D2B»Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, April 18,1998 KKI FEEDS SEED I SELLING I I ffIGH i • MOISTURE f CORN i r Will Deliver i f LUKE H. KURTZ \ r 610-944-0263 \ \ SHELLED N CORN SOYBEANS • Drying • Storing WEBB’S n gjsi^ PRODUCTS, me. Mill Hail PA 17751 \ (717) 726-4525 / Fresh com silage from 20x70 upright silo, treated. Will arrange delivery $3O/lon. Also, round bales of grass hay & clover mixed. Good Shape, Baled dry sl2sfton 610-593*5998 Duani 610-593-1045 Tom Call Anytime Buying Mulch Hay Large Chester Co. mushroom farm buying mulch hay, square bales, Timothy Orchard Grass Good Prices Year-a-round contract 610432-9457 rSwHTOHEITI t, PRICES % Tomato plants, tomato r .. ... . \ cages, and plastic covers. k Giorgi Mushroom Eli Lapp, 217 Linden Grove r Company i Rd„ New Holland, PA I is now purchasing v (voice mail) 717-661-5650. i mulch hay in s —a Floa * "ft t Please call System V\ \ 610-9*6-8811J 7 Greenhouse 1 r ext. 634 j 1463 E. Newport Road h for our latest price f Lititz, PA 6 and delivery i Taking orders f or fa " W- /"ante: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli $lB.OO/TltODsandj h To Order 717/626-6071 f HAY DAIRYMEN Offering Top Quality Western Dairy Hay - Call - Lowell A. Horning Rochester, MN 507-285-9709 aiauHaunaiataiaiauamaumHataiai I BALAGE I Good Quality § Alfalfa & mixed hays g Dairy - Heifer - Steer H Tested e Delivery included g All bales guaranteed I 610-298-2870 jj days I 610-298-2596 I evenings BUYING EAR CORN Shelled Corn & Soybeans Contract or Daily Price Picked Up At Field Or Delivered To Menhelm (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 NOLL GRAIN Trailer loads of Mushroom Mulch available Ufl PLANTS 900 Kreider Rd, Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-6805 Started Mum Plants, or Un-Rooted Cuttings Available From Mid May to Mid July June Special - 5 dz. flat of Mixed Varieties $20.00 per flat Wholesale -1000 Or More Plants Some Kinds As Low As 16tf Each WeshipU.P.S. t |t PERENNIALS m Wholesale Only IW Quality plants at reasonable pncesl Wj —e. Grower of a wide variety of perennial flowers and herbs. For free price list: Write to: »l 1049 Breneman Road T Manheim, PA 17545 T J*. Ph0ne:(717)665-6561 je. ML Fax:(717)664-0040 ML ■HU Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. UL Cauliflower, broccoli, cab bage plug plants for spring planting. John Lapp, 206 North Star Rd., Ronks, PA 17572, 717/687-8889. Clematis vines, plants, var ious colors. Aaron Stoll zfus, Horseshoe Rd, Lsola, 717/656-8057. NURSERY NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE Azaleas, Rhodes, Flowering Trees Junipers, Arborvilaes. Call For Price Lists MASKELLS MILL NURSERIES Salem, NJ (609) 935-4675 Pax (609) 935-6623 MEISER’S TREE FARM RD X, Box ISOB New Ringgold, PA 17960 (717) 386-5888 88.8 EVERGREENS $25 Doug & Concolor Fir Up to 8' $2B Blue Spruce Up to 8' Machine Dug & Wire Baskets Loading Available at No Extra Cost IDER'S M FARM of Hardy Mums •53 Us| FRUITS S VEGETABLES 600 treated Cyprus I*x4B' tomato stakes 15c/each. Challenger #lBOO plastic lifter $BOO. Water wheel planter $9OO and 7 wheels $5O/each. 8‘ enclosed shelved planter carrier trailer $lOO. 717/539-2272 No Sunday calls. Apple weight grader line, $2OOO 080. 4000* forklift for parts, good motor, transmission, hydraulics, bed steering, $5OO 080. 410-239-8644 Electric bin dumper, rever sible, will rotate 360 de grees, $6OO. 215/757-7646 Tony. Metiers orchard sprayer, 500 gal. tank, 31' fan, newly overhauled pump, new gear box, excellent condition, $6OOO. 717/677-7791. u| NURSERY 1972 GMC truck w/1000 gal. Bowie hydro-seeder, works wen, win separate, $2BOO 080. 717/367-2461. Butler screening plant, 4xB deck, 60' radial stacker, doing necessary repairs now, diesel power, cleaned, painted, $45,000. 600-894-2849 Cub Cadet 1990 Model 1350 38'deck, 12.5 Kohler hydrostatic, $875; FMC or chard sprayer, fan type, 3pt hitch, $700; stationary diesel motor, brand new, complete, $l5OO. 717/689-2319 7:3oam-I:3opm. Japanese Maples, Blood good, 8-12*, $3.00; Garnet & Red Select, 12-15*, $4.00; 15-18*. $5.00. Lar ger sizes available. Cavag naro Nursey, 154 Fairview Drive, Neshanic, NJ. 08853. (908)369-6899 Skinner tree transplanter, like new, $1295 or best reasonable. 716/593-5429. YOU DIO. Mature plants; Gold Tip $ Pfitzorians ju nipers. Plumosa Gold cy press. Snowball $ Cran berry viburnum. Weeping $ Corkscrew willows. Nor way, White $ Colorado spruce. White pine. Bucks County. 215-795-0660. BLUE SPRUCE WHITE PINE DOUGLAS FIR 4' - 7 ' 717/275-1250 Container & B&B Nursery Stock, Wide Selection. For free price list: Stoudt Landscape & Nursery RD 2, Box 1324 . Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 717/739-4650 . - SHADE TREES for FARM or INDUSTRY Red Oak, Pin Oak, Sugar Maple, Ash, Native Red Maple, Honey Locust & many more. 2" to 4" Caliper-13' to 16' *BO to *l4O each. F. 0.8. Denver PA Some quantity of "Park Grade" trees. Many pre-dug for immediate planting. (Quantity Discounts Available) Evergreen Trees Also Available 95 Leisey Road I \ Denver, Lancaster County, Pa 17517 l_ j 717-336-5515 LANDSCAPING A TWIN BROOK TRANSPLANTS Quality in product Integrity in business Many species of Firs, Spruces, Pines, and Hemlock shipped fresh to your doorstep Order Now for April Delivery TWIN BROOK PLANTATIONS Located in Northeastern PA 1-800-595-GROW • 717-256-3440 Fax Choice evergreen planting stock for Christmas tree, landscape, and conservation planting. "We're working harder to serve you better" BUFFALO VALLEY PRODUCE AUCTION, INC. Mifflinburg, PA Opening For The Season TUES., APRIL 28,1998 • 10 AM Full Line of Bedding Plants, Flowers and Shrubs Nice Selection of Produce We will be open every Tuesday & Thursday starting April 28. Call for More Details 717-966-1151 Directions: From 1-80 take Rt. 15 South to Lewisburg, turn right on Rt. 45 and travel West 5 1/2 miles to Dreisbach Church Road. Turn left, travel 3/4 mile to 4 way stop. Turn right, travel 300 yards turn left. Auction straight ahead. Neil Courtney, Manager GROFF TREE MOVING SERVICE Contract i - _in_ 24" to 84' Ball (B&B) Any Amount - Anywhere Buy/Sell Wholesale Call Don 717-664-4587 j i ei El El Quality Sirred Evergreens WhK««pe, 717/864-3532 Landyshade We also sell mulch & topsoil J KOUSA L DOGWOOD SEEDLINGS (cornu* Koum) 15” to 24” Hundred $75 Thousand $550 Drumm Landscaping 95 Lslssy Rd.,Mnv«r, PA 17517 Lancaster County "1 717-336-5515 f ▲ 'DouglasFir* X • Concolor Fir • • Blue Spruce • • White Pine • White Spruce • • Norway Spruce • • Black Hill Spruce • Hemlock • • Arborvitae • • Maple Trees • Dogwoods • Cut and B&B FINE QUALITY AFFORDABLE PRICE Delivery Available Custom Tree Digging & Planting Available .. CHRISTMAS UomL-Barn FARMS P.O. Box 198 New Rlngold, PA 17960 (7t7) 386-2107 LAWN A GARDEN 175 Wheal Korea A-80R, >2* deck, HD Bhp angina, dean. 717-666-5724
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