AlB-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Apr* 18,199* 14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS APRIL 10, 199| WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SUMMARY CATTLE 5039 .Compared with 4983 head last week and 5230 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers & heifers 1.50 to 2.50 higher, si cows .50 to 1 00 higher, bulls 50 to I SO higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice & Prime 2-4 63 00-67 00, Choice 2-3 60 00-65 35, Select and Low Choice 2-3 57.00-63 50, Select 1-3 54.00- 62 00, few Standard 45.00-56.50 HOLSTEINS. few High Choice and Prime 2-4 57 00-61 50, Choice 2-3 54 00-58 50. Select 1-2 50.00-54 50, few Standard 45 00-51.25 HEIFERS Choice 2-4 59.85-63 75, Select 2-3 54 75-61 00, Standard 45.00- 54 00, few to 38 00 COWS: Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 36 50-44 50. few to 45 00, Ou ter & Boning Utility 1-3 32 00-40 50, few to 43 00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-226 00-38 75 mostly 28 00-37 00 Shells down to 19.00. BULLOCKS- few Select 54 00-62 50 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1000/2400 lbs 46 00-55 00, 2 900/2000 lbs 38 GO -46 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame 1 300/650 lbs 65 GO -85 00, few to 95 00, 600/900 lbs 58 50-73 00, few Medium & Large Frame 2 275/600 lbs 50 00-69 00, few 650/900 lbs 40 00-52 00, Large Frame 2 350/850 lbs Holstems 50 00- 63 00 HEIFERS Medium & Large Frame 1 300/600 lbs 60 00-77 50, few to 85 50, few 550/800 lbs 54 00-65 00, Medium & Large Frame No 2 275/650 lbs 45 00-61 00, few 700/900 lbs 35 00-48 50 BULLS Medium & Large Frame 1 300/650 lbs 65 00-100 00 mostly 75 00-92 50, 500/900 lbs 56 00- 70 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 300/600 lbs 45 00-64 00, few 600/800 lbs 40 00-55 50 CALVES 2773 Compared with 2996 head last week and 2606 head a year ago VEALERS mostly steady Choice 130/350 lbs 70 00-115 00, Good 120/325 lbs 45 00-75 00, Standard and Low Good 70/110 lbs 17 00-32 00, Utility 60/100 lbs 8 00-20 00, few to 5 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bull calves strong to 10 00 higher, Holstein heifers strong to 30 00 higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs 70 00- 13000, No 2 80/125 lbs 45 00- 92 00, few to 30 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 85/125 lbs 90 00-171 00, No 2 75/125 lbs 60 00-95 00, few to 30 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/125 lbs 50 00-100 00, few to 30 00 HOGS 2855 Compared with 2777 head last week and 2880 head a year ago * Barrows and gilts 1.50 to 2 00 lower, spvs unevenly steady Arrows and gilts us 1-2 ALWAYS START WITH FOR LOW-COST WEED CONTROL IN CORN VELVETLEAF, TRIAZINE RESISTANT LAMBS QUARTER PROWL FLEXIBILITY: Tank Mix With One Of The Following: Bicep®, Bullet®, Bladex® 90DF or Atrazine. EASY APPLICATION Apply the PROWL tank mix preemergence, or early postemergence after the corn is up, but no bigger than the four-leaf stage. Weeds should be no more than an inch tall. Do NOT incorporate PROWL in corn. Always read and follow label dlrectiona carefully. "Trademark, American Cyanamld Company®l99B. Bicep® Trademark, Clba Corporation; Bullet® Trademark, Monsanto Company, Bladex® 900 F Trademark, DuPont Company 220/265 lbs. 33.75-35.50, US 1-3 210/270 lbs 32.50-34.00, IB 2-3 220/320 lbs. 30 00-33 00. SOWS US 1-3 300/500 lbs 20.50-27 00, few to 32 25, 500/700 lbs 24 00-29.00 BOARS- 15.00-18.00. FEEDER PIGS 249. Compared with 355 head last week and 409 head a year ago Feeder pigs.. US 1-3 20/40 lbs 11 GO -24 00. 40/70 lbs 27 00-42.00. - per head. SHEEP 4683 .Compared with 6792 head last week and 1773 head a year ago Slaughter lambs steady to 15.00 higher, bulk of supply 20/80 lbs sold to Easter Trade. SLAUGHTER LAMBS- Choice 20/40 lbs 100 00-210.00 mostly 130 00- 185.00. lbs. 100 00-160.00, few to 175.00, 70/105 lbs. 90 00- 130.00, Good and Choice 20/40 lbs 80 00-130.00, fcwto 55.00. OLD CROP LAMBS- Choice 80/115 lbs 75 00-105.00, 110/140 lbs 65.00- 80.00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 25 00- 60 00, few to 20 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 938. Compared with 1844 head last week and 624 head a year ago Feeder pigs steady to weak .US 1-2 25/40 lbs 65 00-80 00, 40/50 lbs 56 00- 82 50, 50/60 lbs 60 00-80 00, 60/90 lbs 50 00-65.00, few to 38 00, Slaughter 20/40 lbs 70 00-115 00, 40/50 lbs 66 00-74 00 per hun dredweight EIGHTY-FOUR LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. EIGHTY-FOUR, PA APRIL 13, 1998 CATTLE 223 [PDA] si cows steady SLAUGHTER STEERS couple Select 1-3 52 00 & 54 00 HEIFERS Standard 40 00-48 00, few to 35 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 36 50-42 00, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 33 00-37 00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 26 00-32 50 Shells down to 25 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1045/1720 lbs 45 00-50 75, few 2 1180/1330 lbs 42 50-45 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame 1 335/695 lbs 71 00- 85 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 530/935 lbs 45 00-64 00, HEIFERS Medium & Large Frame 1 300/775 lbs 63 00-80 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 350/965 lbs 43 50-60 00, BULLS Medium & Large Frame No 1 315/675 lbs 67 50-81 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 490/935 lbs 50 00- 62 00 CALVES 151 [All calves sold per cwt] VEALERS Choice 130/260 lbs 69 00-80 00, Good 135/285 lbs 48 00- 68 00, Standard and Good 90/110 lbs 25 00-35 00, 65/85 lbs 18 00-33 00, Utility 40/70 lbs. 12 00-1700 FARM CALVES Holstems bulls steady No I Holstein bulls 90/120 lbs 70 00-97 50 mostly 75 00- 90 00, No 2 80/125 lbs 35 00-70 00, PIGWEED PLUS ANNUAL GRASSES USE A PROWL® TANK MIX No. 1 Holstein * heifers 90/125 lbs, 82.50-115.00, No. 2 80/105 lbs, 35.00-80.00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/125 lbs. 45.00-100.00, one® 122 50. HOGS 12.. BARROWS AND GILTS: five US 2-3 241 lbs. @ 32 00 SOWS; US 1-3 400/590 lbs. 23.50- 28.50 BOARS: one 445 lbs. @ 16.00 FEEDER PIGS 4 35/60 lbs.® 31.00 - per head SHEEP 117.. Slaughter lambs steady to 30 00 higher. NEW CROP LAMBS' Choice 30/50 lbs. 120.00-141 00, 55/75 lbs. 120.00- 147.50. OLD CROP LAMBS' High Choice and Prime 90/115 lbs 85.00-118.00, Good and Choice 35/65 lbs 86.00-107 50. SLAUGHTER SHEEP; 22.00-54.00 GOATS 13 .Medium Billies 37 DO -62 00, Large Nannies 45.00-63 00, Me dium 35 00-37 00, Large Kids 28.D0-37 37 00 -- per head. LEESPORT LIVESTOCK AUCTION LEESPORT, PA APRIL 15, 1998 CATTLE 247 ..[PDA] [Supply included 159 slaughter steers and heifers, 118 slaughter cows, 33 slaughter bulls, and 39 feeder cattle] Compared with last Wednesday's sale .slaughter steers and heifers steady to 1.00 higher, cows active, 1.00 to 200 higher, bulls mostly steady to 1 50 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 2-3 1105-1525 lbs 60 25-64 50, few 4-5 58 50-59 75, Select 1-3 58 50- 61 00, Standard 1-2 48 00-54 75 HOLSTEINS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1370-1580 lbs 56 00-60 50, Choice 1230-1680 lbs 53 75-57 00, Select 1-2 49 50-53 75, Standard 1-2 44 25-49 00 HEIFERS few High Choice and Prime 2-4 1430-1450 lbs 64 25-64 50, Choice 2-3 1035-1350 lbs 61 DO -6325, few to 58 00, Select 1-3 55 00- 59 75, few Standard 48 75-49 50 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-4 41 00-47 00, few low dress ing to 39 00, Cutter and Boning Util ity 1-3 37 00-41 25, several to 42 50, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 33 GO -38 00, few low dressing to 30 25 Shells down to 26 50 BULLOCKS one Choice 2-3 58 50, one Select 1-3 52 50 BULLS Yield Grade 1 1240-2150 lbs 47 00-52 75, Yield Grade 2 1065-1765 lbs 42 50-46 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium 1 320-580 lbs 74.00-80 00, Large 2 515-650 lbs Holstems 51 00-57 00, HEIFERS Medium 1 365-555 lbs 67 50- 77 50, few 630-765 lbs 55 00-60 00, BULLS Medium 1 350-630 lbs 63 00- 67 50, one lot 77 50 CALVES 151 VEALERS Choice 120- 225 lbs 75 00-85 00, Good 110-195 lbs 35 00-75 00, Standard and Good 75-95 lbs 20.00-30 00, Utility 55-90 lbs 10 00-25 00 FARM CALVES Holstein bulls PROM mostly 10.00 lower, Holstein heifers steady to 7.00 higher... No. 1 Hol stein bulls 85-120 lbs 80.00-9S.QO, few to 100.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 50.00- 65.00, few to 75.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs 117.50-137 50, 80-90 lbs 95.00-102 50. few No. 2 75- 100 lbs 47.50-70.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-110 lbs 60.00-97.50. HOGS 114 ..Barrows and gilts .50 to 1 00 higher, sows 1.00 to 2.00 higher BARROWS AND GILTS; US 250 lbs 34.75-35 25, US 1-3 lbs 33.75-34.50, few US 2-3 lbs 30 00-31.50. SOWS- US 1-3 350-490 lbs 23 00- 25.00, 500-665 lbs 25.00-27.25, Me dium 315-535 lbs 17.00-23 00. BOARS- few 210-275 lbs 18 00- 20.00, few 385-560 lbs 13.00-15.00. FEEDER PIGS 147.. US 1-3 20/30 lbs 52.50-57 50, 30-45 lbs 45 00-46.00, 60-70 lbs 44.00-47 00 per cwt SHEEP 88 ..Slaughter lambs 15.00 to 20.00 higher, spots 40.00 higher SLAUGHTER LAMBS- High Choice and Prime 40-55 lbs 200.00-212.50, Choice 30-50 lbs 185 00-207 50, 50-65 lbs 145 00-175 00, 65-90 lbs 80 00-125 00, few 115-160 lbs 60 00-78 00, Good 20-60 lbs 100 00- 135 00, few to 150 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP few 42 50- 55.00 GOATS 25 .One Lagre Billy 97 50, Large Nannies 37 50-70 00, Medium 30.00-45 00, Large Kids 45.00-57 50, Small 19 00-45 00 per head NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA APRIL 13, 1998 CATTLE 145 [PDA] Compared with last Monday's sale si cows 100 to 250 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 2-3 1255/1535 lbs 61 00-66 00, Select 1-3 55 00-60 50 HEIFERS one Choice 2-4 1170 lbs @ 63 25, one Select 2-3 @ 50 00 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 37 25-43 00, few to 45.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 33 GO -39 50, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 28 75-33 75 Shells down to 22 50 BULLS few Yield Grade I 1145/1645 lbs 44 75-51 75, few 2 1105/1560 lbs 1105/1560 lbs 39 50-44 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame 2 335/850 lbs 53 GO -58 00, HEIFERS Large Frame 1 560/740 lbs 56 50-66 50, Medium Frame 1 & 2 315/645 lbs 59 GO -79 00, Large Frame 2 525/855 lbs 38 00-45 00, BULLS Medium & Large Frame 1 400/685 lbs 63 50- 90 00, Medium Frame No 2 320/850 lbs 45 00-57 50 CALVES 131 . VEALERS Standard and Good 80/110 lbs 20 00-30 00, Utility 60/80 lbs 10 00-20 00 FARM CALVES. No. 1 Holstein bulls 115/135 lbs 75 00, 95/115 lbs 86 00-91 00, 85/90 lbs 40 00-60 00, No 2 90/125 lbs 55 00-80 00, few No 1 Holstein herbicide We have the products and the service to help your farming operation. For More Information Call 1-800-942-0500 AalCenterim ■tester Professionalism • Service • Environmental Responsibility heifers 85/110 lbs. 105.00-135 00, few No. 2 85/95 lbs. 42.50-115.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 75/130 lbs 50.00-135.00. HOGS 232.. Barrows and gilts 2.50 to 3.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 220/260 lbs. 36.85-38.50, US 1-3 230/285 lbs 35.00-36.85, US 2-3 250/290 lbs. 34.85-35.85. SOWS: US 1-3 300/605 lbs. 26.00- 31.00. 1-2 225- 225-260 300-315 BOARS: few 205/260 lbs. 18.50- 20.50. FEEDER PIGS 9. .NO MARKET TEST! SHEEP 161... SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 25/80 lbs. 120.00-156 00, 80/100 lbs. 92.50-117.50, Good and Choice 25/65 lbs. 80 00-110.00. SLAUGHTER LAMBS. 20.00-40 00, Yearlings 58.00-63.00 GOATS 38. .Medium & Large 35 GO -55 00. few Small 20.00-35.00, few Large Kids 15 00, Small 10 00- 26.00 per head. Lebanon Valley Livestock Frederiduburt, PA April 14 Report Supplied by Audios STEERS: CHOICE 1395-1445 LBS. 64.5065.00; SELECT 1100-1220 LBS. 61.0042.00. HOLSTEINS: CHOICE 1220-1490 LBS. 54.00-57.50; SELECT 5100-53.00. HEIFERS: SELECT 1180- LBS. 51.75. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 1400-1655 LBS. 38.50-4100; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 1100-1350 LBS. 34.00-37.75; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 900-1275 LBS. 31.00-33.75; SHELLS 26.00-29.00. BULLS: YG«I 1815-1920 LBS. 49.00-50.50; YG#2 1110-1580 LBS. 44.0047.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 410 LBS. 69.00; HEIFERS 590 LBS. 61.50. CALVES: STANDARD AND GOOD 80100 LBS. 20.0045.00. FARM CALVES: *1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-115 LBS. 100.00108.00, «2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-115 LBS. 75.0085.00; «1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 35-95 LBS. 10750144.00, #2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 100110 LBS. 410076.00; BEEFX BULLS AND HEIFERS 100 LBS. 11100. HOGS: BARROWS AND GILTS US#l-3 256 LBS. 3250; #2-3 311 LBS. 28.75; US#l-3 222 LBS. 34.00. SOWS: US# 1-3 485-615 LBS. 25.25-26.00; US#l-3 335 LBS. 26.75; US#2-3 425-460 LBS. 21.50-23.00. BOARS; 450 LBS. 16.75. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 170-190 LBS. 39.00-41.00. I • '— —> MBM
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