Bl tfjDAa JD-246, 3pt 2-row plantar rAHM w/fart. axtra platas, EQUIPMENT 7:30-5:00 717-949-3769. JD 2940 MFWD excellent condition, excellent rubber, $15,000. 607-753-9693 JD-3020 deisel, side con sole, wide front, 18.4x34 tires, needs motor work, $5,300. Also, JD-7700 parts combine, take any or all, very reasonable. 717-630-2736. JD 3020, diesel, WF, low Co. Mooo°4i hP ‘ JD 2640 w/146 loader sB,ooo. 410-833-9091 fresh OH & clutch. ROPS, JD 3020, gas w/cab, 5,100 canopy, clean Midwest one owner hrs„ dean Mid- tractor, $13,500. west unit, $6,50 0 . 410-833-9091 410-833-9091 jd 2840, overhauled, JD 3020, gas, Power Shift, 18.4x34 90%, HiLo, dual WF, new rubber, 16.9x38, remotes, 540 8 1000 ind. now paint, must see, PTO. Must sell, $ll,OOO $6,500. 410-833-9091 080. 610/489-3827. ; -V ’>*•♦; S** ' .. % - - The #1 Name In Feedmaki Gehl Mix-All® portable grinder-mixers have been leading the industry for over 30 years. Now available with Gehl’s famous hammermill or a commercial-grade roller mill to produce the best possible feed for your livestock. • Total hydraulic control - Self-contained hydraulic system allows infinite speeds to power the discharge conveyor, unloading auger and in-feed attachments • Remote controls - Operate the unloading conveyor from the tractor seat or from the rear of the machine. • Electronic scales - For precise ration weighing. • Customize your machine - With a wide variety of options and attachments. ‘V* SSl&pojM i «.**£ \ 48 «*°® \ \ 8<* at >' v y>. x? •r i UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA RR 04 (Fontana) Lebanon, PA WERTZ FARM & POWER EQUIP. PA Route 516 ' Glen Rock, PA A.L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave. Quarryvllle, PA JD 24T baler w/thrower. JD 14T bale chute. 717-235-1766 York Co. JD 2500 sxlB spring reset Sow, $2BOO Neg. JD 300 ly stacker, $l2OO. Arps, 10', 3ph blade w/6-way hy draulic, $2300. 2400* 6’ Anderson-Miller irrigation pipe, SI.SQ/IL 880' Long ir rigation reel, 414 * hose. 717-933-8943 Lebanon : /v .- ■> J:xV : ■ ; ,v I *><■ **S*4 f% * Stretch your equipment purchase dollars with / Gehl Finance. Talk to your participating Gehl dealer about our current programs. / -* oj^s Waiver of Finance / ion new Gehl r . cu / Oft ***« Equipment until CASH / 3.9% ' Jan. 1. 1999 REBATES / Then 9.9% APR / 3.aZf* " for up to 36 months L * / o * Certain restrictions may apply See your participating Gehl dealer for complete details Gehl Company reserves' the right to Interpret, modify or cancel these programs at any time without prior notice 'lykiv. r ‘ Available From Your Local Participating Dealer BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsvllle Station Rd. Lltitz, PA D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. 5149 Cap Stine Rd. Frederick, MO 961 Leisters Church Rd. Westminster, MD ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RR 02, Box 24A New Ringgold, PA JDI6OO, 12* chisel plaw, JD3BOO chopper w/elec. controls, w/PU and 2RN com head, JD7OOO no-til 6 row planter w/Bq. tort, and monitor, JD4O manure spreader. 410-795-3536 JD 1710 disc chisel, $2,700. JD 235 2V disc, $3,000. White 543 6x30" raws, dry fertilizer, $l,OOO. (301)829-0893 (301)829-2471. JO 210 15'W disc, good condition, $1650. 717/548-3116. JD 214 forage box, no run ning gear. WANTED: Grass head w/wheot» for Gehl 700 harvester. 717-758-2136 JD 2155 4WD, 2500 hrs, excellent condition, $14,250. After 6pm, (410)452-5537. JD 2350 4WD, HiLo shift, JD 1460 disc mo-00, exost -4800 hrs, good condition, lent condition. $12,800. 717/364-6829. 717-235-1766 York Co. ■V ■ ■ ® S* < x^ ■V ♦ t V S* Jt* T.. j >jf. . . yi- * '*•' / * v v * * v ... .' ‘ v rf ’ .;> '-hi * Ip - GUTSHALLS, INC. RD 2 Rte. 850 W Loysville, PA and 1201 Spring Rd. Carlisle, PA HINES EQUIPMENT PO Box 5, Rt. 22 Cresson, PA RR 03, Box 550, Altoona (Bellwood) ICKES FARM SUPPLY Rt. 1 Hwy. 869 West Osterburg, PA bit 13* fold cultivator w/ mid-west harrow, $7OO. (215)588-3768. Irrigation Reel Ever-Rain hard hose, Nelson 200 gun, approx. 800’ hose, $4BOO. Call between 7 to 7:30 PM. Lancaster 717/394-2425. JD 10 8 20 Series tractor parts in stock, new 8 used. Pay 40V50% under new cost 717/530-9459. JD 115 finishing disc, 11', $1,450.100 gallon transfer tank w/12V GPI transfer fuel pump, $325. (215)699-9010 JD 1327 Discbine, hyd. longue, very good condi tion; IH 1190 9' haybine, hyd. longue, good condi tion. 610/967-1094 after 7pm. 5 /* »" t ” is t >* p . v * •v*' GEH Gehl Box Spreaders deliver outstanding performance ih a variety of materials. Available in four sizes to match your operation. • Excellent spread patterns in a variety of materials • 12-year warranty on sides and floor • High-density polyethylene flooring is virtually indestructible • Options include: hydraulic remote control, hydraulic drive, hydraulic endgate and liquid side extensions. t< ** 4 ‘ t, * < * < * % : ,v ' LINCOLN SUPPLY CO. Rt. #2, Box 217 A Somerset, PA Int. 4X 16" plow, 3pt hitch, Hte new; (2) 88 NH forage wagons, (1) 3-beater w/ row, tandem axle, trough extension, (1) 2-beater feeder wagon, both very good condition; 14' Woods rotary mower w/hyd. ram, very good condition; 3000 gal liquid Badger manure tank, very good condition. 717/776-6540. Int. 56 4R com planter, DD, gandy boxes, $875; Pe quea 710 PTO tedder, $925; Brillion 12* packer, $1025; Rhino 7 or 9-tooth chisel plow, 3pt, $1250; NH 477 T haybine, $2BOO. 610/562-4464. Int «9 silage cutter, never used much. (610)857-3826. Irrigation pump, Gorman Rupp 4cyi. Wisconsin on wheels $1,400, 500' of 2* alum, irrigation pipe, 20x90 cold-frame $B5O. 410-592-5242. ' y i One Tough Box Spreader f * ' «< LEBANON VALLEY M,LL o? I L ME iJ T C 0 'M pI ;EMENT c O INC. 'MSSfSf 700 E. Linden St. Richland, PA LEHIGH AG EQ. INC. 6670 Ruppsville Rd. Allentown, PA 18106 Larieasiar AnMng, 9MaM«y, April tl, ttQ*C7 IH 806 diesel w/turfao and dual*. 475 dho w/mukher and hydraulic wings. 4500 vibra-harrow. Zimmerman sprayer w/45‘ hydraulic fold boom. (717)653-4748. IH 826 D, raoant 0.h., new radial tiros, nice cab, $6750. 600/918-3322. IH 966 tender tractor, good condition, $6,900. (814)467-8639. IH 966 tractor, cab, WFE, 4430 hours, good condi tion, $7500 080. 717/944-5369. IH Farm Equipment, Excel lent condition: 16* SX plow $2900; 18* 5X plow $3000; IH 50 Shredder, $3BOO. Clearfield Co. 703/815-2570. IH M 63, 3pt, 4R cultivator, adjustable, good $5OO. IH MlB 3pt rotary hoe, 12' good, $750. Berks. 610-944-9819 MILLER-LAKE RR 02, Box 273 A Belleville, PA PEOPLE’S SALES & SERVICE, INC. Route 35 Oakland Mills, PA STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA Ford 9N w/Ford series 907 flail mower, good condi tion, $2500. 216-796-2066 Ford NH 28 whirt-a-feed blower, used less than 30 loads, VQ condition, $1,650. (717)359-9792. Forklift masts, $5OO and Up. 410-335-4700 Gehl 1250 harvester w/ grass head and 2RN com head, $3,750. (717)258-6293. Gehl 2160 haybine, quick change knives, low acreage, nice, $4,000 080. Int 5100 drill, SO, shed kept, nice, $2,500. (717)263-9025. Gehl 860 harvester, nice, $3,200. Gehl HAIIIO grass head, like new used 20A, $2,200. Gehl TR3O-38, 2R, com head, $1,400. Miller's Repair, (717)656-6109. Gehl MFI7O TMR, $l5OO. NH 268 baler, $5OO. 1977 Dodge 1-ton cattle truck $l5OO. Kidd Big Bale chop per, model 610, $4500. 717-432-4822 Hard! Sprayer Model Tl3OO, 300 gallon, 30' booms, used 200 acres only. (717)748-1095. Haybuster 1068, no-till drill, 3pt w/hyd. wheel as sist, as is $850.8' hydraulic dump bed w/tailgate, twin cylinder, complete w/pump 4 valve, $5OO. 717-534-1253 HERCULES, CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales. 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Hess ton 530 round baler 1 year old, electric twine wrapper, makes 6001 b bales, sxcellent condition, $5900. 215/536-3321. Hesston round bale mover, trailer type, good condition, $lOOO 080. 814/634-5939. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Hoof trimming table, hy draußc tilt, portable, good condition, $l6OO. NH 307 manure spreader, fair con dition, $2BOO 080. Berks. 610-926-4211 IH 1066 w/cab. IH 966 w/ cab. IH 674. IH 856, new T/A. IH 684. F-300 FH. 986 4-post, just overhauled. JD SO. Farmall 400 w/PS. 717-966-3483 IH 140 w/6’ Woods mower, $2950; IH 240 utility w/3pt, 35hp, $3250; 8N $1900; Cub 154, $2400; 6' HD mower Bush Hog 3pt., $795. 717/545-0132. >»v IH 1486 w/duals, 1,500 hours. Kelly Ryan 6' cen terline bagger 1 year old. Kuhn 381 rake, 13V4', 2'A years old. (717)222-9090. IH 1586 CAM. good 20.8 tires, digital tach, $13,000. 800/919-3322. IH 1586, CAH, 3 pt, 3 hyd., duals. 160 hp, $7,000. 410-833-0091 IH 24008, 1976, gas, WF. 3pL PTO, recent rebuild A dutch, good rears, needs paint, $3200 offers. 717/677-8851. IH 400 6RN com planter, VGC, $750 080. Berks Co. 610-987-0670 IH 404, gas, tri, runs wed, $1,700. 410-833-9091 IH 56 com plantar, 4 row, good condition, $550. Call 610-593-7052 IH 656 tractor, super nice, TA. PS. 717-236-1766 York Co. IH 706. diesel, FH, WF, fender tractor, 18.4x38 00%. $4,900. 410-833-9091 IH 806, diesel, WF, 3 pt.,
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