ramoxone* Extra Speed With . EXTRA is the leading 4 * " * pt#* L » product that ensures Northeast corn get the speed and confidence they neeoVhcn clearing their fields each season. But GRAMOXONE EXTRA only herbicide that will take you through the entire season with Gramcocone , , ~ BKTHA speed and confidence. doesn’t stop there—-it delivers four other unmatched ' f,! * » J V, * >r f. , :««nBaf*ly. Always read and follow label dfftottens. QRAMOXONttXTRA it a rartriottd ut« ptmutde. EXTJtA i|* rt||l«i*red Company. . i; v <• HERBICIDE ' 9 f ~ ZEiSpCA Ag Products CONFIDENCE advantages: broad-spectrum, weather toler- ance, economy and tankmix compatibility. Consider your burndown and choose GRAMOXONE EXTRA—the < «>r ■)' 14 t * • ¥ \ * -v #» ‘sswpdffiiwfrOvV -^-..ja YJi i