National Egg Markte ATLANTA, GA APRIL 15, 1998 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices were unchanged to lower for the large sizes in the Northeast and Southeast, and all other prices were unchanged. The market tone remained cautiously steady to weak. Demand into cartoned egg channels continued to slow as depleted stores were restocked, and movement was mostly moderate for both cartoned and loose eggs. Supplies were adequate to ample with the heavy sizes in Jhe longest position. Break ing stock supplies remained etHfiHf to ample for the light and unaggresfe demand. Light type hen supplies were fully adequate to ample. USDA/AMS POULTRY PROGRAMS. MARKET NEWS BRANCH For addition al information, please call (404) 562-5850. North Atlantic Shell Eggs April 16, 199* Atlanta, Ga. IN PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. PRICES FOR EXTRA LARGE AND LARGE WERE UNCHANGED TO TWO CENTS LOWER; IN NEW ENGLAND EXTRA LARGE DECLINED THREE CENTS, LARGE WERE TWO CENTS LOWER; AND THE BALANCE OF PRICES WAS UNCHANGED. THE MARKET TONE WAS STEADY TO WEAK WITH THE HEAVIER WEIGHT EGGS IN THE WEAKEST POSITION. DEMAND WAS LIGHT TO MOD ERATE AS PIPELINES FILLED FOL LOWING THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND. SUPPLIES WERE ADEQUATE TO FUL Get An Egg Up On Production With Southern States Pullet & Layer Feeds. You don’t get ahead by standing still. To boost egg production and profits, it pays to depend on the “eggs-traordiriary” advanced feeds and services of Southern States. A leader in poultry nutrition and research, Southern States improves hen productivity with advanced pullet and layer feed formulas. These formulas stimulate early feed consump tion and a smooth transition from pullet feeds to layer rations. They also help control excess moisture and reduce phosphorous in manure for a cleaner, healthier environment. Southern States stands behind its feeds with superior service. Modern, efficient mills in Hagerstown, Md. and Gettysburg, Pa. assure LY ADEQUATE WITH THE LIGHTER SIZES IN THE BEST BALANCE. BREAKING STOCK SUPPLIES WERE AT LEAST ADEQUATE, AND THE DEMAND WAS LIGHT. OFFERINGS OF SPENT HENS WERE FULLY ADEQUATE. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS. USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN: EXTRA LARGE .67-.79V4; LARGE .65-.77M ; MEDIUM .4*-.54. E. PA & NJ Poultry ATLANTA, GA. APRIL 13, 1998 SOUTHEAST HEAVY LIVE HEN REPORT, APRIL 13. 1995. FEDERAL STATE Majority prices ranged unchanged to slightly higher. Demand was unaggres seive for slightly less offerings. However, supplies were still fully adequate to ample for ?eds. Processing 7 schedules were gen erally normal. Undertone was unsettled and cautious. HEAVY TYPE HENS (7 POUNDS AND UP) * ? FINAL PRICE.7R LB., GENERALLY FOR SLAUGHTER THE WEEK OF 13-APR-98 RANGE MAJORITY 7 WTD AVG AT FARM ?UYER LOADING M. 5-23 CENTS/LB. 19-21.25 19.45 AT FARM PRODUCER LOADING TOO FEW TO REPORT FOB PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT * WEIGHTS UNDER 7 LBS. SUB JECT TO DISCOUNT. S SOUTHERN STATES (H) NY Phil Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. APRIL 10, 1998 EASTERN REG FROZEN EGOS, APRIL 10. 7995. FEDERAL-STATE Prices woe unchanged to lower. The market tone was barely steady to weak. Demand instances fair. Supplies were adequate, and breakers resisted build ing inventories. Liquid and frozen eggs processed under federal inspection in the Eastern region for the week end April 4, 1998 were 4% less than 7h the previous week, and the same week last year. Raw material offerings increased as prices declined, and plants worked mixed sche dules as the holiday weekend approached. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WH? 48-51 50 52-62 BLENDS (/) TFEWR 63-75 7 WHITES 35-38 35-36 39-50 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 73-77 74-76 78-90 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 69-74 70-72 75-85 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg HKtrtMw, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, April 14, 1991 Report Supplied by Another HEAVY FOWL .40-1.00 LB. LIGHT FOWL -30-.35 LB. MIXED FOWL -50-.95 LB. TURKEYS 1.05 LB. your access to consistent quality, freshness and competitive pricing. Southern States also offers financial and management services, including flock record keeping and service, egg and spent fowl marketing, forward planning, market forecasting, flexible credit terms, and more. Depend on the knowledge, service and solutions of Southern States. Call Mike Royal, Manager of Commercial Feed Accounts, today at (004) 201-1261 for more details on the pullet and layer feeds, as well as services, that will give you an egg up on production...and profits. Visit our web site @> Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 11, 1968-A5 BROILERS .40-.65 LB. GOSLINGS 220175 BA. GEESE 2.00 EA. BANTAMS 1.25 LB., 125-9,00 EA. ROOSTERS .60-1.80 LB.. 2.00-8.00 EA. BUNNIES 2.50-4.00 BA. DUCKS 1.45-5.10 LB., 5.50-12.50 BA. RABBITS 1.00-1.90L8., 1.75-3.50 EA. PIGEONS 2205.75 BA. DUCKLINGS 1.75-325 BA. GUINEAS 10.00-1150 EA. CHICKS .80-4.75 EA. SILKIES 3.00 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE * JUMBO .70-.94, LARGE .7S-.78. BROWN EXTRA LARGE * JUMBO .79-.54, LARGE .68-.75, MED. .61. Belleville Poultry Bebevilla, Pa. Wednesday, April IS, 1998 Report supplied by Auction Geeie: 420 ea. Tuikeys: chicks 100 ea. Guineas: 6.00-9.00 ea. Roosters: 3.00720 ea. Bantams: 1.75-5.00 ea. Heavy hens: 2204.00 ea. Silkies: 3.004.00 ea. Muscovy hens; 720 ea. Muscovy drakes: 16.0020.00 ea. Mixed ducks: 4.00 ea. Bam pigeons: 3.00 ea. White birds; 5.007.00 ea. Fancy birds: none. Peacocks: 15.0055.00 ea. Pheaunt*: 4.00 ea. Dove*: none. Quail: none. Guinea Pip: 2.25-4.00 aa. Rabbit*: under 4 lb*. 6.00-9.00 ea., 4-6 Bm. 4.406.60 ea..over6lb*.7so-10.00 aa. For more information phone 717-242-2898. North Jersey Market Hackettatoma, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tucaday, April 14, I9M Hay—Straw ft Grain Report ALFALFA: 6 LOTS. 1.80-3.00 BALE. MIXED WAY: 17 LOTS. 1.35-1.00 BALE. TIMOTHY: 9 LOTS. 1.60-250 BALE. GRASS: IS LOTS. 1.60-2 JO BALE. WHEAT STRAW: I LOT AT 150 BALE EAR CORN: 2 LOTS. 350 AND 4.25 BAG. GROUND CORN: 2 LOTS, 6.00 AND 7 50 BAG. OATS: 3 LOTS. 3.00-7.00 BAG. CRACKED CORN: 1 LOT AT 3.00 BAG. SHELLED CORN: 1 LOT AT 1.7 S BAG. SOYBEANS: 1 LOT AT 650 BAG. 61 LOTS TOTAL. St ATTENTION! / iOf Tobacco Growers \ Final Days For Buying or Processing 609 Tobacco Sat., April 18 Mon., April 20 TueSj April 21 until 1:00 Penn Leaf Tobacco Company Your Local Tobacco Company 661 Vintage Rd., Christiana, PA 17509 *lO-593-6729 Mon. & Tues. 8-9 a.m or leave message Si iMimrii®! \ a, Please write to these tobacco 3 y companies \ / According to independent buyers who come to this area, the so-called y pmhookers, national tobacco \ L companies will not allow them to 3 SL buy at auction. f Now you need to ask the tobacco $ a, companies to send their own buyers 3 y to PA. After all, we have al5 million \ / pound, top quality crop for sale $ y here. A y Also explain to them the pain you » i go through when you can’t sell your 3 y tobacco. \ Y Ask them to send information back a, to you; Who is at fault? Will they <«r y send a buyer up here next year? Or \ / should we stop growing tobacco in % Sr pa? T Y Brown & Williamson Job. Corp. * i 1500 Brown & Williamson 3 y Tower, P.O. Box 35090 \ Y Lowesville, KY 40232 \P a, Attn, leaf Dept. «r f Export Leaf Tob. Co. .A 4, P.O. Box 636, 3 y Wilson, NC 27893 \ / Attn. Leaf Dept. | Liggett & Myers Tob. Co. West Mam & Fuller St., Dunham, NC 27702 Attn. Leaf Dept. Dia International P.O. Box 166, Farmville, NC 27825 Attn. Leaf Dept. Standard Commercial Tob. 2201 Miller Rd„ Wilson, NC 27894-0450 Attn. Leaf Dept, R.J. Reynolds Co. Inc. Jr Winston Salem, N.C. 27102 .» a. Attn. Leaf Dept. 'b Please let us know what they tell you \ / Sincerely, <£ £ Paul Smucker*^ yr >v
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