Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1998, Image 164
Dl2-Un<i*t*r Farming, Saturday, Aprf ’lB, 1998 Barns, Factories, Ware houses, Log Cabins WANTED for Salvage. Wo buy building. Fully insured since 1983. Call 717-993-9037 Paint $4/gallon, interior and exterior, latex and oil. Cal (717)944-5369. Plywood, some light stains, Luwan, 4xB sheets: 3/4', $2O. 3/16' $5, ’/." $6. K ' $2l. V« * oak sliced 4xB $9. 'A ' Fir CDX 42x90 $7.50, %• $lO, V,’ $l2. Mah. $2O. Cal tor skid lot prices. 717/354-3105. Pocket hole machine, runs w/air motor, excellent con dition, $650 080. 24' tan W/4AM air motor. 717-687-6817 Poplar: (25) 2x6x14, $4.20 each; (130) 2x8x12 $4.80 each; (160) 2xBxlo $4 each; (140) dear poplar 2x10x12 $lB each. (717)733-9136. Pre-engineered steel build ings for Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We will build from your plans or will design. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION. East Earl, PA. 717-445-5165. STEEL BUILDINGS. Fac tory blowouts. Arenas A barns. Commercial grain buildings. Shops A gar ages. Huge savings. Can delivery A erect Call Bill 717-733-7789 Steel I-beams, S"W 6'H 5/16 16‘L; light green used tin; 2x6xB‘s; misc. building materials. 717/442-9173. Structural repairs of bams, houses, garages. Call Woodford Bros. Inc. for straightening, jacking, ca bling, foundation and weather related repairs. Free estimates 800/653-2276 odfbrd Taking bids for dismantel ing and removal of barn and outbuilding w/chestnut and oak woods. (610)932-7045. (717)529-6760 evenings. Taylor glue clamp, 12 sec tion, 48 plus clamps, pneumatic turns, good con dition. Offers or trades. 717-677-0707 Used pipe, angle, plate and channel. Call 711^94-4424 WjWTED FOR SALVAGE oldfcams, mills, houses ani outbuildings. WANTED TO BUY: Old at tic flooring and log houses. Lane. Co. 717/626-4520. WANTED TO BUY: Locust Fence Posts. 3"x6', T or B’. Paying $5.75 410-833-9091 Fiberglass WALLBOARD PANEL White & Colors 0908 Grade 4xB 4xlo 45c —48 C Ft. ODD SIZES & COLORS 15C —40 c Ft. Also. Full Line Of Roofing & Siding Large Inventory in Stock! Cali For Low Prices! A.B. MARTIN ROOFING Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 445-6885 Pennyan, NY (315) 536-0944 298 Meetinghouse Rd. Gap, PA 175X7 717-768-7446 Att: Aaron Complete remodeling and new construction of Agricultural and residential buildings. BUYING Boards and Logs. 1* boards, Oak and White Pine. $l-$1.50 bd.ft. Chestnut $2-$2.50 bd.ft and UP. Buying timbers and logs. Call lor quote 717-993-9037 Building lor sale. Antique post and beam, bam frame available to rebuild on your property. Other restoration materials. (888)261-4284 CECO... KIRBY... CORLE... Steel buildings and components. Retrofit steel re-roofing. Com merce* Industry, Ag. Supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Com- plete or addition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320. 610-942-2591 1-800-942-2591 Voice Mail or Fax DON'T IGNORE IT RESTORE rri Masonry/Restoratlon specializing In restpnng old stone/brlck houses and bams Also doing all types of Stone work JttJ Restoration 717-442-4773 Stone & brick repointing on old houses & barns BUENA VISTA RESTORATION 717-442-9735 WANTED Original attic floor, chestnut beams, salvage to barns, factories, warehouses, log houses, summer kitchens. Paying top $. 800/765-3966 ★ ALLWOOD STRUCTURES ★ POLE BUILDINGS i-J9 »' ' U99S STANDARD BUILDINGS LOFT BUILDINGS 24x32xS $4,500 24x32x8 $9,550 24x40x5 $6,000 24x40xS $ll,lOO 30x40x5 $7,500 30x40x5 $13,800 32x64x10 $ll,BOO 32x64x8 $19,100 40x80x12 $17,300 r- ERECTED PRICES (Includa* slidar and strvic* door) — i We specialize in: Hone Bams, Riding Arenas, Garages, Machine Sheds or I i ßullt_ToJfour^|jedncation*^___ >i ____^_| CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND BROCHURE l-800-247-0241 • Chestnut Woodworking • Call Bob (860) 672-4300 Industrial Paint Liquidation Just received thousands of gallons of highest quality industrial grade paint from military base closing and cancelled government contracts These paints were designed fot extreme duty in military service, making them far exceed typical application in commercial or farm use Buy now while available-most can be stored for several years You ran i hm belter namt’ Epoxy - $l4/gal. Polyurethane - $l2/gal Alkyd Enamel - $lO/gal Specialty Coatings $lO-$l4/gal $4O to $6O value. Call for color availability. 10 gallon min. purchase. 2 locations • Honey Brook and Bridgeport, PA Heritage Equipment, Inc 610-942-4116 & Residential Metal Roofing 8 Silling Low cost, Fast delivery, Free info. Call (610)670-6523 130 Bran Rd, Sinking Spnw WANTED: CHESTNUT Boards & Beams will buy any amount looking for steady supply Also Wanted Flooring • Chestnut, Oak & Pine Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 0-gauge galvanized. 3' 90(/ft; 314- $1 /ft; 4' 51.20/U; 5‘ $1.50/ft; 6' $1.60/ft; T $l.BO/ft; S’ 52.00/R. Vinyl coated also available. 1717)822-7820 7-Bam or after spm, leave message. ), PA 19608 Equipment Sheds Horse Bams Garages USED BUT USABLE STEEL USED & SURPLUS STEEL/ALUMINUM/STAINLESS PLATE - PIPE - BEAMS ANGLE - CHANNEL - GRATING - REBAR BAR STOCK - NUTS & BOLTS - GUARDRAIL MANY OTHER ITEMS <> STEEL ROOFING & SIDING <> <> HUNDREDS OF BINS, BUCKETS & BARRELS <> BRANDYWINE RECYCLERS 14TH & LEHMAN STREETS - LEBANON, PA 800-843-2200 * 7:3oam to 4pm Daily - Sam to Noon Saturdays TOP PRICES PAID FOR YOUR SCRAP! Bam alala, BxlB, 10x18. data pipeline. JD 444 corn head.B 717-456-7372 B grade glassboard and fastening accessories. Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA, (717)539-8993. We \Specialize Pole Building. Financing Available Stolt Wood working equipment; bicycle type belt tandem, 5”x170". route chisle mor- User, DeWalt radial arm saw, American table saw, paint booths, osilatinp drum sander, Rockwell ura plan, trades or offers. 717-677-0707 POLE BUILDINGS Horse Barns • Riding Arena Equipment Storage Garages Commercial Buildings / /.-** " ■e m m Arenas Builders h-lh