CB-UftdUft*r FferMno, Siturdty, Apt 11, IMI 1 Excellent Ford Tractors { t 8730, cab, air, 4WD, PS, 4 re JJ2jgjJ2o 8x38,1,200 hrs ? *TW-25. cab, air, triple weights, 4,200 hrs j \ TW-5 11, 4WD, canopy, 20 8x38,1,900 hrs. Jj r 9600, cab, air, DP, dual remotes, 5,000 hrs \ i 8210, cab, air, 4WD, 18.4x38, weights, 4,100 hrs. f \ 7740 SLE, cab, air, 4WD, 18 4x38,400 hrs A 1 7700, cab, air, DP, 16 9Rx3B, 5,800 hrs. j f 7700, DP, dual remotes, 5,800 hrs ? i 7810, DP, dual remotes, 2,600 hrs y (I 7800, DP, 1 remote, 16 9x38, weights, local trade A >t 7000, DP, 1 remote, 16.9x38,1975 model \ 6610 11, cab & air, DP, dual remote, creeper, 2,800 hrs » t 6610 11, roUbar, DP, 18.4x34,1,800 hrs j \ 6610, rollbar, DP, dual - 16/ 30. - k - ->/> —Ul', dual remotes, ,9x30, 3,400 hrs r 6610, DP, 18 4x34, 1985 model, 1,600 hrs. i 6600, DP, dual remotes, 540/1000,15.5x38, 3,100 hrs f 5000, diesel, 8 spd , dual remotes, 15 5x38,1971, 5,000 hrs \ 5000, diesel, dual remotes, 15 5x38, weights, 5,000 hrs y' 4630, 4WD, shuttle w/Ford Idr, 1,000 hrs i 4610 11, SU, diesel,*B spd , 14 9x28, 1,600 hrs \ 4610 SU, diesel, 14 9x28, 3,200 hrs V* 4100, diesel, 8 spd , 16.9x24, 1 remote, 3,700 hrs $ 4000 SU, diesel, 14 9x28, 3,800 hrs 1 4000 SU, diesel. 8 spd , 14 9x28,2,900 hrs. < \ 4000 SU, gas, 8 spd , w/Ford QT Idr, 1,400 hrs / i 3910, diesel, 14 9x28 w/Ford QT Idr, 1,400 hrs i 1 3000, gas, 8 spd, PS, 1975, 5,000 hrs ( (t JD 4440, cab, air, quad, 18 4Rx38 fc 4,900 hrs j 7JD 2755, roll bar, hi-low, dualHEDjs, R&P, 2,300 hrs Ji (/JD 2755, canopy, hi-low, dual remotes, 18 4x34,3,700 hrs Equipment \ t FNH 492 haybme ' Ford 151 plow, 4xlB btms, auto reset J Sauder 7’ snow blade r, 18 4x38 Ford Axle Duals i Weights to fit most Ford tractors $ Ford Loaders , 7413 QT fits TW2S thru 8830 \ 777 D tits 6700 thru 7710 2WD f DuAL 210 fits 7700 & 7710, 2WD & 4WD (I JD 146 w/valve, off JD 2630 f JD 145 w/valve, off JD 2030 ifl All Tractors Tested On Our Farms, 6 Tractors Stored inside \ -P[ease Call For Appointment- Burkholder Bros. Lebanon, PA 17042 (2 miles West of Schaefferstown) 2 Locations 717-272-2352 717-949-2123 , Lloyd Leon f ■ 330 Crest Rd. 400 Flintville Rd. j Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, Pa. < D & R EQUIPMENT INC. Rt. 579, Ringoes, New Jersey (908) 782-5082 USED TRACTORS JD 7700 MFWD, cab & air, power quad, sharp JD 2555, MFWD, 1,200 hrs JD 2555, hi-low, sharp JD 4450, MFWD, cab & air, sharp JD 4250, cab & air, power shift, MFWD JD 4250, quad, cab, 5533 JD 4840, cab & air JD 4640, cab & air JD 4240, cab & air, quad JD 4240, cab & air, power shift JD 4040,4 post JD 2940 JD 4230, fender JD 2640,1,500 onginal hrs. JD 2440, hi-tm JD 2750, MFWD, 13.6x46 rear tires, 13.6x38 front w/creeper JD 2355, 4WD JD 2155 JD 2150 JD 4620, powershift JD 4320, open station JD 4320 w/cab JD 4020, diesel, power shift JD 4020, diesel, syncro JD4OIO, diesel JD 3020, gas, WF JD 3020, diesel, WF JD 970,4WD, 60 hrs. IH 2444 IH 3088, cab & air, 2,500 hrs., sharp IH 1586, cab & air IH 1086, cab & air IH 1066 IH 986, cab, air, sharp IH 884 IH 84 hydro IH 504, diesel MF 2705, cab & air, excellent MF 35, power steering JD 4010 w/new Bush Hog 2845 Idr. JD 2840 w/loader JD 2350,2WD, w/240 loader, 2,000 hrs. MFIOBS w/loader Ford 7710, 4WD, cab & air w/ldr„ 1.200 hrs. INDUSTRIAL Ford CL4S diesel skid ifiSD Ford 340 w/loader, sharp Oliver forklift Gehl 4600 skid steer, very good Gehl 4610 skid steer, diesel FORD 3000, diesel, 1,300 original hr*., ona ownar, 14,900. 410-833-9091 FORD 7700 w/cab, nioa Midwest unit, $9,750. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE; Small term equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR. 550 Coopers DR, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. Ford 1215 4x4 hydro w/ belly mower, 380 hrs., like new. 717-859-3158 Ford 1620 diesel 27hp 4WD tractor w/hydro Cans, PS, turf tires, 900 hrs, Ford 7108 QT loader w/60* bucket, w/Woods 60* 3pt hitch finish mower, excel lent condition, $14,500. 215/536-3321. Ford 1700 4WD, $6250; Kubota B2ISO 4WD, hy dro, PS, 60’ mower, $9200; Case 1130 hydro, PS, $7900. 717/545-0132. Ford 1720 27hp 4WO diesel tractor w/12x12 shuttle Irans, PS, 3pt hitch, 700 hrs, ag liras, excellent condition, $10,600. 216/536-3321. Ford 1920 w/loader, 300 hrs, $18,500. Brady 10-tooth trailer type chisel plow $5OO. (610)944-8380. Ford 3910 II Bx 4, syncro trans w/Shuttle, 1090 hrs, $9700. Lane. Co. 717/738-0932. Ford 601 Wortonaster gas tractor w/PS, 3pt hitch, all hyd. loader, $5900. Bucks Co. 215/536-3321. Ford 7600, 1625 original hours, dual power, triple re motes, full set of front weights, 38' rubber, mint condition, $ll,OOO. 410/928-3530. PLOW! IH Consertill 10’ JD 2500 5 btm. 18” spring reset White 6 btm spring reset AC 5 btm JD 5 btm 444 JD corn heads JD 643 corn head JD 443 corn head JD 7720, 4WD, 2,300 hrs., excellent JD 6620, Hydro, 1983 JD 3300 w/2 row head JO 336 baler w/thrower JD 346 wire baler JD 347 wire baler JD 347 twine baler JD 348 baler, excellent NH 316 baler w/thrower, excellent NH 320 baler NH 855 round baler NH 630 round baler NH 849 auto wrap round baler, sharp NH Rake NH 489 haybme NH 488 haybme NH 1033 stack wagon (3) Gravity Wagons Gehl 7190 feeder wagon Woods 918015’ turf mower, like new Nuw Bush HogDitehßank mower IH 3800, hyd.Bflla:. 20’, rockflex, excellent IH 475 hyd. fold disc, 21' Taylorway 25' disc Glenco soil finisher, 12' 18' IH field cultivator, hyd. fold JD 950 12'roller harrow, like new JO 7000 6R conservation planter, liq. insect., very good Bush Hog Ulleston No-Till Grain Drill, Very Good IH 510 Grain Drill, DD IH 2350 Loader IH 2250 Loader JD 148 loader, like new JD 58 loader Nl 363 tandem axle manure spreader, hyd. gate Arps 105 3 pt. hitch backhoe, 10' Brillion 5 Shank V-npper, New Unverferth gravity boxes on 10 ton running gear, 290 bu. NEW ‘B5 GMC C-7000 w/26' Jerr-Dann Body, Air Brakes, Air Tag Axle 75 Chevy C6S w/24' Jerr-Dann Body, 5 Spd. & 2 Spd. Rear NH 850 round baler, good condition, $2,200. (814)467-8839. Exceptional 1983 Gleaner M 3, low houn, nine great Reduced to $24,600. Zei aloft Uaed Farm Eq., Bloomeburg, PA 800/919-3322. FARMALL 350, gaa, tri, 3 pt. TA. PS. $2,000/060. 410833-9061 Farmall 400 dieeel w/tsat hitch, remote hydraulics, PS, excellent condition. 717-949-3769 7:3oam-spm Farmall 504 w/3pt 8 PS, $3600; Farmall 340 w/ loader A fast hitch, $3800; Ford 8N w/hyd. loader, $3475; Oliver 77 dieeel, $2350. 610/562-4464. Farmall 706 D, fresh en gine, TA, HO hydraulics, excellent rubber, 18.4x34, PS, good paint, nice trac tor, $6600 080. 301-271-2365 Thurmont, MO. Farmall Cub attachments, bottom plow and billers, ex cellent condition, reaso nably priced. (973)584-2064. Farmall H tractor, good working condition, $1200; Farmall A tractor, running condition, $l5OO. 717/626-9295. Farmers - Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the harm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Feed grade mixing salt, $9O/ton. Delivered within 60 miles of Gettysburg. 1-ton minimum. 717-632-9144 FMCIR sweet corn picker, able tor food use, water, shed kept, good condition, tr , ash > ®tc- w flotation de new stop bars & knives, W]Ce - ln lots of 10. $lO/ea. $1750. 301/249-2427. 302-324-9646 IIfIIEIRIR & LEAMAN Quality Used Farm Equipment 10 miles S. of Lancaster, PA along Rt. 222 Tractors JD 4255 power shift, cab, air, 2WO, very nice JD 2955 cab, air, MFW, 2318 hrs., 1-owner JO 4250 cab, air, powgr shift, MFWD JD 4050 cab, air, power shift, MFWD JD 2350 hi-lo indpt, PTO, 3000 hrs. JD 4440 cab, air, oEßlfij original hrs, 1-owner JD 4640 cab, air, power shift 1982 JD 4440, quad, factory cab & air, 1 owner JD 4240,1982, quad w/year-a-cab & air JD 2240 w/hi-low, indpt. PTO, 38" rubber JO 4430 Cab, air, quad JD 4020 D, power shift, side console, WF 1971 JO 4020 D, WF, dual hyds.,syncro, very sharp 1970 JD 4020 D, dual hyd., WF, factory cab Case IH 7210,1994 model, MFWD. 42” rubber, 965 hours Case IH 7110 Magum, 4 speed R, MFWD, 1955 hrs., 1-owner Case IH 5240 Maxxum, MFWD, cab, air, power shift, 2364 hrs. Case IH 5130, cab, air, sycro w/reverser IH 784 year-a-round cab & air, 302 original hrs., 15.5x38 tires, w/adjustable axles, like new IH 584 diesel, 15.5x38 tires IH 1486 cab, air, 20" ruifcWlAls. dual PTO's Late IH 1086 cab, air IH 1066 cab, air, good local trade IH 866 cab, air, 3400 hrs. IH 886 factory cab, air, 358 German engine, very sharp & original IH 886 factory cab, air, local trade, fair cond. IH 1568, VB, w/factory cab, air, good cond. IH 766 fender tractor, new T/A & clutch, sharp IH 1066 factory cab & air, very nice IH 1066 fender tractor, good condition IH 1456 fender dual, PTO & hydraulics, original IH 806 diesel, WF, nice IH 806 diesel, NF _____ IH 826 WF, 3pt, airiateie»v«rv nice White 2-85 cab, air, 2940 hours., 1 -owner White 2-70 diesel, 1800 hrs., 1-owner, 13-6x38 tires Ford 800, good cond. Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 Com Planter IH 56 4R. 38'. dry fortilzar, kept inside, good condition, $9OO. 717/957-4048. CP 460 Airco mig welder, $l2OOOBO. 717/529-6916 8-9 am. CUB CADET 7236,96 hts., 60* undermount mower, diasel, 3 pt, PS, 4x4, ex cellent, $9,500/OFFER 410833-9091 CULTIPACKER/SEEOER BRILLION 12' w/whls., ready to work, $l,OOO. 410833-9091 Dearborn sickle bar mower w/parts book, $300; SPF Fox chopper, $6OO. 610644-9586 after 9pm. Deutz 100 06 dal. 100 h)> workhorse, $5,500. Lew weeder 7V4', like new, 900 plastic layer with tunnel at tachment, 450 Loudoun (VA). (540)882-3996. Dismantling for Parts: Hun dreds of farm tractate new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Dismantling for parts: Case, NH, Bobcat, IH, Hy dro Mac, Toyota and Mus tang skid loaders. New, used, reconditioned pads tor Kubota, Ford, Wiscon- sin, Perkins engines, Cessna, Vickers, Sun strand hydrostatic trans missions. G.O. Equipment, 717/859-3533. Dolly wheel rake. NH 56, super nice, field ready. 717-235-1766 York Co. Drums, plastic, 55 gallon, whits, closed head, (2)-2* openings, formally used for soda pop concentrate, suit- TRACTORS & COMBINES DYNOED, RECONDITIONED, SERVICED i AVAILABLE WITH 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE i DRIVE TRAIN BUY ■ SELL - TRADE Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Excavator 1990 Yanmar, Combination generator/ diesel. 6,000 lbs., 18' weldor, 225/200 AMP, bucket, blade, rubber Airoo Wasp, 16hp, pow tracks, $12,500. ered by Onan, $750. (614)467-8839. (610)347-0688 I —y | Forklifts I I New and reconditioned ■] For Sale or Rent P'l > Heavy duty fork vfl extentions Call For Prices Don't trade or throw out that old engine. Have it overhauled for a fraction of the cost of new! All work is guaranteed. For Sale 6000# Dual Drive Allis Chalmers 3000# TCM Cushion Hie Masts for back of tractors Forklift Fork attachments for skid loaders. JD 445 w/60” deck, 400 hrs., very nice JD 165 w/38" deck, hydro, nice cond. IH Cub Cadet 782, hydro, w/50” deck, 550 hrs., nice JD belly mower 72" to fit JD 850 & 950 1990 JD 9500 low hours, loaded .very nice JD 6620 Titan 11, 1985 w/1050 original hrs, very nice 1984 JD 6620 level land, turbo, hydro, 2-speed cyl., very m 1982 JD 6620 level land, turbo hydro, 2300 hrs. JD 6600 diesel, air, hydro, 23" tires, nice cond. 1979 JD 4400 diesel, air, heavy final, 2040 hrs., 1991 Case IH 1660 axial (low, Cummins, 1524 hrs. nice, w/1063,6RN Heads JD 213, (lex head JD 213 ridgid grain head CaselH 1020, w/15' MF1143 4RN, good, JD 643 10-tin oil bath JD 643's hr tin, lo tin JD4434RN JO 915 flex JD 215 flex New Koyker Quick Attach Loaders For most JD & IH Farm Tractors Case 1840 skid steer, w/ Cummins diesel Case 1835 C diesel skid steer Woods HD3ls.ls'batwing mower JO 27 stalk chißßmm. very nice IH 40 stalk chopper JD 146 loader for JO uHty tractor, w/ rear axle mount JD 220 centerfold dsc, good oond., 500 Acres since new blades Kewanee wingfold disc, 19' rock (lex JO 347 baler w/#4O ejector s’3pt mounted rotary mower (2) Glenco 9 shank soil savers 5 Shank Brill ion soil saver, like new IH #5513 shank itaaHShisel New wide fronts to (It 3020 thru 4020 Dual whoels-34's and 38’s IH #BO snowblower, 2-stage, like new JD #275 TVt snowblower, 2-stage FAX 717-786-4773 SPECIAL? < PRICES ON < FORKSjf SAM STOLTZPUS 39 Colonial Rd., Gordonvllle, PA For Service Calls 717-768-7492 flexhead, fore & aft IH 82013'flex head IH 810,13'grain head
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers