ClUancaatar Fanning, Saturday, April 18, 1998 • JD 4420 combine w/913 and 443 heads • Ford F6OO cattle gtein truck • JD 7000 corn planter • JD 8300 double disc grain drill • Int. 6 Row cultivator (610) 746-1824 Best Buys in Used Equipment (1) UT 3860 CASE IH MAGNUM 7110 MFD CAB 18 Speed P. Shift, 130-150 HP, 1992 with 2455 Hours, 20.8x42 Rubber, 3 Remotes. (2) UT 3857 CASE IH 7120 MFD 1993 Model with 20 8x42 Rubber, Cab, 18 Speed P. Shift, 3 Hyd Outlets, 18 Front Weights, Neighbor Trade, We Sold New -150-170 HP (3) UT 3845 FORD 4000 GAS 45 HP, 13.6x38 Rear Tires, Serviced and Ready to Work $4,900 (4) UT 3872 CASE IH MAGNUM 7220 MFD 18 Speed P Shift, Cab, 1994 Model, 2156 Hours, Triple Hyd Outlets, 540- 1000 PTO, 18 4x42 85-90% New, 14 Front Weights, Like New, 150-170 HP (5) UT 3875 M.F. 2705 CAB A.H. 122 HP (One Owner), 2060 Original Hours, 20 Bx3B Almost New, 2 Hyd Outlets UM 3335 PULL TYPE UNVER FERTH 35 FOOT FOLD MODEL ROLLING HAR ROW II With Leveling Basket For A Great Leveling Job 133 Rothsville Station Rd. P.O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothavllle <• 1998 CASE CORPORATION mmm Visit us on the Internet ;it htlp Anviv i ,i',rr_nrp ( nm mem Ca'i> IH is a registered trademark »l Case Corporation ' Oliver 5X spring reset semi-mount plow, good condition, $l5OO. 215/536-3321. TUB GRINDER Sundance, PTO, 1,000 RPM, $(,000/080 410-833-9091 Tub Grinder: PTO 8' tub, tandem axle, good, $7,800. (6) UT 3888 IH 3288 2WD CAB A.H with Good 18.4x38, 2 Hyd Outlets, 540-1000 Dual Shaft PTO, Reconditioned in our Shop Ask For Landis (7) UT 3921 CASE IH MAGNUM 1995 Model 7220, 150 HP, 2WD, Cab & Air, 18.4x42 90% New Rear Tires, Triple Remotes, 540-1000 PTO, Like New, Only 672 Hours with Fender 3 Pt. Hitch Controls, Foot Throttle Ask For Rick (8) UT 3929 IH NARROW FRONT 340 TRACTOR With Fast Hitch, 2 Pt, 12 4x36 Rear Tires, 80% New, One Remote Hyd Outlet, and Kelley Loader $3,850 Ideal to be used as Cultivator Tractor Usage, Approx 45 HP (9) UT 3925 CASE IH 5140 MAXXUM 1991 4x4 Cab & Air, P Shift & Shuttle Reverser with Late Model; 520 Loader, Rate 94-100 HP, 18 4x38 Radials WITH LOADER $39,500 (10) UT 3927 IH UTILITY WIDE FRONT 504 GAS TRACTOR With Partial Cab, Approx 45 HP with 14 9x28 Rear Tires, 3 Pt Hitch, Runs Good $3,800 obo (11) UT 3934 LIKE NEW APPEAR ANCE M.F. 3090 2WD CAB & AIR With Turbo, 100-130 HP, New 18.4x38 Radials, Mostly PTO Usage UM 3676 IH 475 HYD. FOLD WING DISK HARROW 22’ Cut, With Buster Bar $3,500 obo BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. aw ■ ■■ 1-800-414-4705 (717) 626-4705 Fax 717-626-0996 TRACTOR PARTS $ RE PAIRS... Engine kits, dutch kits, engine tune-up kits, trans $ PTO parts, starters and alternators, newAjsed 5 rebuilt parts. Engine rebuilding, trans ft hydraulic repairing. Excel lent pricing. QeRBER FARM REPAIR, RO 2, Sunbury. 717-286-7851 (12) UT 3957 CASE IH 5230 2WD HOPS, P. Shift, Only 907 Hrs , Approx 90 HP, 6 Cylinder Case Cummins. (13) UT 3956 1993 CASE IH 5240 2WD, Cab & Air, 100 HP, P. Shift (14) UT 3955 1995 CASE IH 5240 MFD CAB & AIR 813 Hours, Loaded (15) UT 3966 CASE IH 5140 MFD CAB & AIR 94-100 HP, 2800 Hours (16) UT 3968 CASE IH 5120 2WD CAB Rated 80 HP Turbo, 1992 Model, 1800 Hrs. (17) UT 3969 KUBOTA L 2250 Like New, Only 759 Hours, 2 Wh Drive, 26 HP with 11.2x24 Tires, 3 PL, PTO, Canopy $6,900 (18) UT 3961 MAGNUM 7120 2WD CAB & AIR POPS, 18 Speed, P. Shift $28,000 (19) UT 3962 MAGNUM 7110 MFD CAB & AIR 540-1000 PTO, 130-145 HP, With Front Fenders "(20) UT 3963 CASE IH 5130 2 WD POPS, 90 HP (2i) FORD 4610 SERIES II 4x4 w/ LOADER 52 HP Diesel, 2086 Original Hours, with Ford 776 F Q Tach Loader with 72” Bucket $18,750 (22) UT 3981 FORD L245A OFFSET DIESEL One Row High Clearance Cultivator Tractor with Fert Side Dressers 57,800 (23) UT 3986 CASE IH 485 42 HP Diesel, 1260 Hours, Nice IH 3 BOTTOM ROLLOVER PLOW Model 642 UM 3732 SUNFLOWER MODEL 1211 ROCK FLEX 13 Foot Transport Disk Harrow With Buster Bar UM 3739 3 PT. BUSH HOG 10 SHANK CHISEL PLOW With Gauge Wheels $1,250 Tractor: 656 Farmall, hy drostatic. Manor* spreader: NH 1225 gallon, side delivery. Wagon: no sides, fair condition. Call after 12pm, leave mas- USED TRACTOR PARTS, sage. (610)323-4390. also rebuilt dutches and s,Ksars; m any condition. Toll free 4534$ 037-548-0718 1-888-496-0120. Dennis. A Great Selection Of Planters & Drills Choose A Good Used Planter Or Grain Drill From I- Binkley & Hurst, ' Bros, Inc. Today UM 3344 WHITE 5400 4 ROW PLANTER Dry Pert., Insect, No Til $2,995 UM 3155 JOHN DEERE 17X7 Single Disc Drill, Was $750 UM 3588 JOHN DEERE 8 ROW With Transport Cart, Good Condition $7,500 UM 3645 JD 7000 4 ROW 30” UM 3680 A.C. MODEL 600 PLANTER 4 ROW With Dry Pert., Insecticide, Fluted No-Til Coulters, Moniter, Good Cond $1,500 UM 3735 JOHN DEERE 7000 8 Row 20” Spacing, 3 Pt. Planter With Insecticide UM 3738 KINZE 4 ROW X 30 With Markers and Insecticide, Good Condition ITS HOT TOO LATE TO ORDER A USED PLAHTER FOR SPRIHG PLANTING. LET’S SET TOGETHER HOW! QUICK FINANCING THROUGH CASE CREDIT. Miscellaneous Pre-Owned Tillage Best Offer Sale UM 3657 NEW HOLLAND 10 FOOT OFFSET DISK HARROW (Miller) with 24” Disc Blades UM 3638 FORD 3X16 SPRING AUTOMATIC RESET PLOW Good Mold Board UM 3625 BRILLION PULL TYPE COULTER RIPPER In Very Good Condition $4,700 UM 3709 WHITE 271 ROCK FLEX DISK HARROW With Hyd. Wing Fold Ask For Don Hoover UM 3540 PULL TYPE UNVER PERTH 25’ ROLLING HARROW Come & See Ideal Finishing Tool, with Hyd. Fold Ask For Don Hoover Was $4,900 For A Great Leveling Job TWIN RAKE HITCH NH old stylo, $2OO. 410-833-9001 \ ■ r * ■«.» 1 igp* ? „V«rcr«if*f V * '■ f* jy-' : UM 3605 CASE IH 5400 Mm-Till or Conventional Drill 3 Ft Mount, 15 Foot, Very Good Cond $5,950 UM 3640 «ID 7000 4 ROW 30” PLANTER MONOSEM NGT 2 ROW 3 Ft Planter For Specialty Crops, Used Very Little, With Liquid Fertilizer UM 3425 ACBOO 9 Row Bean Planter, 3 Ft Hitch $1,495 UM 3708 IH 800 6x30 WITH MONITOR 1000 RPM, Liquid Fertilizer $3,500 STANHAY MODEL 870 S Adjustable For 3 or 4 or 5 Row Specialty Crop Planting, 3 Pt Hitch Ask For Merv - Priced To Sell KRAUSE LANDSAVER 9 SHANK COULTER Chisel Pull Type, with Spring Loaded Coulters, Good Condition Ask For Don Hoover UM 3667 KRAUSE MODEL 2200 ROCK FLEX 13 Foot Disk Harrow with Packer Hitch, Dual Transport Wheels & Tine Harrow $3,695 UM 3701 KRAUSE 2200 DISC HARROW Working Width 12’5” Cut, Rock Flex Hangers Ask For Don Hoover or Ray In Sales $3,645 UM 3703 JOHN DEERE 4000 DOUBLE OFFSET DISK HARROW Cutting Width 13 Foot, With Buster Bar $2,300 UM 3652 BRADY 22’ FIELD CULTIVATOR Used veal bam equipment 200 gal. Fraizen stainless milk mixer w/mllk pump, $326; (2) 24", (2) 18" 4 (2) 14‘aAA fiberglass war. speed fans, $1000; 60 stainless bucket holders $2/eaoh; 60 white 2-gal. buckets, $.50/each; Ralgro 6 synovax implant guns; 2 Torpedo high pressure washer nozzles $65. 717/274-3288. 'V V No-Till UM 3693 UM 3599 UM 3654 With Tine Harrow $6BO