Conomatic Pippin 3pt hitch backhoe, could be made to put on large farm tractor, $2500. 717/532-4782 7;3opm-9pm. Crawler Loader, Cat 955 K, UC 70%, good condition, $21,900. (717)776-7171. 0100 Backhoe, fits 1840 Case skid loader, 2 buck ets, $3OOO 080. 717/5268910. Delta 12' radial arm saw, three blades, excellent condition. SCMI sliding table panel saw SC3 w/ extension table, Brise meyer fence 10' blade, 3’ scoring blade. (717)7461095. DISTMANTLING FOR PARTS: Case 580 K, 4WD w/extendahoe, 18' hoe bucket. No wheels and tires available. Many good parts available. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Ford 4500 loader backhoe; Ford 3408, Case 480 C loader, Spthltch; 3pt hitch Bril lion seeder, Howard ro tovator; CMC dump 33,000 GVW diesel; Eager Beaver HA-IST air brake trailer, 18* Case bucket. 610/326-4969. Forklift Wholesalers 2000 to 92000 Lb. Lifts Avail able. 70 in Stock. Sale- Rental-Finance w/ Warranty. Chalk Equip ment (410)686-6800. Gas 656 Terratrac track loader, 320 hours on rebuilt motor, has ripper on beck, teeth on bucket $7OOO or reasonable offer. 717/532-4782 7:3opm-9pm. Grader, Galion Model 303, Ini gas engine, not run ning, $l5OO 080. 610/459-1878 after 7:3opm. Hydro seeder, 1500 gallon, Reinco mounted on 1973 F-700, ready for work, $5OOO. 609-859-2122 JD 329 & 404 diesel en gines for sale, 2500 hrs., 4500 hrs., plus parts mo tors. 607-533-4850 even ings 607-279-6232 days JD 4SOB crawler loader, good condition. Call Mike, 6-11 pm, (610)370-9740; 9-5 (610)779-3920. NH BHl24backhoe, 1993, w/NH skid loader mounts, good condition, $4200. 717-354-6706 NH L 778 skid loader, bucket, pallet forks, S4hp diesel, excellent condition low hrs., $lO,OOO. 410-836-1795 NH skid loader L 785 w/10’ backhoe, 2500 hrs., $13,000. 717-768-3231 days 717-355-9870 evenings. Stump grinder: HD, manu facturer ARPS, 3pth, 30* grinding wheel, hydraulics and PTO, 5 years old, cost new $lO,OOO, VG condi tion, asking $2,750 080. (717)367-9149. Super 4 Pettibone, 22' mast, new engine, rebuilt, very nice machine, runs great, $12,500. 717/445-9239. Track loader, JD 4SOB, good condition, rear wts., hydraulic shuttle, $11,500. (215)679-4713. Vermeer 1250 chipper, 1995, $18,500; Case SBoc, $14,000; Bobcat $lO,OOO. (302)998-9563. Vulcan Tri-axle 35-ton ca pacity detachable self contained trailer, $12,000; Clark-Michigan wheel loader model 7S-B 214 cu.yd., $lB,OOO. 717/925-6701. WANT 10 BUY all makes and models of construction equipment. (301)371-5500. Woodland Pro 400 prot able sawmill w/band grin der, set tool included, new In 19951 Great conditionl Replacement cost $27,800, Asking $19,900 Must sell! 301-895-3271 4 Wheel Drive Backhoe With Cab UT 3867 - Ford Model 455, Cab Heater & Lights, Wobble Stick Hoe Controls, Power Shuttle, 1988 Nice l $24,800 Case 580 Super L Turbo Cab Air Heater, Exfendahoe, 4 in 1 Loader Bucket, Wobble Stick Controls, Deluxe Cloth Seal Ask For Dean or Leonard Nice R Model Mack Truck TVactor, Twin Screw Ask For Dean 1989 Ford Diesel Contractor Dump Body NE 2954 5+2 Trans . 26,000 GVW, 12 Foot Body, Scott Tafco with Fold Down Sides for Easy Load, Heavy Duty Hitch Plate, Case Credit Financing BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. <717)626-4705 v“°^S 5 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothaville ' 7 Fax 717 eze-ossb < ' I‘l'lit C ASE. f OIH’OM AT lON jCJP Jfl Vi Ml us on the Inter nrl .11 hll/> univ i ,isci <>r/> , uni ill n 11 Minn 11ii i Case 1996 Model 590 L 4x4 Extendahoe, UT 3889 With Front Aux. Hyd., 890 Hrs, John Deere 644 Articulated Loader With Cab & Heater, Very Tight 3 Yd Loader with Heavy Duty Tooth Edge, 25x25 Tires, 1978 Good Solid Machine. Ask For Dean or Leonard Cat Crawler Loader Rebuilt Engine, Ready to Work, Case Credit Financing ONLY $19,500 This Thick Is Ready For Work IH 1800 Diesel DT 466 5 Speed 2 Sp. Rear UT 3757 - Inspected, 30,000 GVW, 20 Foot Flat Bed, Runs Strong. Was $6,900 For This Good Running Diesel Flatbed Truck, Stop In ana Ask For Dean (Price Reduced - Must Gol) DM 3587 - Used 10 Ton Air Brake Interstate Trailer, Very Good with New Red Paint, Come & See UM 3473 - 9 Ton 3 Axle, 16 Foot Deck Over Wheels, $1,750. CONSTRUCTION , equipment Equipment CHALK Sales -150 Forklifts In Stock 410-686-6800 BALTIMORE, MD AA Equipment 717/529-2512 ▼ No Sunday Calls 1797 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quanyville, PA 17566 • We Buy & Sell • Financing Or Lease Purchase Available • 90 Down NO Payment For 90 Days jgjBjgjgjgjaMJBJaJBJgJBJBJaJBJBLigJBJBJBJBJBJB-IBJB-iB- WWWBTBTBI “Bi m m la Hi tjl Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 4,1998-D9 wwßTßrgrgrßra'Brßrßrßi ♦ ♦ wvi