ltfwl ~ I Cmancastar Fanning, Saturday, April 18,1998 JD 6620 combine, 1863, 2511 hrs., dial-a-matic, chopper, 915 fiexhead, $23,000. 693 com heed, less than 100 acres use, $lB,OOO. 301-582-0751 JO 7000,12 m com plantar, liquid, front fold, com pletely reconditioned, field ready. $13,500. 717-677-9658. JO 7000 4RN no-tiH com planter, liquid fert, nice. Amos Stoitzfus, Memorial Rd., Utitz, 717/627-1939 leave message. JD 7000 6RN liquid com K. IH 140 Ipth, excel- F 275, nice. MF 30. Ford 5610. JD 2355. All equipment excellent. 906-679-5851 days 806-879-0899 evenings. JO 7000 com planter, 30* town, dry fertilizer, insecti cide, monitor, excellent condition, $3OOO. 717/285-5030. JO 7000 conservation com plantar, 6x30 rows, avail able 5/10/98, $7OOO. 717-623-3671 JD-7000 Max. Em. no-till dry fert narrow monitor, re cently rebuilt, field ready, $6,500; 814-238-1233 eves. JO 7000 no-till 4R com planter, like new, $3200. 540-955-3340 JO 7200 6R com planter, liquid or dry, vacuum or fin ger pickup, excellent condi tion, $13,000. 717/438-3205. JO 7200 vacuum corn planter, no-till, 6R, 1300# weighted frame, cab, moni tor, planted less than 600 acres, perfect condition. Fi nancing available. Call af ter 7pm Lou 410-795-4160 JO 740 front end loader, fife 40, 50 and 55 series row crop tractors, in good cond. 717-648-7994. JD-7700 turbo combine, 1978 CAR AHH 3,630/hrs. good cond. $B,OOO. 301-829-0916. JD 6300 DD 21x7 grain drill. $2500. 717/437-2604. JO 850 2WD, 24hp diesel, w/JD 72* mower, 530 ho., $5900. 717-426-4419 JO 950 cultimulcher. 10' w/ cylinder, sharp. (717)949-3769 7:3oam-s:oopm JO A high compression cy clone, on steel, can be con vertered back to rubber very easily. (717)527-2753. JD combine 4420 diesel, 4RN flex head, good condi tion. (717)284-4628. JD F 350 6 bottom hy draulic reset plow, $450. (215)598-3768. NEW JD—72lO tractor, cab, 4x4, power quad w/left hand reverser, $49,800. (301)733-2195. JD single wheel for tricyle type tractor. Mechanical transplanter, 3pth, 2R, like new. Adams County, (717)677-7282. John Blue sprayer, 400 gallon, S/S tank, 4400 pump, 34' booms, $2,500 080. (410)658-6410. John Deere SSO, 3pt PTO, rototiller new, $2,000. Evenings. (717)458-4941. KUBOTA 87100,4x4, gear drive w/Woods RMS 9, 1,100 hrt., excellent, only $4,500. 410-833-9091 Kubota Model 820 tractor/ loader/backhoe, 400 hours, $lB,OOO. 610/966-2712. Ulleston 7-6 mower, pull type, nice, $750. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 45 w/hyd. dump & wide bucket, $460. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT IH 2000 w/2 buckets, nice, $1,400. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 158, $3,000. 410833-9091 USED PLOW PARTS John Deere, IH, U/hite Oliver, MF, AC Benton Plow Parts 315-536-3807 w g lp r NEW/USED/RENTAL 1 LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT Spreaders Calumet 1500 Vacuum Tank (ex. cond.) USED $5,100 Calumet 3250 Gal. 21.5x16 Tires, ,1/4" Tank, Pivoting Hitch RENTAL $B,OOO Calumet 3750 Vacuum tank, 23.1x26 tires, RENTAL Houle 4300 Gal. Spreader Steering Axle, Brakes, 28Lx26 Tires, RENTAL $17,125 Houle 5300 Gal., 28Lx26 Tires, 1/4” Tank & Brakes RENTAL $17,025 Houle 4050 Spreader, Brakes, 23.1x26 Tires, RENTAL Houle 5250 Gal. Steering Axle, Brakes 28Lx26 Tires, NEW Call 1991 Vandale 3150 w/lnjectors $4,800 Pumps Houle 42 ft. Lagoon Pumps, RENTAL....SB,4OO (2) Houle 32ft Lagoon Pumps, RENTAL Call Houle 32 Ft. Multi Purpose Lagoon Pump, RENTAL Houle 12 ft., 3pt. Verticle Pump NEW Used Husky 30 ft. Lagoon Pump, 1000 RPM (ex. cond.) J-Star 8 Ft. Vertical Pump, Good C0nd..53,500 —Financing A vailable — "We re Here To Serve You" SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 130, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 717-966-2736 Ask For Ernest or Dean ► “Will buy JD tractors” JD 4055 PS 4x4, cab. 1 owner nice ► JD 4440 cab, air, 4x4, QR Trans, 2 hyd s2o, * JD 2355, md FTO, roll bar, 2600 hrs nice $l4, JD 2355 md PTO, flat-top fenders, ong $l3, JD 4240 4 post creeper trans 2 hyd $13,1 I r JD 2155 turf tires, excellent condition $l2, ► JD 2950 fu/10, 2 hydraulics $12,1 JD 4320, 1972 overhauled. I owner $l2, JD 2550, PTO. new paint, G tires, Exc .$12,. ►JD 2155 Diesel w/dhuttle irans sharp sl2,' JD 2140 75 hp same as JD 2750 $ll, Case 18450 late model new tires . $ll,. JD 2030 w/new loader & joy stick ____s!!, Y JD 4230 QR trans 4 post, original l-owne£l*SQE9slo, \ JD 2040 (2550) cab, Ind PTO hi lo $lO, ' JD 2840 hi/10, 2 hyd . 4800 hrs gd cond JD 2630 hi lo rack & pinion wheels new Ures Sharp JD 2040 S, 65 hp, 1986, same as 2550 JD 4020 SR trans WF, good tires, wts JD 4020, PS trans. 2 hyds. dlff lock, overhauled JD 3020 dsl, WF, like new, 18 4x34 tires JD 2440 hi/10. 2 hyd . 1 owner, 5140 hrs JD 2130. diesel, hl/10, Ind PTO, 65 hp, nice MF 2200 diesel forklift JD 1130, Ind PTO, hl-low. 45 hp , nice $7,. JD 2130 diesel, 65 hp 239 engine, new paint $7,: JD 2020. hi/ ' ind PTO. nice condition s7,«*. heels $6,500 (ood .$6," lerTractor ,-—,55.1 . fork and buln*S4nMUs3, tractors . s2.' .. $l.l $l.l ic . .$9l .$« $7l E3SH3 Call Call $9,900 Call $3,900 $41,500 $1 $9,300 $9,200 $8,500 $8,500 $7,800 $7,500 $7,300 $7,200 !0. new 4020, new >r 3-5/8" axle $175 .at 30% : new tock ion, Hay Tedders Forage Wagons sder Wagons, Bale Bop Gravity Bins Ms JftL Hay Savers Service ippensburg, PA 17257 East, Goodhart Rd Right :king Available (717) 532-8601 5 } IH 806 diesel, WF, 3 pt, wts, new rubber, \ \ 2600 hrs, C&H ★ IH 450, 3 pt, 4x, auto, |« | reset, mounted ★ IH 8770 offset disc, >j {i 12’6” ★ 1950 Dodge, runs ★ Snow <| \ ( blower ★ Lickety Split wood splitter ★ i J < #56 2R com planter * DC Case locked 1 5 up, 3 pt, $3OO ★ Bush Hog 13’, extra HD <( | ★IH 154,5’ Mower w/front hydraulic blade |; Why? Doctor’s Orders! <( Lcid Farm Equipment Tractors for salvage; JD 2510 gas; 3010; 3020; 4020 power shift, 2020; 4020 syncro range; Now available new tractor rims JD parts in stock 4020 battery box 2020 sidescreen Side screen for 4020 & 3020 Old style side panel for 3020 & 4020 New style side panel for 3020 & 4020 2614 Roxsbury RD,' Shippensburg,'PA 17257 717-S3O-9459 Call Toll Free 1-080-755-4010 < Positively no out-of-state checks accepted Tractors For Bale JD 3020 gas, WF, rebuilt engine & transmission v $6,900 Parting out the following. A, B, H, M, 60, 70, 520, 620, 720 D, 820,430, 530,3010,4010,4020,4230, Etc Lots of 4 and 6 Cylinder JD Diesel Engine Parts FAHNESTOCK FARM SERVICE 435 S. Race St, Myerstown, Pa 17067 717-866-7066 r-i $55 $49 $52 $39 $45 I 1992 Bobcat 753,1150 hrs., Boss System • Light Kit, New Tires, New Bucket. #2523 ■ 717-354-3199 I I