Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 68
BgKancastar Farming, Saturday. Apr! 18, 1998 MAIL OX MARKET F R SALE H! Behlen EXLIS and EL-10 standing corn cribs with wire air shafts and tunnels, 3 pt 110 gal. sprayer and pump. Centre Co. 814-349- 8177 Shenandoah Valley, Stau ton Virginia, 79 ac. rolling pasture land, some woods, 8 perked, surveyed, parcels, outstanding views all or part. Augusta Co 540-886-3157 Good trail horse - english or western Smooth mouth mare $9OO Cumberland Co 717-776-6048. New Holland 30 f(. elevator for corn and hay $l9OO Orchard duster with motor mount on four wheel trailer, Northampton Co 610-252- 1344. Registered polled here fords Cow with heifer calf $l2OO Cow with bull calf sl2oo.Heifer, sells open $750 Westmoreland 724- 539-3808 Bale elevator 20 ft, with electric motor working cond $BO 50 ft metal blower pipe $75 Lane Co 717-203-5359 Dearborn sicklebar mower w/parts book $3OO Fox self-propelled chopper $9OO Wayne Road sweep er $l,OOO Chester Co 610-933-0991 1982 680 Case backhoe recently overhauled all kinds of building, stone farm related items Call after 6pm Leb Co. 717- 865-4941 IH 4 bar hay rake and ted der $195 7xlo dump wag on $340 Dellinger hammer mill running table $l5O Northampton Co 610-252- 1344 guaaaisisuamaaasfiaasEi B B B D te B g B C m I: i 3*>. -s*v | New& Used I I W/nc/ Mills | I E & R WIND MILL | I SALES & SERVICE fe I 717-354-5554 fe | 717-354-9320 I BLumiunaiamumiLiiauiuiLnaiaßmJl! ’ * 'l*- MiaSS®' tutvo 6 ' v ?*• pao® •7 AO 1 row Holland Mulch trans planter 3 pt liquid fert., 2 size pockets, exc $l3OO. Class 111 hitch fits Ford $5O North’d Co. 717-648-4972. 3 Holstein Simential cross feeder heifers, app. 350 pounds Leb. Co. 717-838- 2640. Meadow Brooke for draft horse, good cond. with brakes asking $l,lOO. Call evenings Mercer Co. 609- 259-6003 Rat terrier pups ready to god Apr 25. Shots, wormed, Lane Co 717- 354-5974 Old motorcycles and parts wanted, cash waiting for old, odd, and unusual motorcycles, any cond. considered. Lane. Co. 717- 656-4403. German shorthaired point er pups, papers, shots, make nice pets. Ex hunt ing stock Six weeks old Lane. Co 717-733-1048. 35 used cow tie stalls, some water line and water bowls $325 080 No Sun day calls Chester Co. 610- 273-7443 95' White Star IV Air slide sth wheel $BO. Allls Chalmers D-14, wide Used 2x4’s, B’xl6’ lengths front, power steering 7 1/2'utility body, 18’stake $3200. Leroi Power unit, body 23.1x26 turftires runs good $125. Franklin w/rims, 50’ Chevy dump Co. 717-264-4813. Berks Co. 610-569-2449. Angora goats, registered International 990 Haybine, bucks 1 mature (4) 2 year -9’ cut, working condition, ling $9O ea - A' 3o other 12’ cultipacker. 3 bottom Angoras, sheep, 1 ewe, 1 trail plow. Centre Co. 814- ram, nice fleeces $75 ea. 364-1296. York Co. 717-382-4111. Hog feeder hog waterer cooler for 30x40 building 3000 lbs. cattle scale, new idea round baler, Jefferson Co. 814-371-2289. 3 HP hit and miss engine, assoc, mfg. co. Waterloo, lowa, on buggy with steel wheels $1500.080. Northampton Co. 610-863- 9412 Roll off container 31/2’ high 22' long 22.5 tires on 10 hole Budd nms, aluminum ramps, var. sizes 215-679- 9496 1949 Farmall Sup A 5 ft. B mower, cultv 1939 Farmall MlOlB splow, chains, $3OOO ea. Cement mixer bag elec $2OO. Montog mery Co. 610-754-9733 5 yr. old proven Jack don key 2 row 3 pt JD rotary hoe, for corn 200 Adams Co. 717-624-8124. 1930 Model-A coupe; 1940 4 dr. sedan, both 10,700 AMHR miniature gledmg that drives, beautiful balck 2 yr filly 15H in training, 600 ea Perry Co. 717-582- 2426. 1984 GMC tractor, Cum mings diesel also B'xlo’ dump bed with hoist will fit this truck. After 8 pm Lycoming Co 717-745- 3344. Ford 390111 Bx 4 syncro trans with shuttle 1090 hours $9,700 Lane. Co 717-738-0932. Locust posts 3 inch x 6 inch x 8 feet $7 00 ea Lane. C 0.717-484-4137. Mini bike, new 5 HP bnggs $3OO Bow mount trolling motor, foot controlled, $l5O. Fire proof cabinets $5O. York Co 717-266- 5448. Gooseneck trailer, Kelfer built stockman express, red, 16’ w/center gate, rub ber floor mats, hitch, exc. cond. $2950. Bradford Co. 717-869-2130. Hesston self propelled hay bine 8 ft. looks and oper ates like new, Port Trevor ton Pa. $1,200. Snyder Co. 717-374-9840. Muscovey Ducks, live or dressed, Banties hen & roosters, cut your own wood $3O cord. Dauphin Co. 717-362-4344. 18 mo. black & white paint mare. 4 yr. old bay mare, 10 mo. old bay colt. Hunt ingdon Co. Dawn 814-259- 3101. 1944 JD B Hand start runs OK, tires poor $950 old JD gram drill $125. Tioga Co 717-376-2246. Ground driven 4 bar hay rake $350 or 80. S Lane Co 717-548-3282 1998 20’ gooseneck trailer, flat 10,000 GVW $3200 Glenco SS disk chisel $5900. As new Oliver Ray dex 3 bottom trailer plow $250. Farmall 400 G $2OOO. Col. Co 717-799- 5424. REE HEAT ■ FREE HEAT ■ FREE HEAT - FREE HEAT - FREE HEAT Is there anything you can do to stop h the rising cost of fuel f —* - propane prices? . p= YRS '_iirf Hot W *' et • Simple year ‘round installation 11 • Heat multiple buildings /"vt TTHnHP tttt< Arp T'VT/~ 1 • Adapts to most heating systems tJ IUUvyXI fUjiHl til Vy • • Most attractive stove on the or Kathy mar l^ et 34 Valley View Road, Mohnton, PA 19540 • Available in air pump 610*856*1386 REE HEAT ■ FREE HEAT ■ FREE HEAT ■ FREE HEAT ■ FREE HEAT • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $28.50 per year or $55.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH. VA and WV. (All other areas - $38.50 per year, $75.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as dose to requested date as possible. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your I 1 Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: . I LANCASTER FARMING , P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 I 1 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 . PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1997 PA, MD. DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV □ $28.50 -1 YEAR □ $55.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name _ Address RD# City Zip +4 1984 Dodge PU3IBVB.AT, PS, PB, 107 k miles, insp. 1/99, great shape $2500. Oxy-acetylene outfit $350. Bucks Co. 215-536-9672. Holstein feeder steers 4- 600 lbs. dehorned, wormed, vac. implanted, good cond, corn silage grain, pasture, feed lot ready 65® per lb. Bucks Co. 215-249-3486. Wood row boat, flat bottom 16 ft. long 4'4” wide, good cond. Chester Co. 610- 932-2316. JD 336 baler w/thrower $4200. like new, used very little on 50 Acre farm. After 7 pm Columbia Co. 717- 437-2273. ( ~ / \sfiaiz Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Sprayer Parts and Repair • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Servire Kirkwood PA 17536 717-529-6553 übscription Service Box # State County Non-Refundable 12001/2 peck wonder bas kets 30® each or best offer. Carroll Co. 410-239-6509. New Holland 1469 hay bine; Brilllon 12’ chisel; cul timulcher; S' seeder, 347 baler, thrower; 400 rotary hoe; cattle cart. Lane. Co. 717-653-4748. For restoration; antique 1- whl rototiller, Troy, NY Gravely plow, reel mower 6ft 3pt scraper 1H45 baler needles, knotter. 717-299- 6882 Lancaster Co Farmall 504 HiCrop, flat wagon, Farmall H, 4-18" left hand white & plow bot toms new 215-968-4808 Bucks Co OTHER STATES □ $38.50 -1 YEAR □ $75.00 - 2 YEAR □ RENEWAL