MAXIMUM CONTROL To Your Spring Pure Seeded Alfalfa After Alfalfa Has Two Trifoliate Leaves & Weeds And Second Grass Are 1-3” High. Always follow fabel directions. ®/™ Trademarks. American Cyarfemid Company “1997 WEED IN YOUR ALFALFA Apply f t r t « *- T*- 1 * •%s r j , * “ Now I / V AgriCenter/^ dealer Proftiilonallsm • Sarvlct • Envlronmtntd lUiponsibility rifling Around, Lancaster Arming. Saturday, April 18, n Herbicide DG herbicide In case you hadn’t heard, PURSUIT® herbicide provides maximum weed control in your new seeded alfalfa. Why? Because it gives you both contact and residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses. That means you’ll see better yields with each cutting and get the highest possible forage quality. So use PURSUIT on your alfalfa this year, and don’t let weeds come up for air. For More Information See Your Local Cyamid AgriCenter™ Dealer or Call 1-800-942-0500 f
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