PUBLIC . AUCTION WOLGEMUTH AUCTION in association with JOHN M. HESS AUCTION SERVICE, INC. SPECIAL RESTAURANT SALE COMPLETE LIQUIDATION OF THE PETITE PALATE formerly located in Centerville, PA MONDAY, APRIL 27,1998 4:00 PM Held at our auction facility, 109 N. Maple Ave., Leola, PA 17540 TEC electronic cash register, Manitowoc ice machine, Federal bakery case, refrigerated deli case, custom retail cabinets. Advance SS island sink, Advance 3-compartment sink SS, exhaust hood, proofing cabinet, bakery shelves, Toastmaster toaster, SS tables, 36” food warmer, baker’s table (hardwood top), Tnmeld ingredient bins, Advance under counter dish table, commercial disposal, ceil ing mounted pot rack, Ancel fire system, Vulcan natural gas range with conventional oven, Vulcan double door refrigerator, Jackson under-counter dish machine with racks, Wells 2 unit soup warmer, Cleveland steamer, Blodgett convection oven, Vulcan 2-door freezer, Delfield refrigerator, com mercial microwave, Jordan sliding glass refrigerator, single glass door refrigerator, Hobart sheer, assorted small kitchen wares and disposable deli containers. Auctioneer’s Note: This is extremely clean, modern equipment with minimal use. JOHN AU-003484-L CALL JOHN CALL DENNIS 717-664-5238 717-656-2947 sum yP<icLer- nJrtWM AUCTIONEERS - APPRAISERS • LIQUIDATORS Unreserved Antiques Auction Selling The Jack Shipe Estate From Sinking Spring And Others From Oley And Bethlehem, PA Wed., Apr. 22.1998 9:00 AM Exhibition Day Of Auction; 7:30 A.M. To 9:00 A.M. Held At: Gouglersville Fire Company (Banquet Hall), Just Off Route 222 & Mohn’s Hill Road, Reading, PA (5 Miles From The PA Thrnpike Exit 21 Reading/Denver Interchange) FURNITURE: Two Piece Chippendale Style Linen Press, Two Piece Dutch Cupboards, Drop Leaf Tables, Paint Decorated Chairs, Victorian Slant Front Bookcase Desk, Softwood Jelly Cupboards, Bucket Bench, Butterfly Windsor Spmdleback Settee, Salesman Samples-Empire Style Chest Of Drawers- Shaving Mirror, Childs Chair, Over 20 Clocks - Regulator-Mantle-Half Column-Ansoma-Sessions- Calendar, Dated Coverlets-John Kaufmann (Bucks Co. 1842), Quilts, Wrought Iron; Peter Derr, J. Schmidt Ladles - Strainers - Spatulas - Trammels- Latches-Hinges, Cast Iron Game Match Box-kettles, Brass; A. Dod 1815 Measuring Projector- Candlesticks-Teapots, Copper; Peter Derr Tea Kettle, Tinware,Woodenware: S. Kriebel (Schwenkfelder) Plaque-Painted Foot Stool-Hanging Box-Doll Cradle, Redware: Stahl & Russell Henry Pieces, Pewter; George Richardson (1824 Stamped Cranston, RI- Glenmore Company No. 4) Teapot, Leonard, Reed & Barton (1835-1845) Gooseneck Coffee Pot- Stamped Plate-Bowl, Wallpaper & Lehnware Boxes, Stoneware Face Jug, Blue Decorated Stoneware, 1811 Alphabet Sampler & Mary Stump 1890 Needle work Sampler, Glassware, Gaudy Dutch & Welsh Pieces, China, Lighting: Miniature Victorian Hanging Light, Vast Amount Of Kerosene Lighting Parts, Artwork: (7) L. J. Cruise and G. D. Falk (Berks County Artists); Emma Delone-Bluhende Baume Oils On Canvas & Board, Books, Toys; Chain Driven Flipping Clown, Miniatures, Dolls - Germany-Armand Marseilles-China-Cupie, Stieff Animals-Litho Fine Groceries Horse Drawn Wagon, Collection Of Papier Mache Candy Containers-Bellschnickles, Oriental Rugs and Many Other Fine Items. Call Or Write Auction Company For Detailed Brochure #22.10% Buyers Premium TERMS: Cash or Approved Check With Bank Letter Of Credit AUCTION BY: Pennypacker-Andrews Auction Centre, Inc. Cathy M. Pennypacker -Andrews #AU-001254-L Luke R. VVitman P.O. Box 558, Shillington, PA 19607-0558 (610) 777-6121 or 777-5890 Public Auction Register Ctaring Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week’, publication PUBLIC AUCTION For Auburn Golf Car Company, Inc. Sat., April 25,1998 .t 9 00. m Located between Pine Grove end Schuylkill Haven on Route 443 at Friedensburg. Follow Hidden Valley Golf Courae. Signs to Hidden Valley Golf Course, Panther Valley Road, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Complete List 1986 Ford F-150 Pick-up Truck 85,000 miles, 1967 I H Dump Truck 17,000 G VW, 1990 E-Z Go 4-wheel electric golf cars, 1989 E-Z-Go 3-wheel electric golf carts. 1994 Ransome 5000 It wt Fairway mower Diesel 800 hrs , 2-VM HSHD Diesel power units, 1988 Cal D-318 Diesel power unit, 2 utility trailers Forestry R OPS J D 350 D, 6’ Dedoes acn-fler on Jake F 133, Cab for Toro G M 72, 100 amp portable welder. 12 Asplundh chipper Ford engine, 12” Metal chop saw, Ox & Act Torch Set. Quaker Maid base & wall cabinet parts new, Jake Trim King 84" reelmower, E-Z-Go Truckstcr Onan Engine dump body, 1987 Diahatsu pick-up Trk , 15.000 miles. Ford 6’ chisel plow. Globe 8000# m-floor Hydraulic lift with adjustable top. 1500’ 5/8" steel cable, G E Electrak tractor with snow plow, Air conditioners, Trailer axles. Cash registers, Hot Dog machines. Shelving units. Copier, Glass display cabinet, Display items, golf equipment, 4 ’ Irrigation Special Oliver 6 cyl. Engine with 4” Marlow cent. Pump 550 G.P.M. @ 125 P.S.I. Trailer mounted with 20’6” suction & foot valve. 4000’ 4” & 6” Aluminum irrigation pipe with fittings, trailer mounted. Rockwell 8”x36” Cabinet Lathe, Variable Speed, Single Phase, 3 Jaw Chuck with Tooling, Excellent Condition Transite pipe fittings -approx. 50,2 Pressure washers. Hale 2" portable pump, Lawn mowers, 9000# G M Front axle, used tires, truck & turf-* Large antique hand winch. New swimming pool filter Hayward High rate Sand Media with valve portable, 18”x36” cast iron gnll L PG , golf car parts. Shop handwash sink. Ideal 1" stencil cutting machine, Compaq 286 computer, Toro 21” Grcensmowcr, 8 H P power broom, 8 H P Billy Goal vacuum, D-5 D-6 Flcco root rake, Meyers skid mount sprayer B&S Engine, Fiberglass tank Dry 15 booms, John Bean 400 gal Sprayer trailer mounted, V-4 Wise Engine hose & gun, 2 Modine ceiling mount heaters with fan. Farm wagon axles with front steer, Electric Railroad vehicle goes on road or railroad track, PO Jeep fresh engine, 1952 Jeep Truck, parts only. Large squirrel cage fans, many items too numerous to mention Sale Day Saturday, April 25th, 1998, 9:00 a.m. Inspection Friday 24th (until noon). Will load until 4:30 p.m. sale day. All items are to be removed by April 30th, 1998. Additional information call 717* 739*2502,6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Terms: Cash or acceptable check, no out of state checks, travelers checks will be accepted. Auctioneers: Robert A. Arner AU-000024-L Dean R. Arner AU-003421-L Ph: 717-386-4596 PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., APRIL 25,1998 at 10:00 a.m. FARM MACHINERY & TRAILERS The Auction will be held at 4221 Roop Rd., Mt. Airy, MD. From Taylorsville take Rt. 26-W, approx. 2-miles, turn left onto Roop Rd. and go approx. 1/4 mile to Auction on left. 1H 1256-D Turbo, WF., 3-pt., dual hyd., 540 & 1000, 16-spd., 20.8-38 tires, GFL, 5895 hrs; Farmall 806-D, WF, FH., dual hyd., 540 & 1000, 16-spd., 18.4-34 tires, GFL, 5391 hrs.; AC 180-D WF., 3-pt., dual hyd., 3562-hrs.; Hesston 5530 Fiat Agri round baler; NH 315 baler w/thrower; NH 56 rake w/RM teeth; IH #lO grain cart w/auger; 2-NI 40’ elevators w/motor & pto; 4-Farm-Bilt 18’ sq. tube bale wagons on 8-ton gears; Gehl 640 3-beater forage wagon w/roof irons; Nl 218 tandem pto spreader w/hyd. gate; Nl 323 picker; MF grinder-mixer; 16’ wooden bale bed; 3-gravi ty bin wagons: Brillion 10’ cultipacker; Brillion fold-up ST harrow; FH 3-disk plow; 4-section transport fold-up harrow; JD 6’ 3-pt. blade w/slider; Danuser 3-pt. P.H.D.; Brillion 3-pt. 10-shank chisel plow; Gehl 710 forage wagon; Pequea 710 tedder; NH 469 haybine; IH 540-4-btm. semi-plow; AC 2300 12’ trans. disk; IH 555 forage harvester w/2-row corn, DC., & PU heads; Willmar tandem 2-spinner fert. spreader; AC 6-row 30” planter; 3-pt. wheel rake; FH 2-btm. plow; Oliver 2-btm. trailer plow; JD #8 semi-sickle mower; Brillion 8’ cultipacker; AC 7-shank pull type chisel plow; Miller 12’ off-set dual wheel disk; 3-axle tag along trailer w/ramps; 3-pt. & pull wood splitters: NH 469 for parts; 3-pt. & free stand cement mixers; 2-Farm Co. 24’ 3- wheel cattle feeders (like new); 1-Farm Co. 2-wheel 24’ cattle feeder; 1-Farm Co. 10’ feeder; round bale feeder; several farm gates; American wire; box & I-beam; 1200- bu. wire corn crib; metal slide-in PU cattle racks; 2-bale spears; Ford V-8 engine; 4- butcher kettles; stirrers; scalding trough; stuffer; 2-28’ alum, box storage trailers: cul vert pipe. TRAILERS: Montone tandem alum. 30’ dump road trailer; 1994 W-W 14’ cattle trailer w/ball hitch & electric brakes, (like new); 40’ alum, tandem box trailer; GMC 14’ dump bed truck. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. Not Responsible for accidents on property. VIOLA KINNA (Owner) Food stand rights reserved. Nevin E. Tasto, Auctioneer, 410-374-4067. Bruce Witte, Auctioneer, 301-829-0271 *Come Early, Items Are In Good Shape. FRI. APR. 24 - 6PM. 2275 Stras burg Rd, CoateavlHa, East Fal lowfield Twp., Chaster Co., PA. Reel estate, 2 story stone, approx 39 acres of land In country setting By Ora M. Beck Estate Griesfs Auction Service. FRI APR 24 - 6PM Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA Spring Heifer Sale For more Info: Gene Click. 717-667-2703 or Sale Bam. 717-935-2146 FRI APR. 24-6 PM 391 Medford Lakes Rd, RD 8, Vlncentown, NJ Spnng Round Up Horse consign from 5 states, Ig load of tack Marker's Auct Co. Inc FRI APR 24 & SAT APR 25 - 9AM 715 Bean Hill Rd, Lancast er, PA Antiques, Hh goods, tools, cameras, books, ceramics, Avon, (urn, jewelry. Lionel trams, JD nd- PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., MAY 2,1998 at 9:30 am 50-75 Tractors 25-35 pcs. Construction, Farm Implements, Contractors Supplies, Trucks, Trailers, Large Selection of Tillage & Planting Equipment YOUR CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! We’ll Have 1,000 Items! Watch next week’s paper or call for complete listing. Sale held @ Goodrich Auction Service, Inc. Rt. 38 & 388 Newark Valley, NY 13811 607-642-3293 Refreshments Huge quantities farm & compact tractors, lawn tractors & landscape tools, farm machinery, construction equipment, loaders, dozers, excavators, back hoes, trucks, trailers, cars & pickups. NOTICE: This is our 28th year of consignment auctions in Groveland and it seems that they grow each year. Free breakfast starts at 7:00 A M and then at 8:00 A M two auction teams will sell simultaneously all day LOCATION Barber Hill Road, Groveland, 8 mi. S E. of Geneseo, 2 mi S.W of Conesus Lake, 30 mi South of Rochester SELLING: (This list is early highlights only - over 1500 items expected) APPROXIMATELY 80 FARM TRACTORS: ID 6200 w/640 Idr., JD 4440; JD 4020, IH 1086; several small Fords, IH 656; Ford 5000, Ford 9000, IH 674 gas; IH 574; IH 1486, JD 850, IH 504, many 4x4 and loader tractors CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cat 926 2 1/2 yd loader; JD 2-1/2 5448 loader, Cat 930 w/G P. & side dump, Fiat Allis 745 4 yd , Fiat Allis 6458 3 yd.; Trojan 2500 loader; Dresser TDBE 6 way dozer, 89 Dresser TD7, 1500 hrs ; Case 1150 C LGP 6 way w/wmch, 1990 Cat EI2OB excava tor; 92 Cat E7OB excavator. Bantam excavator, several Ford, Case & JD backhoes me. 555 D - like new 4x4 cab, ehoe. Case 580 C, 84 Tampo 10T. vib. roller, Bitteh 3T. Vib. Roller w/trlr., 95 Bobcat 853, Case 1835 & 1840, NH 665, like new, trenchers & much more. FARM EQUIPMENT: Hay balers, haybines, rakes; wagons; corn planters; grain drills; plows, mulchers, discs; chisels, field cultivators, grinder mixers, many rotary mowers; finish mowers; sickle mowers; brushhogs; elevators; manure spreaders, duals; poly tanks, sprayers; 443 JD corn head; silo blow ers; forage harvesters, forage wagons; york rakes; running gears, NH TRBS combine w/heads, nice TRUCKS, TRAILERS, PICKUPS & CARS: 1979 tandem tractor w/wet hne; 87 FBOO dump, 94 & 96 Fl5O pickups; SOT, 10 wide loboy trailer, 28’ gooseneck equip, trailer; 12T. trlr. w/air brakes; F 750 gram truck, utility trailers; cars; 1 tons; lease return & repo vehicles LAWN MOWERS (APPROX. 130): All kinds, brands & sizes; some fancy John Deeres, some big commercial mowers & some plain dogs; also attachs , tillers, rollers, blowers & more ALSO: Machine tools; lathes; grinders, pumps; tampers; block saws; buck ets; fuel tanks; rollers; gas engines; building materials, welders; 94 Yamaha Banshee, Blasta 4 wheelers, storage bldgs. LANDSCAPE TREES & SHRUBS (Thousands): A great assortment of shade trees & evergreen trees; potted shrubs; rhododendrons, lilac, yews, arbs; burning bush & much more. ALL QUANTITIES SUB. TERMS: Full payment auction day - No credit or credit cards. Free loading - Trucking available. No buyer premium. Consignor delivery hours: 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Monday ■ Friday NO JUNK OR TIRES FORECAST Ram or sun - Big crowd - terrible parking problem - lots ot iron to sell - tired auction team by Saturday evening (Hope you can come anyway) FBI APR. 24 - 4PM & SAT. APR 25 - 9AM 220 N. 4#) St.. Ham burg, PA Tools, tinware, col lectwas, tools, antiques & much mote By Carrie V Hess Klinger Auct Svc„ 610-562-4286 FRI. APR. 24 - 6PM » SAT. APR. 25 - 9AM New-Hopewell Fire Co, 106 N High St, Newburg, PA 20th Annual Consignment Sale. For Info. 717-423-6973 (after SPM) or 423-6140 FRI APR 24 - 6PM & SAT. ARP. 25-9 AM Manheim Christian Day School, 1 ml N of Manheim, Rt 72,5 mi Sof PA Turnpike Exit 20, 686 Lebanon Rd, Manheim, Lane Co, PA Benefit Auction, Winross, NASCAR & action coll, certificates, Hh goods, antiques, furniture & mlsc For Info 717- 665-4300 NEW YORK S FAVORITE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1998 at 8:00 A.M. (Breakfast 7:00 A.M.) Teitsworth Auction Yard, Barber Hill Rd., Groveland, N.Y. (Geneseo Area) RoyTeitsworth, Inc. (716) 243-1563' FAX (716) 243-3311 6502 Barber Hill Road Geneseo, New York 14454 Lanlnw’&mSio, Sttunfiy, ApriT li. V&N^B3i ing mower*. By Ruth E Hippey EBaie. Asalca Ann. Shaub. Aina ECT TO INCREA! SAT APR. 25 -10 ml Sof Som erset, PA, off HI 281 L off 281 S onto the Mud Pike Rd, situated on bend of the road after the Country Cottage Rest near New Centerville Svonavec’s Spotlight Sale of Club Lambs. By Dave, Betty Lou, Heidi, Luke & Gabe Svonavec. 814-926-2779 SAT APR 25 - International Red & White Sale, hosted by Cedar Lane Farms, Oldwick, NJ The Cattle Exchange fin7-74R-?p?R SAT APR 25 - Kling's Sale Bam, Landisburg, PA 20th Annual Spring Consignment Sale, cattle, Holstein feeders. Hereford feed ers & machinery Kling's Auctions Inc, 717-789-3883 SAT APR 25 - The Enterprise Center, 703 S Elmer Ave, Sayre, PA Consignment Auction, win dows, doors, lumber, hardware, cabinets, paint, bldg materials, 1 tools & more Fred Siegfried Auct Svc. 717-247-2456 I*"” » ' * ' SAT APR 25-TroyFairgrounds Spnng Farm Machinery Consign Auct & Maple Festival Shaylor Aucts SAT ARP 25 - Nichols Lot, NY Construction equip auction, dozer, backhoes, etc Howard W Visscher. Auct SAT APR 25 - BAM 145 Rich land Rd, Myerstown, Millcreek Two, Lebanon Co, PA Antiques, collectibles, furniture, milk bottles, coins, Holstein memorabilia By Howard & Amanda Weiss Harry H Bachman, Auct, 717-867- 1809 SAT. APR 25 -8.30 AM Comer of Maple & Locust Sts, Myer stown, Lebanon Co, PA Quilts, toys, coins, trains, furniture, piano, fine oak china closet, lamps, TV, sob & chairs By Mary Louise & Robert Albert Keller AuctS. 717-653-8871 SAT APR 25 -830 AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Mlddleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Mlddleburg, PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 SAT APR 25 - 8 30AM RD7#3, Box 449, Gladco Rd, Hanover, York Co , PA Hh goods, wood shop equip, scaffolding, boat & camping trailer By Naomi & the late John McMaster Randy Hilk er, Auct £
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