Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 04, 1998, Image 17
MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION MIDDLEBURG, PA March 31, 1998 CATTLE 382 [PDA], Compared to last week's sale si steers 200 lower, si cows 2 00 to 3 00 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1170/1400 lbs 61 25-62 75. Choice 1225/1450 lbs 58 50-61 25, Select 53 50-59 25, Standard 43 75- SI 75 HOLSTEINS few High Choice and Prime 1285 lbs @ 56 00, few Choice 1295/1485 lbs 53 50-55 00. Select 50 00-53 00, Standard 43 25-49 50 HEIFERS few High Choice and Prime 1300/1415 lbs 61 50-61 75, few Choice 1115/1380 lbs 58 75-6125, Select 53 00-57 75, Standard 45 00- 52 25 COWS early sales Breaking Utility and Commercial 35 25-40 50, Cutter and Boning Utility 33 25-38 75, Canner and Low Cutter 28 00-34 50 Shells what’s new raking WR I !-V Wheelßr Economic*! Vametr Whoelßakes Big Rakes' Big Savings' Designed and built lor large, fluffy windrows and tight-fisted budgets Choose from three different rake sizes WR-20 — 17‘4’to 17'8‘ W WR-22 20‘6‘ to 2010’ W WR-24 23'4' to 23'9’W ... from the people who specialize in hay! PENNSYLVANIA BLOOMSBURG WF Welliver 717-437-2430 DAMASCUS Rutledge Repair 717-224-4319 FREEBURG Glenn Beidler 800-774-0796 LIBERTY Bohnert Sales & Service 717-324-2431 down to 20.00, BULLOCKS: couple Select 44.75 & 51 00 BULLS. Yield Grade No 1 1165/1825 lbs 46 00-50 00, one @ 56 75, No 2 910/1665 lbs 38 00-45 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium & Large Frame No 1 400/700 lbs 58 00- 75 00, 850/950 lbs 5100-59 50, Medium & Large Frame No 2 300/750 lbs 45 00-55 50, 800/900 lbs 43 50-51 50. HEIFERS Medium & Large Frame No 1 325/500 lbs 57 00-71 00, 500/700 lbs 52 50- 67 00, 700/800 lbs 58 50- 66 OO.Medium & Large Frame No 2 300/500 lbs 47 00-6100, 500/700 lbs 37 00-51 00, 700/900 lbs 44 00-5150, BULLS Medium Frame No 1 300/600 lbs 65 00-74 00, 300/650 lbs 36 00-55 00, 800/950 lbs 44 00-45 50 CALVES. 207 VEALERS few Good 140/160 lbs 47 50-65 00, Standard and Good 80/115 lbs 20 00-23 00, Util- Vermeer I f-Serfes Wheal Rakes - Clean fields Gentle handling Independent floating fmgerwheels. Hydraulic hft/fold/unfold. Transport as narrow as 8 feet! Choose your raking width WR-V8 up to 17'4 WR-VlO up to 20T or the new wider-raking WR-Vl4 up to 26'6" PEACH BOTTOM Triple H Equipment Inc. 717-548-3775, 800-675-2019 (Fax) 717-548-4079, SAXTON Bob Wilkins 814-635-3392 WYALUSING William Beebe 717-746-3435 ity 70/85 lbs. 11 00-19 00 FARM CALVES- Holstein bulls steady with spots SOO higher No. 1 Holstein bulls 85/125 lbs 60.00- 95 00 mostly 70 00-95 00. No 2 80/125 lbs 32 50-65 00. No 1 Hol stein heifers 85/120 lbs 90 00-165 00, No 2 75/135 lbs 30 00-85 00 Beef cross bulls and heifers 60/1 OS lbs 24 00-45 00 HOGS 277 (3/30 & 31/98) Bulk o/ supply sold on Monday and supplied by the auction Barrows and gilts I 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1- 2 225/270 lbs 35 00-36 00 US 1-3 220/270 lbs 30 75-34 85. lighi weights 180/210 lbs 27 75-30 50 SOWS US 1-3 300/495 lbs 22 00- 26 50. 500/585 lbs 25 75-27 50 BOARS couple 585 & 730 lbs 14 25 & 16 00, few 200/290 lbs 21 50-23 00 FEEDER PIGS 132 US 1-3 30/40 lbs 14 00-18 50, 40/65 lbs 20 00-33 00 Utility 45/60 lbs 12 00-22 00 per head Virmtir R-24A/R-23A TWtnßakes - Top of the line' Adjustable windrows Adjustable basket speeds Narrow 98" transport widths Twin 6-bar baskets Rubber mounted tines Large caster-type wheels to cushion the ride and smooth out turns' WEST VIRGINIA AUGUSTA D&G Equipment Sales Inc. 304-496-8685 MORGANTOWN King & Sons Equipment 304-296-0180 Vun^r The Hay Specialist. R-24A Twmßake (24-ft raking width) SHEEP 86 .SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 30/45 lbs. 122 00-180.00, 50/65 lbs 100 00-130 00, 70/80 lbs 90.00-100 00, Good and Choice 45/70 lbs 83 00-92 00 OLD CROP LAMBS Choice 95 lbs 70 00-85 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 26 00-44 00 GOATS 86 Large Billies 75 00- 114 00, Wethers 73 00-84 00, Medium 50 00-66 00. Wethers 50 00-54 00, Large Nannies 56 00-66 00, Medium 40 00-54 00, Large Kids 25 00-4100, Small 6 00-22 00 per head New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, April 1, 1998 Report supplied by auction 97 DAIRY COWS, 121 HEIFERS, 16 BULLS. MARKET STRONGER. LOCAL FRESH COWS 485.00-1300.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 435.00-1000.00. FRESH HEIFERS 410.00-1010.00, I la'=r>. fssjjjSgk FREE JW Wm T-SHIRT WITH EVERY MOTOR PURCHASE NEW OR USED. —SERVICES— Rebuilding •AC & DC Motors •Forklift Motors •Generators •Pumps Machine Shop •Machining •Milling •Grinding •Dynamic Balancing Laritifttor’ ftmtofl.'SMllto/, *pHf 4TWW*ir > ' UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 785.00- BETTER 1250.00- SPRINGING HEIFERS LARGE 950.00- SMALL 675.00-850.00. SHORTBRED 410.00- OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 535.00- SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 190.00- BULLS 235.00-725.00, PUREBREDS 550.00-910.00. Greencastle Livestock Auction Special Lamb & Goat Sale Thursday, April 2, 1998 Greencastle, PA CHOICE SL. LAMBS: 20-40 LBS. 117.50-157.50; 40-60 LBS. 95.00-129.00; 60-80 LBS. 88.00-112.50, 80-105 LBS. 85.00-94.00. GOOD & CHOICE: 30-40 LBS. 70.00-95.00; 50-60 LBS. 78.00-89.00. OLD CROP CHOICE 70-100 LBS. motor REPMMltegic^ wt/r sj* y h%7 \ •Leeson •Baldor ‘Vanguard •Leland Faraday ‘Pasco •Leeson & GE Farm Duty Controls •Leeson Pumps •Gear Boxes •Gear Motors •Hoists Special Services •Field Service •Electronic Board Repair •Used Motors FRESH COWS HEIFERS Motors •GE •Benshaw •Premier •Star •Little Giant •Hayward Pool & Spa Accessories •Bases •Capacitors •Carbon Brushes »Pump Seals •Start Switches »Float Switches •Bearings ‘Brake Kits Rewinding •AC & DC Motors ‘Coils •Hermetics ‘Transformers •Generators Electrical Contracting •Individual Wiring •Equipment Installation