Com Stag*: s3Ston deiv •rod in Cumberland County. Delivery available elsewhere. (717)2556293. Com siege, belege, strew. Delivery available. 610-932-8990 Com siege treated with W protein extra, 62% mois ture, 97% protein. 717-445-4726 Com silage for sale. Deliv ery available. Gap, Lan caster Co. 717-442-4690 Com silage, delivered in your slo, blower available. Leola 717-656-6352 Com siage $25/ton, high moisture shelled corn. Berks County, 610-582-4501. Corn silage treated and rolled, $29 at farm. Local delivery available. Lancas ter Co. 717-336-7288 Corn silage, Irrigated, rolled. Call for price. Mor gantown, (610)286-9610. Com silage, ryelege TMR, delivery available. (610)582-4591. Dry shelled corn, heavy test weight, State College; 814-238-1233 eves. Feed grade mixing salt, $9O/lon. Delivered within 60 miles of Gettysburg. 1-ton minimum. 717-632-9144 First cutting haylege, top quality. (717)86^6859. For Sale: Good quality Ti mothy hay. 717/432-9704. Grass hay $llO/ton, straw. Berks County, 610-582-4591. Hay for sale. Lancaster. Can deliver. 717-3934683 Haylage out of trench, S4Q/ton. Com silage out of trench, $3O/ton. High mois ture corn out of silo, $BO/ton. 610-869-2527 Chester Co. Haylage, out of field, deKv ered your silo. Com silage. Leola. 717-656-6352 Heifer boarding in Franklin County. Call for details. 717-369-2281. High moisture shelled com, $9O/ton. You haul! Lycom ing Co, (717)435-0436. Hi-moisture ear com, chop roller milled, 100 tons, rea sonable. 717-263-5702 717-264-4296 Improved open pollinated seed com, high feed value silage and grain $3l per bushel. (419)657-6727. JD 3020, Side Console, Power Shift, WF, Dual hyd., rebuilt engine; $10,250. 814-786-3386. Largo round bales, mixed hay, 4x5, s2ofea. Delivery available. 717-432-6587. New crop alfalfa hayiage, 20 acres available early May, delivered to your farm, Ephrata Area. 717-733-9723. New tobacco lathes for sale, 30,000 thousand plus in stock. Buy now and save. Call Oakridge Lum ber, Loganton, PA, (717)725-2427. Oats, feed or seed, $2.80/bushel. Delivery available. 610-489-7831 Orchard grass hay, 4x5 round bales, stored inside, York County. 717-266-2672; after 7pm. Premium alfalfa hay, small squares from the grower, delivery available. Larry Aboldt, Hope, KS, (785)366-7791. Rolled com silage from 24' silo, put in your silo, $3B/ton. 610-593-2751 Cliff Stoltzfus 610-593-5665 Aaron Kauffman Rolled corn silage from trench silo, approx. 100 ton. Lancaster Co. 717/445-7805. RYE & BARLEY SILAGE out of field. Good com aH aoe. All delivered in your silo. Satisfaction guaran teed. Ken Garber, Willow Street, Lancaster Co. 717/464-2894. Soybeans, seed or feed ing, germaion tasted, 90% bagged, fun-season As grow #3935, high yields, standablHty. Bf NoH Farm, (717)866-2406. Timothy Orchard Hay, fancy green color, made young, guaranteed, no mold, $135/ton. Heifer hay, $llO/ton. Delivery. 717-3454109 evenings. Very good quality Alfalfa hay, 2nd cutting. Also Ist cutting Alfalfa hay, no rain. Berks Co. 610-845-7686 WESTERN ALFALFA; Fancy 3rd cutting, excel lent dairy or race horse hay, 20-22% protein, 216-231 RFV, $240/ton. 410-527-0304. Wheat Straw 5000 bales, $lOO/lon at farm. 908-537-6130 Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kays 800-223-7163 Kansas Alfaifef Top qualify hay 717-530-1601 717-530-3612 PAPER BBDDING%H| Baled • Clean • More Absorbant * ™ Delivered in your Area. Call for Price HARRY WILL 4k 1-800-782-1757 T Chopped with JD chopper with roller mill, Have anal Can deliver with self-unloading truck & blower or tri-axle dump truck. Call for price STAR-ROCK FARMS 717/872-9152 717/392-6854 Lab tested, pre-cut, 4’ round bales. Small Square Alfalfa 2nd & 3rd cutting, Guaranteed „ Corn Silage* Irrigated, Rolled Call For Price Morgantown j(610) 286-95rt0^j \\eller s Hay & Straw 717-393-4683 Mulch Grade Straw Any Size Bales 610-268-8463 avail WANTED MULCH HAY Square Bales Only! No Alfalfa! Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman 717-437-2076 j Kiln Dried Sawdust | I Regular Sawdust I I Cured Sawdust I I Delivered by the I I tractor trailer load I I Sparkling Springs I I Farm Service I Bl4/793-3874 J MULCH HAY WANTED Hy-Tcch Mushroom Compost, Inc. Call 610-869-0202 For current price Square or JfPx Round bales NELSON L. ROHRBR Extruded * Soybeans Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk- Shelled Corn, Ear Corn and 'beans - Barley & Wheat Drying - Contracting 69-7929 383 dftiyw&Btfe HoHwood, Penna. Buying Corn, Beans, Wheat, & Barley 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 Bloomsburg, PA Now Receiving @ Mainville Ag Grain (717)784-6922 111, %%%%% % % % t CORN SILAGE FOR SALE fi Treated with NH3 J? $33/ton m COB CHOP FOR SALE m T Approx. 26% moisture ; % $95/ton % James M. Garber & Sons J; 1 Mount Joy, PA . 717-653-0432 «Ct %%%% WH % = -= j = s % UncaM* ftmUnfl. Srturtay, April 11, 1991-D25 J 7 Livestock Pre-mixes Blender & DisL • Feed Ingredients " Ask About Our Dairy Program. Try Our Liquid Energy for and Efficient Digestion. Hy-Ration Dog Food (717) 354-5741 t: WET BREWERS GRAIN ™ Cltocir It Ouff ✓ High Protein 32-35% >aa ✓ Excellent source of essential *** amino acids JT:' ✓ Large or small dairy %/ Consistent & reliable source Commodity TO 'H Specialists Company TO BOO-443-6774 TO TOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO KILN DRIED WOODSHAVINGS BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 2.8,3.0,3.25 Cu. Ft. Paper/Plastic Bag 2.5 to 1 Compression Grade of Fine, Medium or Flaky Woodshavings Year-Round Supply for Year-Round Customers Distributors Welcomed APPALACHIAN SHAVINGS QUEBEC, CANADA For Delivered-or FOB Plant prices Tel: 514-425-0835 Fax: 514-425-8871 Hay fi Straw 5-10 ton loads, sound, small, square bales; • Alfalfa & alfalfa grass mix....5185-$2lO/ton • Timothy grass mix $135/ton • Grass hay 4x4 outside round bales.sloo/ton • Straw square bales $125/ton Clarence Bange York Co. . (717) 292-6595 ,
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