Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 97
Juniata County Farm Machinery and Real Estate Auction Sat., May 2,1998 10:00 A.M. From Route 22/322, get off at Millerstown exit. Follow Rt. 17 East 3.7 miles. Turn left, go 2.9 miles to Seven Star. Turn right onto 235 S. First farm on left. Watch for auction signs. 68 Acre Farm - 12:00 Noon Foui bedroom farm house with full bath upstairs, large living room with wood stove, kitchen, formal dining room, full bath/laundry and closet combination Family loom with wood stove and oversized one car garage on giound level Private water and sewage This farm house has been tastefully remodeled with wood floors and leplacement windows Also, a 18x22 shop/garage, 26\30 wagon shed with attached 10x30 roof 30x64 block sheep bain 18x24 block structure and 12x16 giam shed All situated on approximately 68 acres, w uh approximately 54 acres tillable. Property also has a small stream running thiough it 10% down day of auction, balance in 45 days at settlement For appoint ment to inspect property, call 589-3708. Machinery and Sheep Equipment M F 1080 WFE Diesel Tractor - Duels, J D 60 Gas Skid Loadei - 2 Buckets (new motor), Ford LTI Lawn Mowei, Gehl 2170 9’ Flaybme, J D 335 Round Baler (like new), 2 Wooden Rack Hay Wagons with JD run ning Gears, 3 pt Bale Mover, 24 Ton Duerr Industrial Log Splittei (extra axle), Transport Drag, Fuel Tank with Pump, 440 cc Snowmobile Eng HD Gas Wcedeater, Ford 2110 WFE Low Profile Tractor - Turf Tnes, J D 116 Lawn Mower, J D 445 Tank Spreader (good shape), N H 450 3pt Mower, M F 14 Baler with Kicker, I H #l4Rake, 12x18 Allensville Building, 3pt Post Hole Digger, Wmco IBOOOKW Generator, Lawn Can, Pickup Fuel Tank Round bale feedeis ,B’, 10', 12’, 16’ gates, hydra s\l SS pig feeder, hog & cattle panels, New Zealand electnc fencers, roll 14 ga high tensil wire, spinning jenny, fibeiglass fence posts, I roll 48” box pannel fencing, shop wood stove with blower, sheep blocking stand, 2 sheep cradles, sheep handling chutes, panels, 1 backkup gate, I guillotine gate, sheep hand tools, 2 1/2 & 8” sheep shears, hand shears with hand piece, forks, shepheid ciooks, rubber & galvanized water tubs, sheep glooming equip , set of # paint brand irons, set v. i enches, saddle, blanket, bridle, saddle bags, lariat Household Haitshoi n living room suite, pine hutch, Duress pine table with (.hairs, noithein pine diop leaf table, oak diessei with minor, 3 drawei dresser with mirror, (-lunch pew over 100 yi old, white bakei's rack, love scat, pine diy bar, jais, pots & pans, many moie unad \ciUsed items to sell Out of state buyers not known to Auctioneer must bring current letter of credit. Auction order: Household, Wagon load, Machinery Id). Required for Bidder Number Not Responsible for Accidents. Owner: Michael Schofield R.R. #2 Box 413, Millerstown, PA 17062 Auction Managed By: Mark K. Keller AU-1994-L R.R. #1 Box 64, Landisburg, PA 17040 717-789-3616 PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Apr. 25,1998 at 9:00 AM Located Approx. 7 Miles From Duncannon. From Il ls, take Duncannon Exit 274 West To 34 South. “Left” 1 Mile To Sleepy Hollow Road On Left. 1/2 Mile To Sale On Right. From Carlisle Take 34 North Approx. 16 Miles To Sleepy Hollow Road. “Right” 1/2 Mile On Right. Watch For Sign At Rt. 34 & Sleepy Hollow Rd. 10’ Dump Bed w/Hoist, S S. Open Top 40’ Trailer, (3) 2-wheeled Trailers 8’ Bed, 14’ Dump Body w/Hoist, 8’ Steel Bed Stake Body; 40' Storage Trailer, 28' Storage Box, I Beams; (3) Winches, Pallet Forks, Large Elec Motors, Hyd Cylinder; 2’ Concrete Forms 10’ Long’Air Tanks, Large Roll Computer Wire; S/A Dump Hoist; Truck Chains, Loader Bucket, 6’ Alum Cap, Steel Tanks; (4) Heavy Log Chains, Garage Door, (12) Boxes of Bostich Staples, 800 lb Toledo Small Platform Scale, Gal Water Tank, Wire Cage," Cast Iron Pipe, Galvanized 4'xB’ Sheets, Steel Utility Cap, L P Cannon, Car Ramps, Alum Boxes, Elec Boxes, Heavy Duty Hyd Cylinder, Old Gas-powered Lincoln Welder, PVC Fencing, Pipe, Trailer Hitches, 3 Pt Cultivator, Lawn Tractor w/Blade, Oliver Loader; J D 112 Lawn Tractor=no mower This Is A Partial Listing - Watch The Newspaper For More Listings. Consignments are welcome (NO Household Items Please) - Call 582-8902 TERMS: Cash or Approved PA Check. PA Sales Tax will be collected unless exemption form is signed. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD STAND RESERVED. CONTENTS OF: GREG DEIMLER RICK FOREMAN AU 1163-L (717) 776-4602 LINN LENKER AA 2485-L (717) 362-3537 Announcements Sale Day Take Precedence Over Printed Material. LOCATED: 3 Mile south, East Waterford, PA on Pumping Station Road, Juniata Co., Rt. 75 - 22 Mile south of Port Royal or 23 mile north of PA Thrnpike Exit 14 - Willow Hill - Watch for Signs. VEHICLES 1941 Plymouth Coupe, 1929 Chev 2 Door Sedan, 1938 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan, - All are in Good Condition and kept inside, 1973 Pontiac Catalina 400 - 4 Door, Misc. parts for Chev and Plymouth cars TRACTORS Huber Tractor Model VIK2IF, Restored Pony Massey Hams & Farmall Cub ENGINES Little Jumbo 1 1/2 hp. on Truck; Stoner 4 hp on Truck; Stittley 1 1/2 hp. on Truck & Closed Flywheel, Fair Banks Z 1 1/2 hp on Truck; Fair Banks Z 3 hp. on Truck, McCormick 1 1/2 hp M on Truck - Throttle Governor; Associate 2 hp onTruck, Air Cooled - Runs in Reverse; Empire 1 1/2 hp. on Truck, Fairbanks Air Cooled w/ Generator, B & S Gas Engines; R.R. Car w/ 2 Cy Engine on Truck; Hercules 2 hp. on Truck; Hercules! 1/2 hp on Truck - Round Jug, Nova Upright 2 hp Round Jug, Hercules 2 1/2 p on Truck, Economy 1 1/2 hp E on Truck; Associate 2 hp on Truck, Witte 2hp on Truck, Int. 3 hp Model on Truck; Int 1 1/2-2 1/2 hp. Model LA, 8 Maytag 1 ! & 2 Cylinder Engines, Fair Banks Moms, Wisconsin 1 cy Engine Land Pnde 3 pt 6’ Blades, Exon & Tokhem Gas Pumps, Cast Wheels for Trucks, Flat Belting, 8” Platemill, Gmder, Mountville Pony I Hole Corn Sheller, Square Cage Fan, brass Fire Extinguisher. Box Corn Sheller, Cross Cut Saw, Engine Crank, Truck Chains, Wooden Frame tor Engine TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK 717-589-3708 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emigsville, PA 717-764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE !PmMm Amstitom Hit & Miss Engines - Old Cars - Tractors Sat., Apr. 18,1998 10:00 AM MISCELLANEi seller: Josephine Flood FOR INFORMATION: Phone: 717-734-3988 Dairy and Livestock Sales WED OCT 21 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED OCT 21 &THURS OCT 22 ■ 8 30AM 5174 Horst Rd , Chambersburg, PA Lawn & gar den, misc (Wed), farm machin ery & tractors (Thurs) Marion Auction Service. 717-375-4700 FRI OCT 23-IPM 548 Alexan- der Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Stale graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249-4511 FRI OCT 23 - 6PM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717- 354-4341 SAT OCT 24-M( . - Morgantown, Pa Caernarvon Farms Complete LOCAL DAIRY CATTLE SALE Tuesday, April 21,1998 12:30 PM in Dairy Ring Located at Middleburg Auction along Route 522 between Middleburg and Kreamer Special Dairy Sale of approximately 60 Holstein Dairy Cattle * Health Charts * Pregnancy Checks * Blood Tested * Many Ist and 2nd calters * Few Springing Heifers * Good Set of Cattle If you need replacements, don’t miss this sale" Ken Smith, Auctioneer AUB67-L (717)837-3535 Middleburg Auction (717) 837-2222 Lie. #000357 CONSIGNMENT HORSE SALE SPECIAL DRAFT HORSES St MULES WELL MATCHED TEAMS LOADS OF STANDARDBRED DRIVING HORSES also RIDING & SLAUGHTER HORSES SATURDAY, 11:00 AM Sharp Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522 3 miles East of Middleburg, PA 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, PA For information call: 717-837-2222 or 717-837-2512 Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. Aaron Reiff (agent) 717-922-1490 Lie. #000357 Clarence Shirk, Auctioneer Trucking Available Terms Cash PUBLIC AUCTION ij SAT., MAY 2, 1998 V* at 11:00 A.M. Located in McKees Half Falls, Port Trevorton, PA. Travel 4 miles South of Port Trevorton on Route 11 & 15. Turn right at McKees Half Falls at Weaver’s Fruit Stand & travel 1 1/2 miles to auction site at the Alvin Wenger Farm on left across from Hall’s Church. SELLING 175 HEAD OF FEEDER STEERS SOME BEING ANGUS, ANGUS LIMOUSINE, HEREFORDS, CHARLOIS & CROSSES Weights ranging from 300 to 800 lbs Cattle are vaccinated, wormed & dehorned Cattle are ready for your feed lot so plan to attend TERMS: Cash or good check. Out of state buyers must have current bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds. OWNER; Alvin Wenger Lunch Stand AUCTIONEERS: Roger A. Lauver Dean E. Longacre #AU-002634-L R.R. #3, Box 196-C Selmsgrove, PA 17870 (717) 374-3793 OWNER AND AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSBILE FOR ACCIDENTS lancastar Fttmlng, Saturday, April IS, IW-849 Dispersal, Holstems By Andy Stoitzfus The Cattle Exchange SAT OCT 24 - 10 30AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co , PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 MON OCT 26 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc WED OCT 28 - 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction. 717-656-2947 WED OCT 28-10 AM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Dairy Sale A Sale 717- 354-4341 WED OCT 28 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Alvin Smith, Owner (717) 837-0292 APRIL 25, 1998 Tack To Be Sold at 8:30 AM Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale. Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI OCT 30 -7PM Fmgerlakes Livstock Exc, 3865 Rl 5&20, Canandaigua, NY Feeder Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 SAT OCT 31 -830 AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Clarence Shirks John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 NOVEMBER MON NOV 2 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc TUES NOV 3 - 548 Alexander Spnng Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. 717-249-4511 Restaurant