D24-Uncattw Firming, Saturday, Aprl 18, 1998 SWINE CREEK BOTTOM Proudly Presents *Show Pigs and Lambi on Stage Sale 98 Friday, April 24, 199< 6:00 pm at the HOWARD CO. FAIRGROUNDS, West Friendship, MD 135 BARROWS and GILTS, HAMPSHIRE, YORKSHIRE am CROSSES ' 25 LAMBS SUFFOLK, HAMPSHIRE, MONTADALE and CROSSES 62 CHAMPIONS or RESERVES in 3 YEARS Pigs and lambs sold m Maryland, Mass, West Virginia, Virginia, Penn, New Jersey, and Delaware GUEST CONSIGNERS John Wilderson Jim Martin George Abel Jim Clarke Call James Miller @ Kevin Zecher (301) 416-0406 Duroc and Yorkshire boars w/scan figures. Priced to sell) James Parlett, (717)862-3610. Looking to rant/buy hog fin ishing bam. Minimum 500 head. POB 71, Wolmels dorf, PA 19667 Yorkshire Boars, Gilts and Bred Gilts for sale. Figures on boars available. Deliv ery available. Validated herd. Neutzel Yorkshires, Felton, PA, (717)993-6237. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 931-364-7050 * Duroc * Yorkshire * Spotted * Chester * I^ndracc * Hampshire * Pictram * Bred Gilts & Boars for sale Bred gilts arc bred for purebred & crossbred litters Also, Club Pigs for sale PRV & Bruc validated herds -v W Calvin Lazanis & Sons 610-799-3375'“ Grant Lazanis 6XO-767-3595 BERKSHIRES hdustry’t Mml Quality Leader r 4 1 PRV Herd #l4 Bruc Free Herd #135 Stress Free Herd Boars & Gilts (or Sale Scan Figures Available Innersl’s Berkshire! Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd„ Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-1751 Will Deliver Where Genetics & Figures Meat! none* Our ClubPlflSal* ApfHl«h,6pra Solanco Wtobh- " For litter mates or related breedings delivered to your door. v-^jauaranteed-^ Excellent selection of open gifts WiH breed - Delivered bred CaU Dave 717**3S-6966 EE] POULTRY l SUPPLIES FREE NEW 1998 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlinks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Plus Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Golden Laced Wyandottes. Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted White and Giant Bronze Turkey Poults, Special Wholesale Prices zrs Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today kfVO PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites and Giant Bronze Turkey Poults. Special Wholesale Prices 8 $ 24.95 15 $44.95 M 25 $ 67.95 ¥ 50 $ 119-95 OiMP 100 $189.95 3^ Call For Special Discount On Larger Orders. We Ship COD New For 1998 10 Day to 2 Week Old Started Turkey Polls. Call For Super Low Prices Bronze Turkeys $199.00 in 100 Lots REICH POULTRY FARMS Marietta, PA 17545 (717)426-3411 KEJ POULTRY t SUPPLIES 400 Brown Dekalb pullets, ready to lay and pick up now. 2y Alpina milking goat Samuel Lapp, 1598 Noble., Kirkwood, PA 17536 Approx. 175 Sex-Sal chick ant, yearlings, laying 80%. 717-432-9704 Brown egg layers starting to lay. Lancaster Co. 717/445-7805. Duck/Poultry house avail able for rent/contract. 50x450'; built in 1987; vinyl coated wire floor; loading dock under roof. Empty 2 years. 610-488-6306 cal anytime. FREE 100- Wild catalog, /it Turkey. Ringnecks. Bob white, Gamble, Valley, Blue Scale Quail. Chukar, Red lea, Hungarian Par tridge. Mallards. Guineas. HORAN'S TURKEY FARM, RR4, Box 417-L, Tamaqua, PA 18252. 717-467-3683. Incubator, Humid Air, Model 200 and hatcher, $375/both. 814-966-5846 Peacocka, psahana (or aale. Single pair, young old. After 6pm, (717)838-4760. RINGNECK PHEASANTS chicks available, May thru June. Breeder hens, $5/ea, July. Rabbit cages & veal stalls for sale. 610-856-7671 after 4pm Used Dutchman cage feeder troughs, 10* used electric motors, CHEAP 717-284-2386. WANTED: Fancy, heavy roosters for January, Fe bruary, March, April, May. Highest Prices. 717-4844549 CHUKAR CHICKS 72c Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 20,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa. 15825 (814)849-3430 CHUKAR CHICKS AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND .71c EA - 1000 Order Toll Free (888) 584-3876 • Information (724) 868-2173 Your Local As a service, we will: Service Company / Come to you for the IMPACT-P * Maintain t " e biosecurity of and IMPACT-P(NA) / Side™, m a t e.als and Poultry Litter equipment Management Plan / Apply impact-p products 4k /. Monitor the progress / Have continuous support of EDl's biologists / Review product performance --*•■«*- and settlement IMPACT-P and IMPACT-P(NA) are biologically active to improve poultry growout performance through: Competitive Exclusion Reduced Ammonia Improved Litter Quality Typical results from years of field trials show consistent impovements in the following areas: Livability Feed Conversion IK .. . Weight Gain f £&£ ENVIRONMENTAL IK DYNAMICS, INC. LktefLi?” Tor More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 Since 1961 717-392-7227 Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURED (Spraying Since 1961) RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZING «rnnpir rdhc Ver V Low sli P Percentage ‘ Well Feathered Bird 3493 Marietta Ave. Great 4-H Project Lancaster, PA 17601 Also Available: Started (717) 285-7748 Pullets & Live or Dressed Gene or Jim Market Weight Capons. CALL FOR PRICING ON 5000 OR MORE Shipped Insured for Live Delivery or Van Delivery Available with Minimum Order DOUBLE R. HATCHERY Ronald and Nancy Wolfe RD #2, BOX 92 Templeton, PA 16259 Receive healthy 314 week old surgically caponized chicks OR We will come to your tarmtocaponizeyourchicks RATITES pair Blue Neck ostrich readers, good layers, >-yrs. old, $l,OOO/obo. Also, Pheonix 7600 incu- ■tor, 2-yrs. old, !,600/obo. Hem laying now. Fertile eggs, $2O/egg. 10)948-6572 mu’* 1998 chicks; '5/ea. Breeder pairs iOO-$3,000/pr. Eggs 10/ea. Ben R. Beiler, J 665 Noble Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 Lancaster Count/. M.T. Neat Ostrich Ranch is moving to Nevada. AN birds lor saw. One year olds to breeders. 717/682-8548 altar 7pm. Pair of breeder Ostrich’s, now laying, $2OOO. Pair of Emu breeders, $5OO (laid 22 eggs). Pair of breeding Emu's, $2OO. Plus incuba tor 8 hatchery, $5OO. 717-687-6497 FEEDS, SEED 100 heavy 4x5 JO bale* timothy. Indoors, horse quality, your price. Adams 717-677-4706. ISO Bales Alfalfa Clover Mixed Hay. 2nd cutting, no rain, $l5O per ton. Lancas ter Co. 717-285-4821 15-ton Timothy, mixed small square bales, good, no rain, no delivery. Perry Co. 717-789-4515. 700 lbs. round bales, good qualify Orchard Grass Hay, kept under cover, $25-s3slbale. Local deliv ery available. Good qualify Orchard Grass, Clover, square bales, $2.25/bale. 008-234-0728 NO Sunday cads Ag-Bag com silage, also second and third cutting al falfa: 105 Hahnstown Rd„ Ephrata, PA., (717)738-1098. Alfalfa balage, round bales, $6O/bale. 190 RFV. 160 Furnace Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 717-786-7736 leave message Alfalfa Hay A grass hay, large square bales, stored inside. 607-962-3684 Alfalfa haylage 23% pro tein, relative feed value 165, $55 ton. Lebanon Co 717/865-3602. Alfalfa hay, no rain, no rake ■ color plus leaves - 16-21% protein. $195 you haul. 717/272-0041. Animal Nutrition Inc estab lished 1967 by veterinarian. Base minerals, pre-mixes, rumen bugs, available, ra tion balancing, forage test ing. 1(800)788-4597,- access code 00. Balage, 4x4 bales, some Oats, some Alfalfa, priced reduced. 717-867-1227 Boarding heifers from start to finish, lots of feed. 717-549-8119 Candy feed, solid* or liq uids, drums or bulk, low prices. (610)589-5512. Clean dry wheat etraw, $lOO/ton at farm. 717-268-2828 York Co. Mancheeler, PA Claan Wheat Straw, $9O/ton at farm. 717-872-6733 CORN SILAGE, $3O/ton. loaded on your truck. 169 com yield kernel prooes eor. Ephrata, PA 717-733-8798 COTTON SEED. CITRUS Pulp Pellets, com silage, com gluten feed, distillers, soy hulls, soy meal, any feed commodity in 22 ton lots. Robert McSparren, Jr., 1-888-268-6733. Colorado Alfalfa: 751 b. bales. Race track quality, i $260/ton. lowa 3rd cutting, $l5O/ton. Omar S. Kauff man, 1624 Cambridge Rd., Honey Brook, PA. 19344.
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