Virginia Feeder Sales Richmond, VA Mon Apr 13, 19M USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News Summary of Livestock Auctions by Areas: Northern Virginia Livestock Sum mary Including Front Royal, Orange, Rockingham, She nandoah. Staunton?nion And Winchester Virginia For The Week of April 6-11,1998 Feeder Cattle 1702 Head Sleets Med&Lge 1 Small i Med&Lge 2 200-300 90.00 -108.00 80.00 300400 76.00-104.0085.00-95.0076.00- 10100 400-500 81.50 - 103.00 69.00 - 93.00 78.00 - 100.00 500-600 73.00 - 98.00 82.00 - 90.00 71.00 - 97.00 600-77 75.25 - 88.75 73.00 - 79.00 75.00 - 86.00 700-800 70.00 - 79.50 65.00 - 71.00 69.00 - 76.00 800-900 67.00 - 72.25 Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 300-500 61.00 - 64.00 700-900 54.25 Heifets Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 74.00 - 81.00 72.00 - 83.50 300-400 71.00 - 83.00 69.00 - 77.00 74.00 - 81.50 406-SOO 73.00 - 84.00 62.50 - 74.00 70.00 - 81.00 500-600 70.00 - 79.00 56.25 - 69.00 62.50 - 76.00 600-700 68.00 - 77.75 59.00 - 65.00 57.25 - 68.00 700-800 55.00 - 66.00 Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 - 85.00 300-400 80.50 - 95.00 70.25 81.00400-500 82.00 - 95.00 - 76.00 - 82.00 500-600 ? 67.00 73.00 - uildmg you want. The Lease you need. The Telmark has been leasing equipment for over 30 years. Did you know that we’ve been leasing new buildings for that long too? Consider Tax deductibility and accelerated write-offs: Lease payments are income tax deductible over the term of the lease compared to 20-year depreciation of farm buildings and 39-year depreciation of commercial buildings Could reduce tax liability this year. Low upfront costs: Beginning costs as little as one monthly lease payment Flexible lease term: Building lease terms start aggressively at five years but may be as long as ten, twelve, or fifteen years Customized payment schedules; Lease payment schedules match your cash flow Payment options include monthly, quarterly, annually, as well as, skip or specially designed seasonal payments First: Talk with a qualified builder to determine your needs and building cost Then: Call your Telmark representative for your financing. Ken Doug Andrew Elizabeth Darlington Snee Lisa McLean Anderson 610-793-0150 724-627-5941 Francisco Sonnen 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 717-866-9217 Mike Dixon Fred Dixon 814-684-5707 724-346-3455 In the Northeast PA KY MI VA OH WV IN WI IL NC t SC AL GA IN MN MO and IA 75.00 600-700 75.00 - 79.00 765.00 - 69.00 Slaughter Cattle 346 Head Slaughter Cows 282 Head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 33700 - 41.50 Cutter and Booing Utility 1-3 31 JO - 37.75 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 26J0 - 34.25 Slaughter Btflls 52 Head YG 1-2 900-1300 lbs 41 JO - SSJO YO 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 43.00 - 5125 YO 1-2 1600 lbs and over 45.00 - 54.25 Slaughter Calves Vealers 12 Head Calves Good and Choice 250-500 lbs 67.00 - 78.00 Cows Returned to Farms 3 head - Medium and tge 1 and 2, 4-10 Yrs old 900-1000 Lbs 310.00 per head. Cows with Calves at Side? Pairs - Medium and Large 1, 4-10 yrs old 900-1100 lbs with calves newborn to 200 1b5430.00-610.00 per pair. Baby Calves Returned to Farms 89 Head newborn to 4 weeks 10.00-7100 per head. Over 100 tbs 30.00-85.00 pec cwt Lambs Total Receipts 148 Head Slaugh ter Lambs 27 Head New Crop Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 91 lbs 106 JO Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 100 lbs 102.00 Good and Few Choice 1-2 90 lbs 89.00 Wooled Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 116 lbs 78.00 Cho?ew Prime 1-2 Few 3 90 lbs 93.00 Feeder Lambs 62 Head Medium and Large Frame 1-2 7C-85 lbs 116.00 Medium and Large?tame 1-2 60-70 lbs 98.00 - 125.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-2 50-60 lbs 105.00 Slaughter Ewes and Rams 59 Head Ewes Choice 2-4 3100 - 42.00 Utility and Good 1-3 35.00-41.00 Cull and Low Util- Telmark Inc. www telmark com 800-451-3322 tty 1-2 42.25 - 43.75 Slaughter Hogs 10 Head Barrows and Gilts US 1-3 200-250 lbs 34.00 US 2-4 250-300 Ifas 29.00 Sows US 1-3 300-500 lbs 25.00 - 26.00 US 1-3 500 lbs and over 29.00 - 29.75 Boars 300-600 lbs 13.00 USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market News Summary of Livestock Auctions by Areas; Southwest Virginia livestock Sum mary Including Abingdon livestock Exchange And Hollins, Virginia For The Week of April 6-11, 1998 Feeder Cattle 1528 Head Steers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 98.00 - 105.00 98.00 - 10700099.50-106.0086.00-91.0070.00- 103.00 400-500 89.00 - 104.00 79.50 - 90.00 87.00 - 106.00 500-600 82.00 - 95.00 80.00 - 94.00 600-700 78,00 - 84.50 65.00 - 74.00 73.50 - 77.00 700-800 75.00 7-900 70.00 Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 200-300 74.00 - 81.00 300-500 66.00 - 77.00 500-700 68.00 - 71.00 Heifers Med&Lge 1 Small I Med&Lge 2 300-400 84.00 - 89.00 75.00 - 77.00 77.00 - 85.00 400-500 72.00 - 89.00 66.00 - 73.00 75.00 - 82.00 500-600 72.00 - 80.00 61.00 - 71.00 70.00 - 78.00 600-700 66.00 - 69.75 67.00 - 68.50 Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 92.00 - 100.00 - 92.00 - 98.00 300400 88.00 - 103.00 85.00 - 94.00 400500 84.50 - 101.00 6100 - 76.00 77.00 - 96.00 500600 73.00 - 87.00 - 600-700 73.00 - 80.00 700-900 64.00 - 67.00 - Slaughter Cattle 144 Head Slaughter Cows 140 Head Breaking Utility and Commercial 24 34.00 - 43.00 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 32.00 - 40.50 Frank Hunter Mike Fullam 716-595-3954 717-966-9202 Richmond, VA Mon Apr 13, 1998 !m lease $5 000 Catmer and Low Cutter 1-2 2550 - 34.25 Slaughter Bulls 4 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300 Lbs 42.00 Yg 1-2 1600 Lbs and over 43.75 - 44.25 Baby Calves Returned to Farms 6 head newborn to 4 7weeks 50.00-87.50 per bead. Richmond, VA Mon Apr 13, 1998 USDA Dept of Ag Market News Summary of Livestock Auctions by7cntral And Southeast Virginia lives tock Summary Including Southside (Blackstone) and Lynchburg Virginia for the week of April 6-11, 1998 Feeder Cattle 1442 Head Steers Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 300-400 90.00 - 7 72.00 - 91.00 88.00 - 101.00 400-500 88.00 - 9850 85.00 - 98.00 500-600 8950 - 92.00 75.00 - 9350 600-700 7ZOO - 80.00 700-800 69.00 800-900 758.00 Holstein Steer Med&Lge 2 200-300 62.00 30070 - 71.00 500-700 6350 - 67. 00 700-900 57.25 900-11007 5050 1100+ 4450 Fts Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 587 - 72.00 72.00 - 87.00 300-400 76.00 - 80.00 56.00 - 73.00 74.00 - 86.00 400-500 75.07- 79.00 60.00 - 6650 70.00 - 87.00 500-600 76.00 - 7 68.00 - 78.00 600-700 68.00 6350 - 68.00 700-800 62.00 55.00 800-900 60.00 - ... ? . Bulls Med&Lge 1 Smalt 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 95.00 870 92.00 - 102.00 300400 89.00 - 98.00 75.00 - 85.00 81.00 - 98.00 400-500 79.00 - 96.00 55.00 - 71.00 75.00 - 97.00 500-600 84.00 - 86.00 65.00 - 75.00 ? 73.00 - 87.00 600-700 70.00 -74.50 - 63.00 - 71.00 700-900 60.00 - 50.00 Slaughter Cowi 236 Head Breaking UtiUty And Commercial 2-4 32.00 - 34.00 Cutter And Boning U7ty 1-3 3700 - 45.00 Caimer And Low Cutter 1-2 25.00 - 28.00 Slaughter Bulls 24 Head YO 1-2 900-1300 lbs 42.00 - 43.00 YO 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 39.25 - 46.25 YO 1-2 1600 lbs and Over 42.00 - 50.00 Cows Returned to Farms 28 head - Medium 1, Medium 2 And Large 2. 750-1100 lbs mostly 34.00-39.00 per cwt Baby Calves Returned to Farms 5 bead newborn to 4 weeks 35.00-36.00 pet head. Goats 20 Head (Sold by the Head) Bill ies - Medium 54.00 - Small 37.00 Kids - 15.00 - 26.00 State Graded Feeder Cattle 343 head sold at Lynchburg, Virginia on April 6, 1998. Steers 169 head. Heifers 176 head. Steers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 27 300400 97.50 - 106.00 10250- 10350 400-500 9050 - 104.00 94.00 - 10150 500-600 88.25 - 955 0 86.75 - 93.00 600-700 84.00 - 855 0 7050 - 86.50 700-800 75.50 - 79.00 - Heifers Med&Lge I Med&Lge 2 300400 8050 - 82.00 8250 • 83.25 400500 79.50 - 79.75 78.00 - 83.00 500600 77.75 - 78.75 7850 - 80.25 600700 70.75 - 71.25 6850 State Graded Feeder Cattle 71 head Sold at Southside (Blackstone) Virginia On April 8, 1998. Steers 36 head. Heifers 33 head. Steers Med&Lge 1 Med&Lge 2 300-400 - 87.00 - 95.50 400-500 88.00 - 94.00 94.00 500-600? 87.50 - 90.00 84.00 600-700 75.00 - 80.00 75.00 700-800 69.50 65.00 - 69.00 900-1000 60.00 - Heifers Med&Lge I Med&Lge 2 300-400 7850 - 79.00 72.00 - 80.00 400-5007 75.00 - 7750 65.00 - 79.00 500-600 72.00 - 7450 70.00 - 74.00
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