Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 04, 1998, Image 163
Dairy Of Distinction Program Again Seeks Nice Looking Farms STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co. ) - Do you take pride in main taining your dairy farm? Does your dairy farm project an attrac tive, wholesome image to con sumers? If so, the Dairy of Dis tinction Program of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, will consider your farm for the pro gram’s annual recognition awards. The Northeast Dairy Farm Beautification Program that over sees the Distinction program was first started in 1983 in Pennsylva Dairy of Distinction 1998 Pennsylvania Application [purpose of program [Attractive dairy farms give the consumer grater confidence in the whaiesoaieness of imlk end I I stimulate milk slice which encourages public support for the duty mdutiy The award gives I I leeegnnilei In die deify tenner (iw maintaining e wan»trapf fhmnfeed . | ELIGIBILITY . AD Northeast dairy farms producmg nulk for salt are mvited to submit an apptieaboa for the awmd. I j Dima receiving the 10 hipest scant m each of the 21 districts will receive an II" x 24” Dairy ef I ' Diatiactioa sign to be displayed in front of then form. I | Your Name. Address ' Phone Number, ■ Cooperative or Handler (where you stop your nulk). ■ CYom Handler mil be ccalacled to approve yaemik quality) ■ Location (driving directions forjudging team) farm u ■ I hmby apply to til* Northeast Dany Fann Beanttfiethoo Cammneo to have my daily scored ml acoortiancr with the rulea of the program for tba purpose of dbtammg a Daily of Distmcoon sign to be| | daplayad on my pramaea. (No producer wiU be dunged for scormg or »pi expense.) j I SimMure at OwnezrOpczalor I Return your application by April 15. Send to: • PENNSYLVANIA, Michael O’Conner, 324 Henning Building, Dept of Dairy and Animal Science, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802. • NEW YORK STATE, Carol Keene, RDI, Box 31, Gilbertsville, NY 13776. • NEW JERSEY, August Knispel, 641 Sidney Road, Pittstown, NJ13077. ■EI coNSimcmN ■■ EQUIPMENT 1982 Mobil street sweeper, dual controls, G IQ, $7500. York Co. 717/757-1960. 1989 Case Maxi Sneaker, series B, vibrator plow, 702 hrs., 8 wheels, 4WD and diesel. (717)285-3746 (410)838-7600. cato-4 Dozer, ManualfWay, 98%#. . ■» A4Con(litiorv 043 nia to recognize the hard work and dedication of the farmers who maintain attractive farms. The purpose of the program is to in still a greater sense of confidence in the wholesomeness of dairy products, and increase their sales. Farms that apply are judged on the roadside appearance of build ings, grounds, and surroundings, since this is 'what our dairy prod uct consumers observe as they drive by the farm. 1 APPLICATION Farm Name. - BENT FOB LESS - STONEY CREEK dgjfcRENTALSgfc Kutztown, Pa. 19530 NOW RENTING: CRAWLER LOADER CRAWLER DOZER FULL-SIZE BACKHOE HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR - DAILY, WEEKLY, OR MONTHLY RENTALS - 5104U-9SIS lIPMENT Huber Maintainer Grader $5,000 Toyota SDK 7 Skid L0ader....54,800 1978 Mack R-600 Fuel & Lube Truck, 1500 gal fuel, 5 product tanks, grease, anti-freeze, waste oil tank 5*27,000 1994 Ford F-150 XLT 4WD.512,500 1993 Ford Ranger 4WD $7,000 1966 Ford F-800 Single Axle Dump $2,000 Call (410)879-8619 The cleanliness of the barnyard, feed areas, and manure manage ment are all areas taken into con sideration when a team of judges takes a look at your farm from a roadside point of view. Judging is conducted during the month of May. Award winners are an nounced during your local June Dairy Month activities. To qualify for consideration, you must be actively dairy farm ing and shipping milk. Applications are available for Pennsylvania dairy farms from Michael O’Conner, 324 Henning Building, Dept, of Dairy and Animal Science, Penn State Uni versity, University Park, PA 16802. Phone: (814) 863-3913. For New York State applica tions are available from Carol Keene, RD 1, Box 31, Gil bertsville, NY 13776. Phone: (607) 783-2169. For New Jersey applications, send to: August Knispel, 641 Sidney Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867. Phone: (908) 735-4989. All applications must be com pleted and returned to your state secretary by Wednesday, April 15, 1998. The Dairy of Distinction pro gram is financed in Pennsylvania by Dairy Fanners through the American Dairy Association Dairy Council and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program in coopera tion with many local agribusiness organizations. The program is conducted with advice and help from Penn State Cooperative Ex tension. R S 1979 Komatsu DS3A crawler loader, 16 ton machine, good condition ■521*660. $TBt5OO- $17,500 717-922-1135 NO Sunday calls t . i Morbark Commerical Tub Grinder, Excellent Condition, Low Hours Must Sell! 410-893-3623 Dairy of ■ Distinction HOW IS YOUR FARM SCORED? Northeast Dairy Farm Beautification Program, Inc. Awards will be based upon neatness, good maintenance and other factors which can be controlled by the farmer. Attractive background scenery should not be weighed heavily in judging. All judging obser vations should be made from a vehicle at one or more points on an adjacent public highway (or if farm is off the road, the nearest lane). Judging should give equal consideration to old wood construction and new construction of metal or concrete block. The award program may be used for subsequent advertising or promotion activities for dairy products or dairy fanning. Farmers who apply for awards agree that; if selected they will cooperate with these activities and make all reasonable efforts to maintain both the exterior and interior of their properties in an acceptable condition. HOW THE APPLICATION WORKS The owner or operator of the dairy farm should sign the applica tion and send u to NEDFBP secretary by April 15. HOW THE JUDGING WORKS Judging learns will visit farms during the month of May. Farms will be judged each year as the award is presented on an annual basis. Any dairy failing to maintain appearance standards will be asked to remove their sign. The Dairy of Distinction signs remain the proper ty of the committee, not the property of the dairy farmer. All farms must achieve a compliance score of 90 percent on their Dairy of Distinction score card. Your cooperative or milk handler will be con tacted to approve your milk quality. RULES FOR THE DAIRY OF DISTINCTION AWARD The Dairy of Distinction sign remains the property of the Northeast Dairy Farm Beautification Committee. The post and bracket shall be supplied by and maintained by the dairy farmer. It is suggested that a wood post 4’ x4’ x 12’ or iron pipe 2’ x 12’ be used. Posts or pipe should be installed and main tained in true vertical position with 8’ above ground. Top of (he bracket shou'i be lower than six inches from the top of the post. Sign shall b~ displayed m front of the dairy at roadside. An attractive post and bracket, or other frame, shall be used to dis play the sign. No more than three signs should be displayed from (he sign frame or post, and all shall be of a style, general size and quality comparable to the Dairy of Distinction sign. Sign should be secured on all sides to avoid wind damage. Signs shall not be moved to other premises. New owners of a Dairy of Distinction farm must apply to retain the sign. Replacement of damaged signs shall be the discretion of the committee. No producer shall be charged with scoring or sign expense. Judges’ decisions will be final. Judging will take place between May Ist and May 31 si. Farms awarded a Dairy of Distinction sign in previous years will be judged between April Ist and April 30(h. If they do not qual ify, they will be rejudged between May Ist and May 31st so they have the opportunity to keep the sign. Farms that do not requalify will return the sign to their regional Dairy of Distinction Committee. PA Track & Welding Has Used Parts F Following Track Type Machines CAT CASE D-3/931 450A/B/C D-4D/941 855 D-5/D-SH/955 KM-D-53/58 JOHN DEERE TD-6/7/100E 450/455/555 TD-15E 655/750/755 Liebherr-621/731 7558/850 631/731 - All parts inspected & Ready To Install - 6 Month Warranty - Delivered CALL DALE AT 1-888-387-2510 Toll Free THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 1) Set 951 C Track Groups 30% Rail/Turned P&B Assem w/14" 2 Bar Pads s9oo set PA TRACK & WELDING 777 Forest Avenue, Bellefonte, PA 16823 (814) 383-2510; FAX; (814) 383-2069