Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 47
LIONEL MODEL TRAIL AUCTION SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1998 Time-12 Noon Located in Cumberland Co., at the Carlisle Eagle Picnic Grounds, Wolf Bridge Rd., Carlisle. Directions- From i-81 Exit 17 (Middlesex), go south 2 miles on Rt. 11 toward Carlisle. At traffic light w/Sheetz gas station on the corner, turn right and go 1/2 mile to entrance to Eagles Club Picnic Grounds. From Pa. Turnpike, Exit 16 (Carlisle), go south 1 mile on Rt. 11 to traffic light. Follow the above directions. MODEL TRAINS-CARS ACCESSORIES Approx. 200 lots of Lionel model trains w/a few Am. Flyer & Marx pcs. Engine & pwr. units incl. 627 LVGE 44-ton switcher; 600MKTNW-2 switcher; 231 Rock Is. Alco A unit & 8901 PRR Alco AA unit; 621 Jersey Cent. NW-2 switcher; 623 Santa Fe NW-2 switcher; 635 Union Pacific NW-2 switcher; 2025 steam 2-6-4; 2055 steam 4- 6-4; 1060, 1684, 1110, steam engines; 56 M&STL Mine Transport; 50 Lionel Gang car; 18901 Pennsy AA unit; 2-2353 Santa Fe AA unit F 3; 8361 & 8362 Western AB unit; 6466 W; 6466WX, 6026 W, 1130, 2689 TX tenders; Ig. qty. of cars; empty boxes; accessories incl 364 Lumber Loader-conveyor w/box; 97 coal eleva tor; transformer (Z, TW,KW,T); figurines; tun nels; lamps; buildings; O & 027 gauge track; etc. Auctioneer Notes- Doors open at 10 am auction day. Call 717-582-8565 for detailed listing. Terms-Cash or approved Pa. check only. Out of-state buyer bring cash. Gerald & Joy Zerance, owners D. Magee, Apprentices AA-2387-L Foodstand-Eagles Club (MO AU 2553-L FAHNESIOCK’S ▼ 717- Auction Service 245- 2727 717- 582- 8565 “ABSOLUTE” "'W CONSIGNMENT TOOL & EQUIPMENT AUCTION SAT., APRIL 25*, 9 AM 805 UNION BLVD. (Next to Wendy's) ALLENTOWN, PA MAKITA-MILWAUKEE-SNAP-ON MAC-CRAFTSMAN-FLEET LINCOLN-PPORTA CABLE PLUS 100'S OF OTHER TOOL LOTS!! DIRECTIONS: From North - Take 33 South to 22 West, go to Airport Rd. South exit. Go 5 lights and make a right onto Union Blvd. Go one block (auction is next to Wendy's). From South - Take Turnpike North to exit 33. Take 22 East to Airport Rd South exit - bear to right and stay on Airport Rd. 4 lights and make a right onto Union Blvd. Follow Auction Signs. EQUIPMENT: “Koehring" Gas Tamper, Air compressor, Cherry Picker, "Genie" 18' Super Lift, Electric Welder, "Gullico" Electric stabilizing oven, "Everett" cut off machine, Pallet Jack, Roust-a-bout, "Lincoln" Arc Welder, "Lincoln" Welder ideal Arc 250, Crane dolly, Scaffolding, Scaffold Buggies, Victaulic Groover, Mule w/Rigid pipe dies, Mobile Threading machine, "Osier pipe & bolt machine, "Hobart" Titan 8 AC/DC gas welder, "Osier" copper cleaning machine. TOOLS: "Makita”, 10" miter saw, "Makita” Sawzall, "Stanley" - "Porter Cable" - "Hitachi" roofing - framing nailers & staplers, "Milwau kee" sawzall, "Makita" drills & senders, "Hilti" driver tools, "Snap-on" tool-box, "Mac" Top toolbox, "Snap-on Tap & Die, "Mac" timing light, "Snap-on" air tools, Various "Snap-oh* air tools, Various "Snap-on" torque wrench es, "CP" air tools- The list is growing daily!! PAINT: Over 300 gallons of fresh paint just off the shelf. "Martin Senior" - "Dutch Boy" - McCloskeys" TERMS: Cash, Check, VISA, MC, AMEX - 10% buyers premium in effect for this auc tion. ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS TILL 4/23/98 Csv KIST AUCTION k'l (HI() I IP | TOLL FREE: SSS-38S-CASH (Continued from Pago A 46) the association’s Centre County chapter. He serves on the board of directors of the Dairy Recognition and Education Foundation and on the board of scientific and policy advisers of the American Council PUBLIC AUCTION ABSOLUTE SALE - NO MINIMUM AUCTION OF SURPLUS TOOLS - MATERIALS - SUPPLIES - SMALL EQUIPMENT SAT., MAY 2, 1998 8:00 AM SALE LOCATION: Sale will be held at Rentzel’s Auction Service Property located in Manchester (York County). From Rt. 30 in York, go north on North George Street (Rt. 181) to signal light in Manchester, continue one and one/tenth miles to macadam road on right. Watch for ABC Auction Signs. CONSIGNMENT ITEMS Your consignments of surplus tools, materi als, supplies, and small equipment are wel come. Must be saleable merchandise - NO JUNK, TRASH, OR TIRESI All small items and bundling materials must be on pallets or banded for moving with forklifts. All titled vehicles MUST HAVE TITLES when con signed. TURN YOUR SURPLUS TOOLS, MATE RIALS, SUPPLIES & SMALL EQUIP MENT INTO sssss RENTZEL’S AUCTION SERVICE BOX 222 EMIGSVILLE, PA 17318 717-764-6412 ***WEEK OF AUCTION PHONE 717-266-7200**** AUCTION CONDUCTED FOR: KEYSTONE CHAPTER, ASSOCIATED BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS, INC. BY RENTZEL’S AUCTION SERVICE (PA LIC. #761) PUBLIC SALE SAT., APRIL 25, 1998 9:00 A.M. TOOLS - BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT - TRACTORS - ETC. Located at 104 Old Cabin Hollow Rd., Franklintown, PA. SIGNS POSTED. MILLER 2001 e gas generator/welder; Lincoln mig welder; cutting torch; bench grinder; battery charger; air tire changer; Echo chainsaw; air tools to include; grinder, gun hammer, ratchet): socket sets; ham mers; chisels; 5 h.p. Kemp chipper/shred der; HDC electric 16 speed drill press; 100 pc. Titanium drill bit set; Husky 8 h.p. log splitter; reciprocating saw; anvil; Skil saw; nuts; bolts; 2 man saws; long handled gar den tools; Craftsman radial arm saw; Butchering Equipment: Enterprise grinder; sausage stuffer; Biro meat saw; Berkley meat slicer; kettle furnaces; iron kettles; scalding trough; single trees; Columbian cookstove; crocks; wooden troughs; meat bench. TRACTORS - FARM IMPLEMENTS John Deere 730 diesel, completely over hauled with new tires; Farmall H; Case VAC w/good rubber; International 900 2 row planter & #56 4 row planter; Elevators: 20 ft. Smoker, 30 ft. New Holland, 40 ft. New idea; Wiard cultipacker; chopper; Case 3 pt. bot tom plow; bin wagon; 3 pt. blade; New Idea 323 corn picker; 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; hay wagons: 2 wheel carts; horse trailer; horse drawn implements; trailer axles; I beams; misc. metal. NOTE: Only a very partial list ing. Tools are in new or like new condi tion. Tools first, tractors and implements at NOON. John Deere tractor will be offered with reserve, all other merchandise will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms: Cash or good PA check. Not responsible for acci dents. Refreshments provided by United Methodist Church, Dillsburg. Owner: Richard Arnold HARDYS AUCTION SERVICE AU-2795/96-L Phone (717) 432-3779 Philip Keeney Named on Science and Health. He also is technical director of the New York Food Group and the Bon Same unit of Health Management Resources. Since his retirement, Keeney has helped form the Ice Cream Consortium, a forum that brings together independent ice cream companies from around the world to exchange information. Keeney is a member of many other organizations including the American Dairy Science Associa tion and the Institute of Food Technologists, and he is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He also belongs to the fraternal or ganizations Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Tau Sigma and HUNTING / FISHING COLLECTIBLES SHOW/ SALE Liberty Boro Bldg., Liberty, PA For info: 717-324-2540 All kinds of hunting, fishing & antique collectibles OUR ANNUAL FEEDER SALE WILL BE HELD ON FRL, APRIL 24,1998 • 1 PM AT MILLERS AUCTION RT. 40, ARGYLE, NY We have consigned the following: 1" Consignment: 35 Charlois 500 - 700 lbs. 2 nd Consignment: 60 Herefords & Angus cross 400 - 500 lbs. 3 rt Consignment: 10 Charlois & Angus cross feeders 4 th Consignment: 5 Blk Angus cows with calves Consignments welcome: Pete Comerford 607-842-6456 Ed Flood 914-373-9416 Craig Moskowitz 413-229-3353 Millers 518-692-7127 or 518-638-8580 Upcoming Sale On: Friday, May 1 • 12:30 PM We will have our Annual Dairy Roundup Sale ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ annual spring consignment machinery sale^ ★ ★ IDES., MAY 12, 1998 - 9:30 A.M. + JACOBS AUCTIONEERS + JL Sale to be at our Auction Complex American Auction Gallery, 1 mile east of JL Frederick, Maryland on Rt. 144 east, exit 56E or exit 59W off Rt. 70 east. Ph; (301)662-3530 -- (301)663-0732 Consign Early We have a lot of clean, field ready machinery, more arriving daily i Tractors - Lawn & Garden - Nice Machinery. T A lot in already J Jacob Auctioneers: (ask for Jake or Terry) ++++++++++++++++++++++++ # GOLDEN LEAF f%\ TOBACCO CO. INC. W If you would like to sell or process your 609 tobacco, please give a call for receiving dates or market information. 717-354-8177 Office (717) 627-4075 - Home (717) 575-0113-Mobile Mac Bailey UmcMtif Firming, Saturday, April IS, IMSA47 Phi Kappa Phi. Philip Keeney Keeney lives in Slate College with his wife, Elsie. Their son, Philip 11, graduated from Penn State’s food science program in 1985 and is plant manager of die Hershey Creamery Co. in Harrisburg. There s a group of young people who are learning the science business and technology of agriculture They are the members of the FFA Ffflf (leadership for a j Making a positive difference in the lives of students Now AND FOR LIFE. LATE FRI APR 24- 1030 AM Foot of Sproul ML along Rt 067, near Ore Hill Farm machinery & tools By Mr & Mrs Ben Slick Stanley Clavcomb & Assoc FRI APR 24 - SPM Fogelsville Auct Ctr, 820 Nursery St, Fogelsville, PA Firearms & wildlife art Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auct Co, Inc ,610-395-8084 ★ ★