Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 11, 1998, Image 37

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    Lancaster DHIA Lab Celebrates
100% Certification Score
Lancaster DHIA labratory recently celebrated their fourth
consecutive year with a 100 percent certification score from
National DHIA. Jere High, lab manager, attributes this suc
cess to his staff of dedicated employees. Tracy Zimmer
man, assistant lab manager is responsible for the dairy
operation, as well as, data transmission to DBMS at
Raleigh, N.C. Rose Zimmerman serves fulltime and oper
ates all the equipment, and does computer editing. Peg
Randolph and Emily Heistand work part time and also oper
ate equipment and computer edit The cooperative effect of
these employees has contributed to the success in achiev
ing a 1.9 day tu m-a-round for the dairymen. In the photo are
from left, Joe Graybeal, president; Peg Randolph, Tracy
Zimmerman, Rose Zimmerman, Emily Heistand, and Rod
ney Denlinger, lab committee chairperson.
Case I H 7240, MFD, 18x46,1400 hrs ,
duals, wts, MFD . . $64,500
Case I H 7250, MFD, 20x42, duals, wts ...$58,500
Case I H 7220, MFD, 18x46, 600 hrs.,
duals, wts ....
Case I H 7110, MFD, 4000 hrs., new
20x38 radials
Case I H 7120, 2WD, C/H/A, P/S, O H eng,
trail duals.. . .... $35,500
JD 4955, MFD, 18 4x46 duals, QH . .$49,500
J D 4650, 2WD, 20X38, p shift, 6,000 hrs . $28,500
J D 4640, 2WD, 20x38, duals, OH, 6,000 hr5..522,500
J D 7800, 18x42 duals, 2,000 hrs., p quad .. $49,500
I H 5268, 18x38 duals, 180 h p, sharp,
3600 hrs. $21,500
White 2-155, 20x38, 1000 PTO, 3700 hrs ..$11,500
I H 1086,1981,3800 hrs , 18x38, newTA,
C/H/A.. . $15,900
I H. 1086, 3500 hrs., 20x38 radial, QH, C/H/A..514,750
I H 986, C/H/A, 18x38, 1981,2 PTO . . $13,900
I H 1066, no cab, 18x38, new ring & pinion,
new paint, new thrust $10,500
I H 1066, no cab. new paint, TA, clutch, Thro-Out
Pilot, new seat, 80% 18x38 tires $10,500
I H 1066, 90% radials, 18x38, 2 hyd $9,000
I H. 826 D, WF, 3-pt original paint $8,250
I H. 856 D, WF, 3-pt., 18x38, 90% $8,500
IH. 966 D, WF, 3-pt, 18x34, 2 PTO . .$8,500
J D 2955, C/H/A, hi 10, 18x38, wts . . .. $26,500
J D 7200, no cab, 18x38, P quad $25,500
J D. 4250, C/H/A, 18x38, 90% radials $28,500
Ford 7710, MFD, C/H/A, 1986, 2200 hrs . $26,500
White 2-70, 2 post canopy, 2800 hrs $8,500
J D 4020, p.shift, 18x34, eng OH 800 hrs. ago $9,500
Ford 5000, no cab, 8 spd, p steering $6,900
I H 385, no cab, P/S, 2900 hrs $7,500
I H 584, ho cab, P/S ... ' . . * $7,500
Ford 8600, no cab, repaired block, runs great .$5,900
J D 4430, C/H/A. quad, 4600 hrs. $15,500
J D, 4430, C/H/A. quad, 1977, 5500 hrs $16,500
J D 4020, w/466 eng, new tires $11,900
J D 2840 D, w/rebuilt Hi Lo, no cab .... $9,500
J D 2940, no cab Hi Lo, 18x38 $12,500
IH 656 D, NF, fast hitch, good $3,950
J D 210 C, W, MFD & Idr, wts on rear . . .$14,500
JD 4320, syncro, 18x34, WF, 3-pt ...$9,500
J D 4320, syncro, 18x34, WF, 3 pt, OH eng,
2 yr. $10,500
J D 4430 just traded, C/H/A, quad, 18x38,
5000 hrs $16,500
1996 IH 1020, 30-ft gram head w/tracker $13,500
1995 Case I H 2166, rock trap, spec rotor, chopper,
800 hrs $85,000
IH 1660 RWA, spec rotor, chopper $39,500
(2) I H 1460 electric, nice, (1) rock trap, 281x26,
2,000-3,000 hrs $24,000, $25,500
IH 1480, thru H shop, new eng., electric $24,500
1976 I H 815 D, hydro .$5,000
J D 9500, 1992, 1200 hr $57,500
1993 J D 9500,1,000 eng hrs , 700 sep hrs .$69,500
1992 J D 9500, 1,600 eng hrs ,
1,100 sep hrs $66,500
1991 J.D 9400, 2,000 eng hrs . 1,500 sep hrs , 414
eng . $56,500
1981 J D 7720, heavy axle, . . . ...$19,500
1985 J 0 7720,2,500 hrs, A-1. ~$37,000
N H TR7S, low drive hydro, 1,700 hrs . .$10,500
Case! H 1025
Case I H 1063, 6RN
Case I H 1083, 8 RN
Bobcat 853, 4 yrs old
Bobcat 843, Isuzu Dsl
Case 1845 C, Cummins, new paint & Tires,
Gehl 3610, Isuzu Dsl .
SeatTrak XL 1700 Perkins Dls , 600 hrs
J D 210 C, MFD, 4 post, cab, 1,300 hrs...
N H 465, only 200 hrs. .
Bnllion Cultipacker, Vertical fold, 27 ft
Bnllion 9 shank disc chisel
Krause hyd fold rock flex disc
400 Bu. Gram Cart
Ford 4x, 3-pt plow
J.D 3x, 3-pt plow
J D 115 chuck wagon
J D 7200 4R, vacuum, no tert
Kewanee hyd flat fold disks.
Vermeer 605 J w/momtor.
J D 750 no till, fill auger, coil tine
(2) I.H 600 blowers, used
New Badger 60-m blower, Miller, N H
A.C 9 shank disc chisel
M.F 7 shank disc chisel
. $9,750
. . $3OO
Starting At $3,500
. $16,900
$2,950 ea.
lancwHf Fuming, Saturday, Apia 11, 1998-A37