Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 11, 1998, Image 17
14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS APRIL 3» 1998 CATTLE 4983.. Compared with 5482 head last week and 4787 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary .slaughter steers & heifers weak to 1.50 lower, si cows steady to 1.50 lower, most decline latter part of week, bulls steady to 1.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS' High Choice & Prime 2-4 61.25-64 75, Choice 2-3 58.00- Select and Low Choice 2-3 55.00- Select 1-3 52.00- 59.25, Standard 43.75-54 00. H3LSTEINS' High Choice and Prime 2- 4 55.25-59.25, Choice 2-3 53.00- 56.00, Select 1-2 48.00-53 00, Standard 41 50-48.75 HEIFERS' Choice 2-4 57 25-61 50, Se lect 2-3 53 00-59 00, Standard 43.00-53 00. COWS; Breaking Utility & Commercial 2-3 36 00-43 75, Glit ter & Boning Utility 1-3 31 50-40.00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 27.D0-36 36 00, few to 25 00. Shells down to 18 00 BULLOCKS few Select 45 00-56 75. BULLS' Yield Grade No 1 1000/2400 lbs 43 00-54,50, few to 60.00, No 2 900/2000 lbs. 39 00-45.00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS. Medium & Large Frame 1 270/550 lbs 70.00- 81 00, 550/800 lbs. 56 00-73.00, Me dium & Large Frame 2 300/750 lbs 47 00-60 00, few to 67 00, few Laige Frame 2 300/850 lbs Holsteins 45 00-61 50 HEIFERS: Medium & Large Frame I 275/600 lbs 60.00-80.00, Medium & Large Frame No. 2 300/750 lbs 44 00-64 00 BULLS: Medium & Large Frame 1 300/600 lbs 68 00-91 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 300/800 lbs 44 00- 66 00 CALVES 2996 Compared with 3486 head last week and 2326 head a year ago VEALERS. mostly steady, few Choice 130/350 lbs 70 00-91.00, few Good 120/325 lbs 55 00-75 00, Standard and Low Good 70/110 lbs 15,00-30.00, Utility 60/100 lbs 8 00-21 00 We will be receiving 609 tobacco April 21 to April 30, 1998. Processing tobacco here will be no cost to the farmer up front. Tobacco that was stripped w/moisture that goes through a sweat in June, has odor it cannot be used for cigarette tobacco. We will be buying and processing 609 tobacco. Bobby Oldham Farmersville - Clarence Shirk C 717) 656-9847 Quarryville - 27 N. Church St. at Ross’s Feed Mill (717) 786-0397 Why Pasture Mat? Pasture Mat is tightly stuffed with rubber and sewn every 4" to prevent shifting. Proven most durable top cover. Least abrasive top cover on the market. Fits any stall. Proven performance. For details and installation with over 4 years experience, call Petersheim’s Cow Mattresses 117 Christiana Pike (Route 372), Christiana, PA 17509 610-593-2242 U.S. Pat. No, 5653195 FARM CALVES: Holstein bull calves uneven, mostly steady to 20.00 higher, Holstein heifers mostly steady to 10.00 higher No, 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs 65.00-123.00, No 2 80/125 lbs 40 00-75.00, few to 30 00, No, 1 Holstein heifers 85/125 lbs 85 00-145.00, few to 165 00, No 2 75/125 lbs. 40.00-90 00, few to 30 00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/125 lbs 50.00-110.00, few to 30.00 HOGS 2777 . Compared with 2425 head last week and 2015 head a year ago Barrows and gilts steady to 1.00 lower, sows steady to weak. BARROWS AND GILTS. US 1-2 220/265 lbs. 35.50-37.00, few to 38.25, US 1-3 210/270 lbs 34 DO -36 00, US 2-3 220/320 lbs 32 00- 34.00, few to 30.00 SOWS: US 1-3 300/500 lbs 22 00- 26.00, few to 30.50, 500/700 lbs. 23.00-28.50, few Medium 300/450 lbs. 15 00-20.50 BOARS: 16.00-21.00. FEEDER PIGS 355... Compared with 303 head last week and 255 head a year ago. Feeder pigs ..US 1-3 30/50 lbs 14 00- 26.00, 45/65 lbs 20.00-38 00 -- per head SHEEP 6792 ..Compared with 2189 head last week and 990 head a year ago. Bulk of supply 25 to 75 lbs sold to the Easter Trade. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 25/40 lbs. 120.00-185.00, some to 210 00, 40/65 lbs 100,00-145.00, 60/80 lbs. 90 00-120.00, 75/110 lbs 8100- 110 00, Good and Choice 25/55 lbs. 80 00-130.00, 55/100 lbs 70 00- 105.00. OLD CROP LAMBS Choice 70/110 lbs. 65.00-100 00, few to 115 00, 110/140 lbs. 60 00-90 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 24 00-55 00 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1844 Compared with 629 head last week and 827 head a year ago Feeder pigs steady to weak .Few US 1-2 20/30 lbs 75 00-95 00, 30/40 lbs 55 00- 91 00, 40/60 lbs. 58 00-84.00, 60/70 Pasture Mat The Golden Standard In Cow Comfort The Rewards • Better Cow Health • Reduced Leg Injury • Reduced Swollen Hocjks \ • More Lactation Per Cow - More Milk • Reduced Bedding Costs • Pasture Mats Often Pay For Themselves Within 6 Months. Sam Petersheim lbs. 60.00-71.00, 70/100 lbs. 50.00- 63 00; Slaughter 25/50 lbs. 65 00- 105 00, few 55/65 lbs. 62.00-80.00 per hundredweight NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK CATTLE 160 ..[PDA],.Compared with last Monday's sale .si cows mostly steady SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-3 1125/1400 lbs 61.50-66.50, one Se lect 1-3 @ 54 50 HEIFERS: one Select 1-3 @ 55 50. COWS: few Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-3 35 00-40 50, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 31.00-37 50, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 27 75-32.50 Shells down to 23 00 BULLS: few Yield Grade No 1 1280/1545 lbs 41 00-42 25, few No. 2 1380/1755 lbs 39 00-40 00 FEEDER CATTLE- STEERS- Medium & Large Frame 1 & 2 360/735 lbs 58 00-69 00. few Laige Frame 2 340/770 lbs 50 00-54 50. HEIFERS. Medium & Large Frame I 300/600 lbs 60.00-75 00, few Medium Frame 2 345/570 lbs 48 00-56 50 BULLS few Medium Frame 1 290/495 lbs 61.00-65.00 CALVES 156 .VEALERS one Choice 230 lbs @ 95 00, one Good 135 lbs @ 9000, Standard and Good 75/105 lbs 22 50-30 00, Utility 50/80 lbs 5.00- 19 00 FARM CALVES: No. I Holstein bulls 115/135 lbs 65.00-70 00, 95/115 lbs 85 00-109 00, 85/90 lbs. 50 00-75 00, No 2 90/115 lbs. 50.00-75.00; few No I Holstein heifers 80/130 lbs 100.00- 130 00, No 2 95/160 lbs 50 00- 110.00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 80/125 lbs 35 00-117.50 HOGS 297 Barrows and gilts 2.50 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1- 2 200/260 lbs 33 75-35 50, US 1-3 200/270 lbs 32 50-34 00, US 2-3 NEED YOUR FARM BUILDINGS PAINTED? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel’s Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 (or leave message) (717) 687-8262 Spray on and Brush in Painting AUCTION NEW WILMINGTON, PA APRIL 6, 1998 240/260 lbs 32 00-32 50. SOWS US 1-3 280/655 lbs 24 50- 32.25 BOARS- 200/305 lbs 16 50-21 50 FEEDER PIGS 10...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 346 .NEW CROP LAMBS Choice 80/105 lbs 90.00-112.50, 70/80 lbs. 100.00-107 50, 30/70 lbs 100.00-160.00, Good and Choice 20/30 lbs. 55.00-85 00, 30/80 lbs 60 00-80,00. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: 17 50-39 00, Yearlings 40 00-51.00. GOATS 56 .One Large @ 75 00, few Medium 35 00-45 00, Small 22 50- 40 00, Large Ktds 27 50-48 00, Small 10 00-17 00 per head MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG, PA APRIL 7, 1998 CATTLE 342 [PDA]..Compared to last week's sale si steers and heifers 100 to 300 higher, si cows steady to spots 300 higher, si bulls steady SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1150/1500 lbs 63 75- 66 00, Choice 2-3 1175/1500 lbs 61 75-64 75, 1650/1700 lbs. 56 00- 59.25, Select 1-3 56.00-62 50, few Standard 50 25-56 00 HOLSTEINS few High Choice and Prime 2-4 1395/1520 lbs 57 25-60 75, few Choice 2-3 1120/1650 lbs 56.00-57 50, few Select 1-2 50 00- 53 75, few Standard 42 50-49 75 HEIFERS few High Choice and Prune 1165/1455 lbs 62 75-64 50, few Choice 2-4 1090/1375 lbs 61 50- 63 00, few Select 2-3 56 00-61 00, Standard 49 00-55 75 COWS Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 38 00-43 75, Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 33 50-39 25, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 28 75-35 75 Shells down to 20 00 BULLOCKS, couple Select 49 00 & 50 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1435/1885 lbs 45.75-51 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame 1 420/450 lbs 73 50- 75 50, 640/765 lbs 62 50-73 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 350/450 lbs 50 00-63 00, 750/950 lbs 45 50- 51 00 Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agncul.ture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” i' semiu. 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa. 17603 I | (717) 299-6480 ♦ JFax C717)299-6390 | Call about our FREE seminars lawcMUr FtmUnfl, Saturday, April 11,198*M7 H2IFERS- Medium & Large Frame 1 335/500 lbs 58 50-68 00, 500/700 lbs 57 50-62 00, Medium & Large Frame 2 500/700 lbs 42.00-53.50, 700/925 lbs. 35 00-45.50 BULLS: Medium & Large Frame 1 310/480 lbs 64 50-79.00, 500/600 lbs 67,00-69 50, Medium & Large Frame 2 450/525 lbs. 36 00-53.00 CALVES 227...VEALERS' Standard and Good 85/100 lbs. 18 00-22.00, Utility 55/90 lbs 10 00-19 00 FARM CALVES- Holstein bulls steady to 500 higher ..No I Holstein bulls 85/125 lbs 62.00-101 00 mostly 70 00-100 00, No 2 75/125 lbs 28 00-67 00 with a few down to 22 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 85/100 lbs 137 00-165 00, No 2 80/90 lbs. 34 00-95 00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/115 lbs 26 00-80 00 HOGS 280 (4/06 & 07/98). Bulk of supply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction. Barrows and gilts I 00 to I 50 lower BARROWS AND GILTS- US 1-2 225/270 lbs 33 00-35 00, US 1-3 220/270 lbs 30 00-32 75, Us 2-3 275/345 lbs 25 00-30 00, light weights 160/215 lbs 20 50-29 50 sows- US 1-3 325/490 lbs 22.00- 27 00, 580/685 lbs 24 00-28 75 BOARS' 435/640 lbs 14 25-15 00 FEEDER PIGS 19 ..US 1-3 20/40 lbs 13 00-22 00 per head SHEEP 65 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 35/50 lbs 107 00-140 00, 50/65 lbs 95 00-112 00, 75/85 lbs 87 00-102 00, Good and Choice 40/70 lbs 74 00-96 00 OLD CROP LAMBS Choice 80/125 lbs 66 00-77 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 30 00-43 00 GOATS 50 Couple Large Billies 81 00 & 106 00, few Medium 50 00-65 00, Large Nannies 48 00-59 00, few Me dium 28 00-45 00, Large Kids 23 00- 46 00, Small 15 00-31 00 per head