Cfrimcastar Farming, Saturday, Apr! 18,1998 1400/20 tube-type 12 ply NOT tires. New S27S/ea. Call John 814-834-1018. 140 Farmed tractor, 6'-L306 Woods finish mower, $3750. Ridgid 200 tripod pipe machine, $lB5. Chicken picker $l5O. 215-249-3698 15.5x38 pair tires & tubes, 15% tread, best offer 215/536-3321. 18.4x34 pair tires & tubes, 20% tread, best offer. 215/536-3321. 1850 Oliver diesel, over/ under direct, cab, no AC, clean tractor, $7OOO. 410-822-8754 18' bale rack wagops. 14' Buster bar. 3pt bale fork. Brillion 16' field cultivator. Meyer 18‘ forage wagon, 3-beater 8 roof. Call for used equipment. 717-292-1673 18' Krause Landsman, good quality, $7900. Zai sloft 800/919-3322. 1950 JO model B with 3 point, runs excellent, $lBOO. May trade for old car body or motorcycle. 717-338-2146 1957 International Cub, Loose, not running, as is, best oflsr. (610)692-5871. 1961 C-60 Dump H.D. 8' bed, engine runs, but needs work, not inspected, good dree, $750. Two On tario grain drills, 9-hoe; one w/fertilizer box. Good for parts, no wheels, make of fer. Holmes 440 Wrecker PTO winch, sling. (717)865-3025. 1977 IT4W/D pickup sprayer, SOOG S.S.J. blue tank and pump. 20* wheels 40' hydraulic booms W.F. marker 410-531-2660 evenings. O GUNTHER HEUSSMAN INC. 4801 S. STH ST., EMMAUS, PA 18049 610-965-5203 s# eEV.O^ Displi JD 4650 Cab, Air, MFD, 15 Speed Power Shift, 20x38 Rubber w/Duals, Good Cond. 1997 JD 6400 Cab, Air, MFD, Power Quad, 18x38 Rubber, 110 Mrs., Like New 1997 JD 6400 Cab, Air, MFD, Power Quad, w/Reverser, 18x38 Radials, w/640 Self-leveling Loader, Like New 1996 JD 6400 Cab, Air, MFD, Power Quad, 18x38 Rubber, 1400 Mrs., Excel. Cond. JD 6200 4x4 Power Quad, Open Station, 1180 Mrs., 18x38 Rubber, Excel. Cond. JD 2755 Cab, Air, MFD, Hl-Lo, Dual Hyd., Good Cond. JD 4050 Cab, Air, Quad, Very Nice 1977 JD 4430 Cab, Air, Power Shift, 4800 Hrs., Very Nice 1974 JD 4430 lBx3B Rubber JD 4230 Cab, Air, Quad Range, Good Cond. JD 4320 Cab, Air, 18x38 Radials, Good Cond. JD 4240 Cab, Air, Quad, 18x38 Rubber, Good Cond. JD 2940 Hi-Lo, Dusawwd.. 3300 Hrs., Excel. Cond. JD 2940 Hi-Lo, Dual Hydraulics, 4600 Hrs., Good Cond. JD 2355,4x4, Hi-Lo, 1000 Hrs., Excel. Cond. JD 2520 Diesel, WF, 15x38 Tires, Good Cond. Case IH 5240, Cab, Air, Power Shift, w/Reverser, MFD, 1700 Hrs., Excel. Cond. IH 1466 Year-A-Round Cab, Very Nice Oliver 770 Gas, WF, Power Steering, Factory 3pt, 1-Of-A-Kind 1991 JD 2555 Cab, Air, MFD, Hi-Lo, 2700 Mrs., w/245 Quickattach Loader, Excel. Cond. JD 2640 Hi-Low Indept. PTO w/146 Loader, Good Cond. 1980 JD 2640 Tiger Stripe, Hi-Lo Indep. PTO, 146 Loader, Very Nice JD 2440 Tiger Stripe, Hi Lo, w/146 Loader, Excel. Cond. NH L 555 Deluxe Skid Loader, 460 Hrs., Like New JD 5400 MFD w/540 Loader, Excel. Cond. JD 1020 Gas, 1600 Hrs., w/48 Loader, Good Cond. PLOWS IH 720, sxlB gprinf!Bßl.t Hillside Hitch IH 720,4x18 Sorinjaarat Hillside Hitch IH 710,4x18 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch IH 700, 4x16 Spring Reset Hillside Hitch White 588 sxlB Spring Reset 1983 Ford 6610, Synchro, shift,'42oo/hre., runs, but need motor work; $10,500. 540-828-0851. 1984 IH-1480 combine, electro hydraulic controls, 4wd, grain loss monitor, sharp w/high hrs. $25,500. 717-776-6869 eves. 717-423-6996 daytime. Cumberland County. 1986 Casa 1696 farm trac tor, 5.9 L Cummins turbo diesel, full cab, 3pt hitch, PTO, $lO,OOO. 717-846-1 1989 JO 4255, MFWD, cab. JD 280 loader, 15-speed power shift, $48,000 080. 540896-6946 M-S 1991 Case IH 5130 Max xum, like new, only 800 hrs, $28,900. Zeisloft Used Eq, Bloomsburg, PA 800/919-3322. 1993 Nl 800C1 Cummins turbo diesel, 4WO, w/ custom built conveyors to work compost and load snow or grain, good condi tion, $49,000. (717)626-1394. 1996 644 NH round baler, silage special, excellent condition. 717-363-2474 1997 Ford NH tractor 3930, 148 hrs., $22,900. (301)334-2990. 216 flex head, can be fixed or for parts, $l5OO 080. 610/942-0239. 225 amp Lincoln welder w/ cables and rubber tired chassis, ac and do, excel lent condition, $1,200.2 cyl Wisconsin engine, electric start, very good, $5OO. 10,000 watt belt drive generator, good condition, $4OO. John L Stoltzfus, 956 Fallowfield Rd., Atg len, PA. WE ARE CASH BUYERS FOR CLEAN, LATE MODEL FARM EQUIPMENT [TY CT( le Buildini CT( 12' Direct cut head, $2OOO OBO; 6' pickup head, $4OO 080. Both fit Hess ton or Field Queen chopper. 301 18 9 8.- 587 1 . 301/898-5505. 2300 gallon stainless steel tank, $2,000 080. (717)596-2875. 2745 MF tractor, 24' Int. disc, 27 packer. MF 880 plow, 6xlB. JD tractor 3020. (609)267-5858. (2) Danco rear unloading silage wagons, $2OOO 080. 717-485-3272 (2) NH 962W4 com heads, both w/bottom drive kits on them, $3OOO/pair. 410-867-0850 2 row JO potato plantar, 48’ potato washer. (610)286-9510. 3800 JO Chopper, new knives, 2R corn head, grass pickup; NH 28 blower, high throw; JD 125 silage wagon, 3-beater, dual wheels. 609/397-0029. 3pt Royal Stable Link 6R cultivator. Lancaster Co. 717/687-7090 leave message. 4000 gallon Wic truck mount tank, $4,500. 3000 gallon truck mount tank $1,500. (717)382-9623. 4 Ausherman-Graet Plains seed-lok wheels; 8 cast iron closing wheels for JD 7000. 610/967-1094 after 7pm. 500 Case tractor; 34' Little Giant elevator for hay or corn; White Horse hyd. 2-way plow; 2 mules. 717/354-5749. 500 gal. sprayer w/Hardi booms; Gehl 910 16* 3-beater tandem forage wagon; 16' roof for Badger wagon. 610/967-1094 after 7pm. CORN PLANTERS JD 7000 4R Dry Fert. Very Nice JD 7000 4RW, Insecticide, Monitor, No Fert., Excel. Cond. JD 244 2RW JD 343 3RN JD 344 3RW JD 443 4RN JD 443 4RN Oil Bath JD 443 4RN w/Pixall Rolls JD 444 Oil Bath JD 643 6RN, Hi Tin JD 643 6RN Oil Bath JD 343 3RN Snapper Head JD 243 2RN Snapper Head JD 244,2RW, Snapper Head, Like New TILLAGE JD 712 Disc CCBWa Glenco 9 Shank Stretch Frame Soil Saver, Good Cond. White 25212’ Disc Amco 12’ Rock Flex Disc HAY EQUIPMENT NH 1038 Bate Wagon, 105 Bale, Single Bale Unload & Retrieve, Excel. Cond. NH 1037 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Capacity, Good Cond. NH 1033 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale Capacity, Tandem Axle, Good Cond. (2)NH 1034 Bale Wagon, 105 Bale, Single Bale Unload & Retrieve, Good Cond. & Excel. Cond. Ford NH 316 Baler w/Hyd. 70 Thrower, Excel. Cond. Kuhn 171/2’ 4-Star Tedder, Good Cond. NH 848 Round Baler w/Bale Command, Very Nice Ford NH 492,9’fcwaune. Very Nice Ford NH 488,9’ Hayblne, Cut 60 Acres JD 670 Hay Rake, Good Cond. NH 488,9* Hayblne, Very Good NH 256 Rake, Rubber Teeth ... NH 320 Baler w/70 ThrdWer, HydJaSSDon, Good Cond. JD 330 Round Baler, Excel. Cond. Ford NH 474, 7’ Hayblne. EBEJCond. JD 1360 Disc Mower Conditioner, Excel. Cond. NH 847 Round Baler, Auto Wrap, Good Cond. Ford NH 162 4-Star Tedder, Excel. Cond. NH 254 2 Star 3Pt. Rake Tedder JD 75117’ 4-Star Tedder, Good Cond. NH 770 Open End Pickup Head JD 3970 Harvester, Elec. Controls, Very Nice JD 3970 w/2RN Green Head & Row Track, Long Tongue, Excel. Cond. AC 5045 dies*) tractor, 4200 his, looks good and runs good, 1 ownar, $6,000. (606)296-4374. '53 Ford Jubilee tractor, needs motor, $lOOO OBO; Portable 50'x6* PTO grain elevator, $5OO 080. 301/898-5871, 301/898-5505. 40' grain auger on wheels, $l5O. 609-065-4610 609-965-3004 65 NH baler thrower, nice condition. Call 717-758-1739 6R corn planter, White 5100 liquid, no-till, fully equipped, $3500; Brillion 14' pulvimulcher, $1750. 610/252-7091. 6x30, AC com planter, dry fert 8 insectcide, very good condition, always under cover, $l5OO. Can deliver. 717-792-9930 7085 Deutz Allis, good condition. 610-932-8999 743 Bobcat skid loader for parts, $1,250. (215)598-3768. 8N Ford tractor, very good condition, $2850. JD 30 combine, PTO w/spin, field ready, $550. 610-6836028 AC 190 XT, Series 111,90 hp w/Oliver 1610 loader, 90 hp, $5,500. Will Sepa rata. 410-8339091 BATWING MOWER AC 190XT, Series 111, 3pth, WOODS 3240, TXT, new w/ new tiree, field ready; warranty, $13,500. $5,500.717-665-5719. 410633-9091 AC 4R com plantar with (artilizar and insecticide, good. Lane. 717/859-1966. AC 4R no-til com planter, $6OO. Nl hay and grain ele vator 36’, PTO or motor drive, $6OO. JD 4RW com head, $2,500. (2) 717 field choppers, $5OO/both. Qehl 3 beater box $lOO. (215)240-1826. !QRN HEAD! AC 438 Black, 4RW AC 430,4 RN, Black Fll AC K 330, 3RN AC aagwii Black Case IH 1063,6 RN IH 863 6RN IH 943 4RN MF 1143 4RN 1980 Case 4690 4x4, 225 hp, only 4000 his, du als, good looking original paint, $19,700. Zeisloft Used Eq. 800/919-3322. AC7OOO tractor, 2160hra; Ml manure spreader, tan dem, endgata, w/top bea ter; Vicon fertilizer spreader; IH rake, hyd. drive; 300 gal. sprayer. 717/425-3414. AC All combine flexhead, rebuilt 3R comhead, nice, parts cornhead free, $5,900. JO three bottom rollover plow, nice, $2,500. (717)899-5668. AC 1112 4WD, straight frame loader, excellent condition, $4500. Good for handling manure. 717-677-6703 AC WO4S w/AC loader, $1275. IH 240 fast hitch, $1475. 717-653-5733 AERATOR 3 pt. Aerway 76* adjustable gangs, ex cellent, $1,850. 410-833-9091 Allied 660 front end loader, very good condition, will deliver. 607/869-3600, Save Over 50% on used John Deere tractor parts newer than 2 cylinder. Save up to 40% on new replacement parts for JD and IH. We ship. Nelson Parts, (716)526-6705, (800)730-4020. BELTiNQ; We specialize in flat betting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower beds. Franklin Co. 717-2634)573. NO Sunday calls. Better Built 2000 gallon manure spreader, tandem axle, good condition. Phone, (717)354-0159. 1992 JD 9500,1060 Separator Hrs., 30x32 Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1984 JO 7720 Hydro, Heavy Rear Axle, Chopper, 24x32 Rubber, Excel. Cond. 1980 JO 6620 Hydro, 2000 Hrs., Dial-a-Matic, 28x26 Tires, Chopper, Good Cond. 1980 JD 4420 Diesel, Cab, AHA Spreader, 1800 Single Owner Hrs., Excel. Cond. 1977 JO 4400 Cab, Air, Chopper, Heavy Final Drives, 2200 Hrs., Excel. Cond. 19821 H 1420 Hydro, 2200 Hrs., 23x26 Rubber, Very Nice Deutz Allis Gleaner Fill, Cab, Air, Hydro, 23x26 Rubber, Hill Side Air Flow Attachment, 2200 Hrs., w/Deutz Allis 315 Flex Head, Very Nice MF185913’ Flex Head, Excel. Cond. JD 213 & 215 Flex Heads MF 9115 Flex Head, ESm Cond. MF 9113 Flex Head MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Ford NH 358 Grinder Mixer, Hyd. Drive, Digital Scales, Excel. Cond. JD 265 Self-Leveling Loader, To Fit 2940 Thru 3155 Ni 324 2RW w/12 Roll Husking Bed, Late Model, Excel Cond. Gehl 125 Mixer w/12” Roller Mill attachment digital scales, hyd. drive, Like New Axle Mount 18x38 Duals For JD 4430, IH 1066,1086,986 JD 725 4R Front Mounted Cultivator JD 350 3 Pt. Sickle Bar Mower, Very Nice McGee Double Auger Snow Blower Grapple Fork Loader Attachment JD 245 Quickattach Loader To Fit 2350 Thru 2755, Avg. Cond. JD RM 6R 3pt Cultivator Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1076. 607-433-0073 anytime. Brißion packer/fsedar (1) 10' pull-type, (1) V 3ptti, both rebuilt, $2250 each; JO KBA 20324 disc; Nl 323,1 Room picker $1250; Nl 17A, GR. DR. manure spreader, rebuilt, $1450; MM 335 utility tractor V good, $2550; JO 750 com pact diesel, w/loader & new 5‘ finish mower, $9OOO. Thom Wheary Jr., 717/687-0102. Brillion 9' cultipacker. NH 68 baler. 717-235-1766 York Co. Brillion 10-12 tooth 3pt chisel plow, $l5OO. 717/437-2604. Brillion S-shank subsoiler, like new, 3 years old, $4200. 717/437-2604. Bush Hog rotory mower, 11' cut 70' adjustable head stalls. (717)527-2753. H"tSJ to*manure SSStrlefSffd? s ®,tt spreaders-one mace or al. S? Phone Dennis, y 1-888-496-9120. 717-464-3697 CASE 830, diesel, NF, Eagle hitch, 8 spd, dual hyd., power steering, live PTO, 55 hp, $3,750. 410-833-9091 CASE 900, diesel, stan dard, Live PTO, no 3 pt., dual hyd., 71 hp, $l,BOO. 410-833-9091 CAT D-4 dozer, 7U series, pony start, excellent condi tion, $4,500. (717)752-7131. Case 1070 diesel, HOhp, power shift, low hours, ex cellent condition, $B5OO. 717/752-7131. Case 1370 w/cab. 915 IH combine. NH 770 harves ter with both heads. IH 990 haybine, T. 717-922-1526 (Displayed Inside Building) Cassrs24o Maxxum tractor w/delux cab, power shift, rear hitch controls, loaded, 4W(D, only 500 hours. Show room condition. Sell ing farm! (908)439-2203. Case 595, CAM. 4WD, lata 1993, 200 hre, 52 PTO hp, radio, reversar, heavy duty QT loader/bucket, 2 re motes, front guard, large tires, motor neater, like new, reasonable. 5' Mott mower, $550. Private. 215-674-3536 215-674-2424 & ' CK-14 Off-a oase r-Road 6,000/lb Forklift $7,500. Case 1740 Skid Loader $5,600. (717)938-4645. Cass IH 1896 4WD, dean, 3400 hr*., $15,750. HURST TRACTOR RE PAIR 717-445-6720 Case IH 7120, MFWD, $34,500. Gehl 1470 round baler, under 1000 bales, $9OOO. 724-336-5368 Casa IH Maxxum 5140 4WD tractor, cab, air, 1484 hrs., w/Case IH 520 loader, 8' material bucket, fronts 14.9x24, rears, 18.4x34 re dials, excellent condition, like new. 814-674-5340 Clamp-on Duals, excellent condition, 18.4x38, 75% tread, $695. 717/867-4896. CORN PLANTER AC 4 row, no-til, no fort., *333, $5OO/offer. 410-833-9091 CORN PLANTER JO 3 pt 2 row $ 3 row, no-till, $2OO t $l,OOO 410-833-9091 Cole 4R planter, mounted on 12* pull-type tool bar unit, excellent condition, $1,500. (717)752-7131.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers