Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 54
88-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, April 18,1998 Avocado Egg Salad can easily be adapted to suit your taste. Because egg salad does not require precise measurements, you don’t need to be afraid to experiment. Get Cracking With Egg Salad There’s nothing like the onset of balmy spring weather to whet our appe titics for a chilled salad— especially if it offers our palates a welcome zing and provides needed nutrients without excess fat Colorful, flavorful, nutritious and easy to prepare. Egg Salad Ita lia fills the bills. The contrasting soft cream-colored pasta, crisp green zucchini and pungent red onion echo the colon of the Italian flag and with fresh mushrooms and Italian seasonings, form a tasty combination of favorite Italian foods. Sunny hard cooked eggs add protein to give the salad main dish status. For this quick salad or for sand wich fillings and snacks, it’s help ful to keep hard-cooked eggs on hand. Once cooked, they’ll keep nicely in the refrigerator for a week. Take a look at these recipes and you’ll be surprised that egg can be made in so many unique ways. Making egg salad is not a precise science, so don’t be afraid to experiment Recipe Topics If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you include accurate measurements, a complete list of ingredients and clear instructions with each recipe you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our office one week before publishing date. April May MARVELOUS MAKE-AHEAD SALAD 1 quart bile-sized pieces salad greens I cuff chopped green pepper 1 cup chopped celery 10-ounce padcage frozen peas, separated 'A cup minced onion 10 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese, divided 2 cups bottled buttermilk dressing On bottom of large salad bowl or 13x9x2-inch baking dish, even ly distribute salad greens. Evenly layer green pepper, cel ery. peas, and onion over greens. Reserve center slices from 1 egg for garnish. Layer remaining egg slices over vegetables. Sprinkle with 'A cup cheese. Spread dress ing evenly over salad and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Cover and chill to blend flavors. Garnish with egg slices. Fro each serving, serve a portion on all layers. Am. Egg Board 25 - Using Olives 2 - Fish, Seafood 9 - Favorite Recipe Made By Your Mother 16 - National Barbecue Month CONGEALED EGG SALAD 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin /* cup cold water A cup small gherkins, chopped 'A cup stuffed olives, chopped 'A cup juice (from gherkins and olives) 8 hard cooked eggs, chopped 'A cup lemon juke 'A teaspoon sugar 1 A cups mayonnaise A teaspoon salt (or to taste) Tabasco to taste Worcestershire to taste Soak gelatin in cold water. Dis solve in hot olive and gheikin liq uid. Add all other ingredients and pour into a mold to congeal. Serve on lettuce leaves with cold, sliced com beef; tomatoes, rye bread, and iced tea or beer. Eileen Greenaway Somerville, NJ BACON DEVILED EGGS 12 hard cooked eggs, shelled, halved 1-2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 3 slices bacon, cut into small pieces Remove yolks and place in bowl. Add mustard and mayon naise, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. In fry pan, firy bacon until cris py. Remove from pan and drain well. Crumble into smalt pieces. Add to yolk mixture. Blend well. The consistency should not be runny. Fill into holes of egg whites. Sprinkle with a little paprika. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Lee Laverty Dover, NJ (Turn to Pago B 6) Answers To Often Asked Questions About Eggs How long will eggs keep? Fresh shell eggs can be kept refrigerated in their carton for at least 4 to 5 weeks beyond the pack date. Quality losses should be insignificant if the eggs are refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase from a refrigerated case. If let to sit out, eggs will age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator. Store eggs in their cartons because eggs can absorb refrigerator odors. Refrigerate hard-cooked eggs in their carton as soon as they are cooled and use within a week. Raw whites will keep up to four days if refrigerated in a tight ly covered container. Unbroken raw yolks, covered with water in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator, should be used within one or two days. Eggs cannot be frozen in their shells, and hard-cooked whites will become tough if frozen. Hard-cooked yolks and raw whole eggs, whites, and yolks can be frozen successfully. Use freezer containers, seal tightly, label with the number of whites, yolks, or whole eggs, and the date. When frozen, yolks will become thickened or gelled so they need special treatment. Stir 1/8 teaspoon salt or 11/2 teaspoons sugar or com syrup into each 4 yolks. Note on the label whether you've added salt (for use with main dishes) or sweetener (for baking or desserts). The thawed product may be somewhat thicker than it would be if made with fresh eggs. To freeze whole eggs, beat just enough to blend yolks and whites. Egg whites need no special treatment before freezing. If you like, freeze each white in an ice cube tray, then transfer the cubes to a freezer container. Thaw frozen eggs overnight in the refrigerator or under run ning cold water. Use yolks or whole eggs as soon as they're thawed. Once thawed, whites will beat to better volume if allowed to sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Hard-cooked yolks can be frozen to be used later for toppings or garnishes. To cook them, carefully place the unbroken raw yolks in a saucepan and add enough water to come at least 1-inch above them. Cover and bring just to boiling. Remove the pan from the heat and let the yolks stand, covered, in the hot water 15 minutes. Remove them with a slotted spoon and drain well before packag ing and freezing. Are fertile eggs more nutritious? Fertile eggs are not more nutritious than nonfertile eggs. They do not keep as well as nonfertile eggs and are more expensive to produce. Is there a difference between brown- and white-sbelled eggs? No. Shell color is determined by the breed of the hen and is not related to quality, nutrients, flavor, or cooking characteristics. Since brown-egg layers are slightly larger birds and require more food, brown eggs are usually more expensive than white. What causes blood spots? Small spots of blood (sometimes called "meat" spots) are occasionally found in an egg yolk. These do not indicate a fertile egg; they are caused by the rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface during formation of the egg. Most eggs with blood spots are removed during the grading process but a few may escape detection. As an egg ages, water moves from the albumen into the yolk, diluting the blood spot. Thus, a visible blood spot actually indicates a fresh egg. Such eggs are suitable for consumption. The spot can be removed with the tip of a knife, if you wish. What are the stringy white pieces in egg whites? These rope-like strands of egg white, call chalazae (ka-LAY zee), are not imperfections or beginning embryos but a natural, edible part of the egg. They keep the yolk centered in the thick white. Why do some hard-cooked eggs have discolored yolks? This harmless greenish ring is due to an iron and sulfur com pound which forms when eggs are overcooked or not cooled quick ly. Why are some hard-cooked eggs difficult to peel? Fresh eggs may be difficult to peel. Those which have been stored for a week to 10 days before cooking will usually peel more easily. To help make peeling easier, cool the eggs immediately and thoroughly in cold water after cooking. To remove the shell, crack le it by tapping gently all over. Roll the egg between your hands to loosen the shell, then peel, starting at the large end. Hold the egg under running cold water or dip it in a bowl of water to help ease off the shell. Taken from "Answers To Often Asked Questions About Eggs" by the American Egg Board. Can eggs be frozen?