Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 04, 1998, Image 5
North Atlantic Shell Eggs April 2, I$M Atlanta, Ga. IN PHILADELPHIA MEDIUM PRICES WERE UNCHANGED TO TWO CENTS LOWER AND AND UNCHANGED ON LARGE AND EXTRA LARGE PRICES PAID TO PRO DUCERS IN NEW ENGLAND WERE TWO CENTS LOWER ON EXTRA LARGE, LARGE, AND MEDIUMS, UNCHANGED ON THE BALANCE PRICES IN BOSTON WERE UNCHANGED. THE MARKET TONE WAS BARELY STEADY TO WEAK. DEMAND REMAINED LIGHT TO GOOD WITH BEST INTEREST NOTED WHERE PRE-HOLIDAY AND FIRST OF MONTH SHIPMENTS HAD BEGUN. SUPPLIES WERE FULLY ADEQUATE TO AMPLE BREAKING STOCK SUP PLIES WERE ALSO FULLY ADEQU ATE TO AMPLE AND THE DEMAND CONTINUED LIGHT. OFFERINGS OF SPENT HBNDS TO PROCESSING PLANTS WERE AMPLE FOR FULL SLAUGHTER SCHEDULES. PHILADELPHIA: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN: EXTRA LARGE .83 .85; LARGE .81-.83; MEDIUM .58-.64V4. EASTBROOK SEED CO. Barenbrug Group “WorM'i Finest Firwfc Sect fir Hsy Crop and Fasturo” Baralfa 54 Leading Alfalfa in Penn State Trials 800-680-3167 Also carrying a full line of pasture products... PASTURES UNLIMITED P.O. Box 490, Little York, NY 13087 In the dairy business, income over feed cost is . name of the game. Pro-Lix liquid feed supplements offer dairymen the means to maximize this value while getting the most from their cow’s natural abilities A Pro-Lix liquid feed supplements are concentrated sources of just what ordinary feeds lack protein, energy, ( vitamins, minerals -- everything animals need for economical milk production and growth A For replacement heifers, Pro-Lix means faster maturity and assurance that they’ll get to the milking herd (jy on time If you trust your heifers to forage alone, they might not make it. (Bouvatec Is Available) A For lactatmg cows, the nitrogen content of Pro-Lix means plenty of protein available for milk production Ls> and growth. » Finally, for dry cows, Pro-Lix not only helps maintain their health dunng the dry period it prepares them for /\ the next lactation. The Ca - P ratio in Pro-Lix helps control milk fever, while the Vitamin E and selenium aids in clean-up after the birth of a calf. MARYLAND S/S Farm & Home Bedford Farm Bureau Sykesville, MD 410/795-1234 NEW JERSEY Woodstown Ice & Coal Woodstown, NJ 609/769-0069 WEST VIRGINIA Cedar Ridge Fencing Co. Weston, WV 304-873-1228 Stalnaker’s Farm Weston, WV 304-269-5042 NEW YORK EGOS, APRIL 01. 1998. FEDERAL-STATE Prices were unchanged. The market tone was generally steady. Demand was light to good, but still not up to pre-holiday expec tations. Supplies were fully adequate to ample. PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 85-87 LARGE 82-85 MEDIUM 61-64 Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, March 31, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .40-1.05. LEGHORN FOWL .30. TURKEYS .75-.90 LB. ROASTERS .60-.95. GEESE .60-1.70 LB., 16.25 EA. BANTAMS .50-1.25 LB., .50-7.00 EA. Best of all, Pro-Llx works with all types of pasture grass or forage, as a free-choice supplement, a top-dressing, or a ration mix. The payott le healthier animate and economical production, all year roundl PENNSYLVANIA Bedford, PA 814/623-6194 Brookland Mills McVeytown, PA 717/899-6772 Dayton Feed Mill Dayton, PA 814-257-8812 Heisey Farm Service Mt. Joy, PA 717-653-1568 Johnson Liquid Feed Tunkhannock, PA 717/836-1226 717/836-4500 1-800-475-4492 New York Egg Market ATLANTA, GA. APRIL 01, 1998 Forney Longenecker Vice President/Rnancial Consultant Commodities Only Smith Barney 717-295-8914 • 800-441-1997 . u omh „ nf SMITH BARNEY INC A Member of TrovelmGroupT 2g Eas , K|ng stree , Suite 200 Lancaster, PA 17602-2852 Martin’s Ag Service New Holland, PA 717/354-4996 Reinford Liquid Feed Newville, PA 717/776-6869 Ross’s Feed & Grain Quarryville, PA 717/786-7361 Susquehanna Seed and Feed Mifflmburg, PA 717/966-2580 H.R. Wentzel Bridgeport, PA 717/789-3306 ROOSTERS .50-1.35 LB.. 150-3.00 EA. BUNNIES .7S-7.00 BA. DUCKS 1.65-3.00 LB.. 6.50-11.00 BA. RABBITS .80-I.SS. .75-7.00 BA. PIGEONS 2.75-6.25 EA. GUINEAS 4.00-815 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE ft JUMBO .91-.99, LARGE .87. BROWN EXTRA LARGE ft JUMBO •S9-.97, LARGE .BS-.87. MEDIUM .59-.60. NE Chicken Parts 1&2 ATLANTA, GA. APRIL 01, 1998 NORTHEAST BROILER/FRYER PARTS - PART I FEDERAL-STATE Tracklot buying activity was extremely limited as selleis straggled to attract trade interest Offerings were often attractively priced in an attempt to stimulate a dull and mostly uninterested buyer audience. Retail and distrobutive movement continued to remain focused on Uadi tonal items. The market tone remained barely steady to weak. PRICES PAID PER POUND. ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN- Seiple & Son Easton, PA 610/258-7146 Tyrone Milling Tyrone, PA 814/684-3400 Watson’s Feed Service Mercer, PA 412/662-5219 Whitmoyer Liquid Feed Myerstown, PA 717/933-5011 Farmers Union Co-Op Greencastle, PA 717/597-3191 ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S 165-170 BREAST - WITH RIBS 85-86 BREAST - LINE RUN 85 LEGS 40-41 LEO QUARTERS (BULK) 26-27 DRUMSTICKS 34-35 THIGHS 30-31 WINGS (WHOLE) 70-71 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 12-14 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 20-25 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 45-50 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY MET ROPOLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CON NECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND. AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). * TODAY’S NEGO TIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. E. PA & NJ Poultry ATLANTA, GA. MARCH 30, 1998 SOUTHEAST HEAVY LIVE HEN REPORT, MARCH 30, 1998. FEDERAL STATE Majorilty prices were irregular. Demand was moderate for the adequate to fully adequate offerings. Processing schedules were normal to heavy. Finished product sales were good and supplies were clearing as orders come in for the holiday. Under tone was steady. HEAVY TYPE HENS (7 POUNDS AND UP) * FINAL PRICE. CENTS PER LB.. GENERALLY FOR SLAUGHTER THE WEEK OF 30-MAR-98 RANGE MAJORITY WTD AVG AT FARM BUYER LOADING 14.5-22 CENTS/LB. 19-21 19.31 AT FARM PRO DUCER LOADING TOO FEW TO REPORT FOB PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT * WEIGHTS UNDER 7 LBS. SUB JECT TO DISCOUNT. Pennsylvania Agricultural Commodities Marketing Association, Inc. FORWARD INGREDIENTS Corn Soybean Meal Soybeans Distillers Grains Wheat . /&]'% Homin y Soybean Meal Cottonseed Cottonseed 'Hogs , Cattle /L ; ;7 X! RISK MANAGEMENT CASH GRAIN J Hedging Services I Feed Grains ’ ||f Market Consultation Wheat _ Min./Max. Contracts Oilseeds Specialized Contracts A privately held full service commodity merchandising firm. Call today to see how PACMA can broaden your marketing efforts whether you're BUYING or SELLING Agricultural Commodities Rail Facilities are available at Green Castle Oc Palmyra, PA 475 East High Street, Palmyra, PA 17078 800-PACNA Inc. • 717-838-7050 1-800-722-6246 Started by Producers for producers ItancastarFWminfli {Saturday, April 4,1988-AS Kirkwood Hay Auction Kirkwood, Pa. Tueadap, March 31, 199 C Report Supplied bp Auctiou 91 LOADS OF HAY. MIXED HAY: IST CUTTING 64.00- 2ND 110.00-190.00 l TIMOTHY; 124.00-192.00. ALFALFA: IST CUTTING 84.00- 2ND CUTTING 161.00- 3RD CUTTING 90.00233.00, 4TH 185.00-240.00 CLOVER: 107.00-113.00. GRASS: 81.00145.00. WHEAT STRAW: 101.00122.00. BARLEY STRAW: 102.00114.00. BAR CORN: 95.00. SALE DAYS. TUESDAYS. 11 A.M. Westminster Hay Wcftm in rtcr, Md. Tueadap, March 31, 199 S Report Supplied bp Auctiou 242 LOTS. ALFALFA: 1.204.20 BALE. TIMOTHY: .75-3.40 BALE, 27.0045.00 LARGE ROUND. MIXED HAY: 102.00, .75-3.40 BALE. GRASS: .903.00 BALE. 20.0030.00 LRGE. ROUND. CLOVER: 2.203.20 BALE. STRAW: .602.10 BALE. Frederick Co. Hay Frederick, Md. Livestock Auctioa Wed, April 1 4 LOADS. MIXED ROUND BALES; 35.00 EACH. TIMOTHY ORCHARD MIXED: 1.90-2.50 BALE. HAY SALE WILL CLOSE FOR THE SUMMER; UPON EVALUATION, MAY RESUME IN THE FALL.