H LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT WHOLESALE Truck load quantities of CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 1/2’ & 8’ lengths 30 year warranty Call or write for prices EDISTO WOOD PRESERVING RR 1, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368-3011 FAX 803-368-8026 ■ I Manulaclurti quality affordable hog —*- ij— 1 and calf »*’•• 14 Peterson Dr, Storm Lake, lowa 50588 712-732-2546 Manufacturer , of quality affordable hog and calf huts since l%t INDIVIDUAL FARROWING AND CALF HUT BY PORT-A-HUT All steel completely assembled, ventilated, 7 1/2’ long, optional front doors, guard rails, pig rollers and pens. LEMMON FARM 855 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 717) 249-8434 800-738-8434 Specializing In All Types Of High Tensile Fence Stream Bank Fencing - Supplies And Installation All Types Of High Tensile Supplies Sold Certified Tensile Range 200,000 Psi Class 111 Galv. 4,000 Ft. Rolls In Line Strainers, Spring Loaded In Line Strainers w/o Spring Strainer Handle (Zink Plated) 4” Tube Insulators (200 pk) 20” Wrap Around Insulators (10 pk) C2L Double Crimp Sleeves (100 pk) 50 lb V/»" Class 111 Galv. Barbed Staples 50 lb 2" Hot Dipped Galv. Staples 10-47-6-11 Woven Wire Fence (330 Ft.) Pence Posts C.C.A. Pressure Treated (30 year) Pressure Treated Board Fence Available 4 to 5”x6’6” 5 to 6”x7’ 4 to s”B’ 6 to 6”B’ 5 to e”x6’6” 6 to 7”x6’6” Good Supply In Stock For All Sizes We Ship U.P.S or Deliver Approximately 12’ wide, 7’ high or 14’ wide 8’ high, preassembled 7’ sections giving a choice of 14', 21’, 28’ length Set up in 2 to 3 hours Built for livestock Completely portable 20 gauge wall protectors added on the inside Can be used for almost anything Skids and all hardware for assembly included High Tensile Wire Heavy Duty Post Drivers For Sale By L.B. Fencing • 3 Pt. Hook-up • Skid Loader Mounts • In Stock Ready For Delivery Call For Price 717-445-4764 ■f Large Shelter By Port-A-Hut j Prices F. 0.8. Fresher r Cleaner Water Easy to service, and dean The Thrifty King™ from Ritchie.® Electrical Bill Without Lowering your Standards. Get the latest in electric-free technology from: Call or Write For FREE Catalog. LAPP’S BARN EQUIPMENT. INC. , 5935 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE GAP, PA 17527 |=npq TCUdCAK PHONE. 717-442-8134 jTjpgi jP™ WE SERWCE’SftuSPW SELL ■ Hod to Dispatched Trucks ■ Unctttar Farming, Saturday, April 4, 1998-D2l CATTLE (10) Holstein Cow, due w/2nd, 3rd calf, (8) Heifers all due to freshen in April. Good size, out of good herd. 717/328-2235. IS Holstein steers, 750 Ibe. at $.55/lb. (717)677-8789. 18 Holstein springing heif ers, due in May, Al sired. (814)448-2971. 25 Purebred Limousin cows and September, $B5O/each; 7 Limousin calves approx. 300#, $350/each. Carroll Co., MD, 410/348-5017 after 7pm. 29 Month old purebred Swiss bull, gentle, Crafts man son. 10 month old 3/4 dneback bud. Bred Swiss heifers. 717-687-4262 3 Grads Hole tain Heifers, Al bred, due 4/11, 4/15 * 4/16. $lOOO/each. Bucks. -215-822-9696. (3) Holstein Angus fresh 2 year olds, milking over 50# w/high BF test, $750 each. (410)778-0349. 3 Piedmontese cows $ 8 beef cows bred to Pied montese but; 2 Piedmont heifer calves; 3 half blood heifer calves; 1 Piedmont bull. Call evenings 717/363-2106. (3) Reg. Angus cows, year ling bull, heifer, quality seed stock. 717-721-3294 45 cow registered Holstein herd, DHIA 20.000 M, SCC 150,000, BAA 105, 20 first calf, lots of Blackstar's, Stardust,'fresh Bellwood milking 1031 b. (717)284-3562. (4) Holstein grade cattle, excellent milkers, all are Ist calves. RP Shipley, (614)842-6841. 50 Close Up Heifer* due within 2 weeks; SO due within 30 days; also good tie stall herds available. Joe Distelburgar. 914/343-1726. 5 nice polled hereford Heif ers, 1y old, feed or breed. Also, excellent service age bulls, registeration if needed. 717-437-2656 5 year old Reg. Angus bul, gentle disposition, Grand Champion 1995 PA. Farm Show. 814-422-6356 leave message. (8) Registered Holstein Springer Heifers, due in 40 days. 717/665-7040 be tween 6-7 a.m. and 7-8 p.m. Al-Bred, tree-stall raised Holstein springers for sale. Open reg. Holstein heifers wanted. Lancaster 717/656-2995. Angus Bull, purebred year ling, anxious, pedigree Leachman Prompter, $1,150. Carlisle, (717)245-2820. Angus Bulls, Cows A heif ers for sate. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 YorK County. i Angus A Piedmontese Cross, herd sire, Stump Acres. 717/792-3216. Approx. 80 head Hereford and Simmentals, cows, calves, bulls and steers. Wayne Co, (717)448-2961. Attention Cattle Feeders) I provide order buying, ser vice A trucking. Denzil Welshman 540-465-5785. Black Limousin/ Angus cross, one year old, well grown bull. (717)922-1425. Bulls lor sale. Carvel A Ce ious Sons. Dams both very good. DHIA records from 31-48,000 milk, $BOO/ea. 717-866-7110 Bulls: Red Limousin, Black Simmental, tame, muscu lar. Can register. (410)836-9442. Bulls: Registered Red An gus, service age, nice. Phone (717)726-7889. Buyers « Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. CHAROLAIS, Reg. bulls and heifers from A-l to leading sires. Reasonably priced. CAMEO FARM 301-831-9243 Charolais yearling bulls great disposition and bloodlines. $BOO. Also cow/ calf pairs. (717)369-3831. Excellent purebred Polled Hereford cattle. Bulls, cow/ calf pairs, heifers. (7 1 7)359-5829. (410)346-7888. FEEDER CATTLE. 5 steers, reg. Polled Here ford herd, dean & healthy. Chester. 610-384-6025. FOR SALE: 14 month old red Angus cross bud, good herd bull. (717)843-6195. FOR SALE OR LEASE; Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams re cords to over 30,D00M. Many to choose from. 1 Red & white. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610/488-1965. For RENT or LEASE: Bam, free stalls, double 6 herring bone parlor and 3 silos. (814)743-6389 after BPM. Reg. Jersey, 12 month sooner bull. Cows, recent fresh and early summer freshners, 4-H calves 5 heifers. 614-466-6669 Reg. Polled herefbrd bulls, semen also available on owned A-l bulls, cattle available at all times. Stone Ridge Manor. Adams Co. 717-642-9199 Reg. polled Herefbrd buds for sale, nice, ready for herd duty. Cumberland Co. 717/532-4423.