3 7 1038, Gr’Dam. GP-83, 5-1,365, 30,350, 3 9, 1193 Summer Yearling by K G R THOR- #875, Dam- VG, 5-0, 365, 35,140 6 1275, Gr’Dam EX-91,9-8, 365, 36,460, 4 3, 1550 Bicd Hciler by K LEADER #833, Dam GP-83, 2-3, 365, 25 910 4 1 1119, Gr’Dam VG-86, 2-3, 365, 22,900, 4 5, 1037 Interm Yeai lings by MATH IE (Born 12-12-96) #855, #BSSA, Dam by Staibuek, Gr’Dam VG-86, 3-3, 338, 23,250, 4 3, 1001 This group ol heifers are as well grown lor their age as any group of hcilei-. offered in recent years Seldom do you find animals available from Dams and Gi Dams with this milk, and test They may be inspected any time at the Wilcorn Farm and will be moved to sale location the day beloie the sale All (tittle tested foi intet state shipment - all examined fin inevnanis and \a< fm HVI) - Catalogues Available - Teims Cash oi Good Check sale day ID iet|uued foi Biddei’s No Donald is inti tested in hoaidnn’annuals fm hnu i if lu in s'ii s disms Auctioneer: Chris Hill (Phone 301-829-94511 OWNER Sale Manager: y\ CATTLE CO. / lK Norman Hill <ST\/ 15905 Union Chapel Rd Woodbine, Maryland 21797 PH 410-489-7121 iMKMUf ftnrtng, Saturday, April 1i,19M-BSI Dairy and Livestock Sales FRI NOV 13 -12 Noon. Mlddle burg Livestock Auct Sis, Inc Mid dleburg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717- 837-i>999 FRI NOV 13-IPM 548 Alexan der Spring F)d, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4511 FRI. NOV 13-6 PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St. New Holland. Lane Co PA 11 ;30 am 75 Holstein Heifers 75 40 are Bred Heifers Six could be fresh 100% Home Raised - 85% Registered - DANS - - SIRES INCLUDE - - THESE ELITE HEIFERS SELL - Feeder Cattle Sale 717-354- 4341 FRI NOV 13 & SAT NOV 14- Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Martin's Annual Fall Consignment Auction, carriages, sleighs & antiques Consignments welcome 717-354-6671 Martin Aucts. Inc SAT NOV 14 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkt, 1 mi E of Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dn ving & riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover, Aucts Clarence Shirk 717-837-2222 FAX 717-837-3575 Owners: Gayridge Holsteins Danny, Donald and Mary Louise Wilcom 2402 B Green Valley Road Ijamsville, MD 21754 301-662-7086