ClMancastot Farming, Saturday, l 11, 1W» Montgomery Ward ham mermill w/extra eoeens, teit drive. 717-049-3768. NEW HOLLAND ELEVATOR COMPANY New 24', 30‘, 36’. 41' ele vators. Cal for brochure on accessories, options and parts. Recyders, we buld bed elevators tool We wiU rsbuld your New Holand 155. We wil trade or buy your used or damaged ele vator. THANK YOU. Thom Wheary, JR. (717)687-0102. New GT no-til dri w/graas box. 10* 18-run, $10,500. 814-793-2285 New Holland 1033, 105 bale wagon, $5,100. NH 1063,160 bale wagon, low acres, excellent, $11,200. 1051 3- bale wide slack re triever for truck mounting, $3,000. Also self-propelled bale wagons. Reeder Im plement, Seneca, KS, (785)336-6103. NH1496 hay bin*. VG con dition, $14,000. JO 716 A and 714 A wagons $3,600/ $3,000. Kuhn rake $1,500. Franklin Co, 717/507-7205. NH 254 rake/taddar. JD 525 front mount lawn mowor. Both excellent con dition. (301)896-7600. NH 256 Hayrake, working oond. $000.717-464-3607. NH 256 rake. NH 132 skeleton elevator. NH smoker elevator. 717-235-1766 York Co. NH 320 baler w/thrower; NH 490 hayfoine; Grimm 8* hay tedder; 8800 White combine w/heads; 10' Bush Hog rotary mower. 301/896-0187. NH 352 grinder mixer, dou ble auger, working condi tion, $1250.3pt 3x16 plow, $350 080, 717-354-6820 NH 404 hay conditioner, axceleni (717)949-3760. NH 411 discbine, new disc bar and rolls have 00% rub ber, good condition . After s:3opm call (717)362-3540. NH 462 Disc mower, T’lO’ cut, demo 3 acres only. Possible financing or trade equal value $4700. 717/938-3517. NH 477 haybine, very good condition, $2700. Chester Co. 610-932-2508 NH 518 Double beater manure spreader, Fair, $350. Adams County. (717)334-5684. NH-555 skid steer $4,900, Ford auto-reset plow $600; both good condition. NH-269 baler with thrower, running condition, needs minor repairs $250. Lane. Co. 717-656-7256. NH 644 round baler silage special, used 2 years, $15,000. 717/667-3593. NH 775 skid loader, good condition, $7450. 717/354-0176. NH 846 round baler w/auto tie. IH 454 loader tractor. 717-436-9051 NH 892 haybine, like new, mowed less than 300 acres, $7650. Aitsway 450 grinder, $3200. 717-446-7417 717-627-6824 660-328-6220 NH 975 combine w/eeb, grain head, 3RN corn head, good condition, $l9OO. 265 MF diesel, 60hp, 2-remolßß, $4600. 717-534-1253 NH bucket mounting plate tor L 785 skid loader, excel lent condition, new $736, best otier. 215/536-3321. NH kick baler. $l,lOO. AC Gleaner combine, beet of fer. Parker 5 grain wagons, good condition, $5OO each. Horse trailer $4OO. (008)359-3757. NH L 446 skid loader w/4-cyl Wisconsin gas en gine, hydrostatic drive, 60* bucket, 1800 hrs, very good condition, $5900. 215/536-3321. FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone:7l7-263-0705 ffeKWHCXIAN) Sales-Parts-Service ••Credit Company KWHOLLAN3 TRACTORS | NH 8240 SUE. 4WD NH 8340 SLE, 4WD Ford 8730, PS, 4WD Ford 8630, Power Shift 4WD Ford 7910, 4WD Ford 7740 SLE, 4WD w/Cab Ford 7710 w/Cab Ford 7600, CB3S3 Ford 6640 SLE 4WD 1250 hrs Nice NH L 553, 220 hrs NH L 775 APRIL SPECIAL 55 Gallon Hyd & Engine Oil . S2lO Located: 1 Mile Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:00-5:00 Mon. Thru Fri. . 8:00-12:00 Saturday S GRINDERS t MIXERS NH 352 long unloading auger extension Gehl 120, extra screens, nice LOADERS & SNOW BLOWERS 3pt, 6' snowblower JO 2010 md loader NH 30, Round Bale Mover IH 20000ff574 MF 246 OT loader, wide QT bucket nice $3,500 JD 3pt 7’, Snowblower, $1,500 IH 3pt 7’, Snowblower, $1,250 3pt B’. Snowblower, $1,650 IH 3pt, 7’, Snowblower, $1,650 Farmall C loader 9 extra loader buckets 8' Front Snow Plow, $450 Ford HD Loader w/Pump & Valves, $1,500 (2) Case Loaders Off 310 & 440 Case Kelly w/Hyd Bucket & Pump, Valves IH Fast Hitch Blades T & 8’ Tractors w/Loaders Snow Blades for Loader or Front Mounted Sauder Front Mounted Blades TRACTORS IH 856 diesel, WF, excel sharp Farmall M like new tires, $1,650 IH Super M, runs good, $2,000 AC 7080, cab, air, weights, front & back duals, 182 hp, $11,500, nice Farmall 706 NF, German diesel, A-1 sharp Farmall 656 diesel MF 2244 crawler loader w/3 cyl Perkins diesel, 4NI bucket Oliver 770 gas, WF, flat top fenders, new paint $2,850 MM 5 Star, WF JD 530 roll canopy, WF, nice Farmall H IH 574 diesel, rSfl3>, $4,500 IH 966 diesel, fender tractor. $7,250 Farmall 230 w/fast hitch, $1.850 IH 5488 diesel, cab, air, duals, 187 hp, $18,500 IH 4166,4WD, 2400 hrs, original w/10' IH dozer blade & tire chains, Nice, $17,500 1928 AC Green 2035 on factory steel Farmall 300 utility, PS, 3pt, clean IH 1466 red cab, diesel MF 1085 diesel w/cab, MF 246 loader clean unit JO 630 Nf, roll guard, roof, $5500 IH 706 diesel WF, $5,500 IH 856 diesel, 18x38 rubber, 3pt, nice JO high crop, WF sprayer w/dual belly tanks, $3,850 KEITER'S FAR Halifax, PA 17032 Rt. 225 20 mi. north of Harrisburg Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 PHONE: 717-362-9574 POSITIVELY NO OUT-OF-STATE PERSONAL CHECKS Mail Ford 5610, 4WD w/Cab Ford 5640 SLE, 4WD w/Cab Ford 56405 L Cab Ford 4600 Ford 4600 w/New Paint j(3) (2) Ford 4000 Diesel 48) (2) Ford 3000 Diesel (2) Ford 2000, Diesel Ford 1600 w/Loader Ford 871, PS, SOS MF 275 NH 1411 discbine NH DlOOO Baler 2x3 Bales NH 499 Haybine IH 1206 diesel. 20.38 rubber & cab Oliver 880 GaSam/Low, PS, 3Pt, Extra Sharp, $4,500 IH 400 gas, PS. $2,000 IH 300 forklift Ford 6000 diesel WF, $2250 HAYBINES NH 488 nice FNH 256 rake, sharp NH 488 nice, $2,850 NI-IHII7O 7', excel JD1207 7’, nice Case IH 3309 discbme, 10', clean Nl or IH 7' IowARFS IH 225 self-propelled w/cab, 10' (2) IH 1190.9' MF 725 7' bad roll, real nice Case IH 1570 Hydraswing Hesston 1180 Discbme, $1,500 NH 499 Hydro, Swing, 12’ Gehl 440,9' MC Rotary Scythe MF flail Mower J 01209, 9' SPREADERS IH Cub spreader, sharp $l,OOO JD 450 hydro push, $2,250 (2) Martin lift side throw choice $l,OOO IH 595 tandem, needs work, $1,500 NH 329 for horse farmer NH tank spreaders (3) Nl PTO spreaders MISC. Nl 35' elevator, nice MOWERS/ROTARY MOWERS Finieh Mower*, Sickle Bar Mowers, Stalk Cotters, Betwing Mowers All different sizes WAGONS Myers, like new bale wagon, 1 year old Big side dump wagon like new, $4,500 (6) Unloading (6) Bale rack r— ——■ » 3) New Gravity bin NewStoltzlus (3) Used Gravity [bale rack wagonsl Richardson side dump ORILLB t PLANTERS (2) IH 620 drills w/press wheels & grass seed, $2,650/ea Bnllion 10’grass seeder IH 800 planter 4R 30" dry (ert White BR, 3pt bean planter IH 400 AIR, 4R AC 333 AIR. 4R AC 600 4R nice 6.9% APR Financing TRACTORS Ford 6600 w/Cab & Air Ford 7000 w/Cab MF 2745 w/Duals, 749 Hours Ford 1920 w/Loader Ford 1310 4x4 w/Loader Ford 4610 S.U Ford 6600 w/Loader Ford 8N Nice Ford 1620 w/Mid Mount Mower L 785 Skid-Steer Loader L-555 Skid-Steer Loader L-445 Skid-Steer Loader John Deere B - Ex. Cond. Collector. MF 35 Power Steer, w/Kelly Loader. BALERS New Holland 575 New Holland 315 w/Thrower New Holland 326 NH 326 w/Thrower New Holland 853 New Holland 853 New Holland 650 Net Wrap- New Holland 640 Net Wrap . New Holland 660 New Holland 630 Case IH 3650 New Holland 277 w/Thrower. New Holland 855 Net Wrap.. New Holland 326 w/Thrower. New Holland 1495. New Holland 1495 (nice) choice of 2 New Holland 495 New Holland 492 New Holland 479 $1,400 New Holland 479 $2,500 New Holland 116 $4,700 SEE YOUR CERESVILLE FORD NE CERESVILLE FORD NEW HOLLAND. INC. 8102 Liberty Road • P.O. Box A We ship parts ups Fed. * iSKI Frederick, MD 21701 Express every day. 0O 301-662-4197 » 1-800-331-9122 i®Zxla» BALERS t RAKES NH 269 w/thrower, nice JD 640 rake, $1,450 NH 845 4x4 round balers Nl round baler NH 276 w/thrower NH 276 w/thrower, $2,250 Late Hesston 5540 round baler DISCS-HARROWS-PACKERS A CULTIVATORS IH 3712' wheel disc IH 315 roller harrow, $3,500 JD 230 20' hydra fold, new paint, $3,750 Krause field cult, 28' hyd fold, $3,500, nice Krause 14' disc, $1,675 Rhino 24' rock flex disc, clean $6,250 IH field cult. 24' White Oliver field cult, 26’ IH 14' field cult IH 3pt 12’field cult Ren 10 14' rockflex 1H470,12 or 16 6 wheel disc 10-14'^ JD RWA, 12' wheHSIBI nice ■Trillion roller harrow, inside wheels B'-10'-14' Cultipackers MF 4R cultivator IH 4R cultivator 271 White, 20' rock flex off-set, $6500 nice IH 31512' roller harrow, $2500 IH 475 hyd wing, 18', sharp, $5500 IH 480 hyd wing, 20' nice, $3,800 IH 475 hyd wing, 18’nice, $4,200 White 271 rock flex. 20' offset, nice, $5,500 JD 220 hydraulic wing, 20' offset JD 360,14' offset JD RWA plow disc, 12' Kawanee 18' field cul, hyd wings PLOWS t CHISEL PLOWS IH 720 spring reset 7b 18" on land hitch, front furrow wheels, held ready, $7,500 IH 720 sxlB spnng reset, sharp JD 3x16 3pt for 2-eyl, $350 IH 10T chisel disc, A-1, $3,500 IH 416 trip, new paint Heavy Duty 3pt 12T chisel plow, new paint, $1,650 Brady 10T trailer type chisel plow IH trailer type 12T chisel plow JD IH Oliver, 2-3-4 bot drag plows MF 3b 3pt 2 & 3 bottom 3pt plows White 4x16 trip IH 6x16 trip IH 5x16 trip JD 3x16 3pt trip IH 6x16 toggle trip, hill side hitch MACHINERY WE DO NOT SHIP .$12,900 .$10,900 $14,900 .$16,500 ...$9,900 $12,900 .$12,500 ...$3,500 $13,900 $15,900 ...$9,500 ...$7,900 ...$3,900 ...$4,900 ...$6,900 ...$4,800 ...$5,900 ...$8,900 ...$7,600 ...$6,900 $16,800 $14,900 .$15,900 ...$7,900 ..$7,900 ..$3,900 . $9,500 ..$8,500 IWER $4,900 $16,500 ...$3,700 ...$6,900 We honor VISA A MASTERCARD fill's! to n!nn- s' i*. r h.ll't' tli'illihl //■ //'(> /,)./ i/>.v';rr . on.i"u I i,l ,■! VJrs!, i, j C.m.u'.i .i. I IV' '! A U >rl!n ws/ U S /i Ur t i tuiiU[ niif ih in ti’inhmrs KV /mu 1 nwst ,my si.-r iji un In'.u! s A < lir.iils In tjv tv ilh Inr i ii'iih.rr iv c /muc (2) IH 720,5 b 20", 6b, 18" IH 450,3 b, 16", 3pt spring reset (5) JD 450,4 b. sb, 16” & 18” COMBINES IH 715 hydro diesel MH gray cab, 550 hydro diesel MF 35 w/8' head sharp Late Model IH 715,310 diesel hydro, 1325 hrs super sharp Available MF 8560 rotary w/8R 30' corn, 20' flex 1500 hrs, super clean $48,000 Late AC M 2 gear drive diesel (same as M 3) super nice, $13,500 Late AC F 2 diesel, heavy rear axle, super nice Late AC F 2 diesel, hill side blower, nice 1980, AC F 2 diesel, roll out auger, real sharp Late AC F 2 diesel, roll out auger real sharp AC L diesel turbo Late JO 4400 diesel, real nice AC F diesel, |ust traded 1985 JO 7720 Titan II w/new 30 5x32 tires, 4300 hrs. clean $21,000 JD 45 round back, 10'head, nice IH 915 hydro diesel, sharp Late JD 4400 diesel, 2(00 hrs, black seat, clean IH iB6O hydro diesel, specialty rotor, reverse feeder, 3200 hrs, sharp IH 1460 Rotary, new bres, 3(00 hrs, nice $19,500 1981 JD 6620 hydro diesel, 2800 hrs, $17,500 ACK gas wM side blower JD 4400 diesel, $2,(00 in new parts, real clean AC M 3 hydro diesel w/hill side blower AC 315 (ex & choice ol com heads, sharp 1981 JD 4420 diesel, 2071 hrs, super sharp JD 3300 gas Late ih 915 hydro diesel shaBEDS White 8600 diesel Nl 706, Perkins diesel, 2650 hrs, w/717 combine, wd separate Nl 801 hydro diesel, 4x4, with super chopper, 3R, 30’ or 38’ & pickup 2700 hrs Late NH TRBS hydro, new Cat diesel, $13,000 JD 4420 diesel, sharp 2.400 hrs JO 3300 gas rotary screen, 2,100 hrs AC M 2, hydro diesel w/hillside blower AC G gas w/heads NH 975 gas, cab w/12' gram MF 550 diesel, nice AC M 2 hydro diesel Nl 717, clean Nl 717 combine Nl 717 Uni combine, harvester, 200 acres, like new Nl 702 gas w/767 harvester, 3 R head & pickup CQBN HEAPS* BRAIN HEADS 200 To Chooso From I bii*™ Mow«r» 2,3,4, 6 Row Com Heads. I Cultivators Plantars I All Size Grain heads, S s ! & er Flex A RUM For Qualified Buyers New Holland 1895 New Holland 1895 (4x4) New Holland 5717 New Holland 824 Com Head 2RN HAY EQUIPMENT New Holland 254 Tedder Rake $3,600 John Deere 640 Hay Rake $1,750 Oliver 107 Hay Rake $9OO lISC. EQUIPI Landpnde 6' Mower Schuler Feed Cart - Choice of 4 Noble Front 3 Point Cultivator 3 Point Bale Slicer Martin Spreader NH 520 Manure Spreader New Holland 355 Grinder Mixer, Ex. Cond. New Holland 352 Grinder Mixer J.D. 350 Sickle Bar 7’ 36 Foot Zimrrlbrman Elevator [DITI New Holland 411 $10,900 New Holland 411 w/New Cutterbar $8,900 Hesston 1085 $1,900 Hesston 1150 New Holland 499. HOLLAND SALESMAN TODAY!!! Nl 702 diesel w/767 harvester, 3R corn & pickup Ml 705 diesel w/838 dusker MF 540 gray cab. REAL CLEAN JO 6620 hydro dsl, sharp Nl 702 diesel w/combme JO 55 square back w/cab, 12' flex. 3R 30" corn, 2R 38" JO 42 pull type w/10' head Late JO 7700 hydro dsl w/heads JO 4400 Diesel w/Heads AC K W/10' gram, 3R, 30" corn Late IH 1440 Rotary Combine MF 510 diesel w/heads IH 315 Hydro , Gas, 10’ Gram, 3R & 2R 30’ NH TR7O Cat Diesel, Hydro CORN PICKERS Nl 324 2R38" 12 roll bed, A-1, $3,500 (10) IR, 2R. 30' & 2R 38' 8 roll beds & 12 roll beds Nl 737 busker w/feeder housing Nl 2R 38" 12 roll bed. sharp Nl 325,2 R 30” 8 roll bed. $3,250 Nl 324 w/12 roll bed. 2R. 38" Nl 838 busker w/feeder housing Nl 323 JO 300.3 R Nl 325 2R, 30" JO 5820 Nl 801 JO 7700 FLAIL CHOPPERS « HARVESTERS JO 3940 w/heads NH 892 w/heads IH 830 w/heads NH Super 717, nice JO 3940 w/pickup, clean IH 830 w/pickup JO 38,2 R 30' or 38' & pickup (3) IH 720 w/2R 30' or 38' & pickup (2) NH 770 w/2R 30' or 38' & pickup NH 890 w/heads JO 5200 diesel hydro, 4WD, 3R, 30" com & pickup head, gone over, new paint, $22,500 IH #8 flail chopper IH #5 flail chopper IH: 14N; 14M nMy. Hi, Hi, 71!, Hi, 31i, 2K, 213, 513.4C3,303. B. H. 141, IN, IH. K. M, 71,74. JO. 7720, 7700, N2I, NM. 4421,44 M, 33M. 18, B. 56. 4i, 41MF: M, 78, 751,511, HI, 3N, 28. H, B, 6, 72, N, N, 71, B, 27,2 i, AC: GUM*. AC Hi. F. F 2. L, M, M 2.«, 6, E. C. C 2, A, N. M, Otar 781. i4S. 535, 525,430.40,35,33 M: Uni, 002,7 N, TIICmMm, M 717, HMteir 78, 78. 7H, CmrMm SMlmi 5 HtrmUn, Cm: UN. IN, 7N. IN. M NH: 14N, ITS, N 6,1071, NH TUB. MM: 5217.34 N, MM Dili, WhlU UN, WMI HN, WMi I7N, FWO Ma. 7300, Minty 7510, Stm IfnHn 1 CNimw. JO 7721, Moton, Tnitaninlont, Dm, Corn 1 Gnlo huN, Gnin Slim, IN4 JO N2I SMt Hill m/Huvy SlnHn| Ad*. TRACTORS FOR SALVAGE GOOD RUNNING MOTORS JOUtNCMtPt'FKPafU.MM.itUSFHtnMUr.NHIM IF.PtIIIFIINII44I.I4HRIUnK4MTITCMMM.NI M 2 mHtowtlif.JD 4428 M Hit . JO MM 4 Mil IIM HUH New Campbell Tire Chains Most-Sizes Available S IVESTI $28,500 $34,500 ..$1,900 ..$2,900 .4,500 .7,500 4 WHEEL DRIVE UNITS CONIINES FOR SALVAGE
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