Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 87
Public Auction Farm Machinery SAT., APRIL 25, 1998 - 10 AM LOCATION: Box 839, R.D. #2, Thomasville, PA. Rt. 234 west of York approx. 7 mi. or east of East Berlin approx. 4-1/2 mi. FARM MACHINERY International 460 utility tractor; Farmall Super MTA with torque amplifier; International Cub, wide front, with side dresser; Gleaner K com bine with fo’ grain head, 3 row narrow corn head; NH 1010 stack-liner; NH 67 baler; NH kicker for baler; 9’ transport disc; 8’ cultipack er; 3 pt. scraper blade; 3 btm. fast hitch plow; 5’ bush hog mower; Int. lime spreader; two Ontario grain drills; 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; 24’ Kingwise elevator with grain attachment; two row pull type corn planter; 6 row International corn planter (needs work); IH corn planter boxes; fast hitch cultivators; McCormick pull type rake; 200 gal. sprayer; flatbed hay wagon with 10 T gear; two flatbed wagons: McCurdy gravity bin wagon; Brady flail chopper; JD (N) manure spreader; fast hitch sprayer with hand boom; mechanical transplanter for strawberries; Nighthawk planter; fuel tank with pump; Troybuilt 6 hp rear tine rototiller; Duracraft 16 speed drill press; Homelite chain saw cyclone seeder; liquid fertilizer tank; Trim-all-weed eater; 1981 Ford pickup (needs work); oxyacety lene torch kit; misc. lumber; 230 volt com pressor f6r cooling unit. BE PROMPT AS THIS AUCTION HAS VERY FEW SMALL ITEMS! Any statements made auction day supercede all printed material. Not responsible for acci dents. Owner: RICHARD L. BUFFINGTON R.D. #2, Box 839 Thomasville, PA Auctioneer: MIKE STERMER, Lie. #2959L STERMER’S AUCTION SERVICE 6264 Big Mount Rd. East Berlin, PA 17316 (PH: 717-292-2245) PUBLIC AUCTION Tractors • Farm Machinery 10 Breeding Age Heifers - Hay Auction for Bill Cordes, Rt. 579, Bloomsbury, NJ. From Int. Rt. 78, take the Pattenburg Exit #ll, through Pattenburg on County Rt. 614, to Hickory crossroads & turn right onto Rt. 579, and 1 mile to sale, lane on right. Arrows posted. FRL, APRIL 24,1998, 9:30 AM 10 Heifers: 1 Holstein, 2 Polled Ayrshires & 3 Ayrshires cross with Red Holstein, all 2 yr. & over, 3 Holstems & 1 Jersey 1 1/2 yr. old. Tested for immediate shipment. 1968 #l7O Allis Chalmers Diesel tractor, 1953 Farmall M w/power pack & carburetor rebuilt, 1947 Case antique tractor has not run since 1953, JD hyd. 3 bottom plow, JD & Case 2 bottom pull type plows, JD 16’ hyd. spring tooth harrow, JD & Int. gram drills, JD & Oliver 7’ sickle bar mowers, JD hyd. rubber tire disc., Int. & Oliver 4 row corn planters both w/Candy boxes, Oliver 4 row com planter w/msecticide tanks, Int. 2 row corn planter, Oliver 2 row & Int. 1 row P.R. pull type corn pickers, NH #77 & Ford pto balers - Ford has #671 Luedtke bale thrower, MH #5O clipper pull type combine, Smoker 28’ & 30’ & NH 35’ hay or l6’ alum, elevator w/motor, 30’ mow%levator, flat - bin & chuck wagons, set JD running cjears, 2 wheel trailer,-3»manure spreaders, corn shelter, 7’-6 windmv over head garage door, 2 new woven wire,•battle water tsWRT Ford wood body graiQ truck w/twin hoist, snow plow for tractor or truck, Plymouth car, 3 hyd. cylinders, hyd. jacks, Snap On socket set, log chains, 2 harpoon hay forks, tools, much unlisted. Not responsible for accidents. Note: Most machinery needs a little help, or good for parts, also some scrap. Everything must be removed by Friday, April 30. Heifers sold at 12:30 pm, 75-100 bales of grass hay. Terms: Cash or Approved Check Food Bill Cordes, Owner 908-479-1436 Arthur Hanna, Auctioneers Bloomsbury, NJ 908-995-7862 or 995-9699 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Martin 3 Farm Retirement Auction 4 Farm Machinery and Horse Drawn Line ►< '•* THURS., APR. 23,1998,10:00 A.M. £ 3159 Chubb Hollow Road * Penn Yan (Yates Co.) New York ►< :xxxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzxxzxxzxxzi; From State Route 14A (Penn Yan to Dundee Road) at the church in "Second Milo" turn east onto “Second Milo Road” follow to very end, make right turn, 2nd farm on left. (5 miles south of Penn Yan; 18 miles north of Watkins Glen). Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Martin have sold their cows and are retiring. Selling in the tradition of the old fashioned Pennsylvania Dutch style auction will be: J.D. 350 C Diesel Crawler/Loader, 5 1/2 ft. bucket, good condition!; J.D. #5O Backhoe attachment (selling separately): 12 in., 18 in., and 24 in. buckets; Farmall 656 Diesel Tractor, wide front, 3 pt. hitch, 2 remotes, 16.9x38 tires; I.H. 584 Diesel Tractor, 2 remotes, 16.9x30 tires; (Note; Selling separately will be open center rear steel wheels and spring insert fronts for both of the above listed tractors) Gleaner E Combine, gas power, on steel, 12 ft. grain head; N.H. 56 rake; Kuhn 4 star tedder; N.H. 451 .sickle bar mower; N.H. 469 haybine; Lilliston 3 pt., 5 pt. rotary mower; N.H. 69 conventional square baler; three (3) flatrack wagons; Little Giant 32 ft. bale grain transport elevator; N.H. 770 chopper with 770 W hay head; N.H. 824 2 row narrow corn head sells separately; Gehl 99 blower; N.H. 2 beater forage wagon with roof; Artsway 3 beater forage wagon with roof; N.l. 323 1-row picker; N.l. 325 picker for parts; Little Giant gravity wagon; N.H. 354 grinder mixer; N.H. 155 spreader with end gate and hook link apron chain; Federal 3 pt. p.t.o. 15 kw generator: N.l. 3-pt. twin spinner fert. spreader; I.H. 510 (16x7) disc grain drill, dry fert., grass seeder; I.H. 56 4-row narrow corn planter, dry fert., bug boxes, extra nice; I.H. 3 pt. 4-row cultivator; I.H. 12 ft. 401 drag; Brillion 10 ft. cultipacker; Brillion 12 ft. cultipacker with 4 in. axle; Graham plow; Kewanee 10 ft. transport disk; Case 12 ft. field cultivator and another for parts; I.H. 450 3/16 3 pt. full mount plow, spring reset; I.H. 420 3/16 trip plow; post hole digger; Walsh 100 gal. sprayer, F.M.C. 3 pt. 80 gal. Air Blast sprayer; 4 ft 3 pt. plastic mulch layer; 4 in. x 12 ft. gram auger; log chain; block and tackles: 3 pt. buzz saw; 2 parlor stoves: suitcase weights; Mortar mixer; mud pan; 2 skid tanks; Vac-A-Way seed cleaner; PTO and Gas water pumps, Rockford clutch unit; Barn fan on wheels; 7 1/2, 3/1/2, and 5 h.p. elect, motors: 400 amp p.t.o. welder; 60 ft. copper welder leads; 2 vacuum pumps (3 h.p. DeLaval and 3 h.p. Masport); pail milker; 5 place calf hutch; 3 wooden hutches; App. 24 ton ear corn in crib; HORSE ITEMS: mill sleigh; wooden wheel pony cart; forecart; Wiard 106 walking plow; I.H. 2-row corn planter; J.D. 2-row corn planter; 2 horse cultivator; potato plow; Superior 11 disk gram drill: 9 ft. cultipacker; tooth harrow; J!D. Kba 28 disc; 2 and 3 hitches: good harnesses and ppjteirs, etc.!; ALSO DRIVING HORSES BY NOAH HORST. ALSO a large copper kettle; 400 A warm mSrning stove; and a few misc. household items sell! An interesting auction! LUNCH by local Mennonites. Comfort facility available. TERMS: CASH or honorable check day of auction. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Martin Phone 315-536-3592 (No Sunday calls, please) ;jf:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs Auction Conducted By ►' *i J ►- >i James P. Firrung ►< •< PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. f; >4 Wayland, New York * >] 716-728-2520 >• 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi! FRI MAY 8 & SAT MAY 9 - ————— Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Franklin Co, PA 23rd Ann Con- Lebanon, PA Martinis 27th sign Sale, quilts, crafts, flowers. Annual Spring Consignment Auc- shrubbery & tools By Cumber-^ tion, carriages, sleighs & land Valley Amish Schools Local antiques Consignments wel- Aucls Martin SAT MAY 9 - SAM 125 Pleasant Hill Rd , Lewisberry, PA Furni ture, cupboard, Kentucky rifle, come 717-354-61 Aucls. Inc ~ „ dozer, crawler, loader, tools & SAT MAY 9 - Lebanon Valley lumber By Frank 4 Dons L Lvsl Mkt, ImiE of Fredericks- Goodlander Little IKE Eichel 'n PA along Rt 22 Work, dn- berqer. Aucl. 717-938-6322 n 7 17-86^783 on Kath SAT MAY 9 - BAM N of Hake's Bvers A Gerald Hoover. Aucts _ SJore on Bull Rd Exfd to Ander- sontown Rd, straight across to SAT MAY 9 - Flaud Farm, ist place on R, York Co, PA 80+ 15700 Burnt Mill Rd, Newburg, Acre farm w/stone house, PUBLIC AUCTION FOUR ALL SEASONS 104 N. HANOVER STREET HUMMELSTOWN, PA SAT, APRIL 25,1998 TIME: 9:00 A.M. DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg, PA, Take Rt. 322 East To The Hummelstown-Middletown ExitAndTum Left Onto Hanover St. AttheTraf fic Light, Go Straight Through The Hummel stown Square. After Going Under The Under Pass, The Auction is On Your Left. Signs Post ed. EXCESS INVENTORY SALE Cub Cadet 1440 -14 HP -42 in. Wheelhorse - 212-6 12 HP - 36 in. Simplicity Front Cut With Bagger, Cub Cadet 1405 - 14 HP - 38 in. Hechinger 18 HP - 44 in., Cub Cadet 129-12 HP - 44 in. With Dozer Blade. MID 12 HP - 38 In. Wheel Horse Electro 12 -12 HP -36 In. with Dozer Blade, Cub Cadet 1210 -12 HP -44 in., Wheelhorse C-81 - 36 in. With Dozer Blade, Cub Cadet 1220, Simplicity 4211, Cub Cadet 1430, Cub Cadet 1030,2 Simplicity 3108, Sim plicity 4208 - 3110, John Deere 57 Rear Engine, Craftsman Rear Engine, MID 12 HP - 38 in. With Bagger, Honda 3813, Craftsman - Gilson - Cumberland 5 HP, Front Tine Tiller, Sears - Toro - Snapper Snow Throwers, Peco Vacuum Attachment For Tractor, Chainsaws And Trim mers. COMMERCIAL UNITS: Encore 14 HP - 48 in. - Gear Walk Behind, Paris 22 HP - 61 in. - Hi-Pro Rider Ford 861 Diesel - 60 in. - Woods Finish Mower - Power Steering - Live PTC, And Many Other Items & Parts. NOTE: All Items Are Subject To Prior Sale. Sales Tax Will Be Collected. Some Of The Lawn & Garden Runs, Some In Need Of Repair, And Some Are Parts Machines. TERMS: Cash or Approved Checks. No Out Of State Checks. All Merchandise May Be Inspected The Day Of The Auction. AUCTIONEERS: Richard and Rick McNeal and Jessie Berkebile Lie #s AU-001380-L and AU-002188-L and AA-112563-L Phone 717-545-5911 AKOM —11:40 ML —We have a fine collccnon of originals, limited and editions anji prints Here's a sampling Counting the Days by Richard 801 l • Megan's Lamb by P Buckley Moss • Fresh Trash by Dan Christ « Peaceful PU Susie Reihl, plus many more by Michael Rice, Diane Stewart, A 1 Tatr, )im Pals Myrtle Trembley, and Terry Redlin SpacM FNtIPM —12:80 |.BI. - handmade porce lain (Jolt in christening gown • 38” wooden truck 6c van handmade by J tarl Horst from a private collection dared 1994, 3 D Picture Pine Hollow Saw Mill by Abner Zook • oak Windsor bench • oak Windsor babv cradle • antique slant top Ladas' Secretary Desk • ice cream parlor set • 2 nites at Equestrian Estates Victorian bed 6c breakfast • 16-18 ft' Green Mountain Sugar Maple, planted on your property • Theorem fruit pictures Qriß AkHn—l:oo P.IB. —Over 33 full si:e quilts, plus yy ill hangings and atghans Quilts include Heart Bouquet • Rainlxny Reflections • Country Love • Antique Sampler • Lancaster Treasures • Mariner’s Star • Heart of Roses FunMim, AMpim, Of CoMctHu Solid oak raised panel blanket chest • porch rockers ‘Tiffany lamps ‘Boyd-'s beat and rabbits • wooden quilt ml ly picruus •marble-top table • Ned Folt: pottery • Victorian dolls • mahogany doll bed with quilt • unique see-through quilt chest • rocking horse by Kready • Gingrich baskets • hand carved bird MW OMtCPtaIMOUt John Dccic pedal tractor 6c wagon • cheese • pork roll • bird houses • bird feeders • shrubbery • lots of bedding plants • lawn 6t garden items • mulch by the scoop Lanctsttr Farming, Saturday, April 18, 1998-839 sleigh, buggy, wood planer, antiques, woodworking equip guns, sporting equip, tools, etc By Levere Lemkelde Estate Renlzel’s Auction Service SAT MAY 9-8 30AM West Par adise Rd, Mt Pleasant Mills, Perry Twp, Snyder Co, PA Real estate, 33 acres w/2 sty frame dwelling, antiques, Hh goods, col lectibles, cars lawn & garden By The Helntzelman-Troutman Chil dren Roger A Lauver&OeanE Lonaaere, Aucts SAT MAY 9 - 9AM Rocherty Pic nic Grounds, comer of Rt 241 4 Rocherty Rd, PA Lawn 4 gar den or related items consign auct Elvm Gmrich 4 Roy Shirk, Aucts , 717-272-4554 or 717- 867-1119 SAT MAY 9-9 AM 925 S Cocal ico Rd , Denver, (near Schoe neck), West Cocalico Twp, Lane Co, PA Real estate, 3 bdrm country rancher, furniture, antiques, gold, tools 4 coins By Daniel B Martin Aaron E Martin Auction Service SAT MAY 9 - 9AM The Voca tional Bldg, Rt 419, Cornwall, PA Comwall-Lebanon School Dlst Surplus School Equip Auc tion By Cornwall Lebanon School District Nelson L Eber- SOle, Auct. 717-867-5221 SAT MAY 9 - 9AM R D #2, btwn Cressona 4 Pine Grove, Sweet Arrow Lake Rd, Pine Grove, PA 11 Acre farmette, barn, summer house, milk 4 brooder houses, 3 vehicle stor age bldg By Ellen 4 Richard Kline Raymond P 4 Suzanne J Stump, Aucts SAT MAY 9 - 9AM 1257 W Main St (Rt 322), Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Heal estate, 2-1/2 sly brick Tudor, antiques, Hh goods, toys, tools & car By Ann M Wenger Horst Aucts, 717-859- 1331 SAT MAY 9 - 9AM. At square In Strasburg, turn S on S Decatur, go 2-1/2 ml to sale at 839 May Post Office Hd , Lane Co , PA Hh goods & antiques By Amos S & Mary S Zook Robert E, Jeffrey R , Michael L Martin & Randall L Ranck. Aucts SAT MAY 9-9 AM R-Own-Oairy Bund, 1 ml Eof Matamoras, PA Off Rt 225 Take Rt 22/322 to Dauphin, Rt 225 Nto Mata moras, Eon Matamoras Rd, Imi to sale Signs Hh goods, antiques, collectibles, boat, fish ing equip, tractor, lawn equip & tools By Russell Corsnltz Estate Dave Delbler & Ed Shoop. Aucts SAT MAY 9-9 AM 181 S Kish St, Belleville, PA Real estate, 10-1/2 acrefarmette, Hh goods* furniture By Eva I Kauffman MarkGlick, Auct SAT MAY 9 - 9AM Near Gratz, PA on Rt 25 Consignment Sale, farm machinery, lawn & garden, building suppling, etc, etc Rick Foreman & Linn Lenker, Aucts SAT MAY 9 ■ 9 30AM 733 E State St (rear), turn at Hamburg Elem School, to Pear Alley & E to auction Real estate, Hh goods, 1987 Mercedes diesel By Lloyd G K Kimmel Klinger AuctS. 610-562-4286 SAT MAY 9 -10 AM 5803 Old Phila Pike, Gap, PA Hh goods guns, Amish carnage 8 misc By Amos M 8 Ananna B Stoltzfus Mel Hoover, Auct SAT MAY 9- 11AM Lampeter Lane Co, PA East Coast Breed ers Invitational The Cattle Exhange, 607-746-2226